Too much is not enough

nedjelja, 19.02.2006.


Everyday is a new day
I'm thankful for every breath I take
I won't take it for granted ( I won't take it for granted)
So I learn from my mistakes
It's beyond my control sometimes it's best to let go,whatever happens in this lifetime
So I trust in love ( So I trust in love )
You have given me peace of mind

I, I feel so alive
For the very first time
I can't deny you
I feel so alive
I, I feel so alive ( so alive)
For the very first time( For the very first time)
And I think I can fly

Sunshine upon my face (Sunshine upon my face)
A new song for me to sing
Tell the world how I feel inside
Even though it might cost me everything
Now that I know this is beyond my control'cause I could never turn my back away
Now that I see you (Now that I see you)
I can never look away

I, I feel so alive
For the very first time
I can't deny youI feel so alive
I, I feel so alive ( so alive)
For the very first time (For the very first time)
And I think I can fly

Now that I know youI could never turn my back away
And now that I see youI could never look away
And now that I know youI could never turn my back away
And now that I see you
I believe no matter what they say

I, I feel so alive
For the very first time
I can't deny youI feel so alive
I, I feel so alive(so alive)
For the very first time(For the very first time)
And I think I can fly
I, I feel so alive (so alive)
For the very first time(For the very first time)
And I think I can fly
I, I feel so alive ( so alive)
For the very first time(For the very first time)
And I think I can fly
And I think I can fly
And I think I can fly
- 17:39 - podjeli s nama (1) - ili nemoj - #

četvrtak, 09.02.2006.

deklaracija o ratnom stanju

(ne)dragi narode

ratno stanje nas je opet zadesilo ovim postom na nagovor mog dragog sina kojega cu se uskoro odreci ako odluci da je pizda i nezeli djeliti bojisnicu i veliki rat koje su ZENE kao pripadnice slabijeg spola donijele MUSKARCIMA pripadnicima jaceg spola i time superiornie rase i nadalje veliki ratnici koje oslabuju dezerteri poput moga sina! dakle svi Muskarci (pravi muskarci ne pizde) pogotovo ovo pokvareno kamilicarsko smece (moj sin)(ima da se odazoves i da vec sutra vidim tragove tvoje machete i krv nashih neprijatelja na bojisnicu dakle tragove tvojih ruku djela inace cu ti stisnuti flisku za levo i desno uvo) su trazeni na bojisnici koja se vodi izmedju dvije lokacije kao generalni stozer zenskog roda i kao glavnog stozera muskog roda!

Zahvaljujem svim Pravim Muskarcima na njihovoj muki i hrabrosti

kao dodatak traze se dragovoljci koji ce skupljati predmete (uglavnom novac) za finaciranje ovoga 3.svjetskog rata minimalna svota je 845Hrvatskih novaca(kuna) za nabavku logisticke opreme tocnije hard diska od 200GB radi nedostatka prostora na vec postojecem.

moto nam je legendarna od Nickleback-a

Good Times Gone

Lost it on the chesterfield
Or maybe on a gamblin wheel
Lost it in a diamond mine
It's dark as hell and hard to find
You can climb to the top of the highest tree
You can look around, but you still won't see
What I'm lookin for

Where the good times gone?
Where the good times gone?
All the stupid fun
And all that shit we've done
Where the good times gone?
Well I still don't know

Out in the back in the old corn field
Underneath the tractor wheel
Thought I'd dig, til I'd found it first
Broke my back and died of thirst
You can bribe the devil, you can pray to God
You can sell off everything you got
And you still won't know

Where the good times gone?
Where the good times gone?
All the stupid fun
And all that shit we've done
Where the good times gone?
And you still don't know

Saw it on the silver screen
Preacher says,
- 23:36 - podjeli s nama (5) - ili nemoj - #

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