
četvrtak, 20.10.2011.


Advice dog t shirt. Design t shirt art. 21 birthday t shirts.

Advice Dog T Shirt

advice dog t shirt



‘He was a f.cking genius. Utter f,cking genius.’

His voice hit me, a peak in the silence. I shuffled slightly, stretching my legs out in the sand. Feeling the reeds at the edge of the dunes rise and prick at my back. I wasn’t up for conversation but I could feel in his tone he was restless, lonely in all this calm.

‘Who was?’ I replied.

‘Lennon. John Lennon. Utter f.cking genius.’

The sun pawed at my closed eyes, sending dazzling spots and flares spinning into the dark behind my eyes. The late evening air was cooling by the minute as the sun dipped towards the sea. Unseen birds called out high above us, seagulls with their common braying, Oyster Catchers with their altogether more refined, melancholy

‘You could say that, I guess. Plenty of good tunes.’ I stopped, could feel him waiting for more, a hook to come back in on. ‘I’ve never listened to a Beatles album though. Not the whole way through. It’s not that I don’t like them it’s just, I don’t know. They’re like nursery rhymes or something. Too sweet, too nice.’ I stopped talking, breathed deeply.
Trying to call a halt to all his commotion, trying to sink back into the coming dusk.

Instead he poured back into the silence.

‘Fuck the Beatles man, that’s rock music for the under-age. A mean, don’t get me wrong, some cracking tunes and revolutionary and all that but fuck man, McCartney is a right twat. Too nice to rock out, and don’t even give me Helter Skelter. Lennon wasn’t nice, Lennon was real: Lennon knew life.’

There was a pause. I heard the scratching of a stick as he dragged it along the sand. Etching out little messages to himself. Disturbing the little mites and bugs that scurried deeper underground, away from what was left of the sun.

‘There was all the stuff with his Mum for one.’ He started up again. ‘And at school, totally out there, before them all. He knew back then, he knew what it was all about. No fucking conforming for him.’

I rubbed my shoulders slowly against the reeds and the sand: the scratching through my shirt sharp and instant. The sun was dipping lower: I could feel it behind my closed eyes. The sounds of the waves slapping gently against the wet sand, receeding with the tide further and further down the beach. Fewer and fewer people worked their way along this isolated patch of coast. A few hours ago it had been all Frisbee and dog calls. A couple of hardy swimmers puffing with the cold, a few young lovers pretending this place was their special place. But now, not it was all over, this day was ending around us quietly. Without effort or disturbance.

‘And in Hamburg, woah man, he tore it up then. Plugged every German girl he could, took it all in and spat it out. Fucking Rock and Roll so he was. People don’t think that about him but he was, once, total Rock and Roll.’

He paused again and the sounds of the seashore seeped back in: calm. If it wasn’t for him, it would all be calm. It was never calm with him though. Always something. Always agitated and jittery about something. He was like that.
‘Never really been a fan’ I offered ‘Some good solo songs, if that’s what you’re on about, you know Stand By Me, Imagine, Jealous Guy. Nothing that blows my mind though. I’m more of a Jazz man to be honest.’

‘Jazz! Fuck off man, that’s for fucking polo necks and poofs. Fucking trumpets parping out shite while the drummer has a fit in the background. Fucking jazz, what’s so special about jazz? Who did jazz ever speak to? Eh?’

The last degrees of heat were ebbing away. My exposed feet burrowed deeper into the warm sand for shelter. I stretched slightly, pulling at my muscles, sliding them back into a more comfortable position. Some jazz now would have been good. ‘A Kind of Blue’ or maybe ‘In a Silent Way’, let my mind latch onto the scattering of the drums or the drift of the trumpet, feel it pull loops and turns in my mind. It takes time away, makes you feel something bigger than melody. Instead I had him buzzing around me. Always buzzing, always looking for a fix of excitement or confrontation. He was always buzzing about something.

‘I mean, fuck, Jazz.’ He paused for a second, clearly disgusted. ‘Nah man, Lennon is where it’s at. Fucking think about it, think about here right and think about what he said ‘no hell below us, above us only sky’ . Shit man, that’s now, that’s right fucking now. ‘Above us only sky’. Fuck man, look above us, we’re out there, we’re doing it, we’re living the dream. We’ve no possessions, no nothing man, we’re just out here under the sky man. We’re living it.’

‘We drove here.’

‘f*ck off man, don’t be so f*cking literal. We’re not minted, we’re not rich, we’ve got it all here, right now. Above us is only the sky, no hell below us man, no hell at all.’
I always remember this bit so clearly. I remember him saying that last line. I think about what came after and I think about what he said, what he thought at that moment. He was young in a bad way, then, but he was only that: you



‘He was a f.cking genius. Utter f,cking genius.’

His voice hit me, a peak in the silence. I shuffled slightly, stretching my legs out in the sand. Feeling the reeds at the edge of the dunes rise and prick at my back. I wasn’t up for conversation but I could feel in his tone he was restless, lonely in all this calm.

‘Who was?’ I replied.

‘Lennon. John Lennon. Utter f.cking genius.’

The sun pawed at my closed eyes, sending dazzling spots and flares spinning into the dark behind my eyes. The late evening air was cooling by the minute as the sun dipped towards the sea. Unseen birds called out high above us, seagulls with their common braying, Oyster Catchers with their altogether more refined, melancholy song.

