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29.04.2006., subota

Najveličanstvenija biljka

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Konoplja potječe iz Staroga svijeta, a u 16. stoljeću biva prenijeta u zemlje Zapadne hemisfere. Pripada među najstarije kulturne biljke. Uzgajanjem, proširena je u gotovo sve zemlje globusa, pa se može smatrati pravom kozmopolitskom biljkom. Može uspijevati u najrazličitijim klimatskim i ekološkim uvjetima. Raste kao korov i kao uzgajana biljka. O velikoj raznolikosti, a i proširenosti konoplje, svjedoče i brojna imena koja se za pojedine forme Marihuane upotrebljavaju u najrazličitijim dijelovima svijeta: kif (Maroko, Alžir), sutol (Sirija, Libanon), kabak (Turska), charas, ganja i bhang (Indija), dagga (južna Afrika), djamba (centralna Afrika), maconha (Brazil).
Jednogodišnja je zeljasta biljka koju zovemo „Kanabis sativa. U botanici je klasificirana kao pripadnica obitelji Cananabiceae, roda Kanabis. Ima uspravnu stabljiku i prstenasto raspoređene listove. Postoje biljke koje se svrstavaju u konoplje, no Kanabis je najkorisnija od tih biljaka. Većina se botaničara slaže da postoje tri vrste: Kanabis sativa, najraširenija među njima, visoka je, dugih i rijetkih grana, a naraste i do šest metara; Kanabis indica je niža, visoka od 90 do 120 centimetara, piramidnog je oblika i gustih grana; Kanabis ruderalis visoka je oko šezdeset centimetara, ima malo grana ili ih uopće nema. Postoji još jedna tvrdnja, koju zastupaju drugi botaničari; prema njima, rod ima samo jednu visoko varijabilnu vrstu, Kanabis sativu, s dvije podvrste, sativom i indicom. Prva raste sjevernije i proizvodi više vlakana i ulja; druga raste južnije i proizvodi više toksične smole. Boje variraju od sivo-zelene do zeleno-smeđe, a u teksturi je slična origanu. Konoplja je dvodomna biljka (što znači da postoji muška i ženska biljka) i kada izraste do kraja, ima veoma intenzivan miris. Ženske su biljke veće i nose brojne cvjetove, dok su muške manje i tvore cvatove u obliku metlice. Plodovi biljke su sitni, jednosjemeni oraščići. Zapravo samo značenje riječi Kanabis (konoplja) i Sativa (korisna), odaje korisnost biljke.
Kanabis je najizdržljivija od svih biljaka konoplje. Njezinom obradom dobiva se najčvršća tkanina, nazvana Canavass. Canavass je bila široko upotrebljavana tkanina, služila je za izradu platna za jedra u ranoj industriji brodogradnje, jer je bila do tada jedina poznata tkanina, koja u dodiru s morem odnosno sa soli ne bi istrunula. Isto tako, Kanabis daje još tri proizvoda, koje ostale konoplje ne daju: sjeme, tvar od koje je moguće dobiti papir i gorivo te lijek.
Marihuana je osuseni listovi i cvijetovi biljke cannabis sativa, koja sadrzi razlicite kolicine ne-narkoticne droge THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). Kada pusi ili jede dobija se osjecaj "naduvanosti" (high). Razlice vrste biljke proizvode razlicite osjecaje, svaka na svoj nacin ( neke cak i lose osjecaje - rijetko) Cannabis je klasifikovan kao ilegalan u Jugoslaviji i u vecini drzava, mada vecina biljki nemaju cak ni dovoljno THC-a da bi se zvala marihuana.
Idelni opis osobe koja pusi marihuanu ne postoji. Od mladih do starih, do bolesnih i zdravih, ludih i nesrecnih itd. Mnoge osobe u istoriji covjecanstva su konzumirali marihuanu, primjer: Sekspir ciji stimulant je bila marihuana, Dr Frances Thackery i profesor Nick van der Merwe su pronasli dokaze da je sam Sekspir koristio marihuanu kao stimulant u pisanju. (opsirnije BBC NEWS Online, Oct. 30, 2000)
Nijedna droga nije ne-rizicna, ali poslije 150 godina istrazivanja jedini ozbiljan nezdrav osjecaj koji marihuana donosi je bronhitis, ali i dalje je zdravije nego duvan i duvaci puse manje duvana.
Ali risk od dima se moze smanjiti pusenjem iz waterpipes sa manjim kolicinama trave. "Moreover, cannabis is a proven medicinal herb with hundreds of modern therapeutic uses in treating ailments like stress, glaucoma, MS, asthma, arthritis, cancer therapy, AIDS symptoms, epilepsy, nausea, anorexia, depression, etc." (New York Times) Pocetkom 1988 sudija Francis Young poslije detalnog istrazivanja i analiziranja je donio presudu: "Marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume."
Naucnici su dokazali da marihuana ima najmanji broj smrti u jednoj godini:
Tobako ----------------------------------------------------340,00 to 425,000
Alkohol (bez ubistava i nesreca) ---------------------150,000+
Drug Overdose (recepti) -------------------------------14,000 to 27,000
Drug Overdose (ilegalni)--------------------------------3,800 to 5,200
Aspirin -----------------------------------------------------180 to 1000+
MARIHUANA ---------------------------------------- 0

Dali marihuana korisnici prekrsavaju zakon i koriste nasilje?
Odgovor: Ne, najvjerovatnije jedini zlocin koji marihuana korisnici su pocinili je koriscenje marihuane ( pogotovo kad se poredi sa alkoholom, amfetaminima i barbituratima. Jedino bi idiot posumnjao da naduvana (pod dejstvom marihuane) osoba je sposobna za bilo kakav nasilni akt.

Dali je Marihuana psihicki zavisna?
Odgovor: Ne, najcesce marihuana se koristi zbog relaksacije i zezancije. Dokazano je da je marihuana na skali zavisnosti ispod kafe, cokolade i sladoleda, a da ne govorimo i cigaretama i ostalim sranjima.

