i opet ništa! ! !

Evo još jednog najobičnijeg i najdosadnijeg utorka! Od kad pišem blog čini mi se da mi život postaje dosadniji (nadam se da mi se samo čini). Maloprije sam se posvađala sa sekom i sad imam veliku ogrebotinu na ruci, a ona - NIŠTA! Jer, da sam ja nju pošteno lupila bila bi u kazni do kraja mjeseca, ako ne i godine! Opet sam se posvađala s frendicom Tomom.Ona je u zadnje vrijeme fakat poludela! ! ! Ljuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudi, help!!!! Evo malo viceva da se oraspoložim!

Sto maraka
Za vrijeme granatiranja u Sarajevu za vrijeme rata setali se Mujo i Haso gradom. Odjednom je pocelo granatiranje i
oni se sakrise u podrum odakle su vidjeli ulicu. Odjednom grnata pogodi IFOROV transporter i
IFOROVCI poginuse. Jednom od njih je iz dzepa virila neka novcanica i rece Mujo Hasi: "Ajde Haso, odi i izvadi
mu onih sto maraka iz dzepa". Ode Haso i vraca se sav bijesan psujuci i cijepajuci onu novcanicu. Mujo ga upita sta mu je a Haso odgovori: "Pa, pi*ka mu ma*erina lopovska, kako ga nije sram nosati falsifikate po gradu!" Pita ga Mujo "O kavim se falsfikatima radi, a Haso odgovori: "Gdje si vidio sto maraka sa tri nule!"

Pokazuje Mujo Hasi novu termosku i kaže:»Kad u nju staviš vrući čaj on ostane vruć, a kad staviš hladan sok on ostane cijelo vrijeme hladan»Haso: «I šta je tu čudno?» Mujo: «A kako termoska zna kad je ljeto a kad je zima?»
Kada žena od muža može stvoriti milijunaša?Samo onda kada je milijarder!

. . . evo još nečeg zanimljivog . . . hmmm... pisma.. i to dva... pročitajte!

Mojoj dragoj ...
Tijekom protekle godine pokušao sam sa tobom voditi ljubav 365 puta. Uspio sam 36 puta, što je u prosjeku jednom u 10 dana. Evo liste koja će ti pokazati zašto nisam uspjevao češće: 54 puta plahte nisu bili čiste, 17 puta je bilo suviše kasno, 49 puta si bila previše umorna, 20 puta ti je bilo previše toplo, 15 puta si se pretvarala da spavaš, 22 puta si imala glavobolju, 17 puta si se bojala da ne prob udimo djecu, 16 puta ti je liječnik zabranio seks, 12 puta ti je bio loš datum u mesecu, 19 puta si morala rano ustati, 9 puta si rekla da ti nije do seksa, 7 puta si izgorjela na suncu, 6 puta si do kasno gledala televiziju, 5 puta nisi htjela da pokvariš novu frizuru, 3 puta si rekla da će nas cuti susjedi, 9 puta si rekla da će nas ćuti tvoja majka! Od onih 36 puta kad smo uspjeli voditi ljubav, seks nije bio zadovoljavajući iz slijedecih razloga: a) 6 puta si lezala kao klada b)8 puta si me podsjetila na pukotinu na plafonu c) 4 puta si mi rekla da napokon završimo s tim d) 7 puta sam te morao probuditi da ti kazem da sam svršio e) jednom sam pomislio da sam te povrijedio pošto sam primjetio da se luđački treseš!

