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Općenita razmišljanja o životu i svijetu iz pera(tipkovnice?) moje malenkosti. Pišem o sebi i drugima koji su ustvari dosadni pa neću na njih trošiti prostor. So there.

Koliko vas je dosad bilo

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Pantera - This Love

If ever words were spoken
Painful and untrue
I said I loved but I lied
In my life
All I wanted
Was the keeping
Of someone like you
As it turns out
Deeper within me
Love was twisted and pointed at you

Never ending pain, quickly ending life --

You keep this love, thing, love, child, love, toy
You keep this love, fist, love, scar, love, break
You keep this love

I'd been the tempting one
Stole her from herself
This gift in pain
Her pain was life
And sometimes I feel so sorry
I regret this the hurting of you
But you make me so unhappy
I'd take my life and leave love with you

I'd kill myself for you, I'd kill you for myself --


No more head trips


Aishwarya Rai

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Keira Knightley

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Naomi Watts

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Zooey Deschanel

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utorak, 30.05.2006.

I opet

Moram još jednom s ovog bloga, ne mogu si pomoći.
Za moj "normalan" post se strpite još malo, moram još na konceptu poraditi. Mislim da će biti dobar, naime o prevoditeljskim nebulozama.
Zasad, uživajte u ovome.


Proces trošenja ogromnih količina novaca, vremena i energije s ciljem boljeg upoznavanja nekoga tko vam se trenutno ne sviđa naročito, a u budućnosti će vam se vjerojatno sviđati još manje, a sve radi seksa.

Laka žena
Termin koji se upotrebljava za opisivanje žene s moralnim vrijednostima muškarca.

Osoba suprotnog spola s nekom očitom fizičkom manom zbog koje je seks s tom osobom nezanimljiv, što naravno čini tu osobu pogodnom za razgovor i zajedničko opijanje.

Osjećaj. Najčešće ga žene osjećaju prema muškarcima, koji to onda interpretiraju kao "ma samo se pravi važna, a zapravo želi da se namučim dok ne dođem do nje".

Termin koji muškarci koriste kako bi opisali ženu koja želi seks češće od njih.

Stanje u kojem se nemoguće zaljubiti.

Iritantna navika
Ono u što se pretvori nečija simpatična navika koja se na početku veze opisuje kao "kemija".

Čin povezivanja napaljenosti s nekom određenom osobom.

Ljubav na prvi pogled
Upoznavanje dvoje jako napaljenih ljudi koji nisu naročito izbirljivi

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srijeda, 24.05.2006.

Malo o ženama i muškarcima

Ovaj post je preuzet odavde. Ovaj blog mi se čini kao nešto veoma simpatično, ali na jedan pomalo šovinistički način. Uživajte.
PS: Niže navedeni stavovi ne moraju se (svi) slagati sa stavovima autora ovog bloga.


Gospođama, gospodičnama, damama, suprugama, djevojkama, zaručnicama i svim drugim ženama:

1. Ako mislis da si predebela, tada vjerojatno i jesi! Ne pitaj me nista o tome, ne želim odgovoriti na to pitanje.

2. Kada želis nesto, dovoljno je da to i zatražiš. Da pojasnimo jednu stvar: Mi smo JEDNOSTAVNI! Mi ne razumijemo nikakva suptilna i indirektna pitanja! On jednostavno ne funkcioniraju kod nas! Čak ni ona suptilna i indirektna pitanja, koja bi svakoj ženi trebala biti jasna!

3. Kada postavis neko pitanje, na koje u biti i ne očekujes odgovor, nemoj se čuditi kada dobiješ odgovor koji nisi htjela čuti!

4. Mi smo JEDNOSTAVNI! Kada te zamolim da mi dodaš kruh, mislim upravo to - da mi dodaš kruh! Time ti ne predbacujem sto kruh nije na stolu. Kod nas nema nekih skrivenih poruka niti predbacivanja. Mi smo stvarno JEDNOSTAVNI!

5. Mi smo JEDNOSTAVNI! Nema nikakvog smisla da me pitaš na šta upravo mislim! 96,5 posto vremena muškarci misle na sex! Ne, mi nismo opsjednuti, to je jednostavno jedna stvar, koja nam pričinjava najveću radost!

