28.02.2005., ponedjeljak

* intervju sa shardijom *

hm...vec sam vam u jednom navratu prichao o malome shardiju koji je velik covjek u dushi. ipak,to je bilo previshe uopcheno,ali dovoljno da nekog privuche.barem se nadam:) danas sam s njim razgovarao uzhivo da i vi cujete njegovu spiku iz prve ruke. ivan je rodjen 10.8.1988 u cakovcu. danas pohadja 2.razred ekonomske skole,smjer hotelijer. pa krenimo...

JA: shardi,kolko dugo svirash gitaru?

ON: prije nego ti velim nest o gitari,rekel bi da sam prije sviral klavir.no, gitara me privukla vishe jer kod klavira, po mojem misljenju, nije bilo dosta mjesta za izrazavanje emocija.bash je to bilo presudno i to je ono prvenstveno kaj je prevagnulo u toj odluci.tak da sad oko 2 godine sviram gitaru i nisht drugo:)

JA: di si pochel uchiti svirati gitaru?

ON: gitaru i dan danas sviram u glazbenoj skoli SUITA, a mentor mi je branimir novak koji mi je jako puno pomogel u mom napredku.

JA: je li gitara tvoja buduchnost?

ON: gitara je u biti moj san. nadam se da je ona moja buduchnost i da budem uz pomoc nje zaradjival i stical postovanje i reputaciju.

JA: kam poslije srednje skole?

ON: hm..pa vrlo bi rado otputoval u boston na berklee, kaj predstavlja medju nama muzicharima dobru muzichku akademiju. nashel bi neki stan i uchil songwriting,editing i naravno sviranje gitare.vrlo bi rado da i moja cura,melanija,bude sa mnom.

JA: koji su ti omiljeni gitaristi ili bolje recheno,uzori?

ON: dosta preferiram steve ray vaughna i hendrixa,ali svakako ima tu mjesta i za satrianija. u posljednje vrijeme dosta radim na njemu. jednostavno su osebujnog stila punog osjecaja i izrazhaja, a ne samo pretjerivanja kaj se tich brzine.

JA: kaj ti u zivotu najavishe znachi?

ON: ukratko,zivot mi je satkan od moje obitelji, moje cure, frendova i gitare...

JA: i na kraju,koja je tvoja poruka buduchim narashtajima?

ON: vjezbajte zivot i zivite ga. nemojte dozvoliti da cakovec ostane rupa. let the rock live forever!

...nadam se da je ivan zavrshio ovaj intervju u velikom stilu,kako to rockeri znaju hehe. jos jedanput sam vam prikazao shardija,sa svojim manama i vrlinama u uvjerenju da ne forsiram ovog decka jer on daje sve od sebe...

- 20:54 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

* ...opet u skoli... *

imam osjecaj da ponekad ne mogu.ovak sam blesav i jos svaki dan postajem blesaviji jer idem u tu mutavu gimnaziju,pa mi se chini da jos vishe zatupljujem. jedva cekam odmore da odem van iz razreda i da budem s ljudima s kojima mogu razgovarati.mozda me oni sve ove 4 godine drze na zivotu u gimnaziji. cast iznimkama. bezveze sam se budio da idem u skolu,kad ono, nemamo prvi sat.sva srecha kaje alexandra naishla. ravno u hrast,sjedamo,pijuckamo chaj i blabla...onda 2 sata hrvatskog,2 sata engleskog, pa tzk i likovni.uvijek jedno te ista pricha. danas mi se cinilo ok na hrvatskome.radili smo bertolda brechta i covjek ima zanimljiv pogled na svijet. smijem se zaplakanom, placem se nasmijanom. mir je pusta zbrka,tek rat stvara red. dvije brechtove misli koje po meni govore o danasnjem svijetu. rijec je svakako o izopacenom pogledu ljudi na svijet,te o gubitku nachela. mozda je u biti ovo sada vec normalan svijet na kugli zemaljskoj samo sto ja to ne shvacam...
- 13:36 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