Mom dragom...
Mislim da si malo pobrkao stvari. Evo razloga zašto od mene nisi dobio više nego što jesi: a) 5 puta si dosao kući potpuno pijan i od mačke pomislio da sam ja b) 36 puta nisi uopće dosao kuci c) 21 put ti se nije dalo d) 33 puta si svršio previse brzo e)19 puta ti je kljoknuo prije seksa f) 38 puta si radio do kasno g) 10 puta si imao grčeve u nogama h) 29 puta si morao ranije otići na spavanje zbog sutrašnjeg nogometa i) 2 puta si se potukao i udarili su te bas u testise j)4 puta ti se zaglavio u rajferslusu k) 3 puta si bio prehlađen l) 2 puta si bio povređen na nogometu m) 20 puta si izgubio volju za seks zato sto si cijelog dana mislio na to n) 6 puta je tebe boljela glava o) 98 puta si bio zauzet gledanjem nogometa... A što se tiće onih 36 puta kad nam se seks dogodio, ali nisi bio previse zadovoljan, evo objašnjenja: Kao klada sam ležala onda kada si se bacio na krevet, a mene promašio, i počeo nasrtati na posteljinu. Nisam govorila o pukotini na plafonu, već sam te pitala da li više voliš biti odozdo ili odozgo. Kada sam se onako luđački tresla, bilo je to zato što si me toliko jako pritisnuo da sam se borila za zrak..p)...
Na kraju ovog simpatičnog teksta koji kruži internetom stoji poruka: Čim ga pročtate, morate ga proslijediti dalje, na sedam novih adresa. Ako to uradite, petog dana će vas neko pozvati i reći vam da vas voli. I jos piše da to nije šala, da ova igra traje od 1996.god. i da prekidanjem ovog lanca mozete upasti u nevolje u vašoj ljubavnoj vezi.
Evo jos nekih pravila: ako poruku pročitate u PONEDJELJAK, dobit ćete novac, ako je pročitate u UTORAK pred vama je ljubavni uspjeh, ako je pročitate u SRIJEDU očekuje vas poslovni uspjeh, ako je pročitate u ČETVRTAK ispunit će vam se sve želje, ako je procitate u PETAK imat cete jedan "vruć" susret, ako je pročitate u SUBOTU imat ćete važan telefonski poziv, a ako je pročitate u NEDJELJU idući tjedan vodit ćete dobar seks!
LJUDI ! ! ! o b a v e z n o k o m e n t i r a j t e ! ! ! kiss!

11.07.2006. u 11:17 | K | 8 | P | # | ^

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sam Iva, obožavam sve kaj i ostali ludi ljudi! hehe
najviše volim raditi sranja s frendovima kojih imam na sreći puno..

KATE- zakon ženska, ide s menom u razred a u duetu smo velike vražice (čuvajte nas se)

KiKA - super zena visokog stava, dobrog karate udarca i pravi priljepak za frajere a od svega najbolja frendica!

MARTINICA - dušica od djevojke, iste srece ko i ja...

JANJA- naša mala zaljubljena rukometašica...

MATEJA - god. starija, ali suuuuuuuuper cura, ima super seku...

MIMA - dobja cujica iz susjedstva koju znam vec jaaako dugo, vudrena za physik...

ANA-MARIJA - moja susjeda a i super frendica sa super bratom..

ANA-simpatična mala ženska puna razumjevanja i podnašanja dosadnih ljudi...

kisssek curke, zakon ste!!!

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Korn - a.d.i.d.a.s.

Oh I'm gonna see
Somehow it always seems,
that I'm dreaming of
Something I could never be
Doesn't matter to me,
cause I will always be the pimp
that I see in all
Of my fantasies

I don't know your fucking name,
so what let's ....

Screaming to be, the only way
that I can truly be free
From my fucked up reality
So I dream and stroke it harder,
cause it's so fun to see
My face staring back at me

I don't know your fucking name,
so what let's fuck

All Day I Dream About Sex
All Day I Dream About Fuckin'
All Day I Dream About Fuckin'
All Day I Dream About Sex, yes
All Day I Dream About Sex, and
All Day I Dream About Sex, yes
All Day I Dream About Sex, and
All Day I Dream About Sex, yes
All Day I Dream About Sex, and
All Day I Dream About Sex, yes
All Day I Dream About Sex
All Day I Dream About Sex
All Day I Dream About Fuckin'
All Day I Dream About Sex
All Day I Dream About Fuckin'

1. Tormentor of Christian Souls

I could drag you to my chambers
and strip you naked in darkness
I could pull your fingernails out one by one
and rape you till you find no hope

I could rip your guts out
and let you watch me sacrifice your unborn child
I could leave you to starve
and even bring you to total silence

Come on!

For I find no pleasure in your physical pain
I want your Christian soul to crumble

When I have seen your church go up in flames
and you are weeping I will laugh
When you mourn over loved ones
I will feel bliss when your mortal soul is in ruins

Come on!

I will grin in the shadows
for that gives me pleasure

Tormenting a Christian soul

2. The Blazing Monoliths of Defiance

With hearts of midnight, brightened by his infernal light
We stand as a monolith of wrath, united under the goat of a thousand young

Two horns thrust upwards in defiance, three inverted as the trinity denied
A phalanx of mourners in black, falling towards nightly terror

Unleash the tempted beast, raised your horns in prideful blasphemy
I'll be your guide into the glourious darkness
And enchant you like a taste of sin

Unleash the tempted beast,
chant thereon in words
of blazing scorn

Grant me my dark desires,
strengthened through the power of Satan

Take plesure in the torment of the wretched
And rejoice in the delight of the flesh
Behold the face of Satan
And walk the fields of erotic fire

Hunt the Heavens ...