‘You could say that, I guess. Plenty of good tunes.’ I stopped, could feel him waiting for more, a hook to come back in on. ‘I’ve never listened to a Beatles album though. Not the whole way through. It’s not that I don’t like them it’s just, I don’t know. They’re like nursery rhymes or something. Too sweet, too nice.’ I stopped talking, breathed deeply. Trying to call a halt to all his commotion, trying to sink back into the coming dusk.

Instead he poured back into the silence.

‘Fuck the Beatles man, that’s rock music for the under-age. A mean, don’t get me wrong, some cracking tunes and revolutionary and all that but fuck man, McCartney is a right twat. Too nice to rock out, and don’t even give me Helter Skelter. Lennon wasn’t nice, Lennon was real: Lennon knew life.’

There was a pause. I heard the scratching of a stick as he dragged it along the sand. Etching out little messages to himself. Disturbing the little mites and bugs that scurried deeper underground, away from what was left of the sun.

‘There was all the stuff with his Mum for one.’ He started up again. ‘And at school, totally out there, before them all. He knew back then, he knew what it was all about. No fucking conforming for him.’

I rubbed my shoulders slowly against the reeds and the sand: the scratching through my shirt sharp and instant. The sun was dipping lower: I could feel it behind my closed eyes. The sounds of the waves slapping gently against the wet sand, receeding with the tide further and further down the beach. Fewer and fewer people worked their way along this isolated patch of coast. A few hours ago it had been all Frisbee and dog calls. A couple of hardy swimmers puffing with the cold, a few young lovers pretending this place was their special place. But now, not it was all over, this day was ending around us quietly. Without effort or disturbance.

‘And in Hamburg, woah man, he tore it up then. Plugged every German girl he could, took it all in and spat it out. Fucking Rock and Roll so he was. People don’t think that about him but he was, once, total Rock and Roll.’

He paused again and the sounds of the seashore seeped back in: calm. If it wasn’t for him, it would all be calm. It was never calm with him though. Always something. Always agitated and jittery about something. He was like that.

‘Never really been a fan’ I offered ‘Some good solo songs, if that’s what you’re on about, you know Stand By Me, Imagine, Jealous Guy. Nothing that blows my mind though. I’m more of a Jazz man to be honest.’

‘Jazz! Fuck off man, that’s for fucking polo necks and poofs. Fucking trumpets parping out shite while the drummer has a fit in the background. Fucking jazz, what’s so special about jazz? Who did jazz ever speak to? Eh?’

The last degrees of heat were ebbing away. My exposed feet burrowed deeper into the warm sand for shelter. I stretched slightly, pulling at my muscles, sliding them back into a more comfortable position. Some jazz now would have been good. ‘A Kind of Blue’ or maybe ‘In a Silent Way’, let my mind latch onto the scattering of the drums or the drift of the trumpet, feel it pull loops and turns in my mind. It takes time away, makes you feel something bigger than melody. Instead I had him buzzing around me. Always buzzing, always looking for a fix of excitement or confrontation. He was always buzzing about something.

‘I mean, fuck, Jazz.’ He paused for a second, clearly disgusted. ‘Nah man, Lennon is where it’s at. Fucking think about it, think about here right and think about what he said ‘no hell below us, above us only sky’ . Shit man, that’s now, that’s right fucking now. ‘Above us only sky’. Fuck man, look above us, we’re out there, we’re doing it, we’re living the dream. We’ve no possessions, no nothing man, we’re just out here under the sky man. We’re living it.’

‘We drove here.’

‘f*ck off man, don’t be so f*cking literal. We’re not minted, we’re not rich, we’ve got it all here, right now. Above us is only the sky, no hell below us man, no hell at all.’

I always remember this bit so clearly. I remember him saying that last line. I think about what came after and I think about what he said, what he thought at that moment. He was young in a bad way, then, but he was only that: you

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20.10.2011. u 01:26 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Firefighting t shirts. Obey obama t shirts.

Firefighting T Shirts

firefighting t shirts

firefighting t shirts - Firefighting



The struggle to tame fire began when humankind first harnessed flames to cook food, warm the environment and build tools. From the firefighting soldiers of the Roman empire to the bucket brigades of the Middle Ages and the high-technology equipment used by firefighters today, the battle to contain destructive fires has continued against a backdrop of cataclysmic fires that have shaped civilization itself. This work presents the fascinating in-depth stories behind great fires in world history, together with profiles of the people who fought fires or made them happen, and also traces the evolution of firefighting technology. Illustrated with more than 500 photographs that highlight key moments in fire history, the book covers everything from the Great Fire of London in 1666 - which caused untold damage to the city, but destroyed the plague-carrying rats and spurred the formation of the first fire insurance companies - the conflagrations in Colonial America that burned down young cities but led to improvements in fire engines and sprinkler systems. The book sheds light on devastating fires in hotels, factories, theatres, ships, schools, nightclubs and other public places - catalysts for fire codes and regulations that make our world safer today. "Firefighting" also covers the continuing fight against wildfires that consume billions of acres of land on almost every continent, disastrous building fires, and what happens when fire is used as a weapon of war. Also featured is a special section on what makes fires so deadly, including the physics behind backdrafts and flashovers, and how arson investigators approach a fire scene. In addition, there is an illustrated history of fire equipment, fire engines and firefighters' gear and a behind-the-scenes look at the training techniques used by today's cutting-edge firefighters.

