

Dodaj komentar (29)


  • pero

    soriću ,bravo!ti znaš da ja cijenim tvoje mišljenje!(valjda sam dobro napisala jer me hebe ije i je)kak je bilo jučer u/na daskalištu?


    19.03.2006. (15:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • Khaoz

    ma jadno...isprva ok...onda se sve sjebalo, pa se jos jedamput sve sjebalo!!ah, picacu ti


    19.03.2006. (17:52)    -   -   -   -  

  • angels don`t kill

    u zg-u je 5 puta gore! kad vidiš dva lika koja su do maloprije cugala zajedno i bili si frendovi kako se mlate ko idioti , zapitaš se za koji kurac uopće izlaziš van iz stana..... tuku nas skinsi, janjevci, cajkaši ,šminkeri, reperi i sve moguće i nemoguće tzv. grupice i to samo po sebi nije dosta nego se međusobno moramo klat..... aj pozdrav


    19.03.2006. (21:49)    -   -   -   -  

  • Z3r0

    ... pero - ne pitaj... pa jebote te usrane razlike, pa ljudi smo i svoji smo - pa nećemo se klat okolo i ubijat , pobogu!!! Jebem ti ja skinjare i sva ta sranja... možda dođe jednom neka anarhija pa ćemo se svi poklat i svi ćemo lijepo bit sretni!!! - što se tiče Siska, tu nema tolko sranja... al jebiga... eto - Zagreb! ma...


    19.03.2006. (22:12)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lord Voryn

    Words + words + words... You've become aware of these places and people... And you are still wandering around in those circles... Then, you should suffer because of all that, and because of the wooden eyes of ancient Gods.


    20.03.2006. (08:01)    -   -   -   -  

  • My warning meant nothing. You're wading knee deep and going in,and you may never come back again. Wander in and wandering. No one even invited you in. Why don't you get out while you can? No one told you to come! This bog is thick and easy to get lost in cause you're a dumb ass, belligerent fucker


    20.03.2006. (09:24)    -   -   -   -  

  • Khaoz

    Swamp song, did U think I would forget it!? @Lord Voryn-this civilisation is nothing, I regret allmost every step I make, I suffer becouse of that, and the idols destroyed, burned becouse of ignorance and hatered...they, we all, have to suffer, you too Lord


    20.03.2006. (09:48)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lord Voryn

    Welcome incursions of chaos, you know you cannot resist To serve, worship, obey them - in the only way to exist Now it's time to pay your pirce - the ultimate sacrifice Gasp at your final breath - cleansed now in your death


    20.03.2006. (11:19)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lord Voryn

    I'm not suffering all the time, for my beliefs are strong. Alas, they'll come back, and my Lord means nothing, for I am serving them. Bye


    20.03.2006. (11:22)    -   -   -   -  

  • Khaoz

    "Fear of religion, war, insanity This decision - die for my deity Power to those who question destiny Man destroys untamed animosity".............. bolt thorwer I see, and lord Voryn , why shall you speak not thy full name, Lord Voryn DAGOTH?Do I see something here, did I peek underneath thy mask, or still, am I blind?? Hast thou seen the face of Svarog shining on the forest today? I hath, I hath returned from my humble wanderings, but what with thee, when shall thou wander the forest, the humble forest, again?


    20.03.2006. (12:11)    -   -   -   -  

  • *Neny

    E da ti se javim iz knjižnice... aaaaaaa di si ti danas???? OK ti je post, al malo previše sereš, jer se i sam družiš s EKIPOM, koju tu kakti pljuješ, i znam da ćeš se sad naljutit na mene al mislim da bi mogao razmisliti da s vremena na vrijeme razmotriš tuđa mišljenja, ideje i stavove... I gdje ti je demokracija kad sereš po onima koji misle suprotno ili na neki način drukčije od tebe.. kud bi svijet išao kad bi svi bili isti...


    20.03.2006. (18:53)    -   -   -   -  

  • Khaoz

    ko kaze da sm demokratican, govorim o "ekioi" od owe subote


    20.03.2006. (18:58)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lord Voryn

    Come to Red Mountain, old friend. For the fellowship and honor that once we shared, I would grant you counsel and power, if only you would pledge that friendship anew. The path to Red Mountain is long, and filled with danger, but if you are worthy, you will find there wisdom, a firm friend, and all the power you need to set the world aright. Even tough, better the Mask of Ur, than Mask of Vivec...


    20.03.2006. (19:02)    -   -   -   -  

  • bla bla blaaaa

    u pjesmi iz sirenie se ne pjeva uopće...samo je muzika onak...klavir i oni "crkveni" glasovi se čuju u pozadini...ah...super.... :D


    21.03.2006. (07:48)    -   -   -   -  

  • Khaoz

    The Red mountain you speak of, and the name calls no picture in my mind!Friendship and honor thou speak of, where shall I find those, for those are lost! Put the words in to my mind, in which realm of this world hath I met thou, Lord? The forest draws my heart and I shall walk amongst the trees, my reflection I see in the waters of the forest, and my footsteps echoing through it, but I do not recall of thee in such a form thou speakest of Lord. Thus spake Fenrir


    21.03.2006. (08:30)    -   -   -   -  

  • Khaoz

    Radim sam sto mi je komp malo sje pa nemogu snimat, a onaj lik drugi nea previše vremena (ispiti)...a ti?