Da li marihuana ugrozava seksualni zivot i fertilitet muskarca?
Odgovor se moze odgovoriti iz licnog iskustva. NE! Neka od istrazivanja su pokazala smanjenu koncetraciju spermatozoida ali poslije unosenja velikih doza marihuane (sa sjemenkama) pa su onda provalili da samo sjemenke izazivaju fertilitet, pa su onda i tu presudu promjenili. Dokazano je da za vrijeme prestanka unosenja cak i sjemenki marihuane u organizam seksualni zivot spermatozoida se vraca u normalu, huraaaaaaaa.
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I strogo podvlacimo, da danasnja medicina zna dobro da marihuana nije stetna, i da sadrzi 63 ljekovite substance, tako da je vrijeme doslo da se vise ne lazemo, nego da sa tacnim i jasnim informacijama i cinjenicama, dozvolimo svima koji su punoljetni, da sami odlucuju hoce li ponekada pusiti marihuanu ili ne! Takodje legalizacija navedenih prirodnih droga, smanjila bi nepotrebne ogromne troskove u sudstvu, policiji, porezu, jer onda bi imali vremena da gone prave, "opasne" kriminalce.

Marihuana: trava, gandža, vutra, džoint (ova droga ima preko 200 uličnih imena u cijelom svijetu).
Hašiš: šit

Marihuana: liči na finije ili grublje izrezan duhan karakterističnog mirisa na sušeno sijeno čijim se gorenjem oslobađa jaki, lagano sladunjavi, miris zapaljenog suhog lišća.
Hašiš: pločice, ponekad kuglice, različitih boja i veličina. Boja mu zavisi o zemlji porijekla: zelena-turski, tamnosmeđa-pakistanski, crna-afganistanski, crvena-libanski. Kanabisovo ulje: uljna otopina crne ili zelenosmeđe boje

Marihuana: Preradom lišća i cvijeta (rezanje, sušenje, mljevenje) ženskih biljaka konoplje: Cannabis sativa, Canabis indica, Canabis ruderalis. Kanabis je jednogodišnja dvodomna biljka (muška i ženska) u obliku grma visokog jedan do dva metra. Dijelovi biljke pripremljeni za upotrebu sadrže 4-12 % aktivnog sastojka.
Hašiš: Preradom smole (skupljanje, sušenje, oblikovanje) ženskih biljaka konoplje. Smola biljke pripremljena za upotrebu sadržava 40-45% aktivnog sastojka. Kanabisovo ulje: Preradom lišća, cvijeća i smole (potapanje).

Marihuana: Upotrebljava se pušenjem, jedenjem, pijenjem čaja. Prvi je način najuobičajeniji kada se marihuana miješa sa duhanom i puši kao cigareta (joint). Još jedan od načina pušenja je pomoću običnih ili vodenih lula (nargile). Efekat se primjećuje nakon nekoliko udahnutih dimova dostižući maksimum nakon 15-30 minuta. Djelovanje jedne ispušene cigarete traje dva do tri sata. Popijena ili pojedena, marihuana ispoljava efekat nakon pola sata sa dužinom trajanja tri do šest sati.
Hašiš: Upotrebljava se pušenjem, jedenjem. Kad se uzima pušenjem najčešće je to lulama, običnim ili vodenim (nargile) pomiješan sa duhanom. Kanabisovo ulje: Upotrebljava se pušenjem, jedenjem. Pušenjem se uzima tako da se natopi duhan.

Proizvodi kanabisa svrstavaju se u grupu halucinogena, mada se, zbog raznolikih efekata koje izazivaju, ponekad uvrštavaju i u grupu depresora. Nekada djelovanje liči na početne efekte alkoholnog pijanstva. Aktivni sastojak droga je delta-9-tetrahidrokanabinol (THC) koji se nakon ulaska u tijelo, nošen krvotokom, veže za kanabinoidne receptore u mozgu. Najviše ovih receptora se nalazi u dijelovima mozga zaduženih za pamćenje, razmišljanje, koncentraciju, percepciju, osjećaj zadovoljstva, te koordinaciju pokreta. Stoga se javljaju poteškoće u kratkotrajnom pamćenju, smanjena sposobnost koncentracije i učenja, promijenjena percepcija stvarnosti i to osobito vremena (osoba ima dojam da vrijeme protječe puno sporije), povišenje senzibilnosti osjetila - osobito kada se radi o bojama, ukusu i muzici, zatim poremećaji ravnoteže i koordinacije pokreta, a pri uzimanju većih količina kanabisa može doći i do snažnih halucinacija. Rad srca je ubrzan, krvni pritisak povišen. Javlja se sušenje usta, oči su crvene sa proširenim zjenicama.
Što se tiče utjecaja na raspoloženje i ponašanje, konzumiranje kanabisa izaziva euforiju sa hiperaktivnošću, pojačanom govorljivošću, osjećajem bezbrižnosti uz bezrazložno smijanje, ali isto tako može izazvati anksioznost i napade panike, a halucinacije mogu biti izrazito neugodne i zastrašujuće. Image Hosted by
Nakon završetka djelovanja korisnik pada u stanje drijemeža. Nakon prestanka efekata može se javiti amotivacijski sindrom - nedostatak bilo kakvog interesa i motivacije. Tolerancija na ove droge se ne razvija. Pri dužem uzimanju javlja se umjerena psihička ovisnost, a kod korisnika dolazi do gubitka inicijative, neaktivnosti, nesanice ili redukovane dužine spavanja. Prisutna je nebriga za spoljni izgled, ličnu higijenu i odijevanje, a rasuđivanje i pamćenje je djelimično oštećeno. Fizička ovisnost se ne razvija ili je prisutna u rijetkim slučajevima.
crveni jastučići ispod očiju, proširene zjenice, spušteni kapci, zakrvavljene oči, bezrazložno smijuckanje, loša kordinacija pokreta, što često dovodi do povređivanja.
crvenilo i otok očnih kapaka, suhoća usta, problemi sa dišnim organima, alergije, gubitak inicijative, nesanica ili skraćenje dužine spavanja, problemi sa pamćenjem