81% (8)

Fire Crew Exiting a Bell 214. Sagehen Fire. Sawtooth National Forest. Idaho. July 1981.

Fire Crew Exiting a Bell 214. Sagehen Fire. Sawtooth National Forest. Idaho. July 1981.

Photo by Paul Sever.

In this photo, taken late in the day, you can see crewmen moving away from the ship, bent over and angling away from the tail rotor. Stay away from tail rotors. Really. Everyone worries about the main rotor, but that tail rotor will slice you into mounds and mounds of julienne fries a heartbeat.

We always carried our hard hats under our arms when getting on or off a ship. That was so the hard hat wouldn't be sucked up into the main rotor. Such a mishap would damage the rotor, of course, but of even greater concern was the fact that your natural reaction would be to reach for your hard hat as it was sucked upward. Then you might be tagged with a nickname along the lines of "Stumpy" or "No Dome," depending on how instinctive your love for your hat.

We almost always referred to helicopters as "ships," though I can't say why. Sometimes we would say "helicopters" or even "aircraft," but we never, ever called them "choppers." That was bad form.

When we flew in helicopters, we always wore our yellow Nomex shirts with the sleeves rolled down, every button fastened, and our collars turned up. No jackets or sweaters on top of the Nomex, gloves on, and hard hats strapped on tight once inside the ship. The idea was that if you survived a crash (fat chance), wearing your Nomex might keep you from ending up the identical twin of "Major Burns," the hairless, faceless former Army helicopter pilot who narrated the “Don't Do What I Did” helicopter safety film we used to watch when life in the Loft grew dull.

The Bell 214 was a big ship, carrying about 10 passengers plus the pilot and a Helitack crewman. Helitack are U.S. Forest Service fire fighters who specialize in flying out on helicopters to fight small fires on their own districts. On big fires they are responsible for building and managing helispots and for the loading and unloading of helicopters. Unlike helitack, the pilots who fly helicopters for the Forest Service, as well as the people who fuel and maintain the helicopters, are civilian contract employees. We typically flew in Bell Jet Rangers, which could carry three passengers plus the pilot. We called the Jet Ranger the "Death Ranger" because it was easy to overload, especially at high altitude in hot weather. It was the Helitack's job to keep from overloading the ship, but most pogues on hotshot crews know how much a Jet Ranger can carry, how much their bodies and gear weigh, and how to add, so we didn't entirely trust our lives to strange Helitack folk. I remember Shep Crim, one of our heavies, jumping up and sprinting over to a female Helitacker (who, as a class, are inevitably referred to as "Helibitches") to insist that she substitute a lightweight for one of the two fellow heavies scheduled to fly with him on the next load. One of our pogues observed, "You don't see Shep move that fast every day." Charlie Young replied, "That's because you don't see Shep marked for death every day."

One of the helicopter pilots on the Sagehen Fire had a basset hound named Fred. Except for the drug-sniffing dogs they use in California fire camps, you don't often see dogs at fires, so the hound made an impression on us. One of the guys on our crew was named Fred Miller, and after that fire he was known as "Fred Not the Dog." The two-legged Fred eventually went over to the Park Service crew in Kings Canyon-Sequoia. I think the nickname spurred his decision to change crews. Or it could have been the other nickname he earned later that same fire season. We were on a hot, running sagebrush fire, working hard to punch in a line and pinch off the fire before it beat us to a steep uphill slope and really took off. Fred, who was our sawyer at the time, was having a hell of a time cutting brush in front of the diggers. He would saw and saw, and nothing would happen. The diggers had to move ahead of the saw, chopping brush as best they could with Pulaskis and cursing Fred without mercy. Finally, Dan Parsons, who was Fred's pimp (i.e. sawyer's assistant) figured out that Fred had put the saw's chain on backwards. From that incident Fred picked up a second nickname: “Derf.” Last I heard of Fred Not the Dog, he had gone to chef's school and opened up his own restaurant somewhere. Perhaps in Mississippi, his home state. Fred was actually a pretty decent guy, and I feel ashamed that I joined everyone else in harassing the poor guy. That was pretty bastardly of me. Fire crews can take on an adolescent locker-room atmosphere, especially when there are few or no women on a crew. As someone who was himself picked on in more than one adolescent locker room, I should be, and am, doubly ashamed. My apologies, Fred.

Taking a Break from Mop Up. Camp Stimpson Fire. Toiyabe National Forest. Nevada. June 1983.

Taking a Break from Mop Up. Camp Stimpson Fire. Toiyabe National Forest. Nevada. June 1983.

Photo by George Ragan.

The dramatis personae in the above photo: On the right is Heidi Das Gupta. The person in the middle of the photo is Donald Barclay. On the left is Rick Squires, who was known as “Spanky” but who doesn't like that name any more. Rick was still in the fire business, working as a dispatcher at the National Interagency Fire Center, last I heard.