27.02.2005., nedjelja

*when a man loves a woman...*

da...kad muskarac voli zhenu. josh i danas slushamo ustaljene stereotipe prema kojima su decki svinje bez osjechaja,a cure neshto vishe od nas uz odredjenu dozu profinjenosti.e,pa u mojem sluchaju bash i nije tako bilo. jednom davno,kad sam imao 16 godina, zatelebao sam se u jednu curu bez ikakvog razloga. volio sam ju i cijenio vishe no ikoga do sad, a poznao sam ju bolje od samoga sebe. danas tesko da ostvarimo koji normalni razgovor bez da se ne posvadjamo, najcesce iz nekog banalnog razloga, a i uvijek je neshto u zraku sto nije vjerojatno rijesheno nakon godinu dana hodanja. mislim da ste svi chuli tezu prema kojoj u vezi jedno voli vishe od drugog.kod mene je upravo takav slucaj postojao. i dok jedno vishe voli, drugo ipak nekako pokushava izmigoljiti kriomice iz te strashne ljubavi prepune strasti,smijeha,ali i neugodnih situacija i svadja. danas ju i volim i mrzim. jagger bi rekao : " you are not the only one with mixed emotions ". fala na rijecima utjehe mick. izgleda da je ta cura ostavila velik utisak,bolje recheno,pechat na mom srcu,dushi i umu.ipak,kako bi mali shardi rekao, nakon kishe dolazi sunce. sad sam mirnija,zrelija i opreznija osoba. svaka pricha bi trebala zavrshiti sa hepi endom. no,pitam se sto dolazi nakon hepi enda. mislim da imam uzor u ljubavi. rijec je o mojim roditeljima koji me iz dana u dan razuvjeravaju da u vezi jedno voli vishe od drugog. valjda za svakog covjeka postoji nada da i on bude sretan u ljubavi do kraja zhivota...:)
- 12:47 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

26.02.2005., subota

*..to su oni kaj se deru..*

kad sam bio mali,tata mi je rekao...
ne,ne,ne...kad sam bio mali, stari mi je pushtao glazbu tipa doorsa, pink floyda, cepelina, marleyja, hendrixa, joplinice,dylana etc. nije mi bilo jasno kaj to svira, ali mi se dopadalo, pa sam znao reci starome da mi jos jednom pusti ili bi ga ispitival tko je to i kaj on svira uopce. kazu da djeca jako dobro pamte, pa je jednako tak i meni nesht ostalo f glavi. sa nekih 11 godina sam ushao u vode grungea, preslusavajuchi nezaobilaznu nirvanu, pearl jam i soundgarden, divechi se vadderovom i cornellovom dubokom glasu. polako sam otkrivao i metal, nailazivshi tako na deftonese, panteru, metallicu, a kasnije i na amon amarth, in flamese, tool i razne bendove koji se vech otprilike 5 godina vrte kod mene danonochno, bilo da ih slusham na kompu,na liniji ili u skoli. s time je doshlo do izgradnje identiteta i jacanja svojeg ega, te do oblachenja koje se razlikuje od drugih. nije to nesht rigorozno,ali alternativa jesam.drago mi je kaj imam podosta frendova koji slushaju istu muziku, pa nema beda.ljudi obichno govore da su metalci, dripci i bedaki koji piju i tereju flashe po parku. eh,oni slushaju onu muziku kaj se nekvi tip sam dere i nisht ga se ne kuzhi i sam nabijaju po tim gitarama. neki sminkichi vide chopca s dugom kosom i odma ga komentiraju.da,takav je svijet onih koji znaju vrijednost pravih textova:) i glazbe koja je u doba nashih starci bila komercijala. danas je obrnuta situacija.mnogi zaziru od alternativne glazbe jer ju povezuju sa sotonizmom i valjda misle da smo vechinom antikristi koji samo lijenchare i muzu pare od roditelja.bash je u tome fora.mnogi od nas imamo dosta jasne poglede na svijet i ljudi,medju kojima se krechem vecinu vremena,su inteligentni i sa dobrim smislom za humor. istini za volju, ima i onih koji nam kvare ugled radechi veche pizdarije, ali mora i takvih biti zbog ravnotezhe hehe:) da se razumijemo,nemam nisht vs.shminkera,repera ili kojih god drugih, ali ne volim dok neko sere i iznosi lazne chinjenice. i josh nesht,fala starome kaj mi je pushtal tu muziku od malena.ne znam di bi danas bil...:)
- 17:11 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

