
srijeda, 10.11.2010.

In lanzhou graduate network contact surveys

In recent years for network media research gradually arisen, through studying the audiences' media contact behavior can understand the audiences' media contact content, contact habit to aspects of the situation, for we adjust media content, and guide the audience media exposure to wait to have important significance. In order to accurately understand graduate network USES situation, this survey using a quantitative research methods, to lanzhou university, northwest normal university, lanzhou jiaotong university three universities graduate as sample, graduate student's Internet use were investigated.
Sample student including one to three grade master graduate student, total send questionnaire 515 copies, recycling 508 copies, valid questionnaires 500 copies. Graduate network usage
1 surveys show a 96% of classmates have Internet habit, thus it can be seen in this top graduate degree in groups of network using range is very wide, this was partly due to their respective levels of study, as well as various entertainment demand for network use exceptions widely, on the other hand that school facilities construction comparatively perfect, had made the Internet become a habit becomes possible.
2 by the investigation and analysis of the results can be seen, including not only 6% of the classmates online Internet use time every day, and less than 30 minutes have 42 percent of students time online reached three hours or more. At the graduate school in groups of free time is more, activities, for a relatively free network use also occupied more time.
3 graduate obtain information is the main channel network, and the main site is in the dormitory, through to the cross correlation analysis between, chi-square value for 0.001, both correlation is larger, explain graduate group compared to obtain information unblocked, network is larger, and contact information of postgraduate important channel.

10.11.2010. u 09:25 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 09.11.2010.

Dawn Li Jun: Transformation is a growing pain the only way to stimulate the market

The second guest CBSi (China) a large network of broadcast media, the dawn of historical military president, as the first time that candid and forthright in the face of the majority of users. For users who care about the sensitive issue of the listing, he cleverly made to resolve and keen to answer. Yesterday afternoon, Li Jun, president of the dawn of a guest CBSi (China) big media broadcast network, and CBSi (China) Media editor Liu Keli and CBSi its many users interact with the media. In the interview, Li Jun frankly stated that Dawn is actively by a hardware device providers transition to cloud computing service providers. At the same time, he also revealed that the dawn of the future strategy of many companies.
The picture shows the dawn of the Army and president of calendar CBSi (China) Media editor Liu Keli cloud computing transition in the interview in the interview, said Li Jun, the dawn is actively by a provider of server hardware transition to cloud computing service providers. Li Jun also said that in line with this strategic restructuring, acquisition or joint group of the dawn of the software and services company. Li Jun said, "Although the transition is very painful, but we have great determination. This is the process of enterprise restructuring, it must. Dawn they have a very strong software and service teams, and our expertise lies in system software, and the future of cloud computing environment, and services under the cloud computing environment, it may need more application software companies, enterprises to support.
I would like them for some time in the future, we will strengthen. "Listing is the only way to grow and experience the dawn of the military will be listed on the rumor about the news without a positive assessment, but he pointed out that the dawn of the operation of the enterprise as a market, this market is inevitable, because any business will need capital market support to ensure rapid growth. Li Jun also pointed out that "the dawn of the listing, then if one is to achieve shareholder value, one is to achieve the dawn of so many years insisted on the responsibility of nation, which is the industry's responsibility. If the coexistence of these two areas, or rely on each other, the companies may in the future if listed, you can get faster development. "" Listed for the dawn of the terms is a good thing, but we also do a good job under some difficult psychological preparation, such as we have to go to the capital market in accordance with the requirements of the language they used to manage their own enterprises.
"In response to the pain of growing Liu Keli's" dawn service from the server vendors into a vendor, the pain of facing the market into the service industry firms, which do you think you that what is sorely lacking, and why these things missing ? "The issue, Li Jun said," In fact the real thing missing some experience in this respect, talent and culture. "Jun Li went on," Dawn is a hardware design and manufacturing as the core business, we no longer talk into the hardware, and discuss the application about the service, many employees may have very accustomed to, the enterprise has no possibility of realization. "Promoting High Performance Computing announced the global popularity of the first half of TOP500 Supercomputer list shows that the dawn of the nebula ranked second created a history of high performance computing in China the best results. Li Jun said, though, that the dawn of the nebula supercomputer good results achieved second place, but the discrepancy with the first, the dawn is actively strive to offer higher performance systems.
Li Jun also stressed that the pursuit of ranking is just one aspect, more importantly, the dawn will further promote the popularity of high-performance computing customer applications. Li Jun also said that the dawn is actively developing NUMA (Non Uniform Memory Access Achitecture, non-uniform memory access structure) server will be available in the near future. NUMA multi-application server, memory sharing in large-scale applications. Godson even behind in answering questions raised by Liu Keli, Li Jun said, "With the dawn of Godson processors and more than one. In my 20 years as a professional judge, the Godson will succeed in China. But how to compete with international competitors, you need to spend some time out. "According to Li Jun introduced the advantage of very prominent Godson processors, one in some areas and markets, domestic production of products with self-importance; Secondly, Godson has advantages of energy efficiency performance; In addition, as a fully autonomous processor, Godson dawn of the future in the design of large systems play an important role. Meanwhile, the military calendar called "Please give our customers and the industry time and opportunity Godson.

