
utorak, 11.08.2009.

Čarolija na lancunu/The magic on the sheet

Dragi Naši,

Lancun priko ograde naše ville maritime, posuđeni projektor, film spržen s interneta, dragi gosti. Kad se sve to pretenciozno nazove ”Filmska noć u Podjamju pod visokim pokroviteljstvom gollyh&bossyh” nastane čarolija.

Gledali smo film Australija i svi gosti su morali donit sa sobom suvenir iz Australije. A tega bar u Starem Kraju ima (klik).
I tako smo sedili pod zvizdama Sjevernog neba, gledali zvizde Južnega neba, pijuckali bevandu, jili hrstule, a kad se na lancunu pojavi Hugh Jackman u bilemu odjelu valom se prolomio gromki uzdah. Na kraju smo iskoristili priliku i Obilježili obožavatelje (klik).
Uglavnom, ne da je bilo super, nego je bilo super. Vica i Michael su rekli da im je to bi vrhunac lita, a oni su bili i na jedrenje.

Filmska noć u Podjamju iz jednine prelazi u množinu i sad već postoje Filmske noći u Podjamju. Večeras je na lancunu Miljunaš s ulice. Svima gostima na čelo crtamo crvenu točku.

Iščekujemo Vas s veseljem.

Photobucket Photobucket

Photobucket Photobucket

A sheet over the fence of our villa maritima, a borrowed projector, a downloaded film, the dear guests. All of that was pretentiously named “Film night in Podjamje, under the high patronage of golly&bossy” and a magic happened.

We saw the film Australia, and all the guests had to bring a souvenir from Australia. And we all know that here in the Old Country there is an abundance of such things (click).
So we sat under the stars of Northern sky, watched the stars of Southern sky, drank home made wine, ate traditional sweets, and when Hugh Jackman in the white suit appeared on the sheet there was a loud sigh over the cove. Finally, it was a good chance to mark our fans.
Not that it was a great night, but it was a great night. Vica and Michael said that it was the highlight of their summer, and they even went sailing.

Film night in Podjamje moves from singular to plural and now there are Film nights in Podjamje. Tonight there will be Slumdog millionaire on the sheet. And all the guests will get a red dot on their foreheads.

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