* tko je veche dijete na ovoj slici * :)))

pa komentirajte...
- 15:40 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

*iskomplexirani ludjak s vizijom*

oduvijek sam se pitao od kuda tolika moch jednom covjeku da zavede tolike mase ljudi od 7 do 77 godina. kad sam bio malen,adolf hitler je za mene predstavljao samo striceka sa smjesnim brcicima i jos smjesnijom frizuricom,ali sam znao da je bio, jest i da ce biti, jedan od mnogih simbola zla. kako sam usao u pubertet i poceo intenzivnije razmisljati o raznim stvarima, citao sam sve vise o rezimima usko vezanim za vrijeme oko i tijekom II.svj.rata. "on" je uvijek bio nekako prisutan u svemu. danas imam hrpu knjiga o njemu i nacizmu, preslushao sam par puta "parsifala" richarda wagnera, proucio povijest svetog grala i koplja kojim su kristu bila probodena rebra,a opce je poznato da je hitler bio blesav za tim kopljem, isto sam tako pogledao pregrst filmova o strahotama koje je cinio zajedno sa svojim slijepim sljedbenicima poput himlera, goeringa, goebelsa, hessa, moengelea, eichmana i drugih, ali jos ni dan danas ne shvacam od kuda mu tolika zelja za podjarmljivanjem kompletnog svijeta samo zbog svoje vizije o nadmoci njemackog roda. neki govore da njegova moc uvjeravanja i okupljanja masa ljudi, lezi u proucavanju i koketiranju s crnom magijom jos iz ranih dana mladosti. nekad je svastika bila simbol sreche, danas je sinonim za zlo (sanskrtski su asti = "on je sretan"). bog thor se vecinom spominje uz fuehrera kao bog rata, iako to on i jest. osobno mislim da je ovaj monstrum bio iskomplexirani sadist iz mnogih razloga. nekad tih i povucen zagovornik I.svj.rata, uskoro je postao vodja nacista i radio mnoge stvari prema vlastitoj knjizi " mein kampf " u kojoj je iznio pregrst planova u 2 toma. i dok se njemacka srami svoje povijesti, nekolicina samoprozvanih skinheada i neonacista hoda po cakovcu i ostalim gradovima u hrvatskoj, crtajuci kukaste krizeve gdje god stignu. izgleda da su decki slabo upoznati sa posljedicama hitlerovog rezima kada ne znaju da je imao plan pobiti 10 milijuna slavena, 10 miljuna slavena poslati preko urala, a 10 milijuna slavena je trebalo raditi dok valjda ne bi umrli. neki danasnji neonacisti istichu da nije toliko zidova pobijeno, te da imaju dokaze za to. neznam od kuda. mozda su ti mladici upoznati samo sa snagom i disciplinom njemackog wermachta i efikasnoscu blitzkriega, a dalje od toga im ne sezhe zelja za znanjem. koliko je nevinih ljudi ubijeno zbog nacizma i zelje za prociscavanjem od nepozeljnih i oni koji su navodno zivjeli kao paraziti i usporavali gospodarstvo. nije postojala tvornica uz koju ne bi bio radnicki logor koji bi sav pogon i pokretao.

mnogi misle da su prvi logori nastali upravo u nacistiskoj njemackoj pa se ljudima po glavama vrte imena od auschwitza,dachaua pa sve do treblinke i buchenwalda. ako se dublje upustite u povijest logora, naici cete na zanimljiv podatak da su prvi logori nastali na prostoru jar-a gdje su potkraj 19.stoljeca vodjene bitke izmedju britanaca i nizozemaca, a isto tako, logora je bilo i na kubi tijekom borbe kubanaca za stjecanje neovisnosti sto im je kasnije i poslo za rukom uz pomoc josea martia. ako pomnije pratite bend system of a down, morat cete naici na neki text gdje spominju genocid turaka nad armencima s pocetka 20.stoljeca. upisite u googleovu trazilicu rijec gulag i doci cete do spoznaje o koncentracijskim logorima svojstvenih za staljina i njegov cccp. na prostoru hrvatske kroz II.svj.rat, otvarana su mnoga takva mjesta izrabljivanja i mucenja ljudi, medju koje ubrajamo danicu kod koprivnice, jasenovac kao najozloglaseniji logor na ovim prostorima, potom logore u djakovu,kerestincu, staroj gradishci, jadovno kod gospicha i one na pagu. koliko je samo ljudi poubijano za vrijeme domovinskog rata, a koliko na prostoru ruande. danas se provodi u darfuru u sudanu genocid, no ujedinjeni narodi ne rade nishta cime polako i gube ugled i utjecaj u svijetu. cinjenica je da sad ima guantanamo i da prakticki terorizira kompletan svijet svojom politikom expanzije na druga podrucja i iskoristavanja tih lokaliteta.sad primjerice ostvari svoj cijeli drzavni proracun na juznoj americi svake 4 godine iskoristavajuci prirodna bogatstva preko marionetskih vlada.
ni zidovi nisu samo martirske figure, vec i oni ratuju protiv palestinaca duzi niz godina sto je odavno postalo svakodnevnom vijesti na svim svjetskim tv-mrezama,a bivaju naoruzani od strane amerikanaca. ipak, prica o mladoj i glupoj naciji, koja ponosno istiche americki san, je neshto sasvim drugo. na kraju se nadam da sam iznio iscrpan pregled jednog dijela povijesti covjecanstva koji se ne smije olako shvacati. jedna stvar povlaci drugu, kao i u ovom postu. istina je da i ja imam " mein kampf " na policima medju ostalim knjigama, no to ne znaci da sam pobornik nacizma. uzmite knjige u ruke i educirajte se! konacni zakljucak je: " NIKAD VISHE ! "

