Heavy thoughts forcing their way out of me...

29.12.2005., četvrtak

I can't replace your screaming face

I'm sitting in my darkned room
Watching the only source of light
Vanquishing as fast as your life did...

There are no words that can
Express my state, my anger, and all
The hate running through my venes...

You've taken away everything I had,
Now you payed the price for making
Me mad...

My memmories take me back
A couple of hours ago,
To the thought of you lying on the floor...

All that blood around you, and you,
Fighting for every breath, begging for
Your life, watching my victorious face
And the bloody knife in my hand...

And I smile at the memmory of
Your last breath...

Still smiling I take the knife,
Wathing the blood shine under
The fading light of the candle...

And now, now you're gone and
Guess what, I don't give a damn...

All my paranoia and fear had gone
Along with your last scream, and
The memmory of your screaming face...

I put the knife down and go to bed,
Pleased with myself because I made
You pay for making me mad...

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