There is a story to the above photo. We'd been mopping up for several days, and it was getting pretty miserable. We were dirty, tired, and it was starting to rain off and on. The entire crew had taken a seat on the steep, rocky slope, when some green shirt came up and said that he had located a bunch of smokes that needed to be worked. We all stood up and started following this green shirt, walking for something like an hour before we came to a big rock. The green shirt told us to take a break while he scouted ahead for the elusive smokes. After sitting for a few minutes one of the guys—Dan Schmidt—went around the other side of the big rock for a piss. When he came back, he gave us the news. The other side of the big rock was the place where we had been sitting when we started following the green shirt. The asshole had walked us all the way around the mountain and back to where we had started. Uncle Smoky didn't get a hell of a lot of work out of us the rest of that day.

Dan Schmidt, a graduate of Stanford, was a smart and fairly serious guy—though not above going out with the boys for the occasional laugh and drink. I remember hitting the fire bottle with Dan more than once. He was also a pretty good volleyball player. He might have played volleyball in college, though he was too short to have been a really first-rank college player. Last I heard, Dan was a physician in Spokane.

firefighting t shirts

firefighting t shirts

Through Smoke: Book One in the Troubled Heroes Series (A Firefighting Thriller)

Firefighter Michael McGinnis is no stranger to intense situations. Veteran of New York’s Ladder Twenty-One Company as a search and rescue man, he has seen his share of burning infernos, high-rise saves, and intense emergency situations. Despite McGinnis’ years on the job, nothing can prepare him for getting tangled in his brother’s mistakes as a drug addict and gambler, especially when a blood thirsty bookie gets involved. A romance sparks between him and fellow paramedic, Eva Crisante, catching him even more off guard. Morals are tested, lies are told, and relationships are built and then torn to ruins. The problems ahead are more challenging than any fire McGinnis has experienced. He learns that bravery is not only needed in his job with the department, but also in dire situations away from work. His tough love for his brother is tested, proving that there truly are things more dangerous than a five-alarm fire.

Firefighter Michael McGinnis is no stranger to intense situations. Veteran of New York’s Ladder Twenty-One Company as a search and rescue man, he has seen his share of burning infernos, high-rise saves, and intense emergency situations. Despite McGinnis’ years on the job, nothing can prepare him for getting tangled in his brother’s mistakes as a drug addict and gambler, especially when a blood thirsty bookie gets involved. A romance sparks between him and fellow paramedic, Eva Crisante, catching him even more off guard. Morals are tested, lies are told, and relationships are built and then torn to ruins. The problems ahead are more challenging than any fire McGinnis has experienced. He learns that bravery is not only needed in his job with the department, but also in dire situations away from work. His tough love for his brother is tested, proving that there truly are things more dangerous than a five-alarm fire.

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20.10.2011. u 01:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Baby Seals T Shirt : Baby Shower T Shirt

Baby Seals T Shirt

baby seals t shirt

Baby Seal

Baby Seal

As I went for a little walk on the beach he startled me as much as I startled him! He yelped "arh arh arh" and scrambled into the water I just barely got a shot of him ~ just little ~ hope he's ok and his mummy is nearby...

baby seal.

baby seal.

'if nobody comes down here and buys a car in the next hour, i'm gonna club this baby seal. that's right. i'm gonna club this seal to make a better deal. you know i'll do it, too, cause i'm crazy.'

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20.10.2011. u 01:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Comrade obama t shirt. Mutant ninja turtle t shirts. Sleeve v neck t shirts.

Comrade Obama T Shirt

comrade obama t shirt

Comrade M

Comrade M

One of the projects that the new colonial media, BBC Persian, has benevolently embarked on recently, is to construct a history of Iranian radical leftist resistance for us. They narrated and categories a history of armed struggle on the 40th anniversary of formation of Fadayian-Khalgh (radical Marxist guerillas). Moreover, they attempted to single out prominent Marxists to set measures of who is really a Communist fighter.
Among all the possible choices, they assigned a large space to introduce Maryam Firouz, the wife of Kianouri (head of Toudeh party) as the Red Princess. She was represented as Princess Maryam Farman Farmanian, the woman who left his powerful and super affluent aristocratic family to join a life of combatant and hardship with Toudeh members and remained a Marxist till the end even turtured by Islamic Republic (can you recognize the conventional romanticised narrative?).
To me that was such a problematic choice, prioritising Maryam Firouz over all Iranian or let's say Farsi-speaking (to include Afghan and Tajik comrades) female comrades seems to follow certain criteria. During the 150 years of fierce fighting with Imperialism and capitalism, many women from proletariat background whose father and husband were not affluent, powerful or famous fought and sacrificed their lives for their belief. Why was Maryam Firouz singled out?

Lacan would say the choice was based on her relation to phallus. In this chain of signification (Western, Liberal and here colonial) one is recognised as a signifier either through being phallus (such as conventional representation of women as phallus, sexy and desirable and BBC Persian website presented such photos of Maryam Firouz) or having phallus; being attached to sources of power, fame, wealth through identification with masculine positions.

What if we decide to narrate our history not in accordance with phallus but in accordance with lack?

One day, we will write a history of prominent female Marxists who fought for their beliefs in the last 150 years. We will choose women who did not come from wealthy background, did not have powerful father, were not the wife or mistress of this or that party member, thinker or who did not have any association with the important circles. We will write another history of those who fought for their desire which cracked all the phallic representations, those who started from their lack and remained faithful to their pain.

And the last chapter will be about female comrades who were brought up in the Islamic Republic, those who started to fight with empty hands, no support what so ever, those who started with nothing not because they were crazy but because there were no other choice than to fight. A history of unknown comrades which BBC Persian deletes.