- 14:26 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

25.02.2005., petak

*dolgolasec koji osvaja svojim rifovima gitare*

maleni drug kojeg mnogi znaju kao ivan shardi je nista drugo doli najtalentiraniji glazbenik na balkanu od dzonija stulicha kaj se mene tiche.zasto tolike rijeci hvale? dizem ga u nebesa jerbo svira iz dushe,poput hendrixa.aaah:) curice vrishte za njime, no on je vjeran jednoj. svira posvugdje.uskoro cemo ga cuti u klompi i u goc-u,a nadam se da bu prek ljeta puno dobre svirke. shardi,sam tak dalje jer imas potencijala,a chupu vec imas hehe...
- 22:12 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

*tejk van drek*- najperspektivniji bend za 2005. godinu

dvojica kontroverznih mladica poodmaklih godina, pale i zare medjimurjem, svojim projektom "tejk van drek". naime, konj i machek, ponukani story super novom su uvidjeli kako je glazba unosan posao,te su uz svijest o svojem talentu,odlucili krenuti u estradne vode. album prvijenac,sa poznatim hitovima poput "ti si mali drekec", "down again" i "father", je najprodavaniji nosac zvukova na prostoru zaladske i medjimurske zupanije u ovom trenutku. radi se o izmet-metalu,koji su navedeni izvodjaci, promovirali kroz zadnjih par dana. zagrabite i vi,u ove hladne dane, u drek i budite dio buducnosti metala...
- 20:34 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

*pocetak filozofije*

nismo prelijepe unikatne pahuljice snijega, vec organska tvar koja se radja da mi umrla. svaki dan se budim da budem stariji. i onda jedan shvatis da je iza tebe 17 godina i da nisi cuo startni pucanj, pa stoga nisi znao kad da potrcis. sve je jedna velika psiholoska drama u kojoj se izmjenjuju komedije i tragedije. sunce je relativno jednako, ali si stariji. kraci si za dah, korak blize smrti. lazem, bojim se.znam da me, kao i sve druge, cekaju u posjecenom vrtu uz njezan zvuk saxofona i zamamne melodije satrianijeve gitare, dok druga celjust ne otkrije incest. svijet je potreba za moci. visoka ocekivanja, prosjecna dobit. bilo bi nam dosadno u zivotu da se ne susrecemo sa banalnim stvarima...otvaras prozor za savrsen dan, prizor iz holivudskih filmova gdjr sreca ide u valovima, prasina prekriva sva pitanja. postoje rijeci da se njima laze, postoji nada da jos jednom nesto kazes. hej,bejbi,pa ja te VOLIM. lako se naljutiti na nekog, ali na pravu osobu u pravo vrijeme,na pravom mjestu iz pravog razloga je, pogadjas, tesko. profesorice breka,oprostite sto iznosim svoja nacela u zadacnici uz pokoju recenicu u 1.licu mnozine. drustvo mijenja oblik i stavove,pa se smatra da je stoga liberalnije i tolerantnije. no,gdje je konacna granica? ljudi ne bi treali razdvajati smrt i zivot,ljubav i mrznju.isti su.mozda je to razlog zasto su ljudi toliko izgubljeni. ucio sam o brzini svjetlosti,ali kolika je brzina mraka? obecaju ti da ce te povesti kraj ruza,smeca, grimizne svjetlosti prema tuznom misteriju. ostao si sam.valjda ovo nije neki hir ili pjesma.ja sam sretan sto budeci se iz dana u dan nekamo pripadam...