- 12:25 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

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Osiris, Asar
From the hieroglyphic texts of all periods of the dynastic history of Egypt we learn that the god of the dead, par excellence, was the god, whom the Egyptians called by a name which was commonly known to us as "Osiris." The oldest and simplest form of the name is written by means of two hieroglyphics, the first of which represents a "throne" and the other an "eye," but the exact meaning attached to the combination of the two pictures by those who first used them to express the name of the god, and the signification of the name in the minds of those who invented it cannot be said. In the late dynastic period the first syllable of the name appears to have been pronounced Aus or US, and by punning it was made to have the meaning of the word usr, "strength of the Sun-god Ra. This meaning may very well have suited their conception of the god Osiris, but it cannot be accepted as the correct signification of the name. For similar reasons the suggestion that the name AS-ar is connected with the Egyptian word for "prince," or "chief," ser, cannot be entertained. It is probable that the second hieroglyphic in the name As-ar is to be understood as referring to the great Eye of Heaven, i.e., Ra, but the connection of the first with it is not clear, as we have no means of knowing what attributes were assigned to the god by his earliest worshippers the difficulty is hardly likely to be cleared up. The throne or seat, is the first sign in the name of As-t, who is the female counterpart of Osiris, and it is very probable that originally the same conception underlay both names. It is useless to argue that, because the dynastic Egyptians at a late period of their history substituted the disk of Ra, for the god hymns in which they identified him as the source of light and as Ra, therefore As-ar, and because they addressed to the god hymns in which the priests resorted to whenever they attempted to find etymologies for the names of their gods.
In comparatively late time Osiris was called Un-nefer, in religious and mythological texts, and the priests {like modern Egyptologists} tried to explain the name. The writer of a hymn quoted by Dr. Brugsch derived the word from un, "to open, to appear, to make manifest," and neferu, "good things," and when he wrote, "thy beauty {or goodness} "maketh itself manifest in thy person to rouse the gods to life in "thy name Un-nefer," it is clear that he was only making a play of words on the name "Un-nefer' ; and again when he wrote, "Thou comest as the strength {usr} of Ra in thy name of Asar than to afford a trustworthy derivations of the name of Osiris. We may note in passing that modern derivation and explanations of the name Un-nefer are equally unsatisfactory. The truth of the matter seems to be that the ancient Egyptians knew just as little about the original meaning of the name As-ar as we do, and that had no better means of obtaining information about it than we have.
Passing now to the consideration of the original charcterteristics and attributes of Osiris we find that the oldest religious texts known to us refer to him as the great god of the dead, and throughout them it is tacitly assumed that the reader will understand that he once possessed human form and lived upon earth, and that by means of some unusual power or powers he was able to bestow upon himself after the death a new life which he lived in a region over which he ruled as king, and into which he was believed to be willing to admit all such as had lived a good and correct life upon earth, and had been buried with the appropriate ceremonies under the protection of certain amulets, and with proper recital of certain "divine words" and words of power. The worship of Osiris is, however, very much older than these views, which is clear, could only belong to a people who had advanced to a comparatively high state of civilization and mental development.
The oldest authorities for the religious views of the ancient Egyptians are the "Pyramid Texts," which are known to us from copies made in the IVth, Vth and VIth Dynasties, that is to say, in the remote time the period of their highest development ; even at this remote time the priests of Annu had composed a system of theology which was supported by the authority of the king and his high officials, and there is no doubt that it was based upon older systems of religious thought and belief. What these may have been it is useless to speculate, and all that is certain about the Heliopolitan system is that, while proclaiming the supremacy of their local god Tem or Ra-Tem, its priests took care to include in it as many of the ancient provincial gods as possible, and to adopt, wherever they were able to do so, the ancient beliefs and traditions concerning them. Among such gods Osiris held a very prominent place, in fact he was in respect to the dead and the Underworld what Ra, or Ra-Tem was to the living and to this world, and in some passages he is referred to simply as "god," without the addition of any name. No other god of the Egyptians was ever mentioned or alluded to in this matter, and no other god as any time in Egypt ever occupied exactly the same exalted position in their minds, or was thought to possess his peculiar attributes.

Worship of Osiris
Up to the present no evidence has been deduced from the hierglyphic texts which enables us to say specfically when Osiris began to be worshipped, or in what town or city his cult was first established, but the general information which we possess on this subject indicates that this god was adored as the great god of the dead by the dynastic Egyptians from first to last, and that the earliest dynastic centers of his worship were situated at Abydos in the South at Tettu {Mendes} in the North ; in proof of these statements the following considerations are submitted. In a Rubric to one of the versions of the lxivth Chapter of the Theban Recension of the Book of the Dead it is said that the Chapter was "found" during the reign of Semti, that is to say, the Chapter was revised, or edited. or rewritten, or received some kind of literary treatment, during the reign of the fifth king of the 1st Dynasty. If we look at the version of the Chapter to which this Rubric is appended we find this sentence :----"I am Yesterday, "and I am Today ; and I have the power to be born a second time. I the hidden Soul create the gods, and I give sepulchral meals to "the divine beings in Amenti and in heaven." Osiris is mentioned by name in connection with "his city,' and Tem, Kheppera, Shu, the Urti goddess, i.e., Isis and Nephthys, the goddess Aukert, the Chief of Re-stau, Hehi, the Bennu,a nd the 4,601,200 spirits, who are twelve cubits high, are refered to, and we see that the whole of the religious and mythological systems of the Egyptians as made known to us by texts of later periods were in the Ist Dynasty.

