baš se glupo osjećam

rofl no nono bang burninmad headbang mad puknucu namcor

RHCP- I could die for you
Something inside the cards
I know is right
Don't want to live
Somebody elses life
This is what I want to be
And this is what I give to you
Because I get it free
She smiles while I do my time

I could die for you
Oh this life I choose

Šta da vam kažem ljudi-život je sranje nema većeg ali štaš …….čudno je to kad ideš u razred s nekim ljudima i tek nakon tri godine h upoznaš….i čudno je kad više vjeruješ nekim osobama koje si tek sad upoznao nego onima koje znaš dosta dugo….

I'm here to be your only go-between
To tell you of the sights
These eyes have seen
What I really want to do is
Turn it into motion
Beauty that I can't abuse
You know that I'd use my senses to
You can see that
It's only everywhere
I'd take it all and then
I'd find a way to share

I užasno je kad ne znaš na čemu si s nekim ljudofima, kad ne znaš da li ti seru u facu non stop ili je istina to što govore…ako seru zašto to rade ….

Come along and go
Along with me
Wander with me yo
It's all for free

I could die for you
Whatchu wanna do
Oh this life I choose

Zašto imam osjećaj da sam užasno naivna i da me ljudi preveslaju samo tako…jedino što sam shvatila je da ja ne poznajem pola ljudi s kojima idem već tri godine u razred a voljela bih….

Come again and tell me
Where you want to go
What it means for me
To be with you alone
Close the door and
No one has to know
How we are

I ne volim kad ljudi koji me ne znaju imaju krivo mišljenje o meni…

Zato molim vas da mi kažete ili napišete šta vam smeta kod mene i ja ću se pokušati promijeniti….samo me nemojte pljuvat okolo….

Come along and go
Along with me
Wander with me yo
It's all for free

I could die for you
Whatchu want to do
Oh this life I choose

Znam da vam je već dosta čitati o ovakvim glupostima ali morala sam to napisati….

Pozdrav svima

P.S. ova pjesma i ima i nema veze s mojim osjećajima

22.10.2006. u 11:38 | K | 9 | P | # | ^

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ja, nitko kao drugi! :=)

* rođena 30.10.1989., tvrdoglavi škorpion
*gimnazijalka(još uvijek)
*vesela, :)
*rasplesana :=)
*zovi na ovaj broj ako se hoćeš zabaviti o91/22-333-44-a de, šala
sebe i samo sebe,
moje kolegice,
i kolege da se ne uvrijede,
dobre ljubavnike,
*single and redi to mingle
* bi bilo to ukratko

bla, bla, bla:


Sly (bivša Icey!)

Drage kolegice i kolege:

prvo krećem s mojim curama:
Amelie-ako tražite zabavu ona je uvijek za,zbilja se znamo dugo i uvijek je tu da mi pomogne.....
-zna biti nepromišljena ali i davati dobre savjete,a tek da je vidite kako pleše.....
- ma šta ko reko ona je d` best i jako je lolim
-luda do daske i jebe joj se za cio svijet
Kathy-luda velika, bavi se odbojkom,to moram naglasiti
-ponekad stidljiva ali kad se pravo napije bježite od nje jer je gora nego uš (iako su to rijetki trenutci)
- zbilja cura je super, poslušat će te kad si u nevolji i pomoći, otvorena,
-u njenim snovima uvijek ispadnem neki frik
-zaboravih, rođene smo na isti datum ,a vrlo dobro se slažemo(čudo)
Dijana- komplicirana ali dobra osoba....znamo se od male škole.....
-za zabavu pomoći u nevolji....
-znamo se mi i posvađati...ali opet se sve riješi....
kolege:Sven, Ivo,Vjeko, Križić, Žaka
ima još ljudi i sorry ako nisam koga navela ali ne da mi se pisat.....

Moja mjuza:

RHCP wink -Tearjerker

My mouth fell open
Hoping that the truth
Would not be true
Refuse the news

I'm feeling sick now
What the fuck am I
Supposed to do
Just loose and loose

First time I saw you
you were sitting
Backstage in a dress
A perfect mess

You never knew this
But I wanted badly for you to
Requite my love

Left on the floor
Leaving your body
When highs are the lows
And lows are the way
So hard to stay
Guess now you know
I love you so.

I liked your whiskers
And I liked the
Dimple in your chin
Your pale blue eyes

You painted pictures
'Cause the one
Who hurts
Can give so much
You gave me such

The Reason- Hoobastank

I'm not a perfect person
There are many things I wish I didn't do
But i continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
and so i have to say before I go
that I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me , to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new ,and the reason is you

I'm sorry that i hurt you
It's something i must live with every day
and all the pain i put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
and be the one who catches all your tears
thats why I need you to hear

I've found a reason for me , to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new , and the reason is you

and the reason is you
and the reason is you
and the reason is you
and the reasno is you

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
and so I have to say before I go
that i just want you to know

I've found a reason for me, to change who i used to be
a reason to start over new, and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
a side of me you didn't know
a reason for all that i do
and the reason is you...

design by Spuky