

Dodaj komentar (5)


  • JOJO

    novi post ha!?peace


    18.10.2005. (14:33)    -   -   -   -  

  • Football Zone

    Da, ko bi reko, a?


    18.10.2005. (20:09)    -   -   -   -  

  • Za svee je kriv Toma Sojeer

    jel vrijedi igrat real-rosenborg i chelsea-betis ulog 50 kn? trebam potrošit bon od 50kn, a oću pare...


    18.10.2005. (20:19)    -   -   -   -  

  • Football Zone

    Ne znam bas za Real, kao sto pise, Roni se povredio, a ostali napadaci nisu u formi, Rosenborg je usao u seriju, dobro igraju, trebao bi Real dobiti, ali to mi bas nije najsigurnije. Chelsea ce dobiti Betisa, buduci da je Liverpool dobio u gostima Betisa, Chelsea ne smije rizikovati jer oni oce prvo mjesto u grupi.


    18.10.2005. (21:13)    -   -   -   -  

  • blackman

    It seems that we are now spying on everywhere. When the world does not feel safe, schools and businesses to return to the use of electronic means. Usually, this consists of hidden cameras. Sometimes there is even a bathroom hidden cameras.Schools are using more and more surveillance. That should help keep students safe. It also helps solve crimes that have already occurred. Knowing the cameras have reason to think students before they came to misbehavior. hidden camerahidden camera


    05.01.2008. (06:10)    -   -   -   -  