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Funeral of Osiris
On the walls of the temple of Dendera is preserved a very interesting group of scenes connected with the story of the death and resurrection of the god, which may be briefly described thus :
1. Osiris lying on his stomach on his bier, beneath which are his four crowns ; he is called, "Osiris, beloved of his father, the king of the gods, the lord of life, Osiris." In front of Osiris is Horus who presents to him a lotus flower.
2. Osiris lying on his funeral bier ; at the head stands Nephthys, and at the foot Isis.
3. Osiris, ithyphallic, and wearing the atef Crown, lying on his bier., On the head of the bier is a hawk with outstretched wings, an behind it stands Isis ; on the foot is a simular hawk, and behind it stands Horus, son of Isis. Above is the soul of Osiris. Below the bier are the two crowns, a tunic, an a cap.
4. Osiris, naked and beardless, ling on his bier, at the head of which is a a statue of Isis, and at the foot a statue of Isis, an at the foot a statue of Nephthys.
5. Osiris naked and beardless, lying on his bier, at the head of which stands Isis who is addressing the god ; beneath the bier are figures of the four children of Horus, Mestha, Hapi, Tuamutef, and Qebhsennuf, who, besides representing the gods of the four cardinal points, may here be considered as personifactions of the four large, internal organs of the body.
6. Osiris, naked and lying upom his bier, over the foot of which is the vulture goddess Uatchet, and over the head the uraeus goddess Nekhebet.
7. Osiris, in mummied form, lying on his bier beneath a funeral chest, over which a hawkstretches out its wings.
8. Osiris, of Behutet {Edfu} lying on his bier, with Nephthys at his head and Isis at his feet.
9. Osiris of Ta-khent lying on his bier, with the Hawk-goddess at the head and a vulture-goddess at the foot.
10. Osiris of Hap, wearing the Atef Crown, lying face downwards on his bier, beneath which are a number of crowns of the god.
11. Osiris lying on his bier in the Meskhen chamber with the four funeral vases beneath.
12. Osiris, ithyphallic, mummied, and beardless, lying on his bier ; he is watched over by three hawks, and by Isis, who stands at the head, and by a frog-headed form of the god Horus. Beneath the bier are the ape-headed god Aurt, and two snake-goddesses, one of which is called Her-tept, and an ibis-headed god.
13. Seker-Osiris of Mendes, beardless, lying upon a bier, with Anubis in attendance, holding in his hands a vase of unguent, and an instrument used in embalming.
14. Seker-Osiris of Mendes, in the form of a hawk-headed mummy, lying upon his bier, beneath which grow three small trees.
15. Seker-Osiris naked, and bearded, and wearing the Atef Crown, lying upon his bier, beneath which grow three trees.
16. Ptah-Seker-Asar of Memphis, in mummied form and bearded, lying upon his bier, at the head of which, on a pedestal, stands a figure of Isis. The bier is placed within a funeral chest, the pillars of which are in the form of Tet. On the right is "Asar Tet, the holy one in Tettu, in the form of a Tet pillar, which is provided with the human hands and arms ; above it appear the head of osiris and the sceptre and the flail, or whip.
17. Osiris, beardless, and wearing the White Crown and plumes, in the act of raising himself from the bier at the command of Heru-Netch-Tef-f.
18. Osiris Un-nefer, in mummied form, lying on his bier, at the head of which grows the persea tree, Ashet' above the upper branches stands a soul in the form of a man-headed hawk.
19. Osiris, bearded, lying on his bier, which rests within an elaborately ornamented funeral chest ; beneath the bier are a number of helments, caps, etc. belonging to the god. Through one end of the chest Heru-netch-tef-f- thrusts his lance, and touches the face of Osiris with it, with the view, presumably, of effecting the }opening of the mouth."
20. Osiris, ithyphallic and bearded, in mummied form, lying upon his bier ; over his feet and his body hover the hawks. At the head kneels Hathor, "Mistress of amentet, who weepeth for "her brother," and at the foot is a frog symbol of the goddess Heqet, beneath the bier are an ibis-headed god holding the Utchat, two serpents, and the god Bes. It is interesting to note that the frog-headed goddess Heqet, who was a form of Hathor, was connected by the Christians with the Christian Resurrection ; in proof of this may be cited the lamp described by Signor Lanzone whereon, he tells us, is a figure of a frog, and the legend Eywelui Avaoraois, "I am the resurrection."
21. Osiris, bearded, ithyphallic, in mummied form, and wearing the White Crown, lying on his bier, by the side of which stand Anubis, jackal-headed, and heqet, frog-headed. At the head stands Heru-netch-tef-f in the form of a ahawk, and nephthys kneels ; at the foot kneels Isis.
22.Osiris, bearded, wearing the White Crown with the plumes, and holding in his hands the sceptre and flail, or whip, raising himself up on his knees from his bier, which is enclosed within the funeral chest. Beneath the bier are the most of the crowns of the god. Beside it stands Isis.
23. Osiris rising up out of a basket {?]. which rests upon a pedestal ; behind him stands Isis with her wings stretched out on both sides of him, and before him is a bearded god who presents to him "life." On the right is a second scene in which the god is seen kneeling within the boat of the double Tet, wherein are papyrus plant and a lotus plant, the emblems of the south and North respectively. The boat rests upon a sledge, the supports of which are made in the form of inverted lotus flowers, which are well known types of the dawn and of renewed life. The title of the god here is "Osiris Seker, lord of the funeral chest {at} Abydos."
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The two commonest titles of Osiris are "Khent-Amenti," and "Un-Nefer," or, and as such he holds in his hands one or two sceptres and the whip, or flail, and wears the White Crown. Sometimes he appears as a man, with a large mouth and eyes and nose, and with a Tet surmounted by a disk, plumes, horns, uraei, etc. issuing from his hand. He once appears in the form of Ptah pouring out water from a libation vase from a deceased person who kneels before him, and once he appears with the head of the Bennu. In some scenes Osiris appears as god of vegetation, and in one instance the god is represented in mummied form, and wearing the Atef Crown, and from his body a row of plants is seen growing ; in another he is represented by a small mound of earth, which is called "Osiris," and from which four trees grow. Above the mound is a large serpent with the White Crown upon its head, and two small serpents growing out from its body ; on the right are : 1. A ram -headed god, holding a serpent, and 2. the serpent Khebkheb, on the left are a ram-headed god holding a serpent, and a feather. The Osiris ceremonies varied in different places, according as the god was identified with local gods, but in all great religious centers Osiris, under one name or another, possessed his own sanctuary. Thus, as Dr. Brugsch has pointed out, in Northern Nubia Osiris was known as Khnemu-ut-em-ankh, in Coptos as Amsu-Heru-ka-nekht, in Diopolis Parva as Sekhem, in Lycopolis as Sekhem-taui, in Antaeopolis as Maui, in Cusae as Urt-ab, in Memphis as Seker, in Cynoplois and Oxyrhynchus as Anubis, in Herakleopolis asa Ka-hetep and Heru-shefi, in the Libyan Nome as Khent-Amenti, in Heroopolis as Ankh and Tem, in Busiris as Tet or Tettu, in Heliopolis as Ser-aa, and in other places in the Delta as Fenet-ankh, her-ap-shata. In the cxlist and cxliind Chapters of the Book of the Dead we have a complete list of the forms and shrines of Osiris, and they are of great importanance for forming a right idea of the universality of the cult of Osiris in Egypt.
We have now traced the history of Osiris from the time when he was a river or water god, and only quite local importance, up to the period when his worship reached from the north of the Delta to the Nubian Nome at Elephantine, and he had become in every sense of the word the national god of Egypt. We now have to consider Osiris in his character of god and judge of the dead, and as the symbol of the resurrection, and the best source which we can draw for information on this subject is the Book of the Dead. In this work Osiris is held to be the greatest of the gods, and it is he who is the judge of men after death, and he is the arbiter of their future destiny. He attained this exalted position because he was believed to have been once a human being who died and had been dismembered ; but his limbs had been dismembered ; but his limbs had been reconstructed and he had become immortal. The most remarkable thing about him was that his body had never decayed like the bodies of ordinary men, and neither putrefication nor worms ever acquired power over it, or caused it to diminish in the least degree. It is true that it was embalmed by Horus, and Anubis, and Isis , who carried out with the greatest care and exactitude all the s which had been ordered by Thoth, and who performed their work so throughly well that the material body which Osiris possessed on this earth served as the body for the god in the world beyond the grave, though only after it had had undergone some mysterious change, which was brought about by the words of power which these gods said and by the ceremonies which they performed. A very ancient tradition declared that the god Thoth himself had acted the part of priest for Osiris, and although the Egyptians believed that it was his words which brought the dead god back to life, they were never able wholly to free themselves from the idea that the series of magical ceremonies which they performed in connection with the embalment and burial of the dead produced most beneficial results for their deceased friends.
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- 12:01 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

