
subota, 04.07.2009.

Kako je propao rokenrol/The death of rocknroll

Dragi Naši
rokenrol je propa kad smo u butigama s robom na kila našli dokazni materijal 1a., 1b. i 2. O tempora, o mores, još razumimo da Justin Timberlake ima svoju liniju robe, da Christina Aguillera ima najprodavanije parfeme i da je P Diddy dizajner godine, ali ovo ne bi očekivali od revolucionara. Tctctctc.....

Rocknroll died when we found the evidences 1a, 1b, and 2 in those shops that have piles of clothes lying on tables. O tempora o mores. We can understand that Justin Timberlake has his fashion line, that Christina Aguiller has the best selling perfumes and that P Diddy is the designer of the year, but this… This is not something the revolutionaries should do. Tctctctc.....




Ali, naravno, iako s moralnih visina osuđujemo ovu komercijalizaciju i dalje smo izuzetno pragmatični i zato ove majice uvik rado nosimo. I jedva čekamo da Michael Jackson posthumno pusti u promet liniju bilih bičava.
But of course, although we condemn this commercialisation we are still very pragmatic and enjoy wearing this T-shirts. And we can’t wait for the moment when Michael Jackson will posthumously introduce his line of white socks.

Hey ho let's yo


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