6. Mi smo JEDNOSTAVNI! Ponekad ne mislim samo na tebe. To nije nista strašno. Molim te da se navikneš na to. Zato te molim da me ne pitaš na što mislim, ako nisi spremna razgovarati o politici, ekonomiji, filozofiji, nogometu, alkoholu, sisama, guzicama ili autima.

7. Petak/subota/nedjelja = puno žderati = prijatelji = nogomet na televiziji = pivo = losi maniri. To ti je kao puni mjesec ili plima i oseka - jednostavno neizbježno!

8. Kupovina mi ne pričinjava nikakvo zadovoljstvo i nikad, bas nikad neće!

9. Kad idemo negdje van, što god da imas na sebi super ti stoji. Kunem se!

10. Imas dovoljno odjeće i obuće. Plač je ucjena! Da sam sebe dovedem do financijske propasti nije nikakav dokaz moje ljubavi prema tebi!

11. Većina muskaraca ima 3 para cipela. Ponavljam: mi smo JEDNOSTAVNI! Ne znam odakle ti ideja da ja mogu znati koji ti od tvojih 30 pari cipela najbolje stoji.

12. Jednostavno odgovori poput da ili ne su potpuno dovoljni kod svakog pitanja!

13. Kada imas problem, zamoli me samo da ti pomognem riješiti ga. Ne ocekuj isto sažaljenje koje inače dobivaš od svojih prijateljica.

14. Glavobolja koja traje 8 tjedana nije glavobolja! Idi doktoru!

15. Kada kazem nešto što se moze dvojako tumaciti i jedno od tumačenja te uznemirava, budi sigurna da mislim ono drugo!

16. Svi muškarci vide samo 16 boja! Trula visnja je voće, a ne boja!

17. Mi volimo pivo kao sto vi volite ručne torbice. Vi nas ne razumijete; ne razumijemo ni mi vas!

18. Kada te pitam što ti je, a ti kazes da nije ništa, vjerovat ću ti i ponašati se kao da ništa nije bilo!

19. Nemoj me pitati da li mi se sviđaš! Kada ne bi bilo tako, ja ne bih više bio tu gdje jesam!

20. I na kraju osnovno pravilo: U slucaju najmanje nedoumice, dileme ili sumnje, o cemu god se radilo, uzmi uvijek ono najjeftinije ili najjednostavnije!!!

Dio Drugi, ili Kako shvatiti žene

Ako naporno radiš, nikad "nemaš vremena za nju".
Ako nista ne radiš, onda si "bezvrijedna ljenčina i bitanga".

Ako ona ima dosadan posao i malu plaću, onda je to "iskorištavanje".
Ako ti imaš dosadan posao i malu plaću, onda "bi trebao mrdnuti guzicu i potraziti bolji".

Ako dobiješ unapređenje prije nje, onda je to "favoriziranje muškaraca".
Ako ona dobije unapređenje prije tebe, onda ste imali "podjednaku šansu".

Ako kazes da lijepo izgleda, onda je to "seksualno uznemiravanje".
Ako nista ne kazeš, onda je to "muška ravnodušnost".

Ako plačeš, onda si "slabić".
Ako ne plačeš, onda si "neosjetljivi gad".

Ako je udariš, to je "zlostavljanje žene".
Ako ona udari tebe, to je "samoobrana".

Ako nešto odlučiš bez nje, onda si "šovinist".
Ako ona nešto odluči bez tebe, onda je ona "slobodna žena".

Ako je zamolis da napravi nešto što joj se ne sviđa, onda je to "muška dominacija i iživljavanje''.
Ako ona zamoli tebe za takvo nešto, onda je to "usluga".

Ako ti se sviđa žensko seksi donje rublje, onda si "perverznjak".
Ako ti se ne sviđa žensko seksi donje rublje, onda si "peder".

Ako voliš da žena brije noge i da se održava u formi, onda si "seksist".
Ako to ne voliš, onda "nisi romantičan".

Ako se ti trudiš ostati u formi, onda si "umišljen".
Ako se ne trudiš, onda si "prostak".

Ako joj kupiš cvijeće, onda "traziš nešto".
Ako joj ne kupiš cvijeće, onda si "bezobziran".