20.04.2006., četvrtak


Image Hosted by ImageShack.usGruzijski revolucionarni marksist (kasnije je sam dodao Visarionovič svome imenu), i kasnije doživotni diktator SSSR-a (1928. - 1953.). Rođen je 21. prosinca 1879. godine u mjestu Gori (Tifilska gubernija) kao sin postolara i bivšeg kmeta. Oba roditelji nisu govorila ruski jezik, ali ga je Staljin (što navodno znači - čovjek od čelika) naučio dok je pohađao višu vjersku školu u rodnom jestu. Bio je i student teologije u pravoslavnom sjemeništu u Tifilisu iz kojeg je izopćen 1899. godine jer se godinu dana ranije (1898.) pridružio ilegalnoj Ruskoj socijaldemokratskoj radničkoj stranci. Za pohađanje sjemenišne škole Soso (to mu je bio nadimak u školi) dobio je stipendiju kao najbolji učenik u cijeloj školi.

Karijeru revolucionara započeo je kao propagandist među željezničarskim radnicima u Tbilisiju. Policija ga je 1902. godine uhapsila u Batumiju da bi proveo više od godine dana u zatvoru, nakon čega je protjeran u Sibir odakle je pobjegao 1904. godine. Kako ne bi nabrajali sva njegova hapšenja i ine zločestoće samo ćemo spomenuti kako je između 1902. i 1913. godine Staljin hapšen osam i protjerivan sedam puta, a ukupno šest puta je uspjevao pobjeći. Njegov zadnji izgon desio se 1913. godine i trajao je sve do 1917. godine. Po povratku iz Sibira 1904. godine Staljin se vjenčao. Njegova prva supruga Jekaterina Svanidze umrla je 1910. godine. Druga supruga Nadežda Alilujeva, s kojom se oženio 1919. godine počinila je samoubojstvo 1932. godine. U zadnjim godinama carske Rusije od 1905. do 1917. Staljin je bio više sljedbenik nego vođa. Uvijek je podržavao bolješvičku frakciju unutar stranke, ali njegov je doprinos bio više praktični nego teoretski. Godine 1907. pomogao je u organizaciji prepada banke u Tbilisiju kako bi izvlastili fondove. Vođa boljševika Lenjin u to vrijeme kooptirao ga je u boljševički Centralni komitet. Naredne godine na kratko je bio urednik partijskog lista Pravda (hrv. Istina), a na Lenjinov poticaj napisao je svoje prvo veliko djelo: Marksizam i nacionalno pitanje. Nakon ruske revolucije u veljači 1917. godine Staljin se vratio u Petrograd (sada: Saint Petersburg), gdje je nastavio uređivati partijski list. Zajedno s Levom Kamenevim Staljin je dominirao pri donošenju partijskih odluka, sve do Lenjinovog dolaska u travnju. Politiku suradnje s privremenom vladom koju su njih dvojica vodili Lenjin je odbacio.
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Iako bez osobite uloge u pripremi Oktobarske revolucije ušao je u sovjetsku vladu kao komesar za neruske narodnosti te postao član Politbiroa Komunističke partije 1917. godine. Zajedno sa Jakovom Sverdlovim i Leonom Trockim pomogao je Lenjinu riješiti sva goruća pitanja u teškim vremenima građanskog rata. Staljin je u građanskome ratu sudjelovao i kao zapovjednik na nekoliko bojišnica. Godine 1922. postao je generalni sekretar Komunističke partije. Nakon Lenjinove smrti Staljin je sa Zinovjevim i Kamenevim vodio zemlju. S tim privremenim saveznicima Staljin je napao Trockog, kandidata sa najviše šansi da nasljedi Lenjina. Kada je uklonio Trockoga Staljin je promijenio smjer udružujući se s Nikolajem Buharinom i Aleksejem Rikovim protiv Zinovjeva i Kameneva. Do svoga 50-og rođendana 1929. godine Staljin je učvrstio svoj položaj na mjestu Lenjinovog nasljednika. Godine 1928. pokrenuo je kampanju nasilne kolektivizacije agrikulturnih dobara što je imalo kobne posljedice na razvoj sela. Sredinom 1930.-ih Staljin je pokrenuo opsežnu kampanju političkog terora. U montiranom suđenju Staljinovi bivši rivali unutar stranke (Zinovjev, Kamenev, Tomski, Rikov, Buharin), vlade, vojske (Tuhačevski, Bliher i dr.) i inteligencije u kojima su milijuni tzv. neprijatelja naroda utamničeni su, izgnani ili ubijeni. Svi oni priznali su svoje navodne zločine protiv države. Sve to imalo je katastrofalne posljedice na državu, a najvidljive je bilo u vojsci jer su čistke izvršene među visokim vojnim dužnosnicima imale katastrofalne posljedice na spremnost Crvene armije na početku njemačke agresije na Sovjetski Savez. Zbog svega toga strah od tajne policije, KGB-a, postao je temeljni dio sustava vladavine zvanog staljinizam.
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Nakon besplodnih pregovora o vojno-političkom savezu sa Zapadnim silama sklopio je 1938. sporazum s nacističkom Njemačkom. Nakon njemačke agresije na Sovjetsk Savez (1941.), o kojoj je bio više puta obaviješten ali je više vjerovao Hitleru nego vlastitim obavještajcima i njemačkim vojnim prebjezima, Staljin kao ratni vođa uzima titulu generalisimusa. U vrijeme i nakon 2. svjetskog rata sudjelovao je na konferencijama u Teheranu, Jalti i Potsdamu, a koje su rezultirate time da zemlje Istočne i Srednje Europe potpadnu pod sovjetsku vlast. Zbog nastojanja da svojoj politici podredi nove socijalističke zemlje i njihove komunističke stranke te time nametne svoju volju cijelom komunističkom pokretu izazvao je 1948. godine sukob s jugoslavenskim komunistima (tzv. Rezolucija Informbiroa protiv KP Jugoslavije). To je prouzročilo udaljavanje Jugoslavije od komunističkog bloka i približavanje Zapadu. Posljednje godine svoje vladavine u siječnju 1953. godine naredio je hapšenja mnogim moskovskih doktora, uglavnom Židova, optužujući ih za medicinska ubojstva. Činilo se kako se sprema repriza Velikog terora iz sredine 1930.-ih ali je Staljinova iznenadna smrt 5. ožujka spriječila još jedno krvoproliće. Tri godine nakon njegove smrti na 20. partijskom kongresu posmrtno ga je Hruščov optužio za zločine protiv Partije i izgradnje kultna ličnosti.
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19.04.2006., srijeda

