
četvrtak, 22.05.2008.

baumhäuser treehouses maisons d´arbres case albero casas árboles kućice na drvu

Draghi Nashi,
Danas su Nan tema kućice na drvu. Naši čitatelji ne znaju da jedno od kultnih mjesta u Dalekocentričnem sustavu pripada kućama na drvu. One su Nam (i Nama i Dalekima) konstantna opsesija. Sve je počelo kad su Nama ispričali, a Min onda Vama kako u Starem Krayu ima jedan Barba što ima kuću na maslini. Nadamo se da ćemo se pri sljedećem našem ukazanju u Starem Krayu uspit zajedno nać na koordinatama te kućice. U međuvremenu se oduševljavamo svakom kućicom na drvu koju nađemo.

Homo naprid. Ne znamo kako smo došli na stranice the coolhunter.net, ali kako biste Vin rekli similis simili gaudet tako uopće ni čudo da smo min ovako cool naletili na lovce na cool. Redovito od njih u naš sandučić stižu vijesti o najcool stvarima u svijetu, a ovu setemanu smo našli kućice na drvu.

Ovo je kuća-orah u Njemačkoj

Casa Giraffa u Brazilu

Kuće radi njemačka firma baumraum, a sve se ništo mislimo da je na tima bauštelama jadno lipo fatigat.

I da zaokružimo cilu priču o kućicama moramo posjetit područje književnosti. Tamo ćemo nać novelu Itala Calvina Barun penjač o barunu Cosimu (ode smo se ponadali da se Barba iz Starega Kraya zove Kuzma, jer bi to onda bi nevjerojatni skup čudnih okolnosti, ali smo se konzultirali i doznali da ni nego Marin) koji cili život živi na stablu. Radnja se događa u 18. stoljeću, a kako je u to vrime Europa bila toliko šumovita da je se cilu moglo proć sa stabla na stablo. I tako naš barun aktivno sudjeluje u prosvjetiteljstvu, raspravlja na sjednicama francuske akademije (sa stabla kroz otvorenu punistru) i razgovara s Voltaireom.
ovako baruna penjača vidi ilustrator Germano Ovani

Draghi nashi, život prin ili kasnije uvik oponaša umjetnost i između barona na stablu i Barbe na maslini mala je razlika. Kućice na drvu su apsolutno cool, a i Min skupa s njima.
Vashi Skromny


Dear Daleky,
Our subject today are tree houses. Our readers do not know that in the Dalekycentric system one of the prominent places belongs to the tree houses. They are Our constant obsession. It all started when we heard about an Uncle (back in the Old Country you say uncle to any older man you respect, it is like calling him sir) that has a house on a olive tree. We told it to You Daleky, and ever since we are crazy about tree houses.

Let’s go on. We don’t know how we found out the coolhunter.net, but as you say similis simili gaudet and no wonder that we, being so cool, tripped over the cool hunters. We get their newsletter about the coolest things in the world, and this week we've found the tree houses in our inbox!



They are made by the German company baumraum. Now this is a baustelle one must enjoy working at.

To round up the whole story about the tree houses we must visit the field of literature. There we find the novella by Italo Calvino The Baron in the Trees about a baron Cosimo who lives his whole life up on the tree. It all happens in the 18th century, and in that time Europe was so cover in woods that one could cross the continent never setting the foot on the ground. So our Baron actively participates in the elighment movement, discusses at the sessions of the French academy (from the tree through the open window) and talks to Voltaire.
this is how illustrator Germano Ovani sees the Baron in the Trees

Dear Daleky, sooner or later the life always ends up imitating the art and there is a small difference between the Baron in the trees and the Uncle on the olive tree. Tree houses are absolutely cool, and so are we.
your modest friend

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