Godless temples beckon
Through gleaming scapes of horrid nightmare
Gathered between symbols and signs
A glow of new light is born out of the night

Give into your lust and carnal desires
in twisted blood-dripping ecstasy
In the name of Satan
I lead you into temptation

3. The Insight and the Catharsis

Passenger on confessional course
Unlock with the key you behold within
Repaint the shadow of your mind
And come awake

"Oh, dreadful angel of mine
Enrich me with the vastness of your being"

"Rigid father, teach me to comprehend
I'll commit myself to understand
To be the faithful and the instrument
So that the ones with blindfold can see what I have seen"

"That there is nothing inbetween
For I am the accomplice..."
Aghast and tender, indulged in sin
Embraced by loneliness, legions who grin
I blunder into the realms of slumber
I collide with the obscure

[Vortex & Shagrath:]
And see the last fraction of light go by

[Guitar solo]

Plundering the sanity from the insane
(And) providing appearances in black
Carefully swept in decadent spheres
(But) faces in this world always remain darkened

In circles of dominance, emotional deeps unite
Fiction and transcendence woven together
In the essence of purity lies wisdom
Join the forces, the spiritual black dimensions

[Guitar solo]

What more do you need of proof
Human hands conforming clooven hoofs
For I know the secrets and lies behind all truths
Knowlege is power and the power is mine
It's all mine

So let the children come to me
And share the limitless ways to infinity
Escape death and disease
And behold youth and vitality

(Come on, Stuttgart. Let me fucking see your hands in the air!)

"Oh, dreadful angel of mine
Enrich me with the vastness of your being"

"Rigid father, teach me how to comprehend
I'll commit myself to understand
For I am the accomplice..."

4. Puritania

We do away with your kind.
Countdown to exterminate the human race.
Four, three, two, one...

Let Chaos entwine on defenseless soil.
Remove errors of man and sweep all the weakening kind.

I am war, I am pain,
I am all you've ever slain.
I am tears in your eyes,
I am grief, I am lies.

Bygone are tolerance and presence of grace.
Scavengers are set out to cleanse the human filth parade.

I am pure, I am true,
I am all over you.
I am laugh, I am smile,
I am the Earth defiled.

I am the cosmic storms.
I am the tiny worms.
I am fear in the night.
I am bringer of the blight.

Successfully erased.

Slaying The Dreamer

I'm a priest for the poorest sacrifice
I'm but a raft in a sea of sorrow and greed
You bathed in my wine
Drank from my cup, mocked my rhyme
Your slit tongues licked my aching wounds

Put a stake through my heart!
And drag me into sunlight
So awake for your greed
As you're slaying the dreamer

Swansong for the Wish of Night
God it hurts, give a name to the pain
Our primrose path to hell is growing weed

Blame me, it's me
Coward, a good-for-nothing scapegoat
Dumb kid, living a dream
Romantic only on paper

Tell me why you took all that was mine!
Stay as you lay - don't lead me astray!

Wake up, mow the weed
You'd be nothing without me
Take my life if you have the heart to die

You bastards tainted my tool
Raped my words, played me a fool
Gather your precious glitter and leave me be
The Great Ones are all dead
And I'm tired, too

I truly hate you all!

Marilyn Manson:

This is the new shit

Everything has been said before
There's nothing left to say anymore
When it's all the same
You can ask for it by name

Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch
Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party
Sex, sex, sex, and don't forget the violence
Blah, blah, blah got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in:
Everybody sing along
Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch
Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party
Sex, sex, sex, and don't forget the violence
Blah, blah, blah got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in:
Everybody sing
Are you motherfucking ready
for the new shit?
Stand up and admit,
tomorrows never coming
This is the new shit
Stand up and admit
Do we get it? NO!
Do we want it? YEAH!
This is the new shit
Stand up and admit

Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch
Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party
Sex, sex, sex, and don't forget the violence
Blah, blah, blah got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in:
Everybody sing along

Everything has been said before
there's nothing left to say anymore
When it's all the same
You can ask for it by name
Are you motherfucking ready
for the new shit?
Stand up and admit,
tomorrows never coming
This is the new shit
Stand up and admit
Do we get it? NO!
Do we want it? YEAH!
This is the new shit
Stand up and admit

and know it's you know who
i got the you know what
i stick it you know where
you know why you don't care
and know it's you know who
i got the you know what
i stick it you know where
you know why you don't care

Babble, Babble, Bitch, Bitch
Rebel, Rebel, Party, Party
Sex, sex, sex, and don't forget the violence
Blah, blah, blah got your lovey-dovey sad and lonely
Stick your stupid slogan in:
Everybody sing...