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Born Tupac Amaru Shakur in New York City he grew up primarily on the streets of Oakland, California. His first breakthrough in music came in 1991 as a member of the group Digital Underground. In the same year he recieved individual recognition for his album "2Pacalypse Now" - but this album was also the beginning of his notoriety as a leading figure of 'gangsta rap' with references to cop killing and sexual violence. His solo movie career also began in this year with Juice (1992), and in 1992 he co-starred with Janet Jackson in Poetic Justice (1993).
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But law confrontations were soon to come; a 15 day jail term in 1994 for assault and battery, and in 1995 a conviction for sexual assault of a female fan. He was released after serving 8 months pending an appeal, but following the Tyson vs Seldon fight in Las Vegas he was hit by four bullets while riding in a car driven by Death Row Records chief executive 'Marion "Suge" Knight'. His right lung was removed in emergency surgery, and after 6 days in a medical coma he died.
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"All good niggas, all the niggas who change the world, die in violence. They don't die in regular ways." Image Hosted by
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Tupac Shakur was born in Brookly, NY in 1971. Early in his life, he moved to Baltimore , MD, where he attended The Baltimore School for the Performing Arts. At this school, Tupac left a lasting impression on his teachers and was showing tremendous potential.

Unfortunately, Tupac was unable to continue his training. He moved to Oakland, California with the rest of his family. That's when Tupac began to, as he called it, "Hang with the wrong crowd."

Tupac's public life began when he joined the rap group, digital underground, first as a tour dancer, then as a rapper. Not long before thegroup achieved award winning success, Tupac released his first solo album "2pacalypes Now", which was also a success.

While he maitained a thug image, Tupac was a man of contridictions, recording sentimental raps in support of black woman, including Brenda's Got A Baby,and Keep Ya Head Up. "Because I was raised by a woman half my life, then thrown out onto the streets, its like I've got the womans side, thewn I've got the real rough, manly values that were forced onto me."-Tupac Shakur

His stunning talent also got him a role in the motion picture,the violent drama "Juice".

Tupac eventually released asecond album "Strictly for my Niggaz," which was an even bigger success.
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The highlight of Tupac's acting career came when he appeared in "Poetic Justice" besides Janet Jackson. The role made Tupac a household name and showed the world that music may not be Tupac's only talent. However he faced a possibility of doing time in prison when he was charged with assaulting the director of Menace II Society, after being dropped from the cast of the movie.

What followed was a tour of courthouses and jailcells for Tupac such as 10 days in prison for assauting a rapper with a baseball bat, and charges for shooting 2 off-duty Atlanta police officers which charges were eventually dropped.

In the midst of a role in the movie "Above the Rim" and a Platnum album "Me against the world," Tupac's rising career was snagged. He was brought up on sexual assault charges by a woman he met at a nightclub. Just 1 day before Tupac would be found guilty, Tupac was shot five times while in a recording studio in New York.

The attack was classed as robbery, however later Tupac accused East-coast rappers including Sean "Puffy" Combs and The Noutorious B-I-G of setting him up. While in prison on sexual abuse charges, Tupac's new album Me Against the world spent 4 weeks at number one on the charts.

Tupac spend 8 months in prison, before Death Row Records producer Suge Knight paid he's 1 million dollar bail and also signed Tupac to Death Row.

After his release, Tupac answered his critics by releasing his Death Row debute, "All eyez on me", which has currently sold more than 6 million copies, and fetured other Death Row memebers Snoop Doggy Dogg, and Dr Dre.

While becoming Death Row's most valuable rapper, Tupac also completed work on two more films,"Gridlock" and Bullet.
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Then On September 7, 1996, Tupac and Suge Knight left the Mike Tyson - Bruce Seldon fight in Las Vegas in Suges car. A white Cadillac with four people inside pulled alongside at an intersection and one person opened fire. Tupac was hit 4 times while Suge escaped with minor injuries. Tupac was brought to the University Medical Center.

On Friday, September 13, 1996, Tupac died after 6 days in critical condition. Tupac Shakur was pronounced dead at 4.03 pm, his body was later cremated. He was only 25. There are many thoeries to Tupac's death, however there is a suspicion that it could have have been the rivalry between the Westcoast and Eastcoast rappers.

- 15:05 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #


TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! BARCA je pobjedila šugavi milan. Tako mi je drago, Ronaldinho i ekipa su im pokazali šta je nogomet, a milan igra ko stare bakice. Najjebeniji potez je naprevio ko drugi nego Ronaldinho kad je dodao Etou petom iza glave i kad je proigrao Guilya za pogodak. Prebolesna igra, ojeo sam 3 paketa keksi od nervoze jer sam se bojao da BARCA ne izgubi al hvala BOGU da nije.
- 00:06 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

18.04.2006., utorak

Pijani dani

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usTek sam došo doma prije 30min. Bio sam na rođendanu i fakat je bilo jebeno. Igrom sam belu sa nekom pičkom preotiv dav frenda. Nismo zapisivali nego onaj ko izgubi partiju pije vino na eks. Bilo je mi:5 puta smo pili oni:12. Bili su tako zgaženi da je jedan prolio vino, prolito vino šuknuo nogom, mene zalio uzeo frendicine gaćice i s njima sve obriso i vratio ih natrag u ormar. Od frenda stari kad se probudio, križo se je jer smo ispraznili 3 gajbe pive, 1 Jagermeister, 20 litrenu bačvu sa vinom i još mo drugu načeli, 1 šampanjac, Ballanteines, a otišli smo kada je ostao samo Ožujsko Cool jer to se nemože pit kak nevalja.
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17.04.2006., ponedjeljak

O mojoj njadražoj grupi

Image Hosted by The Dirty Dozen (D12) are 6 emcees from Detroit, Michigan. These emcees are Eminem, Proof, Bizarre, Swift, Kuniva and the Kon Artis. Each one of them has an alter ego, making 12 members or a dozen (D12). According to Bizarre, it was Proof who came up with the concept while they were in a car together driving back from New York. Proof said he had an idea for a rap group in which each member had an alter ego. Both, Eminem and Kon Artis are producers, but Eminem mainly raps and Kon Artis mainly produces.

