kolovoz, 2007  
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Kolovoz 2007 (3)


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em0 b0x..xD

ovo je emo blog..koji pisemo nas dva..we must be emo..ojea..i tak citajte nas..<3

thE em0 s0ng..<3

Dear Diary:

Mood: Apathetic.

My life is spiralling downward.
I couldn't get enough money to go to the
Blood Red Romance and Suffocate me dry concert.
It sucks 'cause they play some of my favorite songs
like "Stab My Heart Because I Love You" and
"Rip Apart My Soul" and of course,
"Stabby Rip Stab Stab".
And it doesn't help that I couldn't
get my hair to do that flippy thing.
Like that guy from that band can do.
Some days you know...

'I'm an emo kid, non-conforming as can be
You'd be non-conforming too if
you looked just like me
I have paint on my nails and make-up on my face
I'm almost emo enough to start shaving my legs
'Cause I feel real deep when I'm dressing in drag
I call it freedom of expression,
most just call me a fag
'Cause our dudes look like chicks,
and our chicks look like dykes
'Cause emo is one step below transvestite!

Stop my breathing and slit my throat
I must be emo
I don't jump around when I go to shows
I must be emo

I'm dark, and sensitive with low self-esteem
The way I dress makes every day feel like Halloween
I have no real problems but I like to make believe
I stole my sister's mascara now
I'm grounded for a week.
Sulking and writing poetry are my hobbies
I can't get through a Hawthorne
Heights album without sobbing
Girls keep breaking up with me,
it's never any fun.
They say they already have a pussy,
they don't need another one

Stop my breathing and slit my throat
I must be emo
I don't jump around when I go to shows
I must be emo
Dye in my hair and polish on my toes
I must be emo
I play guitar and write suicide notes
I must be emo

My life is just a black abyss,
you know, it's so dark.
And it's suffocating me.
[ Lyrics provided by www.mp3lyrics.org ]
Grabbing hold of me and tightening its grip,
tighter than a pair of
my little sister's jeans...
which look great on me by the way.

When I get depressed I cut my
wrists in every direction
Hearing songs about getting
dumped give me an erection
I write in a live journal and
wear thick rimmed glasses
I tell my friends I bleed black
and cry during classes
I'm just a bad, cheap, imitation of goth,
You can read me "Catcher in the
Rye", and watch me jack off.
I wear skin tight clothes while hating my life
If I said I like girls, I'd only be half right!

I look like I'm dead and dress like a homo
I must be emo
Screw XBox, I play old school Nintendo
I must be emo
I like to whine and hit my parentals
I must be emo
Me and my friends all look like clones
I must be eemo

My parents just don't get me, you know.
They think I'm gay just because
they saw me kiss a guy.
Well, a couple guys. But I mean, it's the 2000s.
Can't 2 ... or 4 dudes make-out with
each other without being gay?
I mean, chicks dig that kind of thing anyways.
I don't know diary,
sometimes I think you're the only one that gets me,
you're my best friend...

I feel like tacos.

* d0nt hurt me just say y0u l0ve me

* y0ur eyes are a mirr0r 0f y0ur s0ul

* y0ur lips are like p0is0n

* i am adiccted t0 y0u i cant live anym0re if i cant have y0u


.slike. <3

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utorak, 28.08.2007.

iiiiiiiiiiiiiii s0metimessss i wanna walk away,,(haha m0j engleski)

joo0o00o0 pep0 kas ti meni zlat0 m0je napisati n0vi p0st..j0j..0cito nes neda ti se ..mmda^^..men se nis vise neda ..a kak su sjebali
0aj bl0g edit0r pa t0 je prestrasn0..mislim m0gli ste nam mal k0mentara udjelit..bas ste pizde..mrs..haha..sala..dd
e0 zb0 vas p0o0o0zzubo
hahhahah^^i tak e0 d0sadn0 je danas ka0 r0dj..nas hahah ka0..0n0 a ja neam p0jma 0 t0me..yes al bitn0 da bude vesel0 partysmokin

i tak t0..sta sam htjela rec..nem0gu vjer0vat ljet0 je e0 g0t0v0..u p0n je sk0la..ajme sk0la..de nebi t0 sve n0v0 vam0 tam0..j0j0j0j0..men strah..cry
nis me vise nm0ze iznenadit kad g0d cujem nes bil0 sta 0stanem 0nak paf wtf?eek
e0 neda mi se vise verglat..jea..enivej..sta sam htjel rec..b0k pepo!..kaxi pep0 kas napisat n0vi p0st pep0..e sad 0de reklamirat 0aj bl0g..da d0bijem0 k0mentara...yeah right..hehe..0de..car nad carevima..ja ivana..hahaha bang neda mi se slika stavljat -.-'
papa p0osa..vvp..belj

subota, 18.08.2007.

a sada mal0 c0py paste

Em0 je glazbeni žanr i mas0vni tinejdžerski p0kret u k0jemu je naglasak na “0tv0ren0sti prema sv0jim em0cijama, najčešće 0nim tužnima”. U radikalnijem izdanju em0 se veže i uz tinejdžersku depresiju, nezdrave intr0spekcije te gl0rifikaciju sam0ozljeđivanja. K0mentat0ri subkulture nazivaju ga p0sljednjim velikim tinejdžerskim fen0men0m, mn0g0 većim 0d g0tha k0ji se u sv0m najl0šijem 0bliku manifestira kr0z depresiju i mržnju prema sam0me sebi, a u najb0ljem 0bliku kr0z hipersenzibiln0st, sramežljiv0st i crni hum0r.

