
četvrtak, 20.10.2011.


Long Sleeve Graphic T Shirt. Ski Logo T Shirts. Spiderman T Shirt.

Long Sleeve Graphic T Shirt

long sleeve graphic t shirt

Day 134 - Most Guys

Day 134 - Most Guys

As you can tell, I like ties. In fact, despite my early dislike of collared Team Leader/Swing Manager shirts (uniform at McDonald's) in particular, I quickly grew up to realize I really love the look of shirt and ties.

Call me an old soul when it comes to fashion, but there's something that just looks absolutely chic about the whole "Mad Men" or Banana Republic look for me.

For those that know me long enough, they knew that in 2008 I lost a bunch of weight and suddenly developed a sense of style.

Of course I had help in styling myself, not to mentoin reading more than a few GQ Magazine articles regarding the rules of dressing one's self.

Cardigans became acceptable casual wear, v-neck merino wool sweaters were the staple, jeans became fitted and dark denims coupled with nice wingtip shoes, and as always, the blazer would complete a look.

I went from the chubby kid with a few long sleeve crew neck shirts, to suddenly something that was actually taken right out of a magazine (Dennis Quad in GQ Magazine wore an almost identical outfit).

As I continued in my evolution of dress, I began matching ties with shirts. Simple at first, then like an aspiring wine aficionado, I started making more interesting pairings between shirts and ties. I experimented with french cuffs, tie clips, all manner of little nuances to the whole. And in the end, I came up with my own rules, my own look, my own sense of style.

It's funny, I'm working out again now, and a lot of it has to do with being able to fit into my dress shirts of yester-year. My recent weight gain has also spurred a new evolution in styling, of the more casual sort. No more wingtip loafers, but instead, funky bowler shoes, graphic tees, and short sleeve collared shirts that I never thought I'd learn to love.

So perhaps this weight gain wasn't all for naught, I have a very good feeling that when I'm slim again, I'll be able to take the best of both worlds and put them together.

As for the title of this photo, I'm reminded of the song "Most Girls" by Pink. I am not your typical guy. I don't wear these clothes because I have to wear it to work, quite the opposite, I'm usually the butt of many a good natured joke for being "Mr. GQ". It's not that I wish to be taken more seriously than I am, quite the opposite, I'm having a hard time feeling comfortable with the fact that I'm darn near 30, and people are "sir"-ing me already.

I dress this way because I like it, it makes me feel confident, and it makes me feel good. I'm hoping that by the first snowfall, the first self portrait of me in the Winter will be me fully "suited up".

P.S. For the sharp eyed, see if you can spot the tie that I'll be wearing to Jane's wedding as a bridesman!

high society catalogue

high society catalogue

Brief was given to produce a launch campaign and additional promotional materials for one of the forthcoming exhibitions - High Society, an exhibition on recreational drugs.

I made a pulling upwards long horizontal concertina fold of 32 pages brochure on a 100% magenta theme with pin perforation on a mirror cover. Long horizontal pages represent the height – high. The 100% magenta theme was because a person on drugs only sees bright colours. A drug addict uses mirror paper to snort off drugs. It provides a ledge-like barrier, and as well as not sticking, the hard surface is good for chopping and easy to clean. Pin perforation with a bellyband actually represents how a drug addict injects themselves on their arms. Behind each page actually have all the names of drugs. The whole theme was consistent, i.e the promotional item is a long sleeve t-shirt with the bellyband and the injection marks. And the marketing leaflet and time out ad was horizontally long upwards – high. The poster was made up by mirror art card that I believe could gain all the attention from passengers of London Underground.

long sleeve graphic t shirt

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20.10.2011. u 01:17 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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