Eminem had already established himself as a hip-hop star with two multi platinum albums ('The Slim Shady LP' and 'The Marshall mathers LP'). Before Bizarre signed to Shady Records, he had an EP released on Federation Records called 'Attack Of The Weirdos'.
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Bizarre and Eminem are also part of the New Jersey's 'The Outsidaz'. Other members of 'The Outsidaz' are Pacewon and Young Zee. Kon Artis has produced some of the tracks on the 'Infinite' album (Eminem's first album) and on records of other Detroit Underground artists. Kuniva and Kon Artis are in a group called 'Da Brigade'. 'Da Brigade' has an unreleased EP out. Proof has been in a group called '5 Ela' and appears on their unreleased EP. 'Thyme, another member of '5 Ela' also appears on Eminem's 'Infinite' on a track called, 'Open Mic'. Swift joined D12 in 1999 after Bugz died R.I.P. Swift was in a group called 'Rabeez With Baredda'.

After the Dirty Dozen came together they were recording eight-tracks in Eminem's basment. The Dirty Dozen have an EP out that everybody calls 'The Underground EP'. The album features 10 tracks.

They were signed with 'Re-Al Entertainment' but stopped the contract to sign to Eminem's records label 'Shady Records', (part of Intrescope Records). Apparently Re-Al has the unreleased D12 tracks locked up in their vaults and plans to release them in the near future from the D12 record on 'Shady Records'.

The line-up wasn't always the same. Members that left are Eye-Kyu (IQ) and Undetaka amongst others. Eye-Kyu has also been in a group called SLS. Some sources say Fuzz was also a D12 member in the past.

Bugz R.I.P, was one of the group founders. He was killed on May 21 in 1999 and just turned 21, he was involved in a fight and was shot twice and run over. To read an article on this click here.

D12 have now currently finished their debut album which will be released on June 18th and June 19th. The album features 18 tracks, in which Dr Dre has produced 4 of them. The album also features a bonus disc, albums sold outside of the US all feature this disc, the US do not get the disc.Image Hosted by
- 01:46 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

Biografija jednog od najvećih rapera

Image Hosted by Dre (Andre Young) was born in February 18, 1965, Los Angeles, California.
He was raised in Compton, and got his nickname by adoring basketball superstar, Dr. J. His step-brother is Warren G. His brother got killed in a fight while Dre was on tour with N.W.A "My brother was my best friend. He was three years younger than me." Dre tells of being on the road when he received a phone call with the bad news. "You never forget that."
He started off as a D.J for parties as a teenager, and soon earned himself a spot in the "Eve After Dark" club, where he would play keyboards and sing.

Once a member of the rather anonymous group, "World Class Wreckin' Cru", Dre earned himself a name by producing tracks for Eazy-E, the D.O.C and others, and later became a gangsta rap pioneer as a co-founder, member, co-producer and rapper in the controversial group, N.W.A. (Niggaz With Attitude).

The band was extremely successful and was very promoted by endless scandals and unfettered messages of street violence. The debut album (Straight Outta compton) went platinum with minimal radio play, the second LP entered the charts at number one. "We loved the controversy. It's the reason we blew up as big as we did. It wasn't hurting us, it was helping us."

The group disbanded in '91, but Dre didn't stop for a second:
He established Death Row Records along with Marion "Suge" Knight, and shortly after released "The Chronic" (1992), which sold over three million copies, won two Grammy Awards, and is still considered to be one of the most influential rap albums ever.
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The album introduced the new Death Row artists, such as Snoop Doggy Dogg and Tha Dogg Pound, and marked Dr. Dre not only as one of the most creative producers in the rap/hip-hop industry, but also as a fantastic rapper.
The following Death Row album, Snoop Doggy Dogg's "Doggystyle", was produced by Dr. Dre, and sold four million copies.
"I was trying to take it places no other record company had ever been," he says.
"Not just limiting myself to R&B and hip hop. I wanted to branch off into jazz, reggae,
and black rock 'n' roll."

In 1994 he directed the short film "Murder Was The Case", and co-produced the soundrack. He also added a song to the soundtrack entitled "Natural Born Killaz", which marked the reunion with former fellow band member, Ice Cube. That was his last work with protege Snoop Doggy Dogg. He decided that Snoop, who didn't make a single step without his mentor, should stick to his own work. In that same year he released a compilation album, entitled "Concrete Roots", which contained some old and some newer material.

In 1995 Dre contributed a track for the "Friday" soundtrack, "Keep Their Heads Ringin'". The track was a massive success, and won Dre the MTV "Best Rap Song" award in '96.

In that same year he left Death Row, and started his own label, "Aftermath Entertainment", a joint venture with Interscope Records.

"At first it was just a big family thing," he says. "But the more money that got made, the further apart everybody came. It's like, certain people started becoming what they hated." He adds:
"I wasn't feeling comfortable with the people I was around. Everybody wasn't professional. I always wanted things at Death Row to be right and positive, because I'm a positive person. And the situation I was in wasn't, plain and simple. It was too much negativity. Most likely, there are gonna be records coming out dissing me, dissing people I've worked with and am going to be working with. It's just a lot of negative bullshit. So from here on out, Death Row Records don't even exist to Dre."

In November 26, 1996, Dr. Dre released the compilation album "Dr. Dre Presents... The Aftermath", which featured new performances from several well-known artists as well as introducing more than a dozen Aftermath Entertainment artists and producers.

The albums unites hip-hop and R&B , east coast and west coast, hardcore and pop, male and female, old school and new school, delivered by talented performers hand picked by Dre, the album's executive producer.
One of the tracks in the album is "East Coast/West Coast Killas", which collaborates various artists from both coasts such as Nas, KRS-1, B-Real, RBX, and of course Dr. Dre.

"Now I'ma be able to do whatever I wanna do," he claims. "If it works, it's on me. If it fails, it's on me. But I'm an innovator. I like trying things." In that year he also released another compilation album, "First Round Knockout".

