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Life of an Auditor
Accounting Elf


Anything that happens, happens.
Anything that, in happening,
causes something else to happen,
causes something else to happen.
Anything that, in happening,
causes itself to happen again,
happens again.
It doesn’t necessarily do it
in chronological order,though.

srijeda, 12.10.2005.

Da li ste oduvijek sanjali o tome da imate leteće auto? Jeste? E pa vašem čekanju je kraj! Sada ga možete kupiti ovdje (klikni na sliku) za malih, sićušnih, beznačajnih 3 i pol miliona dolara.
Neiman Marcus je prodavnica poznata po tome što svake godine ima jednu posebno ludu, užasno skupu stvar koja bi trebala da obraduje tu posebnu osobu u vašem životu. Ovo im je jedna od najluđih do sad.
Evo vam isječak iz njihovog online kataloga (sorry guys, nemam vremena da prevodim, znam da vas večina priča engleski)
Skycar Prototype
Born too late for the Wright Brothers' first plane? Missed out on Henry Ford's Model T? You can still have a piece of transportation history: the prototype for an unprecedented mode of transportation that melds sci-fi and state-of-the-art technology.
• The M400 Skycar is the world's first personal vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft, designed to elevate individual drivers above the headaches of commuting and the dangers of highway travel.
• In development since the 1960s, the Skycar has completed successful hovering flights, and its first manned, un-tethered flight is planned for Fall 2005.
• Developed by Moller International, the three-wheeled, folding-wing craft is designed to be as safe, affordable, and easy to use as an automobile.
• Travels at 350+ miles per hour and achieves an environmentally friendly 21 miles per gallon on alcohol, a cleaner fuel than gasoline.
• Because most auto emissions occur at idle or low speeds, the M400 will produced less pollution by burning fuel more completely.
• A limited number of M400s is expected to be available within the next three years, but you can purchase the actual prototype for yourself or your favorite commuter now.
• For more information and to order, please call 1.877.9NM.GIFT.
• Delivery not included.*

Šteta što mi Trump nije kakva rodbina :))

- 04:28 - Javi se (11) - Troši papir - #

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