Comrade M should be assigned a spacial place in that narrative.

Comrade Luke Cole...ˇPRESENTE!

Comrade Luke Cole...ˇPRESENTE!

This is the last rally I was at with with Luke. In Sacramento, CA a week before Thanksgiving 2008, fighting for climate justice and against wanton carbon market hijinks. Luke managed to co-organize hundreds of folks from the central valley to turn up to bear witness to the normally sanguine meeting of the CARB-CA Air Resources Board. The "suits" sitting next to me in the auditorium, were busily typing into blackberries: "All these folks are here in green t-shirts! You won't believe it..." Folks like Luke!

The last time I spoke to him was the day before he began an around-the-world birding expedition earlier this year. He called me. "Yo Dorsey...I gotta tell ya, I'm not going to be able to speak to you for about the next six months... I'm going far, far away...and I won't have access to a phone or even the internet..." I was flabbergasted. We had been co-plotting over the past several months on so much: about sharing a researcher, dealing with legal matters, dealing with the emerging CO2 markets, dealing with Obama's environment team, etc., etc., etc.. Jokingly I said, "Well... if you're not gonna have a damn phone or internet... you had better be going to Easter Island or the South Pole...And you had better be going there by ship! Especially if I can't reach you..." There was a longish pause...and he continued: "Well... that's actually where we're going...and we're going by boat..."

We both burst into laughter!

I'd been ribbing him, via comments on his fotos, on the whole trip, which he'd been documenting on facebook. "Enough already with these amazing fotos!" ... "When are you getting back to work!?" (Of course I was jealous...and the fotos were BREATHTAKING. Dude is/was a great fotographer.)

Comrade Cole, left the earth on Saturday (6 June 2009) morning, after sustaining injuries from a car crash in Western Uganda. I miss him now and will miss him dearly.

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20.10.2011. u 01:19 • 1 KomentaraPrint#



How To Design Your T Shirt

how to design your t shirt

TUTORIAL: Old Shirt to Peasant Shirt

TUTORIAL: Old Shirt to Peasant Shirt

In this tutorial, we'll take a thrift store find (this soft red shirt, $3) and turn it into a crop peasant top.

This top is designed to be used for a bellydance costume (or pirate or ren faire costume) - you can either wear it simply as a top or adjust it so that a costume bra can be worn with it and the sleeves poke out.

NOTE: Depending upon the fabric you use, your experience may be a bit different. This fabric was buttery soft and almost like a t-shirt fabric.

lens sweet spot girls t-shirt L05

lens sweet spot girls t-shirt L05

How to identify your lens' sweet spot? What does sweet spot mean?

Simply put, the sweet spot is the aperture at which your lens is at its sharpest. Prime lenses are generally better compared with zoom.

Find your sweetspot with this t-shirt design.

1 colour photography t-shirt design: Magenta on Sky Blue t-shirt.

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20.10.2011. u 01:18 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Fruit Of The Loom Men's T Shirts

fruit of the loom men's t shirts

harvest t-shirt

harvest t-shirt

Coppery orange pumpkins and red-gold apples with a hint of sparkle brighten up this autumn harvest shirt. 100% cotton men's size medium Fruit of the Loom shirt fits me well, and I'm a XXL in women's tops.
If you're smaller, you can always enjoy it as an oversized shirt, even for layering or as a sleep shirt. With the design tending to the lower third of the shirt, it would be cute as maternity wear, too.

The painting was done by mixing metallic red with yellow, gold glitter paint green, and other shades to give it the depth and complexity of fine art painting, not the simplicity of stencil or silk screen.



Men's Heavyweight Cotton T-Shirt
Men's Fully Stitched Basic Cotton T-Shirt by Fruit of the Loom

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20.10.2011. u 01:18 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Long Sleeve Graphic T Shirt. Ski Logo T Shirts. Spiderman T Shirt.

Long Sleeve Graphic T Shirt

long sleeve graphic t shirt

Day 134 - Most Guys

Day 134 - Most Guys

As you can tell, I like ties. In fact, despite my early dislike of collared Team Leader/Swing Manager shirts (uniform at McDonald's) in particular, I quickly grew up to realize I really love the look of shirt and ties.

Call me an old soul when it comes to fashion, but there's something that just looks absolutely chic about the whole "Mad Men" or Banana Republic look for me.

For those that know me long enough, they knew that in 2008 I lost a bunch of weight and suddenly developed a sense of style.

Of course I had help in styling myself, not to mentoin reading more than a few GQ Magazine articles regarding the rules of dressing one's self.

Cardigans became acceptable casual wear, v-neck merino wool sweaters were the staple, jeans became fitted and dark denims coupled with nice wingtip shoes, and as always, the blazer would complete a look.

I went from the chubby kid with a few long sleeve crew neck shirts, to suddenly something that was actually taken right out of a magazine (Dennis Quad in GQ Magazine wore an almost identical outfit).

As I continued in my evolution of dress, I began matching ties with shirts. Simple at first, then like an aspiring wine aficionado, I started making more interesting pairings between shirts and ties. I experimented with french cuffs, tie clips, all manner of little nuances to the whole. And in the end, I came up with my own rules, my own look, my own sense of style.

