Do you ever think about the future?
Of course you do.Everyone does.Everyone has plans for future.Some people want to buy a new car,get a baby,get a new flat,go to university.But in reality that are all just wishes. We don't know what will actually happen.We could try to impact on future,with every our decision we are changing and making our tomorrow.
Have you ever watched this movie? ? I thinks it's great.
When I started thinking about this subject I immediately remembered it. In the beginning you can see some pupils painting their images of future.
What would you paint?
I think there would be some robots,of course.I think we would have a better cars,planes,and railway.I think that we won't use fossil fuels and stuff like that.We could use wind and Sun.
Maybe our cities would look like this?
I think that would be a perfect scenario.But nothing is perfect.
But what if Sun shuts down?What if war starts? Would it then look like this?
What if..?What if...?What if...?
We just can't know that.It will happen.We should live in present and take care of nature.It is out future.Everything we give to her,she will charge us.
Abraham Lincoln said : The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.
Thinking about the future !?
02 svibanj 2012komentiraj (1) * ispiši * #