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design by [TinchA]

Opis bloga

This is me...! What u see is what u get!
Take it or leave it!

Duffy Lyrics



Noina Arka
Info centar za kućne ljubimce

Blogovi koje rado čitam :

O pesekima koji traže dom
Lana i Paola
Umaška škorpionka
Kraljica suza



Nešto o meni...

...studiram ekonomiju...
...živim u meni najljepšem gradu Zagrebu...
...obožavam svog psića Linu...
...volontiram u udruzi za zaštitu životinja Noina Arka...
...ne volim biti sama...
...mrzim jetricu, tikvice i patliđane...
...obožavam palačinke...
...volim čitati knjige...
...plačem na tužne filmove...
...obožavam putovati...
...želim ponovno otići na Zanzibar...
...najdraže godišnje doba mi je proljeće...
...volim biti zaljubljena...
...obožavam shopping...
...volim svoj autić...
...učim biti sretna sama sa sobom...
...trudim se biti manje zahtjevna...
...od sada uvijek svoja (11.10.09.)...
...najdraži film mi je definititvno The notebook :) ...

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Two weeks away it feels like the world should've changed
But I'm home now
And things still look the same...
I think I'll leave it till tomorrow to unpack
Try to forget for one more night
That I'm back in my flat on the road
Where the cars never stop going through the night
To a life where I can't watch sunset
I don't have time
I don't have time..

I've still got sand in my shoes
And I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you
But why would I want to
I know we said goodbye
Anything else would've been confused but I wanna see you again

Tomorrow's back to work and down to sanity
should run a bath and then clear up the mess I made before I left here
Try to remind myself that I was happy here
Before I knew that I could get on the plane and fly away...
From the road where the cars never stop going through the night
To a life where I can't watch sunset
And take my time
Take up our time...

I've still got sand in my shoes
And I can't shake the thought of you
I should get on, forget you
But why would I want to
I know we said goodbye
Anything else would've been confused but I wanna see you again

I wanna see you again
Two weeks away, all it takes to change and turn me around, I've fallen
I walked away and never said that I wanted to see again

I wanna see you again
I wanna see you again

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...ja se sjećam ljubavi
plakala sam kao kiša
kad si odlazio ti
sad mi kažeš da sam hladna
kažeš da sam okrutna
možda jesam al sam školu
kod tebe završila...

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Čaša prepun stol, u meni bol
Svi su noćas tu, al nije on
S društvom nazdravljam, trudim se da se ne vidi
Glasno smijem se ne dam da itko primijeti
Ti ne znaš što je ljubav, bez malo srama srce si mi slomio
Ti ne znaš što je ljubav i nikad nikog nisi tako volio

Ne mogu, ja više ne mogu ni suzu pustiti, što mi to radiš
Bože snage mi daj, bar da te mogu mrziti

Glumim, glumim da mi kiša ne smeta,
Glumim da toplo mi je, a ko santa leda sam

Čaša prepun stol, u meni bol
Svi su otišli, al nije on
Vrisnula bih sad samo da bol me popusti
Srce ne sluša, bar da te mogu mrziti
Ti ne znaš što je ljubav, bez malo srama srce si mi slomio
Ti ne znaš što je ljubav i nikad nikog nisi tako volio

Ne mogu, ja više ne mogu ni suzu pustiti, što mi to radiš
Bože snage mi daj, bar da te mogu mrziti

A glumim, glumim da mi kiša ne smeta,
Glumim da toplo mi je, a ko santa leda sam

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Toše Proeski R.I.P.

Kao što i sam naslov kaže, jutros je poginuo Toše Proeski u prometnoj nesreći kod Nove Gradiške. Moram vam reći da mi je stvarno žao jer mi je on bio stvarno simpa i imao je predivne pjesme, pa evo jedna od mojih najdražih:

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