Wild horses

Childhood living is easy to do
The things you wanted I bought them for you
Graceless lady you know who I am
You know I can't let you slide through my hands
Wild horses couldn't drag me away
Wild, wild horses, couldn't drag me away
I watched you suffer a dull aching pain
Now you decided to show me the same
No sweeping exits or offstage lines
Could make me feel bitter or treat you unkind
Wild horses couldn't drag me away
Wild, wild horses, couldn't drag me away
I know I dreamed you a sin and a lie
I have my freedom but I don't have much time
Faith has been broken, tears must be cried
Let's do some living after we die
Wild horses couldn't drag me away
Wild, wild horses, we'll ride them some day
Wild horses couldn't drag me away
Wild, wild horses, we'll ride them some day...  

- 15:35 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

  veljaèa, 2005 >
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I will light the match this mornin’, so I won’t be alone
Watch as she lies silent, for soon night will be gone
Oh, I will stand arms outstretched, pretend I’m free to roam
Oh, I will make my way, through, one more day in hell...
How much difference does it make
How much difference does it make, yeah...

I will hold the candle till it burns up my arm
Oh, I’ll keep takin’ punches until their will grows tired
Oh, I will stare the sun down until my eyes go blind hey,
I won’t change direction, and I won’t change my mind
How much difference does it make
Mmm, how much difference does it make...how much difference...

I’ll swallow poison, until I grow immune
I will scream my lungs out till it fills this room
How much difference (2x)
How much difference does it make


I see the world, feel the chill
Which way to go, windowsill
I see the world’s on a rocking horse of time
I see the verse in the rain

Oh, dear dad, can you see me now
I am myself, like you somehow
I’ll ride the wave where it takes me
I’ll hold the pain...
Release me...

Oh, dear dad, can you see me now
I am myself, like you somehow
I’ll wait up in the dark for you to speak to me
I’ll open up...
Release me...
Release me (3x)


Vacate is the word...vengeance has no place so near to her
Cannot find the comfort in this world
Artificial tear...vessel stabbed...next up, volunteers
Vulnerable, wisdom can’t adhere...

A truant finds home...and I wish to hold on...
But there’s a trapdoor in the sun...immortality...

As privileged as a whore...victims in demand for public show
Swept out through the cracks beneath the door
Holier than thou, how?
Surrendered...executed anyhow
Scrawl dissolved, cigar box on the floor...
A truant finds home...and I wish to hold on, too...
But saw the trapdoor in the sun...

I cannot stop the thought...I’m running in the dark...
Coming up a which way sign...all good truants must decide...
Oh, stripped and sold, mom...auctioned forearm...
And whiskers in the sink...
Truants move on...cannot stay long
Some die just to live... ohh...

Catherine Bell

Elena Santarelli

Charlize Theron

Elisabeta Canalis

Petra Nemcova


1. You saved my life
2. Starry night
3. What breaks a heart
4. Until we say goodbye
5. Crying
6. Thinking of you
7. Baroque
8. Sleep walk
9. Flying in a blue dream
10. Saying goodbye


1. Born of a broken man
2. Guerilla radio
3. Sleep now in the fire
4. Vietnow
5. Renegades of funk
6. Ashes in the fall
7. Maria
8. Bombtrack
9. Kick out he James
10. Maggie's farm


1. Hollow
2. Cemetary gates
3. Domination
4. Walk
5. Yesterday don't mean shit
6. I'm broken
7. Becoming
8. Revolution is my name
9. Planet caravan
10. Strength beyond strength


1. You lied
2. Opiate
3. Jerk-off
4. Schism
5. Third eye
6. Sober
7. Parabola
8. Prison sex
9. Patient
10. Grudge


1. Scar Tissue
2. I could have lied
3. Soul to squeeze
4. Tear jerker
5. Californication
6. Search & destroy
7. Higher ground
8. Knock me down
9. Under the bridge
10. Suck my kiss