On top of the list of Dre's future projects is Helter Skelter, Dre's long-awaited reunion with Ice Cube, which Dre wanted to do since '94.
"If Cube is still into it, I definitely wanna do that record. I don't give a fuck if it's 10 years from now, and we're like walking on canes with gray hair. I wanna do that record, cuz I think it'll be amazing."

There were also rumors of an N.W.A. reunion, but it seems that Dre is not interested. "That was my past," he says. "What I thought was the thing to do then. I mean, I think 'Straight Outta Compton' was a classic hip-hop album. But I do look back on a lot of the things we were saying and doing then and go, "Damn!". But the shit was dope at the time. Would I ever do that N.W.A. material right now? No. No way. I'm more into totally positive moves."

And what about a solo album?
Dre is working on "The Chronic 2000: No Seeds", which will be released on November '99, and has already announced the album will contain two tracks with Snoop Doggy Dogg, with whom he hasn't worked for almost four years, and should also include tracks with Redman, Eminem, RBX, Xzibit and others.

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Kad se družiš s mentalcima moraš znat neke pjesme, a ovo je jedna od najboljih (Nightwish- Nemo)

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This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

My flower
Withered between
The pages two and three
The once and forever bloom gone with my sins
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Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything
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Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forever more

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name forever more

Nemo my name forever more
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- 01:36 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

Najbolje od grungea (Nirvana- Smells Like Teen Spirit)

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Load up on guns
bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
She's over-bored and self-assured
Oh no I know a dirty word
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Hello, hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello.
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With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
A libido
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I'm worse at what I do best
And for this gift I feel blessed
Our little group has always been
And always will until the end

Hello, hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello.

With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
A Libido


And I forget just why I taste
And yet I guess it makes me smile
I found it hard, it's hard to find
Oh well, whatever, nevermind

Hello, hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello, hello,
Hello, hello, hello.

With the lights out, it's less dangerous
Here we are now, entertain us
I feel stupid and contagious
Here we are now, entertain us
A mulatto
An albino
A mosquito
A libido
A Denial(x 9)
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- 01:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Moja najdraža pjesma (2PAC- Ghost)

[Tupac - speaking]
The only way, for me to come back, is by Makaveli
That's it! All these motherfuckers stole from me
I'm takin back what's mine

[slowed down voice]
[laughing] You motherfuckers can't stop me
Even if I die, I'm gon' be a fuckin problem
Do you believe in ghosts, motherfucker?
Real live black... ghosts
Feel me?

[Verse One: 2Pac]
Some say I'm crazy, these punk-ass cops can't fade me
Mama tried to raise me, but had too many babies
Papa was a motherfuckin, joke
Used to find dope in his coat
And nearly choked when he'd tell me not to smoke
Daaamn, don't get me started
My mama smoked so God damn much
when she was pregnant I'm surprised I ain't retarded
At night I can't sleep, can't peep
As they pass through the glass of my neighbors five deep
Starin at the wall, heard a scream
Wake up in the mornin
See the blood in the hall from the murder scene
Don't cry, just ask why, and try not to die
As I take you through a ghetto nigga's lullabye
On the corner, where the niggaz slang they crack
And the undercovers jack those that don't watch they back
(Five-OH!) I daydream about the dope world
Take a puff from the blunt and watch the smoke swirl
My mausberg goes BOOM, what's another plug
Snatchin drugs, pumpin slugs in these other thugs
(GIVE IT UP NIGGA) Don't run out of breath
Every step could be death 'til you blast
And be the last nigga left, then I'll be ghost

[Chorus: 2Pac]
Don't cry, just ask why, and try not to die
As I take you through a ghetto nigga's lullabye
Don't cry, just ask why, and try not to die
As I take you through a ghetto nigga's lullabye

[Verse Two: 2Pac]
A seven-deuce full of niggaz goes by
Thought I was trippin the second time they rolled, by
Recognized the plates, the faces looked familiar
Everybody swear they know the nigga that's gonna, kill ya
Don't murder me murder me, killa a nigga in his sleep
Let me die as I rest in peace, deep
Back to these niggaz in the seven-deuce
A mac-10 out the window bout to let it loose, what could I do?
Run for cover and return fire
DIE MOTHERFUCKIN DIE, hope yo' ass fry, don't ask why
But I let off everything I have
An empty clip, hit the ground as a nigga dash
On my ass was the motherfuckin cops now
Barely breathin tryin to keep from gettin shot down
BOO-YAOW is the sound, bullet whizzed by
Still runnin like a nigga got nine lives
Don't know why but I'm runnin to my fuckin block
Took a shot, tired of runnin from the niggaz and the cops
Time to be a ghost
And then we'll be ghost


[Tupac - speaking]

- 01:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

< travanj, 2006 >
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Me,me and me: Nick mi je Silva (skraćena verzija mog imena), živim u Slobi (Novi Zagreb) ,Sloba je jedan od najboljih kvartova. Idem (ak prođem popravni u 2.c razred 1. TEH. ŠKOLE NIKOLA TESLA). Prije sam trenirao karate, košarku i nogomet sad više ne. Od mjuze slušam Rap i Grunge (2PAC, Onyx, Wu-Tang, Nirvana, Snoop Dogg (uglavno west side osim Wu-Tanga i Onyxa). Ljudi bez kojih nebi mogao postojati: Slave( jedan od best frendova, bet njega nebi mogao), Kyle ( isto ko i Slave) , Nino (metalac, super frend) , Stipan(aboriđin, mali gangsta, volim istu mjuzu), Borna(best frend iz razreda), Zvonko( uvijek ima para za posudit), Ftčja( gadne provale), Kvrga( best sale's man), a od cura: Ltonija( ljupka mlada cura iz kvarta, super frendica), Bouca( hot young lady), Daphne( uvijek ti da), Šiprakica( naša mala Šakira), Baša( best frendica koju nisam vidio od kraja godine, fakat mi fali)....( kog nisam spomenu, sorry don't be mad). Volim: nogomet, rap, grunge, guns, dobbie, alkohol, cure, izležavanje, izlaske van, pomoć nekome, a posebno volim PIVU al to spada pod alkohol. Ne volim: umišljene ljude, pop, narodnjake, ljude koji izigravaju face, drogu, kad mi neko sere a ja znam da sam u pravu i još dosta toga al mi se nade pisat. Najdraži film mi je 8Mile i Mrs. and Mr. Smith, Najdraže tri pjesme su mi: Ghost od 2PACA, Drain You od Nirvane i Blitzkrieg Bop od Ramonesa). Najdraže jelo su mi čevapi, a piće naravno piva.

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