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For 2017 entry, the university was one of only a few mainstream universities along with Cambridge, Imperial College London, , , , and to have no courses available in. Retrieved 16 December 2012.

Retrieved 20 April 2013. Retrieved 28 April 2016. Retrieved 21 March 2016. They are no longer formally used by the college, although they are still occasionally seen in unofficial contexts, or used in modified form by sports teams and societies.

Mark Handley - The Heart Hospital was renamed and refurbished to provide thoracic and urology services including operation theaters, and.

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Jeff Settle 1973—1977 PhD 1983. There has, however, been a Christian chaplaincy since 2005 and there is no restriction on religious groups among students. Archived from on 12 November 2010. Retrieved 12 February 2012. Higher Education Statistics Authority. Retrieved 11 February 2018. It is democratically controlled through General Meetings and referendums, and is run by elected student officers.
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