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Life of an Auditor
Accounting Elf


Anything that happens, happens.
Anything that, in happening,
causes something else to happen,
causes something else to happen.
Anything that, in happening,
causes itself to happen again,
happens again.
It doesn’t necessarily do it
in chronological order,though.

ponedjeljak, 13.03.2006.

Jutros sam vidjela fantastičnu reklamu:
U autu su muškarac i žena. Ona vozi. On vadi cigaru i stavlja je u usta. Vadi upaljač i prinosi ga cigari. Sekundu prije nego što je zapalio cigaru ona počinje da vozi k'o ludak. Skreće sa ceste, ide kroz nekakve rupe, juri prema ogromnom drvetu, promaši ga u zadnjoj sekundi i prođe na centimetar od drveta. On je sav izgubljen, paničan, uplašen. Ona izlazi nazad na cestu, a on je prestrašeno pita "What's the matter with you???". Ona vozi normalno i sva smirena odgovara "You were endangering my life, too".
Rekla je od kampanje protiv pušenja. Oduševila me.

Pokušala sam da pronađem link za reklamu, ali mi nije uspjelo. No, pronašla sam mnogo bolji opis od mog - napisao ga je Bill Simon kreator, editor, i izdavač web sajta Political Vine. Ovo je njegov tekst:
The scene opens with two people in a car, one driving and one passenger in the front seat with the camera facing the two people. Not that it matters, but I think the casting for the commercial also adds to the brilliance of it. The driver is a black , mid-30s female, and the passenger is this skinny white guy in his late-20s.
So, they're driving along and the guy takes out a cigarette and proceeds to light it. The driver still faces her head forward, but you see her eyes move to her right for an instant to view what the guy is doing.
She turns her eyes back to the road and all of a sudden yanks the wheel hard to the left and takes the car off-road, changing elevation to a lower level, causing the occupants to bounce around a bit. She swerves one way and then the car heads for this huge oak tree when the guy yells out "Look out for the TREE!" And she steers the car away from the tree and back onto the road where she resumes a normal driving position without saying one word.
The guy, with the cigarette out of his mouth, yells at her, "What are YOU doing???" She answers, "You're endangering my life. Just returning the favor." End of commercial.

- 03:40 - Javi se (14) - Troši papir - #

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