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Prosinac 2007 (3)
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Kolovoz 2007 (1)
Srpanj 2007 (1)
Lipanj 2007 (2)
Svibanj 2007 (2)
Ožujak 2007 (1)
Veljača 2007 (3)
Siječanj 2007 (3)
Prosinac 2006 (4)
Studeni 2006 (5)


Design © Morrigan Komentari On/Off

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In my endless dark you will find...

moje pjesme, mišljenje o ovom faking životu, smrti, ljubavi i sličnim glupostima...

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Ono što smo napravili za sebe, umire zajedno s nama; što smo učinili za druge, ostaje besmrtno.
Albert Pike

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Gothic counter... ti si već.. evo koji.. (od 23.12.06)
Free Web Site Counters
Free Web Site Counters

users online

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Web stranice i blogovi vrijedni čitanja...

Noćni život grada Koprivnice
Koprivnički studenti u Zagrebu
Moj fax

For my pain

United Tattoo Studios ZAGREB & GANDALF
Metal storm
Goth metal world chat

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Goth name
My goth name
Get your vampire name
Find your Morbid name

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MRAK BLOGOVI ljudi koje znam...
Skok do Black-starrsice
Party girl - Ivana
Anshinritsumei... Suteki da ne? - MARIJA
Mala Sanjič
Nella - susjeda
Ivona - susjeda
Kvartovski dečki u akciji
Dečki iz Miklinovca
Bježi dok možeš
Družina - Kc
Lud, luđi, lud u p.m.(trius fantasticus)

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MRAK BLOGOVI ljudi koje ne znam...
Metal live 4ever - Alen
† I hate with as much passion as I love... †
Marty's H.I.M. world
Dečko (Igor) koji obožava H.I.M
Anchie (H.I.M.)
Bon Jovi Fan
Gothic world

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Something about me...

Volim: pisati pjesme (o smrti, umiranju, samoći, tuzi, ljubavi, prolaznosti života, besmrtnosti... i sl.)
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slušati glazbu (hard rock, gothic, love metal...)
čitati Edgar Allan Poea, Anne Rice...
Finsku (već ju duuugooo namjeravam posjetiti)
Ville Vala
crnu boju
crnu odjeću (duge haljine, čipkaste i mrežaste majice, kožne kapute, marte, starke)
crnu šminku
blijedu put
gotičke križeve i nakit (killere, metalne prstene, lance)
žilete i ziherice
motore (choopere)
noć, zalazak sunca, mjesec..
tišinu i samoću
sve što je crno, morbidno, mistično i patloško...

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GOTHIC NAME: Morbid Princess
Studiram: 3.god. studija sestrinstva
Tattoo: imam jednu na leđima (od 05.10.2006.)

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Piercing: 6 na lijevom i 2 na desnom uhu (za sadzujo) i još jedan na lijevom od 15.12.'06.
.. i opet još jedan na desnom uhu..od 21.4.2007.
.. i NAPOKON "SMILE" od 19.5.2007.
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od 12.7.007. ispunila se moja veelikaaa želja... Labret
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a od 15.9.007.. dekolte..i nadam se da je ovo posljednji, ali i najdraži
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My wish...
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Love status:
Not so important, but solitary is allways my best friend...
I'm waiting for someone who is like HIM...

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I'm Dark Angel...
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My best friends:
† Little-Evil
† Parti$a
† Black-Starr

† Eve-Black
† Simone-Death

My favourite BANDS:
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For my pain
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The 69 eyes
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Bon Jovi
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My e-mail adress:

My my space URL:

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My favourite MOVIES:

Intervju s vampirom ...
Kraljica prokletih
Omen 666
Kad jaganjci utihnu
Krug 1,2,3
Batman (svi djelovi)
Rock star
Tjelesni čuvar
Prljavi ples
Don Juan de Marco
Bilo jednom u Mexicu
Schindlerova lista
10. stepenica
Grad anđela
Moj život
Otrovni pero (Markiz de Sade)
Pafrem - povijest jednog ubojice
Svi filmovi Robinna Williamsa:
Društvo mrtvih pjesnika
Ja ću budan sanjati
Patch Adams
Mojih 200 godina
Završni rez...

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Gledo sam te sinoc.U snu.Tuznu.Mrtvu.
U dvorani kobnoj,u idili cvijeca,
Na visokom odru,u agoniji svijeca,
Gotov da ti predam zivot kao zrtvu.

Nisam plako.Nisam.Zapanjen sam stao.
U dvorani kobnoj,punoj smrti krasne,
Sumnjajuci da su tamne oci jasne
Odakle mi nekad bolji zivot sjao.

Sve baš, sve je mrtvo: oci, dah i ruke,
Sve što ocajanjem htjedoh da ozivim
U slijepoj stravi i u strasti muke,

U dvorani kobnoj, mislima u sivim.
Samo kosa tvoja još je bila ziva,
Pa mi rece: MIRUJ, U SMRTI SE SNIVA!!!


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ljubeći mu
po sredini
i ujedam ga

za srce
Ana Horvat

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NAJ PJESME (trenutno)...

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HIM - Poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

A prey she was for the cruelty of love
While its serpents inside crawled straight
towards her heart
The coldest kiss
Love ceased to exist
While we grew apart like never before

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

The fire in her eyes grew dim and then died
As the poison inside reached her heart
And the coldest bliss
Faith ceased to exist
as we grew apart like never before

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

And the taste of the poison on her lips
is of a tomb

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

Poison girl, poison girl
Poison girl, poison girl
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl
In this poison world

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REFLEXION - Army of broken hearts

Drowned in the sea of deceitful lies
Made my religion from your eyes
Possessed by the sirens’ song ( whispering ):
“ The bed of razors is waiting for you “

The only thing you can give me is sorrow
Wou will bathe in my tears tomorrow
The voices screaming “ No “ in my head
I’m still longing for your bed

If i close my eyes and let your ruin my heart
Will it hold the suffocating pain?
If i close my eyes and let you tear up these scars
Is it the only way you can feel alive?