Ako si ponosan na ono što si postigao, onda si "narcisoidan".
Ako nisi, onda si "neambiciozan".

Ako ona ima glavobolju, onda je "umorna".
Ako ti imaš glavobolju, onda je "više ne voliš".

Ako često zelis seks, onda si "prepotentan", ili u najmanju ruku luđak!
Ako ne, onda "je sigurno neka druga u pitanju".

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utorak, 23.05.2006.


Dakle, sad malo samoreklame:

Nas troje, točnije nicoll, saiyan i ja smo odlučili pokrenuti jedan blog posvećen ISKLJUČIVO anime umjetnosti.
Da pojasnim, to je jedan blog na kojem ćete moći pronaći sve što ste ikad htjeli znati o animi. A i ponešto što niste.
Zapravo više ovog drugog.
Da skratim, blog je TU i na listi linkova pa svratite ponekad, nabacite koji pametni komentar, itd. I općenito budite impresionirani količinom truda koju smo uložili.

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ponedjeljak, 22.05.2006.

The Misfits, Dig Up Her Bones

Anything is what she is
Anywhere is where she's from
Anything is what she'll be
Anything as long as it's mine

And the door it opens is the way back in
Or is it the way back out?

Anyplace is where she'll be
Anyplace, she'll see you from
Lies and secrets become your world
Anytime, anywhere she takes me away

And death climbs up the steps one by one
To give you the rose that's been burnt by her son

Point me to the sky above
I can't get there on my own
Walk me to the graveyard
Dig up her bones

I have seen the demon's face
I have heard of her death place
I fall down on my knees in praise of the
Horrible things that took her away

And death climbs up the steps one by one
To give you the rose that's been burnt by her son

Point me to the sky above
I can't get there on my own
Walk me to the graveyard
Dig up her bones

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subota, 20.05.2006.

Elfen Lied (anime)

Pogledao sam još jedan anime serijal, već peti ili šesti u mojoj kratkoj karijeri obožavatelja.
NE računam Pokemone, i ostale "mone". Nije da sam je to gledao...rolleyes

Dakle, bijahu tu Trigun, The Vision Of Escaflowne, X, Hellsing, malo Kenshina, i hrpa filmova.
I konačno ovaj serijal, Elfen Lied. Ima samo 13+1 epizodu tako da nije baš predug. ALI!
Ovaj anime nije za one slabog želuca niti one koji to žele postati.
Da pojsnim, ima više krvi nego u najkrvavijem filmu kojeg se možete sjetiti, više latentnog lezbijstva nego u romanima Jane Austen i filmskim adaptacijama istih, sakaćenja, mučenja, itd.
Priča je isto zakon, sve se uglavnom vrti oko Lucy, cure koja ima 2 roga na glavi i neke posebne moći i kao takva je savršena za vladina istraživanja. Serija počinje njenim bijegom iz supertajnevladineustanove. Kasnije su još brojne peripetije koje ne želim sad otkrivati da ne pokvarim ostalima gledanje. Ali ima dosta obrata i baš je zakon. Plus, svo to komadanje ljudi pomaže.


Bijeg iz supertajnevladineustanove:
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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

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Latentno lezbijstvo:
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petak, 19.05.2006.


Eduard Mörike

Bei Nacht im Dorf der Wächter rief: Elfe!
Ein ganz kleines Elfchen im Walde schlief
wohl um die Elfe!
Und meint, es rief ihm aus dem Tal
bei seinem Namen die Nachtigall,
oder Silpelit hätt' ihm gerufen.
Reibt sich der Elf' die Augen aus,
begibt sich vor sein Schneckenhaus
und ist als wie ein trunken Mann,
sein Schläflein war nicht voll getan,
und humpelt also tippe tapp
durch's Haselholz in's Tal hinab,
schlupft an der Mauer hin so dicht,
da sitzt der Glühwurm Licht an Licht.
Was sind das helle Fensterlein?
Da drin wird eine Hochzeit sein:
die Kleinen sitzen bei'm Mahle,
und treiben's in dem Saale.
Da guck' ich wohl ein wenig 'nein!«
Pfui, stößt den Kopf an harten Stein!
Elfe, gelt, du hast genug?
At night in the village the watchman cried "Eleven!"
A very small elf was asleep in the wood -
just at eleven! -
And he thinks that the nightingale
must have called him by name from the valley,
or Silpelit might have sent for him.
So the elf rubs his eyes,
comes out of his snail-shell house,
and is like a drunken man,
his nap was not finished;
and he hobbles down, tip tap,
through the hazel wood into the valley,
slips right up to the wall;
there sits the glow-worm, light on light.
"What are those bright windows?
There must be a wedding inside;
the little people are sitting at the feast,
and fooling around in the ballroom.
So I'll just take a peep in!"
Shame! he hits his head on hard stone!
Well, elf, had enough, have you?
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Danas nemam ništa drugo za pisati pa evo ovo.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