Baader-Meinhof Gang

Depending on how one looks at it, the Baader-Meinhof Gang came into existence on 2 April 1968, when Andreas Baader and his girlfriend, Gudrun Ensslin, firebombed Frankfurt's Kaufhaus Schneider department store, or it came into being two years later when the famed left-wing journalist Ulrike Meinhof helped to break Baader out of prison custody in Berlin, on 14 May 1970. The name Baader-Meinhof Gang certainly didn't come into usage until, of course, after Meinhof helped Baader escape from custody and the German press was looking for a suitable moniker to attach to the group. The group never used the term to describe themselves (they called themselves the Red Army Faction). Liberals and moderates would never call them a "Gang" (bande), but were instead careful to refer to them as a "Group" (gruppe). Conservative Germans were equally careful to do the exact opposite. Neither group, however, was referring to the group as they themselves preferred to be named.
The second irony of the term "Baader-Meinhof" is that it implied a reality within the group that did not exist. Baader was unquestioningly the leader of the group, but his girlfriend Ensslin was more of a co-leader than Meinhof ever was. And Baader and Meinhof were certainly never lovers.
Depending on how one looks at it, The Baader-Meinhof Gang ceased to exist in May and June of 1972, when Baader, Meinhof, Ensslin, Jan-Carl Raspe, and Holger Meins (the five core members of the group) were captured, or it ceased to exist early in the morning of November 18, 1977, when Baader, Ensslin, and Raspe committed suicide in prison (Meinhof had committed suicide the previous year and Meins had died from a hunger strike in 1974). Their own name for their urban terrorist organization, the Red Army Faction, continued to be used by the successive generations of terrorists that continued the cause after the original leaders were captured.

Andreas Baader

Andreas Baader was one of the two namesakes of the Baader-Meinhof Gang. A juvenile delinquent, Baader was drawn towards the leftist student movement because of the excitement, and the potential for violence. He was convicted of the 1968 arson bombing of a Frankfurt department store, along with his girlfriend Gudrun Ensslin. He escaped from police custody in May 1970 with the help of famous journalist Ulrike Meinhof, giving birth to the so-called "Baader-Meinhof Gang."
Baader spent the next two years on the run, robbing banks, and bombing buildings. He was captured, along with fellow gang members Jan-Carl Raspe and Holger Meins in a spectacular Frankfurt shootout on 1 June, 1972.
Baader spent the next four years in prison, being tried and convicted of many counts, including murder, in the longest and most expensive trial in German history.
Depending on whom you believe, Baader was either murdered or committed suicide in his prison cell early in the morning of 18 October, 1977, on "Death Night."

Ulrike Meinhof

Ulrike Meinhof's parents both died early, leaving Ulrike and her sister Weinke in the care of Renate Riemack, a friend of their mother's. Riemack was a devoted socialist, and a profound influence on Meinhof.
Meinhof married Klaus Rainer Röhl, publisher of the left-wing student newspaper, konkret. After a few years Meinhof became konkret's editor. Röhl and Meinhof have twin girls, Bettina and Regine, on 21 September, 1962.
Meinhof drifted away from Röhl, and towards the radical fringe of the student movement. She left her husband in the late sixties. On 14 May, 1970, she participated in the freeing of Andreas Baader, giving birth to the so-called "Baader-Meinhof Gang." Though partially named after her, Meinhof was not, as is often assumed, the co-leader of the gang (Baader, along with his girlfriend Gudrun Ensslin, led the group, with Meinhof, Jan-Carl Raspe, and others comprising a second tier of leadership). She spent the next two years on the run, robbing banks and bombing buildings, before being captured on 15 June, 1972.
While in prison over the next four years, Meinhof grew increasingly depressed as the other gang members ostracize her. She hung herself in her cell on 9 May, 1976 (though some have questioned this official explanation and instead suspect that she was murdered by the state)

