Kaliel:Tears of the Fallen

16.11.2005., srijeda

A bAd day 4 humans

mrmlj..mrmlj..danas sam lose volje.. neznam zasto..al' eto..dovoljno da me stavi u raspolozenje da objavim par curseva(hex).. stavit cu neke od meni osobno najdrazih.. >:)
naravno sve [od dolje navedenog] sto upotrijebite u praxi--ide vama na savijest..ja se u potpunosti ogradujem od svih gluposti koje bi neki imbecil mogao prouzrocit..a vama pametnima iiskusnima: PUNO SRECE i uzivajte..tralala..
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sljedeci hex je prilicno razoran..i najbolje djeluje ako se mozete dovesti u stanje nevjerojatnog bijesa za vrijeme cast-anja.
trebaju vam 3 crne svijece koje cete zapaliti u ponoc, a invokaciju ponovi 3 puta..da bi vam hex uspio..morate se povezati sa Luciferovim i
"paklenskim energijama" kao sto to inace cinete sa onima Majke Zemlje ili Neba..sta vec..
I call to the mighty bringer of light, Lucifer...

"Spirits of the abyss, here my call
all most powerful one and all
Lucifer my thoughts do sing
through the universe they now ring
Take thine enemy, take him smite
Break him, scorn him in the night
From the mighty depths of hell
cast your darkness on his shell
Oh Lucifer, oh shinning star
Touch him, burn him from afar
Revenge now will have its day
for thine enemy starts to fray"
So mote it be!

- - - - - - - - - - - -
Sljedeci spell se zove 3 NOCI PAKLA i nisam ga isprobao..a nadam se da i necu..Hex nosi 3 noci muka i patnje osobi koja je njegova zadana meta..treabat cete sliku osobe koju cete sjedeci u krugu crnih
svijeca kapati voskom.Tamo gdje vosak kapne..zamislite bolne rane na toj osobi.. i izrecite INVOKACIJU:
"As I do this candle spell
Bring thine enemy 3 nights of hell
Candle black, black as night
Bring him pains of flesh tonight!
lesions on his skin will grow
Afflict him with a painful blow
Sores and pain afflict him now
for 3 nights he'll wonder how
Dukes of darkness, Kings of hell
Smite thine enemy, bring him hell
when 3 nights of pain have past
Make him well, well at last".

-kad to ucinite, jos malo vizualizirajte bol koju ste nanijeli toj osobi..
nakon 3 dana poderite sliku i izrecite: "When 3 nights of pain endured, I lift this curse rest assured
Darkness leave him, go away, the curse is lifted now, today!"

--->vizualizirajte olaksanje i nestanak boli koju meta osjijeca..
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--da nebiste mislili da danima cucim u mraku, pijem krv i bajam prokletsva *lol* sljedeci put cu stavit par dobrih protection spellova--i mrak tehniku za uklanjanje migrena i glavobolja..
-AC AISNA! )0(
- 18:45 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

11.11.2005., petak

nesto o luciferu inspirirano danasnjim ragovorom s odredenom osobom...znas tko si..hehe..
Some Light on Lucifer
By Ina Belderis
[Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible quotes are from the New Oxford Annotated Bible (New Revised Standard Version).]
Is there any difference between Lucifer and Satan? Westerners generally would say they are one and the same. Especially those in fundamentalist Christian circles consider Lucifer an archangel who fell from grace and was thrown out of heaven because of "sinful pride." His "sin" was thinking he was equal to God and rebelling against Him. This rebellious angel is known as Satan, Lucifer, or the Devil, who tempts us to do evil. Supposedly, one of the most evil things Lucifer tempts us to do is to think that we are God. So those who believe in the essential divinity of all life are often accused of committing Satan's sin, and of being under the influence of Lucifer. Where do these ideas about Satan and Lucifer come from? Is there a biblical basis for them?

