

Dodaj komentar (4)


  • Otto

    taf mada faka...


    22.12.2005. (21:54)    -   -   -   -  

  • Otto

    ...je komentar prvega komentarja in ne vesle novice - da ne bo pomote. Srečno!


    23.12.2005. (07:22)    -   -   -   -  

  • vastab

    Iskrene čestitke Nini in staršem, katerakoli že sta. Otto, dober komentar, se pa strinjam, da je dvoumne zadeve boljše večkrat razložit, kot enkrat premalo. Ono nad tabo je greznično blato, tudi to se nekje mora vsest, problem je, da se včasih zaštopa in je treba it basat.


    23.12.2005. (08:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • vastab

    Kakopak bi spet še nekaj pridodal. Ramonesi so tak samo naslovili temo: "Ignorance Is Bliss" , ki drugače gre tak, z muziko pa je še boljša. Ignorance is bliss, ya know it's true Ignorance is bliss, just look at you Is it goin' anywhere? Ignorance is bliss, ya know it's true Ignorance is bliss, just look at you I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive, yeah What's happening to our society? Disintegration of humanity Destruction of the environment (Cram that cop donation in your ass) Is it goin' anywhere? ?? Politicians (to confuse you) What's good for them, now it ain't good for you But there ain't nothing that you can do I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive, yeah Ignorance is bliss, ya know it's true Ignorance is bliss, just look at you Hey! Ignorance is bliss, ya know it's true Ignorance is bliss, just look at you I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive, yeah


    23.12.2005. (09:04)    -   -   -   -  
