Too much is not enough

petak, 27.01.2006.

Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town

I seem to recognize your face.
Haunting familiar, yet I can't seem to place it.
Cannot find the candle of thought to light your name.
Lifetimes are catching up with me.
All these changes taking place.
I wish I'd seen the place but no one's ever taken me.

Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away. (x2)

I swear I recognize your breath.
Memories, like fingerprints, are slowly raising.
Me you wouldn't recall for I'm not my former.
It's hard when your stuck upon the shelf.
I changed by not changing at all.
Small town predicts my fate.
Perhaps that's what no one wants to see.
I just want to scream, "Hello."
My god its been so long. Never dreamed you'd return.
But now here you are and here I am.
Hearts and thoughts they fade away.

Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away. (x2)
Hearts and thoughts they fade away. Yeah.
Hearts and thoughts they fade, fade away. (x3)
Hearts and thoughts they fade...

Dedicated to Pearl Jam
- 10:22 - podjeli s nama (8) - ili nemoj - #

utorak, 24.01.2006.

whooo huuuuu

idem gledat koliko sam posjecen i...

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.... pa slika govori tisuchu rijechi
- 22:27 - podjeli s nama (1) - ili nemoj - #

srijeda, 18.01.2006.


When your stars are baked,
And your rivers fly,
Do you ever believe you were stuck in the, Sky,

When your castle breaks,
And your feet are dry,
Do you ever believe you were stuck in the, Sky,

Do you believe, when you're high,
That your life is tried,

Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't ever get stuck in the sky, when you're high,

When your moon is fake,
And your mermaids cry,
Do you ever believe you were stuck in the, Sky,

When your tunnel fades,
And your guide is shy,
Do you ever believe you were stuck in the, Sky,

Do you believe, when you're high,
That your life is tried,

Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't ever get stuck in the sky, when you're high,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't ever get stuck in the sky, when you're high~

Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't you ever get stuck in the sky,
Don't ever get stuck in the sky, when you're high
- 15:36 - podjeli s nama (3) - ili nemoj - #

ponedjeljak, 02.01.2006.

Prava cuga

Ovo je ljudi prava cuga ne nekakvi bambusichi ovo je ubojica djechjih lica i dr. dakle piti s probranom ekipom jer i nije previshe jeftino dakle ljudi predstavljam vam ABSINTHE (zelena vila ili zelena čarobnica)

Apsint je liker koji se proizvodi od anisa, pelina i šećera, a sadrži i do 72 posto alkohola. Navodno ga je prvi put pripravio dr. Pierre Ordinaire 1792., a svoj "lijek" nazvao je Artemisia Absinthium. Napitak ubrzo dobiva nadimak "La Fée Verte" ili "zelena vila", zbog svoje specifične boje. Ovaj lijek ubrzo postaje omiljeno piće, pogotovo među francuskim vojnicima u Sjevernoj Africi, koji su u apsint počeli dodavati anis da mu poprave okus. Apsint se pije na specifičan način.

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U visoku čašu ulije se malo apsinta, a zatim se na žlicu u kojoj je šećer lagano dolijeva ledena voda, koja mora polako kapati u čašu s apsintom. Svaka kap pretvara se u blještavobijelu pahuljicu u zelenom apsintu. Šećer služi ublažavanju gorčine pelina, a sama metoda pripremanja daje piću dodatnu čar. New Orleans Old Absinthe House bila je poznata po velikoj fontani iz koje je stalno kapala hladna voda u čaše s apsintom. Mnogi umjetnici i poznate osobe obožavali su apsint. Slikar Toulouse-Lautrec radio je poseban koktel, koji je nazvao "un tremblement de terre" (potres), a koji se sastojao od apsinta i konjaka. Umjesto vode, apsint se može miješati i s crnim ili bijelim vinom, a neki ga piju čistog. Oscar Wilde, jedan od uživalaca ovog neobičnog pića, jednom je napisao: "Prvi stupanj opijanja apsintom nije ništa posebno, u drugom vam se počinju priviđati čudovišne i okrutne stvari, ali ako izdržite, na kraju ćete doći do završnog stupnja i tada ćete vidjeti stvari koje želite vidjeti - prekrasne, neopisive stvari".

ABSINTHE je ZAKON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 15:18 - podjeli s nama (19) - ili nemoj - #

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