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četvrtak, 18.05.2006.

The Da Vinci Code

Film je OK. Ono, nije neko Oscar-worthy masterpiece niti ništa slično. Jednostavna razbibriga za subotnje popodne. Ako i toliko.
Oni koji će u flimu tražiti neko dublje značenje, ili šta ti ja znam šta sve ne, možda će se malo razočarati. Nema tu niti rušenja crkve niti ničega, već jednostavno sagledavanje poznatih "činjenica" na "nov" način.

A oni koji štuju Dana Browna kao novog mesiju, GET A LIFE!


Nabijem vas!

Pozdrav kolegi koji nikad neće niti čitati to nedjelo niti gledati filmić.

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The Incident, Pt. 2

Slipknot - Vermillion, Pt. 2

She seemed dressed in all of me, stretched across my shame.
All the torment and the pain
Leaked through and covered me
I'd do anything to have her to myself
Just to have her for myself
Now I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do when she makes me sad.

She is everything to me
The unrequited dream
A song that no one sings
The unattainable, She's a myth that I have to believe in
All I need to make it real is one more reason
I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do when she makes me sad.

But I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me

A catch in my throat, choke
Torn into pieces
I won't, NO!
I don't wanna be this...

But I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me
I won't let this build up inside of me

She isn't real
I can't make her real
She isn't real
I can't make her real

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Dakle, nedavne događaje sam mislio ignorirati, ali kako SVI nešto imaju za reći onda ću i ja.
Iako ne znam kako početi a da ne uvrijedim nikoga. Zato ipak mislim da ću šutjeti/ništa ne pisati o TOME dok se sve ne sredi. Znači za kojih 10-ak godina.
Iako mislim da mi kojih se to ništa ne tiče TOME pridajemo malo previše važnosti.

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ponedjeljak, 15.05.2006.

Nešto lijepo

Iako ne znam kaj da pišem. Ništa lijepo mi se baš i ne događa. Osim...
Ali to baš i nije toliko lijepo. Uostalom koga ikoga zanimaju moji specifični problemi.
Mene isto sve manje, što je ipak malo čudno. Ali ja sam sav nekako čudan u zadnje vrijeme, zar ne? Možda, ne znam. Iako mi se čini da postajem pravi gad. No, sve je OK dok me ljudi toleriraju. Zbilja bih se trebao malo smirit. Možda čak i počet učit za te proklete ispite...
Ovo je trebala biti sretna struja svijesti. Ma jebi ga, uopće me nije briga.
Takav mi je život, sjeban i sav nikakav pa su mi takvi i postovi.
Ma samo zanemarite sve.

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petak, 12.05.2006.

Nema naslova, zbog nicoll

Part the First
Malo amaterske glazbene kritike:
Ako nekome nešto smeta neka se žali Upravi Vodovoda.
Dakle, Pearl Jam je izdao novi, istoimeni album. To im je prvi od, valjda, 2002.
Sada, riječima jednog laika (čitaj: ne slušam ih baš previše), album je ZBILJA odličan, osobito najavni singl, "Worldwide Suicide". Toplo preporučam svima, a ne samo njima.