Lucifer means lightbringer, from the Latin lux "light" and ferre "to bear or bring." The word Lucifer is found in only one place in the Bible -- Isaiah 14:12 -- but only in the King James and related versions: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! . . ." The New Revised Standard Version translates the same passage as "How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, Son of Dawn!" In other translations we find: "O shining star of the dawn!" (Moffatt) or "O morning-star, son of the dawn!" (Hebrew Bible). The King James Version is based on the Vulgate, the Latin translation of Jerome. Jerome translated the Hebrew helel (bright or brilliant one) as "lucifer," which was a reasonable Latin equivalent. And yet it is this lucifer, the bright one or lightbearer, that came to be understood by so many as the name for Satan, Lord of Darkness.

In Isaiah 14 the prophet is taunting the king of Babylon: "In the figurative language of the Hebrews, . . . a star, signifies an illustrious king or prince . . . The monarch here referred to, having surpassed all other kings in royal splendour, is compared to the harbinger of day, whose brilliancy surpasses that of the surrounding stars" (A Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature, John Kitto ed., 3rd ed., J. B. Lippincott and Co, Philadelphia, 1866, 2:857-8). There are those who claim that the real entity addressed in this passage is Satan, but there is no evidence for this. On the contrary, Isaiah (14:16) says: "Is this the man who made the earth tremble, . . . ?" and (14:18) "All the kings of the nations lie in glory, each in his own tomb; but you are cast out . . ." These seem clear references to a man, the king of a nation, not an archangel.

There is yet another reason why it makes no sense to read the Devil into Isaiah 14: the traditional role of Satan in the Old Testament. Satan comes from the Hebrew satan, which means "opponent" or "adversary." According to Strong's Concordance, this word appears in 1 Chronicles, Job, Psalms, and in Zechariah. In Psalms "satan" is used both in the plural (accusers) and in the indefinite sense (an accuser). In Chronicles and Zechariah its usage is ambiguous, while in Job "satan" as The Accuser appears only in the first two of its 42 chapters. It is important, however, to keep in mind that the texts of the Old Testament did not reach their "final" version until after the Babylonian exile. Before this exile there is no evidence in Hebrew scriptures of an Accuser as a force that opposes God, and even after the exile it is still doubtful. Though the story of Job is very old, its final version is dated after the exile, after the Hebrews came into contact with the dualist Zoroastrian religion with its god of good and its god of evil.

There is even division among Old Testament scholars as to whether evil should be associated with Satan at all. Some say that Satan was originally not considered evil but gradually became identified with his unpleasant functions. According to this approach, Satan is still God's servant. There is much in the Book of Job that tends to support this view. Satan appears only in the first two chapters and then disappears. Some believe the first two chapters were added much later, for in the last chapter we read: ". . . they showed him sympathy and comforted him for all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him" (42:11).

It appears that the Hebrews did not have a devil-like power opposed to God. Satan, or the Satan as he is often called, is an angel in the court of God with the function of an accuser (see Job 1:6). There are also indications that along with all that is "good," all that is "evil" comes from God, not Satan. In Isaiah 45:7 God says: "I form light and create darkness, I make weal and create woe; I the Lord do all these things." Valentine's Jewish Encyclopedia confirms the idea that there is a radical difference between how Satan is conceived in the Old Testament and how he is conceived in the New Testament, and that his new role did not develop from his original role: there are no references "to rebellious angels in any pre-Christian book. . . . The figure of Satan in the Hebrew Bible and in the New Testament respectively emphasizes the difference in conception. There is no development, but basic difference. . . . It is only in Christian literature that the Persian idea of two opposing empires, with Satan as God's enemy, has persisted" (Valentine's Jewish Encyclopedia, A. M. Hyamson & A. M. Silberman eds., Shapiro, Valentine & Co, London, 1938, p. 36).

There is actually very little in the Old Testament to support the idea of Satan as a rebellious angel and the power opposing God. He is generally depicted as a heavenly attorney general (accuser) functioning under God, and this only strengthens the argument for not reading Satan into the passage about Lucifer in Isaiah 14:12. Isaiah is one of the older books in the Bible and is definitely pre-exile.