Gudrun Ensslin

Contrary to what many people think, Gudrun Ensslin, not Ulrike Meinhof, was the real female leader of the Baader-Meinhof Gang. Gudrun was a politically active student in the 1960s. She participated in the seminal 2 June 1967 Berlin protest where a young pacifist named Benno Ohnesorg was killed. After the protest she went to the local SDS office and screamed hysterically: "This fascist state means to kill us all! Violence is the only way to answer violence!"
The next year Ensslin and her new boyfriend Andreas Baader attempted to burn down two Frankfurt am Main department stores. After serving a year in jail, Ensslin and Baader, and their two co-defendants Horst Söhnlein and Thorwald Proll were released temporarily pending an appeal. When the appeal failed, Ensslin, Baader and Proll escaped to France as fugitives. Later they agreed to become part of the lawyer Horst Mahler's new urban guerrilla group. Baader was arrested soon thereafter and Ensslin convinces her friend Ulrike Meinhof to be part of a plan to break him out of jail in May of 1970.
Ensslin was captured on 7 June 1972 in Hamburg. She was tried and convicted in the longest and most expensive trial in German history. Depending on whom you believe, she either hung herself or was murdered early in the morning of 18 October 1977 in her prison cell in Stammheim Prison (Death Night).

Jan-Carl Raspe

Young Jan-Carl Raspe, living in East Berlin, found himself on the west side of the Berlin Wall when the East Germans raised on the night of 12 August 1961. He decided to stay in the west, living with relatives. In 1967 he helped found Kommune II, an experimental Berlin commune that actually pre-dated the wild and raucous Kommune I, but was named later.
Raspe was with the Baader-Meinhof Gang from the day's of Andreas Baader's escape from police custody in 1970. He was captured along with Baader and Holger Meins by police in a bloody Frankfurt shootout 1 July 1972.Raspe was tried with Ulrike Meinhof, Baader, and Gudrun Ensslin in a trial held on the grounds of Stuttgart's Stammheim prison. After the longest trial in German history, Raspe was convicted along with Baader and Ensslin (Meinhof committed suicide in 1976) of murder and other counts, and sentenced to life. Depending on whom you believe, Raspe either committed suicide or was murdered in prison early in the morning of 18 October 1977, on "Death Night."

Astrid Proll

Astrid Proll was the younger sister of Thorwald Proll, who participated in the April 1968 bombing of two Frankfurt department stores with Gudrun Ensslin, Andreas Baader, and Horst Söhnlein. Astrid Proll joined Ensslin and Baader soon after they became fugitives from the law in 1970 (her brother Thorwald was soon dumped from the burgeoning gang soon thereafter).
Proll was arrested in May of 1971 but escaped and fled to England. She was found in England in 1977 and extradited. Once back in Germany, charges against her stemming from her original arrest were dropped when it was learned that the state had withheld evidence that would have cleared her.

Hans-Jürgen Bäcker

Undercover name: "Harp." Hans-Jürgen Bäcker was with the Baader-Meinhof Gang from its first days before Andreas Baader was rescued from police custody in May 1970. He trained in Jordan with the other original core members of the group shortly after Baader's escape.
After a tipster led to the arrest of Horst Mahler, Brigitte Asdonk, Irene Goergens, and Ingrid Schubert on 8 October 1970, members of the gang began to suspect Bäcker of being a traitor. He left the gang soon thereafter.
Bäcker was arrested on 2 February 1971. In 1974 he was tried and acquitted of participating in the raid that rescued Baader.

Holger Meins

Holger Meins joined the Baader-Meinhof Gang early in 1971. A leftist Berlin film student, he was tired of being hassled by the police for his political views and wanted to take some direct action. He was to become one of the primary members of the group. Meins was arrested on 1 June 1972 along with Jan-Carl Raspe and Andreas Baader in a bloody Frankfurt shootout.
In prison the gang would call periodic hunger strikes. There was evidence that some of the leaders, such as Baader, faked their hunger strikes. But Meins clearly did not fake his. He died on 11 November 1974 from a hungerstrike. Over six feet tall, Meins weighed less than 100 pounds at death.

Horst Mahler

In many ways Horst Mahler can be considered the founder of the Baader-Meinhof Gang. A brilliant socialist lawyer and architect, Mahler began to look for ways to turn his Marxist theory into praxis. His idea was to create a band of Urban Guerillas who would help foment a Marxist revolution. Among his first recruits in the spring of 1970: a couple of fugitive arsonists, Gudrun Ensslin and her boyfriend Andreas Baader.As brilliant as Mahler was, he was prone to fouling things up occasionally. Once, when Baader was in custody but the police did not know his identity yet, Mahler called up the police station as asked for information about a "Herr Baader" that they had arrested the previous night. Needless to say there was little question as to Baader's identity after that.
Mahler participated, and possibly organized, the Baader-Meinhof trip to the Jordan training camp. Mahler was arrested along with Ingrid Schubert, Brigitte Asdonk, and Irene Goergens in October of 1970. In prison Mahler set to work on a manifesto for the group. When it is released, the other members of the group disavow it, and essentially kicked Mahler out of the group that he founded. Mahler was ultimately convicted of several charges.
In 1975 the Berlin mayoral candidate Peter Lorenz was kidnappers. The terrorists demanded the releases of several of their imprisoned comrades, including Mahler. Their demands were accepted but Mahler refused to go.
Mahler was released from prison early in the 1980's. His politics have completely reversed since the 1960s and 1970s, and now Mahler practices extremely conservative politics. He currently operates his own web site: http:www.horst-mahler.de/