Part the Second
In other news, za oko tjedan dana dolazi filmčina godine/stoljeća/itd. Dakako, riječ je o "The da Vinci Code" (baš me zanima prijevod naslova - varijanta: Davinčijeva koda). Inače, nisam neki fan knjževnog predloška. Više mi se sviđa ono pokradeno djelo, "Sveta Krv, Sveti Gral". I veoma sam sumnjičav prema filmu. Ali Hollywoodska je mašinerija rekla svoje i sad imamo film koji ruši katoličku crkvu kao takvu.
Dakle, scenarij događaja u narednih par tjedana: masovne pobune vjernika, kamenovanje Vatikana, pape, itd, Dan Brown biva postavljen za Velikog Vođu Nove Religije - Brownizma. Sve ostale vjere se preventivno raspadaju kako poštovani gospodin ne bi ukrao, pardon, napisao nešto i o njima. Poput recimo, da je Muhamed zapravo bio zadrti feminist a Buda samo jako napušen. A o Josephu Smithu da ni ne pričamo.
Za godinu dana svi svjetski resursi se ulažu u snimanje Brownove biografije u trajanju od 42 sata, naravno u režiji Rona Howarda. Film dobiva sve Oscare u svim kategorijama kao jedini nominiran, budući da su svi ostali filmovi jednostavno prekratki i tematski neozbiljni, čak i Gibsonov novi film: "The Passion of Mad Max".
Za 3 godine ljudi postižu kolektivno stanje sreće i evoluiraju na sljedeću razinu razvoja ljudske vrste: Homo Brownis.

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utorak, 09.05.2006.


What is happiness? One could say that is a state when one is not burdened with problems or difficult issues.
Is there more than one happiness? Maybe.
Some find happiness in love, some in materialism, some in friends.
But which one is the right kind?
Everyone should decide that on their own.
As for me:
I do not care much for material things so I cannot find happiness there.

Love is the one thing I wish I had more of. But, you've gotta play with the cards you have. So I'm not happy at all in this "area".
Heart Eyes

Friends...It's been kinda hard to talk about this for some time now. But, things are looking up. But this hasn't been the same. I appreciate all the people around me, but I miss some who are no longer here.
Big Hug

I have never been truly happy...

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The Marx Brothers

Antonio Pirelli: You know what I say. Whenever you got business trouble the best thing to do is to get a lawyer. Then you got more trouble, but at least you got a lawyer.
Peerless Pauline: I've waited so long to find someone like you.
J. Cheever Loophole: Oh, someone *like* me, I'm not good enough for you, eh?
J. Cheever Loophole: I bet your father spent the first year of your life throwing rocks at the stork.
J. Cheever Loophole: I don't know what I'm doing here, when I could be at home in bed with a hot toddy. That's a drink!

The Marx Brothers, At the Circus (1939)

Capt. Spaulding: [to Mrs. Rittenhouse and Mrs. Whitehead] Let's get married.
Mrs. Whitehead: All of us?
Capt. Spaulding: All of us.
Mrs. Whitehead: Why, that's bigamy.
Capt. Spaulding: Yes, and it's big of me too.
Mrs. Rittenhouse: Captain, this leaves me speechless.
Capt. Spaulding: Well, see that you remain that way.
Capt. Spaulding: Africa is God's country, and he can have it.
Capt. Spaulding: One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas, I don't know.
Capt. Spaulding: You are going Uruguay, and I'm going my way.
Capt. Spaulding: Signor Ravelli's first selection will be "Somewhere My Love Lies Sleeping" with a male chorus.
Capt. Spaulding: Well, art is art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west, and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce, they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now, uh... Now you tell me what you know.
[Dictating a letter]
Capt. Spaulding: Gentlemen... question mark.
Capt. Spaulding: You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, which doesn't say much for you.
Capt. Spaulding: Have you met Conductor Hennessey?
Inspector Hennessey: Inspector.
Capt. Spaulding: *You* inspect her.
[Ravelli is playing the piano]
Capt. Spaulding: When you come near a song, let me know.
Capt. Spaulding: Pardon me while I have a strange interlude.
Capt. Spaulding: I'm sick of these conventional marriages. One woman and one man was good enough for your grandmother, but who wants to marry your grandmother? Nobody, not even your grandfather.
[to Mrs. Rittenhouse and Mrs. Whitehead]
Capt. Spaulding: You know, you two girls have everything. You're tall and short and slim and stout and blonde and brunette. And that's just the kind of a girl I crave.
Capt. Spaulding: Why, you've got beauty, charm, money! You *have* got money, haven't you? Because if you haven't, we can quit right now.
Capt. Spaulding: How happy I could be with either of these two if both of them just went away.

