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  • h

    north america today - EXCEPTIONALLY MILD AIR FOR EARLY DECEMBER COVERS MOST OF THE NATION. ja, odkar sem prisla, je vreme izredno milo. tudi na otokih, ki jih naseljuje njujorska dzungla. the ATMOSPHERE here? v smislu sci-fi filma Body Snatchers ... who is a duplicate and who's left who is still himself ? globalno pomeni globje od kozze. to pa ne pomeni, da tece kri (ki je ketchup), temvec le poseben chip v mozganih, ki omogoca prezivetje. tudi cutenje je tako wireless unplugged lepo umesceno v sistem, ki je spoliran v nulo, pardon, uro... work work work work work work around the working clock. nenevarno. AJA, vreme::::: today - sun, then clouds, rain will develop in the south of the city tonight - some rain, breezy tomorrow - patches of fog and drizzle in the damp air saturday - a few breaks in the clouds are probable COLDER AIR ARRIVING ... WITH SNOW OR RAIN SHOWER brez chipa ... object of desire ... from new york, helena


    09.12.2004. (18:15)    -   -   -   -  
