
srijeda, 25.02.2009.

Autoportret s pticom / Self-portrait with the bird

Dragi Naši
Evo napokon imamo aparat! I windfuckersister nan je u komentaru (klik) poručila da jedva čeka da ga kupimo.
Nakon puno promišljanja i razmišljanja i konzultacija, na kraju smo ga ipak izabrali prima boji. Jer Min obožavamo zlatnu boju. Osim što je zlatan naš novi aparat ima masu megapiksela koje nikad nećemo iskoristit, zna prepoznat osmijeh i slikat u praven trenutku, može slikat i pod more tako da odsad ježine slikamo u njihoven prirodnen okruženju (klik), može stat u svaku i najmanju bursicu, ima posebnu funkciju za slikat vatromete, uglavnom sve što prosječnom Klingoncu treba u svakoj životnoj avanturi.
Jedna od prvih slika našega novega aparata bila je Autoportret s pticom. U startu se vidi da ima stila.

For a long time we've been thinking about buying a camera but we’re just too lazy to shop for those things. But now we decided that we shouldn’t go to another concert and take photos with the mobile phone. So, after lot of thinking and comparing we based our decision on the colour. Because we adore gold colour. Besides being golden our new camera has many megapixels that we’re never going to use, it can recognise a smile and takes a photo at the right moment, it can take underwater photos with realistic colours so from now we are taking photos of sea urchins in their natural habitat (klik), it can fit in any, even the smallest, bag, it has a special function for fireworks, all in all it has everything an average Klingon needs in every adventure life brings.
One of the first photos of our new camera was this Self-portrait with the bird. You can tell from the start it has style.

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