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by ugL! d3Sign3S

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nema opisa =P


Naj rukometašica i obožavateljica Ronaldinha, baš je cool!
Martina - moja sekica...promijenila je adresu...dobra je ona...
Ivana, jedna od rijetkih normalnih cura iz 8.b raz...zakon cura...
Ivan - fora tip iz raz, voli pepperse i green day, rukač, nogač itd...fora! =)
Petra - jedna cool frendica iz skole

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Evo vam riječi meni nekoliko dragih pjesama...cool

partycoolEvanescence - Bring Me To Life

how can you see into my eyes like open doors
leading you down into my core
where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
until you find it there and lead it back home

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

now that I know what I’m without
you can't just leave me
breathe into me and make me real
bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

Bring me to life
(I've been living a lie, there's nothing inside)
Bring me to life

frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead

all this time I can't believe I couldn't see
kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
got to open my eyes to everything
without a thought without a voice without a soul
don't let me die here
there must be something more
bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
before I come undone
(Save me)
save me from the nothing I’ve become

(Bring me to life)
I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside
(Bring me to life)

(Ova je zakoncoolthumbup)
EVANESCENCE - Call Me When You're Sober

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

Should I let you fall?
Lose it all?
So maybe you can remember yourself.
Can't keep believing,
We're only deceiving ourselves .
And I'm sick of the lie,
And you're too late.

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

Couldn't take the blame.
Sick with shame.
Must be exhausting to lose your own game.
Selfishly hated,
No wonder you're jaded.
You can't play the victim this time,
And you're too late.

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

You never call me when you're sober.
You only want it cause it's over,
It's over.

How could I have burned paradise?
How could I - you were never mine.

So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind...

Drowning Pool - Bodiesthumbupnjami

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the ...

One... Two... Three... Four...

Beaten why for? (why for?)
Can't take much more...

(Here we go! Here we go! Here we go! Now!)

One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me
One - Something's got to give
Two - Something's got to give
Three - Something's got to give

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Push me again (again)
This is the end

(Here we go! Here we go! Here we go! Now!)

One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me
One - Something's got to give
Two - Something's got to give
Three - Something's got to give

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor

Skin against skin, blood and bone
You're all by yourself but you're not alone
You wanted in
Now you're here
Driven by hate, consumed by fear

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor!

One - Nothing wrong with me
Two - Nothing wrong with me
Three - Nothing wrong with me
Four - Nothing wrong with me
One - Something's got to give
Two - Something's got to give
Three - Something's got to give

Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor


nedjelja, 11.11.2007.

i' ll kill myself

pozdraf svima vama ogorčenim posjetiteljima(i onim malo manje ogorčenim, kaj nebute rekli da se radi o diskriminaciji =)), kojima je škola i ovak i onak već pola živaca pojela (jednog po jednog, vrlo polako i s užitkom) i kojima vam onda još i internet šteka pa vam smajliće neće učitati ni post objaviti (ili pospremiti)! kak sam to lijepo sročila... uglavnom, prvo vam se želim svima ispričati jer me nije bilo stvarno dugo, zatim vam želim propćiti da nisam ja kriva (mislim da nema smisla pisati da mi internet šteka, jer vas nemam za budale pa ste valjda već to skužili) i onda vam reći da vam nemam puno za pisati (u biti imam, al mi se neda a i strah me da bu mi pa komp zaštekal) i da se moram hvatiti knjigice jer mi ni to više nejde onak kak bi trebalo i kak se od mene očekuje. i to sam lepo sročila... no nemojte misliti da sam hvalisava :P...mogla bih vam i još reći da sam se ošišala i malo promijenila stil (i friske i obleke), al mislim da neke od vas to baš i ne zanima...al za one koje zanima(uf, ti su rijetki, al nesmemo ih zbog toga diskriminirati, razmete me?) možda denem koju slikicu il nešt... i još bih vam mogla reći (puno ja toga morem) da sam i dobila novi mobač, s kojim sam vrlo zadovoljna jer mi je bash fora (govorim o samsungu D900i, dobra je to roba)...i možda bih vam još mogla i objasniti naslov....hmmm...da vidimo...paaa...malo me škola j... i neki određeni pojedinci mi idu na k.... al nemojte se bojati, ne mislim se killnuti (niste vi te sreće, wahaha) još, ili bar ne zbog tih određenih pojedinaca...i tako to...sad bih mogla pogledati kaj bu od te slike pa i to probati srediti al nisam bash sigurna jer mi komp i netač već stvarno šepaju pa..neznam...izgleda ništ od toga... no uglavnom, to bi vam dragi moji bilo to od mene, sad kad završim ovo, krećem u junački pohod u svima nama vrlo drage zapaprene kemijske labirinte zvane 'formule', pa bolje da vas pozdravim i to... mogla bih vam (i budem, evo) poslati jednu pusu... evo šaljem...pa odoh ja i do čitanja....pozdraf!

- 16:31 - kOmeNtaRi.....just =(...(1) komentara- pRiNtAi xD - oSwJeŽi =)

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