It's funny, I'm working out again now, and a lot of it has to do with being able to fit into my dress shirts of yester-year. My recent weight gain has also spurred a new evolution in styling, of the more casual sort. No more wingtip loafers, but instead, funky bowler shoes, graphic tees, and short sleeve collared shirts that I never thought I'd learn to love.

So perhaps this weight gain wasn't all for naught, I have a very good feeling that when I'm slim again, I'll be able to take the best of both worlds and put them together.

As for the title of this photo, I'm reminded of the song "Most Girls" by Pink. I am not your typical guy. I don't wear these clothes because I have to wear it to work, quite the opposite, I'm usually the butt of many a good natured joke for being "Mr. GQ". It's not that I wish to be taken more seriously than I am, quite the opposite, I'm having a hard time feeling comfortable with the fact that I'm darn near 30, and people are "sir"-ing me already.

I dress this way because I like it, it makes me feel confident, and it makes me feel good. I'm hoping that by the first snowfall, the first self portrait of me in the Winter will be me fully "suited up".

P.S. For the sharp eyed, see if you can spot the tie that I'll be wearing to Jane's wedding as a bridesman!

high society catalogue

high society catalogue

Brief was given to produce a launch campaign and additional promotional materials for one of the forthcoming exhibitions - High Society, an exhibition on recreational drugs.

I made a pulling upwards long horizontal concertina fold of 32 pages brochure on a 100% magenta theme with pin perforation on a mirror cover. Long horizontal pages represent the height – high. The 100% magenta theme was because a person on drugs only sees bright colours. A drug addict uses mirror paper to snort off drugs. It provides a ledge-like barrier, and as well as not sticking, the hard surface is good for chopping and easy to clean. Pin perforation with a bellyband actually represents how a drug addict injects themselves on their arms. Behind each page actually have all the names of drugs. The whole theme was consistent, i.e the promotional item is a long sleeve t-shirt with the bellyband and the injection marks. And the marketing leaflet and time out ad was horizontally long upwards – high. The poster was made up by mirror art card that I believe could gain all the attention from passengers of London Underground.

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20.10.2011. u 01:17 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



University Of Cincinnati T Shirt

university of cincinnati t shirt

Nuck Fancy

Nuck Fancy

I saw a lot of Nancy Zimpher animosity at the last University of Cincinnati football game. A number of people in the student section in Nippert Sttadium were sporting "Nuck Fancy" shirts. This picture was taken in October of 2006, a full year removed from the height of the whole controversy. I didn't know if this sentiment was back in vogue or if someone just had an overstocked inventory that had to go.

I'm suprised to see some people still holding onto this incident. Bob Huggins landed on his feet. Andy Kennedy landed on his feet. And the Bearcats have a quality coach who can continue to build up what his mentor resurrected from the ashes over 15 years ago. Personally, I've moved on. Am I alone?

UCSO 2010-2011 Season T-Shirt

UCSO 2010-2011 Season T-Shirt

When designing a t-shirt for the University of Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, I wanted to find a way to illustrate the orchestra's defining characteristic: the way that UC students and community members from all different areas of study come together to form an ensemble. I chose to illustrate this through different typefaces, which each typeface's character representing a different major from the university.

university of cincinnati t shirt

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20.10.2011. u 01:17 • 2 KomentaraPrint#


Original Homeland Security T Shirt : Cult Movie T Shirts : T Shirt Design Yourself.

Original Homeland Security T Shirt

original homeland security t shirt

The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Security

The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Security

Montgomery County Agricultural Fair, hosted by Montgomery County Agricultural Center at Montgomery County Fair Grounds, Gaithersburg, MD

original homeland security

original homeland security

...my brother captured this image on t-shirt in the black hills of south dakota...

...absolutely awesome...

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20.10.2011. u 01:17 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Military T Shirts

military t shirts

Sassy Military Shirt

Sassy Military Shirt

Up Cycle your boring old t-shirt with a quick project.

Military Brass

Military Brass

Printed at shirt.woot.com and now all SOLD OUT!

military t shirts

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20.10.2011. u 01:14 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Promotion t shirt : Kids long sleeved t shirts

Promotion T Shirt

promotion t shirt

Dilemma Studio T-shirt One

Dilemma Studio T-shirt One

Dilemma Studio friend, Tim, modeling "T-shirt One" of the Dilemma Studio t-shirt collection.

Felpe t-shirt Roland 1

Felpe t-shirt Roland 1

Alcuni esempi di felpe e t-shirt personalizzate durante il PTE con diversi materiali termotrasferibili

promotion t shirt

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20.10.2011. u 01:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


T shirt silk screening machine. Long sleeve womens t shirt

T Shirt Silk Screening Machine

t shirt silk screening machine

james brown

james brown

Cada camiseta custa R$ 25,00
O pagamento pode ser feito por deposito bancario, e o envio pode ser feito por SEDEX (mais rapido) ou Encomenda PAC (mais barato). Caso o cliente more em Porto Alegre - RS ou arredores, o pagamento e a entrega podem ser feitos em maos.

Para entrar em contato, mande um e-mail para otexugomalfeitor@yahoo.com.br e faca sua encomenda ou tire suas duvidas.