Wearing the mask of eternal gloom
Tell me what has made you so cruel
Share with me all the grief in your life
And i can give you endless love

Maybe i hurts me, maybe it kills me
Maybe it drowns me but i just want to try
To join your army of broken hearts

Because i want you to feel devotion that is real
You need to unleash all the hate
And pain that is bringing you down...

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Memories running through your head
Alone and afraid there's monster under your bed
Waiting for him to come home

The strangest feeling when darkness surrounds your mind
Screaming pain when you turn out to be right
The sad story again, leaves you nothing but pain, all in vain

Storm in your heart, it tears you apart
For so long you have wandered in dark
To find out the one who won't let you down

Put your heart, back in the game
and you will lose it all over again
It's always the same, nothing but pain, all in vain

Storm in your heart it tears you apart
For so long you have wandered in dark
To find out the one who won't let you down

Baby, join me in death...
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11 satanic rules
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1. Ne dajte mišljenja i savjete ako niste prethodno upitani.
2. Ne pričajte drugima svoje probleme ako niste sigurni da ih oni žele čuti.
3. Kada u tuđem brlogu, poštuje domaćina ili nemojte ići tamo.
4. Ako vas gost u vašem brlogu ometa, odnosite se prema njemu okrutno i bez milosti.
5. Nemojte se pokušati seksualno nametnuti, ako prethodno niste dobili signal za parenje.
6. Ne uzimajte ono što nije vaše, osim ako to predstavlja teret drugoj osobi koja se očajno toga želi riješti.
7. Priznajte moć magije ako ste ju uspješno upotrijebili da bi ostvarili svoje želje. Ako poreknete moć magije nakon njena uspješna prizivanja, izgubiti ćete sve što se njome stekli.
8. Ne prigovarajte o ničemu što ne morate vi osobno podnostiti.
9. Ne činite zlo maloj djeci.
10. Ne ubijajte ne-ljudske životinje osim ako ste napadnuti ili za hranu.
11. Kada hodate otvorenom teritorijom, ne smetajte nikoga. Ako netko vas smeta, zamolite ih da prestanu. Ako ne prestanu, uništite ih.

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Živi svaki dan kao da ti je posljednji
Jer jednog će dana zaista biti.


fotka s maturalne, haljina po Tarji iz Nightwish... moj ostvaren san snova...
... još dok sam bila PLAVA...
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Tarja (Nightwish) - korzet
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my tattoo... nemogu se je nagledati kad je baš na... LEĐIMA hehe
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Moje najdarže micice Luna i Rafo, tak su bili dragi, al sad ih ih nema... jako mi nedostaju... no
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Na velikom točenom s "Prijateljicom s velikim P" u "Zlatnome medi"
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In hospital on practice ...
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Helgica and Dark Angel in Strossmayer bar...
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Black-starr and Dark Angel...
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The sweetest ANGELS... ×:) only mine...
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My sister Lynn...
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Interview with the Vampires... Little evil and Dark Angel
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Nakon dugotrajne dijete korzet je opet na meni... njami
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Black-starr & Dark Angel na Gradecu (Božićna fešta UPS-a)
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Black-starr & Dark Angel & BUBi
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Me and my angels.. kiss
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Dark Angel.... burninmad
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†...Join me in death...†

petak, 02.02.2007.

Samo za taj osjećaj...

I napokon... bez obzira na to što imam užasno puno za učiti... išla sam na jednu malu cugicu party sa svojom ekipom do našeg (tj. bolje rečeno mojeg) najdražeg birca... naughty
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Bijaše to jučer navečer.. eh..
Meni je bilo mrak... ko i uvijek...thumbup moje najdraže pjesme... zgodni dugokosi komadi.. cerek hehe, ali su neki nažalost morali spaštati slušajući neke pjesme koje nisu čuli nikad u životu ... (ah... kaj ta ljubav radi od čovjeka.. lud nemrem vjerovati)... kiss

"..Oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz .."

Baš sam s nekom čudnom skrivenom namjerom došla van... smokin hehe.. htjela sam se na neki način zguštati prije veeeelikooog učenja za ovaj vikend... i naravno kak ja uvijek imam neku nepredvidivu sreću.. uspjela sam se s nekim upoznati...naughty

Alkohol party (al naravno ovog puta u manjim količinama) je učinio svoje i spika je počela... hehehe
ovaj... budimo realni ... nut bombardiranje pitanjima...

"Ej.... ja sam ta i ta... tvoj VEEEELIIIIKKKKIII fan!!!!! Pročitala sam sve tvoje kolumne... zakaj više ne pišeš ništ? TI si meni tak mrak.... kad ćete doć u Koprivnicu...? e a jel bi se mogli poslikati?"....

Čovjek naravno nije do riječi mogel doći... a dok smo konačno ovjekovječili taj povjesni trenutak... odgovoril mi je na moja postavljena pitanja...

i eto ga na.... MILE KEKIN & JA
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Sad dok se toga prisjećam.. headbang pitam se samo kaj si je taj čovjek mislil...lud koja je ovo glupača... hehe.. u zemlju bih najradije htjela propasti... puknucu ali ipak se isplatilo... SAMO ZA TAJ OSJEĆAJ...

|11:33| Wake me up with your comment 13| Isprintaj| #| Na Vrh|

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