If there is no sound biblical basis for associating Lucifer with Satan, where then does the story come from that he is a rebellious angel and fell because of pride? The Christian Church made the interpretation that Isaiah 14:12 is connected with Luke 10:18: "He said to them, I watched Satan fall from heaven like a flash of lightning." This unfounded, non-biblical connection of Lucifer with Satan has led to the popular misunderstanding that Lucifer is another name for the Devil (cf. "Lucifer," Harper's Bible Dictionary, Paul Achtemeier, gen. ed., Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1985).

As Lucifer is the morning star, daystar, or Venus, the absurdity of connecting him with the Devil is revealed in the three New Testament passages where morning star or daystar is mentioned:

So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. -- 2 Peter 1:19
. . . from my Father. To the one who conquers I will also give the morning star. -- Revelation 2:28
It is I, Jesus, who sent my angel to you with this testimony for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star. -- Revelation 2 2:16
All three references to the morning star point to Jesus or things Jesus says or gives. In the Vulgate the word "morning star" in 2 Peter is even translated as lucifer. In the other two references it is stella matutina.

It is puzzling that "lightning" should be used in relation to Satan in Luke 10:18, especially when one considers two other references to lightning in the New Testament: Matthew 24:27 and Luke 17:24. These two references connect lightning with the Son of Man or Jesus and his second coming, which is understandable when one studies ancient religious symbolism: "In Judeo-Christian thought lightning is a symbol of God's immediate presence . . . or of the last Judgment" ("Lightning," Dictionary of Symbolism, Hans Biedermann, Penguin Books, New York, 1992). Even when we put aside the question of what God's "opponent" should be called, the fact remains that the story of a rebellious angel who fell because of pride is not in the Bible at all. Some claim that the fallen Satan is present from the very beginning, even though his name does not appear in Genesis. Paul suggested that the serpent was Satan, the implication being that Satan tempted Adam. Yet most of the early Church Fathers believed that Satan fell after Adam. It took the Church over 200 years to establish that Satan's sin was pride, that he fell before the creation of man, and that he was the serpent that tempted Adam and Eve.

To find the story of the fall of Satan, we must go to sources other than the Bible. There was a great deal of literature produced roughly between 200 BC and 150 AD, including the Apocrypha and the Pseudepigrapha. Some of these are apocalyptic -- they prophesy cataclysmic events and the end of the world. In this literature one can see the development of the idea of an evil spirit, but even in the apocalyptic literature the Devil does not become entirely evil in his origin and essence. Many of the books from this period reflect the misery of the Jewish people under the oppression of Syria and Rome. Their writings deal with visions of the end of the world, the world being in the power of the Devil, and the Messiah conquering the Devil and bringing a new era of justice. The Book of Enoch is seen by many as one of the earliest and most important accounts of the mishaps of the Heavenly Court (of angels). It also describes the rebellion of the angel Satanail, and his being hurled from heaven (2 Enoch, ch. 29, long MSS only). Some scholars take this to mean that the amalgamation of Satan and Lucifer goes back to the first century. A redating of 2 Enoch, however, puts it later than the third century, perhaps even in the seventh. For this reason others suggest that Origen (Exhort. 18) was probably the inventor of the identification of Lucifer with Satan (Satan: The Early Christian Tradition, Jeffrey Burton Russell, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1991, p. 130 & fn). The Life of Adam and Eve (Vita), a Jewish scripture that scholars date between 200 BC and 200 AD, relates that Satan tells Adam and Eve that his fall from heaven is the result of his refusal to worship Adam, the image of God. A similar account is also found in the Koran (S 2:34). These legends reflect a theme close to the primordial "pride" that led to the so-called fall of Satan.

Since the Old Testament does not connect pride or the Fall with Satan, the Devil, or the Adversary, the only scriptural "support" for this notion is the misinterpretation of the fall of Lucifer (the king of Babylon), and certain passages in the New Testament. But the New Testament does not give any clear information on the fall of Satan through pride either. One place where Lucifer is connected with pride is in Milton's Paradise Lost. He "applied the name to the demon of sinful pride" ("Lucifer," A Dictionary of Angels, Gustav Davidson, The Free Press, New York, 1967).