The Marx Brothers, Animal Crackers (1930)

Rufus T. Firefly: I got a good mind to join a club and beat you over the head with it.
Rufus T. Firefly: Awfully decent of you to drop in today. Do you realize our army is facing disastrous defeat? What do you intend to do about it?
Chicolini: I've done it already.
Rufus T. Firefly: You've done what?
Chicolini: I've changed to the other side.
Rufus T. Firefly: So you're on the other side, eh? Well, what are you doing over here?
Chicolini: Well, the food is better over here.
Rufus T. Firefly: You're a brave man. Go and break through the lines. And remember, while you're out there risking your life and limb through shot and shell, we'll be in be in here thinking what a sucker you are.
Rufus T. Firefly: Not that I care, but where is your husband?
Mrs. Teasdale: Why, he's dead.
Rufus T. Firefly: I bet he's just using that as an excuse.
Mrs. Teasdale: I was with him to the very end.
Rufus T. Firefly: No wonder he passed away.
Mrs. Teasdale: I held him in my arms and kissed him.
Rufus T. Firefly: Oh, I see, then it was murder. Will you marry me? Did he leave you any money? Answer the second question first.
Rufus T. Firefly: Remember, you're fighting for this woman's honour, which is probably more than she ever did.
[answering the phone in Firefly's office]
Chicolini: Hello? No, not yet. All right, I tell him. Good-a-bye.
[He hangs up]
Chicolini: That was for you again.
Rufus T. Firefly: I wonder whatever became of me? I should have been back here a long time ago.
Rufus T. Firefly: Well, that covers a lot of ground. Say, you cover a lot of ground yourself. You better beat it - I hear they're going to tear you down and put up an office building where you're standing. You can leave in a taxi. If you can't get a taxi, you can leave in a huff. If that's too soon, you can leave in a minute and a huff. You know, you haven't stopped talking since I came here? You must have been vaccinated with a phonograph needle.
Mrs. Teasdale: Notables from every country are gathered here in your honor. This is a gala day for you.
Rufus T. Firefly: Well, a gal a day is enough for me. I don't think I could handle any more.
Mrs. Teasdale: As chairman of the reception committee, I welcome you with open arms.
Rufus T. Firefly: Is that so? How late do you stay open?
Rufus T. Firefly: Just for that, you don't get the job I was going to give you.
Chicolini: What job?
Rufus T. Firefly: Secretary of War.
Chicolini: All right, I take it.
Rufus T. Firefly: Sold.
Rufus T. Firefly: Don't look now, but there's one man too many in this room, and I think it's you.
Rufus T. Firefly: I could dance with you until the cows come home. On second thought, I'd rather dance with the cows till you come home.
Rufus T. Firefly: [into radio] This is Rufus T. Firefly coming to you through the courtesy of the enemy. We're in a mess folks, we're in a mess. Rush to Freedonia! Three men and one woman are trapped in a building! Send help at once! If you can't send help, send two more women!
[Pinky enters and raises three fingers]
Rufus T. Firefly: Make that three more women!
[reporting on shadowing Firefly]
Chicolini: Monday we watch-a Firefly's house, but he no come he wasn't home. Tuesday we go to the ball game, but he fool us: he no show up. Wednesday HE go to the ball game, but we fool HIM, WE no show up. Thursday it was a double-header nobody show up. Friday it rained all day, there was no ball game, so we stayed home, we listen to it over the radio.
Rufus T. Firefly: I'm in a hurry! To the House of Representatives! Ride like fury! If you run out of gas, get ethyl. If Ethel runs out, get Mabel! Now step on it!
Ambassador Trentino: Have you been trailing Firefly?
Chicolini: Have we been trailing Firefly? Why, my partner, he's got a nose just like a bloodhound.
Ambassador Trentino: Oh really?
Chicolini: Yeah, and the rest of his face don't look so good either.
Chicolini: Well, you remember you gave us a picture of this man and said, 'Follow him?'
Ambassador Trentino: Oh, yes.
Chicolini: Well, we get on-a the job right away and in the one hour - even-a less than one hour...
Ambassador Trentino: Yes?
Chicolini: We lose-a the picture. That's-a pretty quick work, eh?
Mrs. Teasdale: As chairwoman of the reception committee, I extend the wishes of every man, woman, and child of Freedonia.
Rufus T. Firefly: Never mind that stuff.
[He takes out a deck of cards]
Rufus T. Firefly: Take a card.
Mrs. Teasdale: [as she takes one] Card? What will I do with the card?
Rufus T. Firefly: You can keep it. I've got fifty-one left. Now what were you saying?
Rufus T. Firefly: [to Trentino] Now, how about lending this country twenty million dollars, you old skinflint?
Ambassador Trentino: Twenty million dollars is a lot of money. I'd have to take that up with my Minister of Finance.
Rufus T. Firefly: Well, in the meantime, could you let me have twelve dollars until payday?
Ambassador Trentino: Twelve dollars?
Rufus T. Firefly: Don't be scared, you'll get it back. I'll give you my personal note for ninety days. If it isn't paid by then, you can... keep the note.
Rufus T. Firefly: Go, and never darken my towels again!
Chicolini: Mister you no understand. Look, he's a spy and I'm a spy, he work-a for me. I want him to find out-a something, but he no find out what I wanna find out. Now how am I gonna find out what I wanna find out if he no find out what I gotta find out?
Lemonade Vendor: I'll teach you to kick me!
Chicolini: You don't have to teach me, I know how!
[He kicks him]
Rufus T. Firefly: Now that you're Secretary of War, what kind of an army do you think we ought to have?
Chicolini: Well, I tell you what I think, I think we should have a standing army.
Rufus T. Firefly: Why should we have a standing army?
Chicolini: Because then we save money on chairs.
Bob Roland: This letter's the work of Trentino. The man is trying to undermine you. Now what are you going to do about it?
Rufus T. Firefly: I've got a good mind to ring his doorbell and run.
Rufus T. Firefly: [locked in a bathroom] Let me out of here! Hey, let me out of here or throw me a magazine!
First Judge: That sort of testimony we can eliminate.
Chicolini: Atsa fine. I'll take some.
First Judge: You'll take what?
Chicolini: Eliminate. A nice, cold glass eliminate.
Prosecutor: Chicolini, when were you born?
Chicolini: I don't-a remember. I was just a little baby.
Mrs. Teasdale: Your Excellency, I thought you'd left!
Chicolini: Oh no, I no leave.
Mrs. Teasdale: But I saw you with my own eyes!
Chicolini: Well, who you gonna believe, me or your own eyes?
Vera Marcal: If you're found, you're lost!
Chicolini: Oh, you crazy. How can I be lost if I'm found?