Tajno bratstvo

Emo generacija u određenoj mjeri funkcionira poput tajnog bratstva. Pravi emo klinac ne smije “priznati” da je emo te na takav deklarativan način “autati” svoju subkulturu. Pripadnost se izražava slušanjem emo i screamo bandova, komuniciranjem sa svijetom preko internetskog foruma MyPlace te darkerskom modom u kojoj prevladavaju crna odjeća, blijedi ten, crne ekstenzije, naočale s crnim rubovima, crna šminka oko očiju u maniri Johnnyja Deppa iz “Pirata s Kariba”, cipele i torbice s uzorkom zebre ili leoparda, crne majice s imenima bandova, uske crne traperice te bandane koje prekrivaju stvarne i lažne ožiljke od samoranjavanja.

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Shot at 2007-08-18

Tipični emo klinac opisuje se kao “Rimbaud u šoping centru”. On je tinejdžer iz prosječne suburbijske obitelji, “koji se pretvara da je gay”. Život shvaća na iznimno melodramatičan način, najmanji problemi na koje nailazi dobivaju goleme razmjere, a na vlastiti život gleda kroz razne katastrofične scenarije”, kako objašnjava Samantha, 20-godišnjakinja s Long Islanda.

Iako konzervativni kolumnisti pišu da emo promiče “kulturu rezanja”, svojim bandanama i narukvicama emo klinci najčešće simuliraju samoranjavanje. Štoviše, emo subkultura u određenom segmentu promiče zdrav život (koliko je to već moguće kod tinejdžera koji dane i noći provode na internetu, a sport smatraju ideološki nepoćudnim). Premda antidepresiv Zoloft neki nazivaju službenom emo tabletom, i droga, i alkohol i cigarete ne smatraju se poželjnima.

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Shot at 2007-08-18

emo je tradicionalna tinejdžerska subkultura koja se izražava kroz emocionalnost i miroljubivost, a pubertetsku agresiju često usmjerava prema unutra. Od hipija emo preuzima usmjerenost prema hipersenzibilnosti i duhovnosti. Od novoromantičara i darkera preuzima modu i crni kič. Od grungera preuzima poziciju društvene izopćenosti.Čini se da u emo supkulturi internet ima veći značaj od glazbe.

..i tak0c t0 ja nasla na netu..i prek0pirala..pa za 0ne k0ji neznaju nek citaju..
mislim ipak i ja sam nes naucila p0st0 neki kazu da neam0 p0jma..mda
jea..da i k0me smeta 0vaj bl0g neka ne d0lazi..0v0 je sam0 d0sda napravila..al p0cel0 mi se svidjat..hh..pa zat0 i pishem n0 d0r0..0de ja sada aee p0oo0o0o0saa svima..btw: pepa ce da pishe iducji p0st..mda

EDIT: ten0 nis ti em0..wink

by: ja^^

petak, 17.08.2007.

[.. ×Im an incision..The kind that glistens× .. ]

jea jea jea..pff..=/..tak t0..e0 bl0g..em0ci0nalni..em0
rula jea right..hh..ma t0t sve 0kej..jea jea..i tak pepa i ja sm0 em0..sam mi se ne rezem0..mda..mi sam v0lim0 em0 guys..jea..u t0 sve d0br0 mes0..treba t0 mal tak0..
I tak sad utapam tugu u tree hillu..lijepi klasican nacin..da se sve zab0ravi..gleda se jedna nak0k0ndrchena serija..k0ja nema veze s 0vim ziv0t0m..al ljep0 je nakratk0 p0bjeci 0d stvarn0sti
T0 su rjeci prav0g em0 deteta..<3 t0lk0 sm0 em0 da pisem0 nulu umjest0 o..t0 sad mene drugi zarazili..0va spika s nul0m nema veze s ziv0t0mroflrofl..majke mi..^^.

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Shot at 2007-08-17

jes..life is tak0 shit..da nem0sh vjer0vat..jbga..
sve st0 nevalja brz0 pr0dje..sva sreca..=)..ev vam lepi smajl
btw t0 je fejk..hh..eee meni 0va dala da pishem pa c0vjece..neznam di sam..a ne da tu pishem..al aj
ubiti..neam p0jma 0dlucila sam da mi se neda 0svrtat nazad..
gleam naprijed..fala b0gu sht0 imam prijatelje..inache bi umrla..
cut to be cool..mmda..t0 sam neki..rezi se ak se nev0lish..rezi se zb0g sebe a ne da hvalish 0k0l0..t0 je sasvim..jadn0
sve shto rais radis sebi..ne drugima..a sve st0 drugi rade rade tebi..jel sebe u grijesima ne vide..u0pce neznam zas sam 0v0 pisala..el u zadnje vrijeme se s nikim ne svadjam..ma p0okla
me inspiracije..jea 0de ja sad..0ke ljudi ljubim sve neda mi se nabrajat..sad za uzvrat 0cem0 k0mentara (inache s e0de rezatsmijehsmijeh)..hh..sala..nemislim ja tak.yes..<3


by: Ivana..

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Ovaj blog je ustupljen pod Creative Commons licencom Imenovanje-Dijeli pod istim uvjetima.