It appears that the whole story of Lucifer as Satan, the fallen rebellious angel, is based entirely on non-canonical sources: the so-called Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha. There are also many pre-Christian myths and allegories that include stories about Lucifer, which is the Latin name for the Greek Eosphoros. In his Theogony Hesiod speaks of two divine beings, the brothers Eosphoros (the morning star) and Hesperos (the evening star). They are the children of Astraios (the starry heaven) and Eos (the dawn). The morning star, like the Virgin of the Sea, is one of the titles given to Divine Mother goddesses such as the Roman Venus, the Phoenician Astarte, the Jewish Ashtoreth, and the later Christian Holy Virgin. In the oldest Zoroastrian allegories, Mithra is supposed to have conquered the planet Venus. In the Christian tradition, Michael defeats Lucifer.

The planet Venus is the lightbringer, the first radiant beam that does away with the darkness of night. It is a symbol of the development of the divine light in man, for the first awakening of self-consciousness, for independent thinking and the real application of free will. It means the bringing of the light of compassionate understanding to the human mind. In this broader view the connection of the morning star with Jesus makes good sense, because compassion is the essence of Jesus' teaching. This teaching shows the greatest consensus throughout the New Testament: it is mentioned in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Romans, Galatians, 1 Thessalonians, Hebrews, 1 John, James, and 1 Peter. The best known reference is in Matthew (22:37-40):

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets"
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- 21:29 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

06.11.2005., nedjelja

Patron Deity

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osobno smatram da je jako vazno uspostaviti "blizak odnos" sa nekim kozmickim entitetom, zbog zastite, vece efektinosti spellova itd..biranje tog entiteta nije (kao nista u zivotu..pih..) jednostavno. Ja cu ovdje konkretno pricati o uspostavljnju odnosa sa bozanstvom-dok je nekima lakse raditi sa duhovnim vodicima andelim i sl.--anyway princip je isti.
Kod biranja patron deity-a je vazno prvo znati sto zelite dobiti i izgraditi tim odnosom. AZnaci bozanstvo birate po vlastitom nahodenju i potrebi..Ako ste njezni, zelite svijetu vise mira i blagostanja birat cete bozanstvo kao npr. Tara ili Kuan-Yin, ako ste bliski prirodi i zelite jos produbiti tu vezu birate nekog kao Kerninnos, Druantia ili Rhiannon, a ako ste mali destruktivci mozete se spojiti s nekim od arkdemona (imam br.telefona od nekih) *lol*. Uglavno nadam se da ste shvatili. Ako vam je tesko odredit sto zelite, kako, zasto etc. mozete se posluziti nekim drugim indikatorima; provjerite je li neko bozanstvo slavljeno na vas datum rodenja ili u mjesecu rodenja, mozete se potpomoci natalnom kartom ili istrazite svoju osobnost i odaberite bozanstvo najslicnije vama..
-kad ste napokon pronasli bozanstvo ili entitet koji vam odgovara.. pametno je istraziti sto se tom bozanstvu "svida" tj. sto ih privlaci [npr.miris (hecate-patchouli),simbol (thorov cekic), zivotinje (bast-macka,artemis-srna)], kako bi vam za vrijeme rituala(prizivanja) bili sto lakse dostupni za uspostavljanje kontakta.. i na kraju krajeva--ako se ikad odlucite za Hosting..ucinite to sa bozanstvom koje vam je najblize.. al o Hostingu--neki drugi dan..
-Ac Aisna!
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- 17:34 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

01.11.2005., utorak


aradia La Bella Pelegrina (The Beautiful Pilgrim)

Aradia de Toscano was born August 13, 1313 in Volterra, Italy.
Her mother was the Goddess Diana. Some refer to her father as Apollo, Lucifer, Dianus, or deny her father all together . She lived with the peasant slaves who had escaped into the hills and forests near Nemi, Italy. She taught the Old Religion and preached freedom .