Chicks like to Craft

Chicks like to Craft

actually, Dudes do, too....
Swap-O-Rama room with piles of freecycle clothing; sewing machines and silk screening stations were on-site for modifying cool finds in the swap. I scored a green hoodie and had a t-shirt screened with a dragonfly motif. Maker Faire, 2007.

t shirt silk screening machine

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20.10.2011. u 01:09 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


To make a dog t shirt. Barack obama t shirts for kids. Football slogans for t shirts.

To Make A Dog T Shirt

to make a dog t shirt

Chubby's Hippie Dog Bed

Chubby's Hippie Dog Bed

Two Thick Recycled Blue Jean Bolsters to rest a muzzle, a thick base pillow, and a comfy tye-dyed canvas pillow on top. No, we don't make them for humans. Sorry.

-Specify the breed of dog when ordering and we will sew to accomodate with Medium Beds Measuring 34" x 28" and Large Beds 44" x 40."

-A lot of thought went into the design of this bed. Chubby and his Border Collie brother, "The Outlaw Josey Wales," are now Seniors. Both suffer from some arthritis and need extra support and cushion on the bottom. The Polyester Fiberfill we use in the pillows is high loft to retain its fluff and the double bolsters allow your pooch to "nest" while providing some firm support while they sleep.

-A thick #10 canvas is used on the top pillow. The pillow can be tye-dyed purple, yellow, orange, or blue.

-Recycled Blue Jeans are used for the bolsters. Finally, Josey can lay on the laundry without getting in trouble!

-Send us a pair of your old jeans, t-shirt, or whatever and we will incorporate the material into the bed, leaving your scent permanently.

-The base of the dog bed is designed to extra-durable and meant to got the distance.

-The extra canvas pillow is completely washable and has already been washed twice to soften the material.

All of Chubby Trubby's beds come with lavender sachets and are sprayed with a Lavender spray before shipping. Lavender is known as a flea repellent.

Dog Costume

Dog Costume

Tomorrow Delilah is going to the SF Bay Westie Club party and I made her this little costume so she can participate in the costume parade.

The shirt part used to be one of my t-shirts and I tailored it to fit her. I had materials left over from my peacock costume last year, so I whipped up a little fanned tail for her. The middle is split so she can put her tail up comfortably. I decided not to make a hood or headpiece because she hates having things on her head.

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20.10.2011. u 01:08 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Temple Of The Dog T Shirt. Usa Made T Shirts.

Temple Of The Dog T Shirt

temple of the dog t shirt

Disgruntled Cloud Is Disgruntled

Disgruntled Cloud Is Disgruntled

ok ... time to vent .... not because of anything personal that happen to me .... but because last night i was listening to The Adrian Kennedy Show (for those outside of Ireland, thats a radio talk show hosted by a complete WANKER called Adrian Kennedy.... he lets the total scum of Dublin (at least) come on his radio programme and voice their absolute RUBBISH opinions openly on air ...without ever stepping in to defend anyone .... its sickening)

i haven't actually listened to radio of any kind since i had to leave my job in radio ... it just wrecks my head to listen to it .... so the only time the radio is on is when we leave the house and put it on for the dogs (alot of people do that don't judge me )

anyway ....we were out and about last night with my uncle who is visiting from over from America..so when we got in .. the show was on ......and on Adrian's show ... some WANKER of a human being was upset because he was on the beach over the weekend and was disgusted by the amount of fat women he saw wearing bathing suits ...... not people ....just women...

apparently women of a larger size are not allowed to enjoy the same luxuries like....THE SUN .... as a thin...skinny..... or "normal" woman.

I find this APPALLING!... i mean who does this jerk (and i use that word because what im really thinking of using would cost me friendships on here) think he is to judge women who are out enjoying the sun ... just kicking back and relaxing...taking in a bit of colour ....

and then to top it off ... people were calling in and AGREEING with this guy ..... saying larger women SHOULD cover up ... that they are trying to "Sell the fat" as one caller put it ...... who the hell are they trying to "sell the fat" to ? wouldn't anyone think that a larger woman would just be out there to enjoy herself and to hell with everyone else ?

no one complains about the skanks that walk around drunk off their arse with very little on during a piss up on a saturday night out in town .... the ones that are making absolute FOOLS of themselves just to pull ! why is that ok ... cause i tell ya ... the stupid b**ches that do that DO NOT LOOK ATTRACTIVE.... EVER! .... but because they are wearing so little and just GIVING IT AWAY ..... then its ok to look whatever way you want to ..... (of course no one brought that up on the portion of the show i listened to last night ....i was so disgusted by the way people spoke about this that i had to turn it off)

If bigger women want to wear a bathing suit on the beach ... then f**kin let them .... they work hard during the week ....jobs..... family ..... themselves ..(being a bigger person myself i have to say that its hard to look at myself in the mirror sometimes ...)
i know for some women (like myself) ... you have tried ways ....methods....diets..... exercise ...whatever ...and it just won't come off ..... you still fight though ...but every day you have to wake up and just tough it out .... and then you get some WANKER coming on a radio show and judging WOMEN (not even men ....cause let me tell ya lads ......you all don't look attractive either when your beer gut is hanging out of the bottom of your shirt..... ) for wearing a bathing suit on a hot day at the beach .... what the hell are they suppose to wear .... a feckin jumper and long slacks ........