The Marx Brothers, Duck Soup (1933)

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subota, 06.05.2006.

Još malo o ničemu

I opet me bolio zub...
Ali sad na desnoj strani...
I opet isto: "zubarica" mi je probušila rupu u zubu i ostavila tako, valjda da se malo prozrači.
Ako ništa drugo, barem ću imati osmijeh kao ON.
Imam ispit u ponedjeljak.
Ne znam kako će pa to završit...
Ma nije ni bitno, nije toliko težak, iako je uvjet.
Ne znam imamo li na Filozofskom uopće uvjete, mi nebolonjci.
Ali niti to mi nije važno.
Yawn. Idem opet učit.
Prokleta sociologija.

PS: Još jednom isprika avdotji, zna ona zašto.

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ponedjeljak, 01.05.2006.

Fortune teller

Dakle, baš kao što sam i predvidio. Mala stoka od mojih rođaka me uspjela naživcirat preko svake mjere. Gadovi mali, hope they fry in hell. I nisam ništa učio. Naravno. Glavno da sam ovaj prokleti blog sređivao 2 sata danas! Me sooo mad...
Ali, sve je prošlo, sretan sam (dobro, SRETNIJI) i spreman za nove radne uspjehe.
Prokletinja od faksa, zašto mora nastava biti od ponedjeljka do petka? Umjesto recimo da je nema? Ah, questions, questions.
Dobra vijest za mene, ne nužno i za ostale je da sam skinuo sa neta OVO:

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Da, to JESU Sin City graphic novels. Mine, all mine! My precious!
smijeh cool thumbup
(sounds of extremly evil laughter)

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