Her fame spread to the Church and she was arrested for heresy and placed in prison. There she was tortured and sentenced to death. On the day the priests were to meet with her she was not found in her cell. She was later seen teaching the Old Religion to her people again. When later trapped by soldiers and priests, knowing there was no escape, she said, "I rebuke you, and I cast you out from the people because you teach punishment and shame to those who would free themselves from the slavery and the Church. These symbols and apparel of authority which you bear serve only to hide the nakedness in which we are all equal. You say that you serve your God, but you serve only your own fears and restrictions."

She was arrested for heresy and treason. Again she was sentenced to death, and again she escaped. She returned to her followers and picked several upon whom to bestow her final teachings. She taught the Ages of past, Age of the Mother and Age of the Father. The current Age was the Age of the Son to be followed by the Age of the Daughter. Lastly she gave her people the Covenant of Aradia. From Italy it is believed she traveled East, since persecution of witches had begun in the West.

The persecution of witches did not occur in Italy until the mid to late 1300's. This is later than the rest of Europe. It was documented in 1508 by Bernardo Rategno, an Italian Inquisitor, that an increase of the "witches sects" begun approximately in 1350. This would correspond with the time Aradia would have been in Italy teaching the Old Religion.

---inace ovo mi je jedna od zanimljivijih povijesno/mitskih osoba...nikad Aradijino postojanje nije dokazano..al nije bad..jer ionako to nije bitno..
p.s. sorry za copy/paste..nije mi se pisalo...
- 10:27 - Komentari (9) - Isprintaj - #

All Hallows Eve

ah...ritual za Samhain je proso fantasticno..ne sijecam se zadnji put kada sam osjecao toliko dobro,
cista energija koja pali krv--al da ja tu ne svrsavam---idemo dalje:)
..jos nesto..jucer je cijel coven popio otrov za vrijeme rituala..i nikom nije bilo apsolutno nista..
Don't you just love magick?
...i evo nasssss....
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Svim jos jednom sve mrak za Samhain posebno Incubusu i Amaris..
- 10:19 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

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bits corner

"I am locked within the Ebony Tower of my Soul..
where is your love,the garden of Magic-where
I Sleep safe?!"
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"Mor e arroun"
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"Free to Fly,save the nail in my Wing,
Free to act,but there is no will,
Labeled insane by maddened minds,
Finally at the beginning, free
to make my journey's end!"
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"We Love not with our Eyes, but
The Sight in our Hearts.."
-Hierophant of Gaia
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"Come away o human child!
To the waters and the wild
With a faery, hand in hand
For the world's more full of weeping
than you can understand.."
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"Faith had me believing in one such as you
A vision in white,possesed of an angelic face
Even the faithless crave the kiss of
the face which has eyes only for Heaven
The living monument of love with an unbeating

Beyond the wicked flesh, torn assunder
by my primal cry, for your body of stars.
Always one step apart from my longing touch,
curse my body, damned be my form of clay,
for you are water and I cannot touch!

Avert your eyes & heart towards my burning blood
but what cares ice for fire?
How I wish to melt you with my hellish touch...
What must be done to make an angel mine?
Curse your wing, your form of clouds
For you are air and I cannot touch!

To kiss your distant face I must die,
lie in your bed of lilies and let go.
Catch me as I fall into the night
quench my fear and seal it with a kiss.
Curse all else, damned be their forms of clay,
For we are stardust, and at last with
love in death's embrace..We can touch..."

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"Breath deep and fill
your lungs with stars;
pray to the summer rain,
hope it will erase your scars.."
-Lady of Arcadia
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"...all alone, in a disshelved life,
lies my broken heart.
I tread now on the roads of insanity,
abandoned by the soundness of mind..
I hear not my voice,but the distant whisper
of past mistakes..
I remember nothing, except the
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Words o' the Wise

"The only existing things are atoms and empty space-all else is mere opinion!"
-Democritus of Abdera
"The course of true love never did run smooth!"
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