IDIOTS! .... and Adrian..... said nothing the whole time to defend the ONE woman that came on air to defend the women...

sorry i lie ... Adrian did jump up twice.... just to reiterate the man who originally started this conversation's point ..... TOSSER!

there ..ive vented ........so how are all of you : )

that cloud up there looks disgruntled ..which is why i chose it today :)
well .... either disgruntled......or an old man with no teeth........not sure which is more like it



a list of interests (in alphabetical order)

4th plateau deep spiritual, :o), a glass or two of brandy, a man with a gun on a horse, a stack of bad magazines, a web of lies, a.s.h., abdul and cleopatra, adjusting my package, all those things you’re supposed to do, an all-female backing band, animated gifs, antiquated idioms, anxiety loops, armored bulldozer rampage, artistic license, ass morning, autoenucleation, bad inventions, being a sensitive artist, being held, being poetic, big silly dogs, bin laden weed, bitterness and hate, boo boos, brevity, british accents, calling people darling, candy covered in hair, cat sneezes, caviar in a tube, charles crumb’s art, clarisse and her demons, conditional love, copy & paste, cutlery, deadpan humor, dear leader, defense mechanisms, discipline and punish, dogs wearing costumes, dry wit, ego death, ellipses, emoticons, erotic fan fiction, feeling on your booty, femininity, “flying” into a rage, fordcomic, forum girls, freedom club, frost in twilight, fuck egg, girls that smell nice, glass crystals, gloryhood, good clean fun, goon meat, groovy riffs, heh, hitting the road, hogwarsh, hopeless melancholy, hot sauce, i’m only half joking, impossible standards, innumerable kisses, internalizing disorders, internets, interracial incest, ironic interests, italian gesticulations, joe spinell’s voice, juicy internet drama, jung’s archetypes, laser vision ability, learned helplessness, lechery, libertinage, life in jail, lobve stinks, lofty pleasures, lonely hearts, long shadows, lousy excuses, low art, magic dust, maimiidance.gif, maslow’s hierarchy, melodrama, meta-irony, miltonic isolation, misery and woe, mixtapes, my one-track mind, my redemption, naivete, niggas on skis, no funeral, nocturnal wind, nsa dome, oh word?, old bricks, oomaharumooma, outlaw poets, partridge family temple, parrot videos, partying alone, perfect miracles, pinyin, plucking a little daisy, poetic absurdity, porngrind, posting in fyad, predator’s manifesto, pressing my luck, r&b slow jams, rechargeable batteries, regression and fixation, resting on my laurels, revealing ugly truths, romantic fantasies, saying platitudes ironically, seafoam, second guessing myself, shaking in anger, ship it holla, shredded roses, sighing excessively, sleepytime, socks, songs for me, space aliens smoking pot, spelling things wrong, spouting catchphrases, standing beneath the rainy sky, staying up late, surreal aloofness, swing sets, synesthesia, tabbed browsing, table manners, tech noodling, teenage ants, terrorist chic, the crime library, the saturday boy, the so-called counterculture, there be ghosts afoot, thinly veiled contempt, thug love, tibetan bowls, true crime novels, two 40s, ugly animals, unironic t-shirts, unorthodox prose, victor cayro, warshin my dog, wearing hats in bed, why i cry, world’s smallest horse, writing rhymes in the shower, yearning, youtube comments, zomg

temple of the dog t shirt

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20.10.2011. u 01:08 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Transfert t shirt. Armin van buuren t shirts.

Transfert T Shirt

transfert t shirt

Tee-shirt de Côte d'Ivoire: Ne me regardez pas SVP JE SUIS MARIEE (m-pens-0002)

Tee-shirt de Côte d'Ivoire: Ne me regardez pas SVP JE SUIS MARIEE (m-pens-0002)

Tee-shirt de la collection Ma Pensee, fabrice dans les ateliers Monde Perso, Abidjan, Marcory, Cote d'Ivoire. Art.-Nr.: m-pens-0002.
Idea et creation par Yves Dossou pour Monde Perso.
T-shirt of the "Ma pensee"-collection by ivorian designer Yves Dossou, made in Abidjan, Marcory, Ivory Coast by Monde Perso.

Monde Perso - Personnalisation des vetements et autres supports
Serigraphie, Flex, Transfert, Broderie, Strass ect.
Abidjan Marcory-Residentiel, Cote d'Ivoire
Tel.: (+225) - 21 26 57 94 Mail: mondeperso[at]yahoo.fr

T Shirt clicc

T Shirt clicc

Premier essai de transfert sur T-Shirt, en prevision de la Nuit des Studio.

transfert t shirt

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20.10.2011. u 01:07 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Vintage orange crush t shirt : Bill the cat t shirts : Template for t shirt design.

Vintage Orange Crush T Shirt

vintage orange crush t shirt

Orange Crush

Orange Crush

This is a photo of Rita at the Villiage on North Manitou Island. She moved to North Manitou Island with her Husband when she was in her early 20s. She was the last resident to leave the island when she was in her 70s. She is shown here with her truck which she named the "Orange Crush"

Orange Crush

Orange Crush

One of the categories for this month's scavenger hunt is "Orange Crush". Couldn't decide what to do - then decided to use an actual Orange Crush. Haven't had one in years!
The shot is inspired by one of my favorites by bhamgal. It's in the comments.

msh1011-3 Orange Crush


vintage orange crush t shirt

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20.10.2011. u 01:07 • 0 KomentaraPrint#
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