    21.03.2006. (11:45)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lord Voryn

    Use something, and you'll see what I mean. Search for all of them, and you will find what I was saying about. No one can put the words in your head instead yourself. I can just describe how wonderfull here is. Because of every stone on the Mountain, we have a tree in the vale, for every rock, we have a leafs... Nobody recalls many things, for nobody knows them. It is all in my thoughts, and somehow happend (many years ago) that it'll be my life. I still walk in the woods and at the mountains, dive in the seas and look in the skies... For they are still sleeping. They are not dead. They can't be dead. They will return, one day. And I am living for that day. I wander and wait for them, meeting their spectators... the Nature... 'When the land is swept clean of false friends and greedy thieves, the children of Veloth will build a new a garden of plenty in this blighted wasteland.'


    21.03.2006. (22:33)    -   -   -   -  

  • Bato

    aj da napišem nešto... moram primjetit da i ti imaš jako puno predrasuda, analiziraj samo što si napisao u prvom dijelu posta... u biti sam sebe pobijaš... ne znači li da ti imaš predrasude prema takvima isto kao što oni imaju prema tebi... i pročitam ja tako post do onog "The more I look at people ,the more I hate them...." i kad sam već mislio otići s mišem gore desno na X...odlučio sam pročitati do kraja... i neobično sam se iznenadio. U biti samo si rekao ono što sam ja već davno zaključio o punkerima iz 1. razreda... 98%(nek se odu liječit)... DOBAR postotak...nema šta(budeš mi rekao ko je među onih 2%...lol...) nemoj se bojati rokića... i otkud ti to da bih ja tebe kao tukao... nemam razloga... ne tućem ja one koje ne simpatiziram, samo budale problem rješavaju na taj način... P.S. nemoj se izolirati, od onih koji ti idu na živce, nego ih ignoriraj i budi svoj, ali ne dopusti im da te takvi sputavaju...ugl... sad sam se već dosta israo... pozdrav...LOL =)


    21.03.2006. (23:05)    -   -   -   -  

  • bla bla blaaaa

    Kaj imaš neka sranja u Sisku...i mene punkeri živciraju,nemaš pojma kolko...isto kak i ono...kaj slušaš...pa ti odgovori punk rock wtf??? i nabraja grin dej i neznam kaj...al jebiga...isto kak je tebi tak i meni...frendice imaju frendove koje ja mrzim,pa moramo skupa van...i onda idem van s ljudima koje zapravo ne podnosim...al samo šutim,dok ne eksplodiram do kraja...Ni ja ti nejdem baš na neka uuu puna ljudi...odemo po pijaču...sjednemo na neko mjesto di nema nikog i tamo se smijemo,plačemo,razgovaramo i tak...i super nam je...a isto pak ne volim kad netko nekog ocjenjuje prema tome kak se oblači...ono...frendica mi sluša najtviš,mansona,maj kemikal romens i oblači se u crno i nosi žute starke...i onda joj moja druga frendica govori da nesme nosit starke ak sluša to i to...kužiš...a opet kaj te htjedoh pitat...zašto the more i look at the people,the more i hate them??? To bi se odnosilo na sve tvoje frendove i značilo da nikog nemaš...hm...razmisli malo...


    22.03.2006. (09:40)    -   -   -   -  

  • bla bla blaaaa

    al sam se raspisala...ne moraš čitat ak ti se neda...shvatit ću... ;D


    22.03.2006. (09:42)    -   -   -   -  

  • khaoz

    @Bato: "the more I look at people..." je citat iz jedne pjesme...bio sam malo napoižden pa @Lord: Nice words thou speakest , and yes It is all in our minds!I have my forst and my mountin I look upon, I have my land and my world, my creatures and my other life, for this one is drawning in the foul waters of this civilisation, yet I have to swimm in it's waters, but no body can stop me of dreaming of nature...wandering amongst trees , and flying amongst birds, wimming the cristal, cold lakes of the northern sides..ultima thule!!My desire....


    22.03.2006. (11:09)    -   -   -   -  

  • Khaoz

    jebem ti sebe 1. se ne ulogiram a 2.napišem forst umjesto forest i mountin umjesto mountain i swimming umjesto wimming sto napisah!!glup sam


    22.03.2006. (11:12)    -   -   -   -  

  • nisgaroth

    ajd ak imaš icq odi na moj blog tam ti piše broj pa da pričamo ko ljudi a ne ovak


    22.03.2006. (11:23)    -   -   -   -  

  • kučka u cvijeću

    jooj drito to....taj primitivizam i mentalitet debilni strašno...ljudi si umisle da su svašta i da imaju veća prava kad se smatraju djelom neke subkulture ..ma neznam...glupo mi je to....to su budale koje samo sramote ostale...


    22.03.2006. (19:23)    -   -   -   -  

  • Khaoz

    ne pripadam subkulturi , priradam sebi


    22.03.2006. (20:04)    -   -   -   -  