Thorwald Proll

A friend of Andreas Baader's from the Berlin club scene, Proll joined Baader, his girlfriend Gudrun Ensslin, and another friend, Horst Söhnlein, in attempting to burn down two Frankfurt department stores in early May 1968. Technically therefore, Proll was not a member of the Baader-Meinhof Gang, but a fellow conspirator in two arson attempts that pre-date the main activities of the group.
After the for defendants were captured, tried, convicted of arson, and served 14 months of a three year sentence, they were released pending an appeal for amnesty. After the appeal fails, Proll joined Ensslin and Baader in escaping to Paris. Proll's younger sister, Astrid, joined up the the fugitives. Baader and the others quickly decided that Thorwald is not sufficiently dedicated to their life on the run, and dump him in Switzerland. He would later turn himself in to police and end his career as an arsonist.

Ingrid Schubert

A young Berlin doctor, Ingrid Schubert participated in the freeing of Andreas Baader from the Dahlem Institute for Social Research in May of 1970. Schubert was arrested in October of that year with Horst Mahler, Irene Goergens, and Brigitte Asdonk. She was later given 13 years in prison for her participation the Baader breakout.
In 1976 she was transferred to Stammheim prison, supposedly to comfort Gudrun Ensslin after the suicide of Ulrike Meinhof. After the Stammheim suicides of Ensslin, Baader, and Jan-Carl Raspe, Schubert was transferred to Munich's Stadelheim prison. Two weeks later, on 13 November 1977, Schubert committed suicide in prison.

Irene Goergens

Underground name: "Peggy." Irene Goergens was the illegitimate daughter of an American GI. She was a follower of Ulrike Meinhof, having met her while Meinhof was researching youth homes for her telefilm "Bambule."
Goergens was arrested in October of 1970 along with Horst Mahler, Brigitte Asdonk, and Ingrid Schubert. She was tried and found guilty in the fall of 1972 for her participation in the triple Berlin bank robbery a month before her arrest.

Monika Berberich

Berberich was a junior lawyer in Horst Mahler's Socialist Lawyers Collective. She joined up with the burgeoning Baader-Meinhof Gang when Andreas Baader was rescued from police custody in May 1970.
Berberich was arrested soon after the group returned from training in the Jordan desert. A 1995 interview for a BBC documentary called "States of Terror" revealed that Berberich has not changed her passion against the "fascism" of the German state.

Heinrich "Ali" Jansen

Ali Jansen joined the Baader-Meinhof Gang shortly after its return from training in the Jordan desert. He helped out in the "triple coup" Berlin bank raids in the fall of 1970.
Jansen was arrested on 23 December, 1970, along with Uli Scholze. During the arrest Jansen reaches for his concealed handgun and fires wildly. No one is hurt, but three years later Jansen is sentenced to 10 years in prison for attempted murder.
Katharina Hammerschmidt
Hammerschmidt was associated with the gang early. By late-1971 she grew tired of her illegal life and fled Germany, leaving the gang. In mid-1972 she returned to Germany and gave herself up to authorities. While in custody, she developed a brain tumor, and later died. Many accused the authorities of failing to give her proper medical care.

Petra Schelm

Petra Schelm, a Berlin hairdresser, traveled to the Jordan desert for guerrilla training after the freeing of Andreas Baader from police custody in May of 1970. Schelm had joined the group with her boyfriend Manfred Grashof.
Schelm was killed in a shoot-out with Hamburg police. Her death caused shockwaves throughout Germany as many Germans found themselves horrified at the death of the young "innocent" hairdresser. A national poll taken shortly after the death of Schelm revealed that as much as 20% of Germans felt some sympathy for their cause.