09.11.2010. u 08:48 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 08.11.2010.

Tianjin Orchestra staged a "surplus year after year," Dong Junjie into a bright spot

The evening of October 23, Tianjin National Orchestra at the National Theatre Orchestral Suite large "surplus year after year", the show is the Ministry of Culture, "Chinese Ethnic Music Festival hundred game series" an important part of the activities. Under the baton of young conductor Dong Junjie command a highlight of the evening performances, in addition, suona virtuoso
The evening of October 23, Tianjin National Orchestra at the National Theatre is more than year after a large national Orchestral Suite, the show is the Ministry of Culture Chinese Folk Music Festival hundred field an important part of a series of activities. Under the baton of young conductor Dong Junjie command a highlight of the evening performances, in addition, was kept suona soloist Zhao, Fang Zheng Bo Fan performer, performing artists Li Shaojie Allegro books and so took part in the show.
Year after more than pure Tianjin culture show
Tianjin, the Beijing National Orchestra performance is organized by the Ministry of Culture, Arts Division co-sponsored with the National Theatre, the Chinese Musicians Association of Chinese folk music tour series of events per field. The event will last for three years, nike shox shoes,involving a total of a hundred performances. Tianjin Orchestra National Orchestral Suite large surplus year after year, will be an important forum as a hundred grand launch field tour. More than a year after large-scale national Orchestral Suite in 2009 in Tianjin Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, Cultural Affairs Bureau of Tianjin Key plays fine works of artistic creation is one of the last three years in Tianjin Orchestra carefully built, and it is launched in Tianjin Song and Dance Troupe Jianyuanyilai the highest level the strongest lineup, most local characteristics of the original peoples of Tianjin concert. The show in town history and culture of Tianjin Yangliuqing context of the main line, through various forms of combination of performance, as well as lighting, sound, multimedia and other modern means of expression, presents a vivid taste of Tianjin with a strong farming culture, scholarly culture, Wu culture, auspicious culture, and cultural connotation of harmony with nature.
Show a strong creative team lineup
Creative team performed a strong, gathered in the country a number of prominent composers, including Liu Jin, Jin, Andy, Li CY Wang, Jing achievements, Wen-Ping Li and so on. Tianjin composer with a distinctive element for the creation of local music, with the suona and national orchestra, percussion and chorus, and orchestra bamboo zither with the pull string orchestra and chorus and orchestra, and other national concert form, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand reproduction Canal winds through the town, water transport peak, Vessels gathered sail mast blocks out the sun, thousands of miles of Long Beach, Yang Liu Yiyi, green, green grass, and scholars gathered, such as a thriving creative New Year, the moving scene. Tracks diverse, melodic and smooth. Tianjin strong regional style to the audience a picture of the unique cultural charm of the musical picture of Tianjin. Also, keep it suona soloist Zhao, Fang Zheng Bo Fan performer, performing artists Li Shaojie Allegro books, and Tianjin Conservatory of Music Youth Choir also participated in the show.
Dong Junjie excellent command into the biggest highlight of Tianjin Dong Junjie National Orchestra Principal Conductor of the music scene in recent years, rising star, night featuring performances by him under the baton of command. Dong Junjie in the country music scene in recent years, emerging young conductors. Many experts evaluate his command of enthusiasm, rigorous, detailed, gestures varied, harmony and unity with the entire band. Although he was only 37 years old, but has a command of eight hundred concerts a successful experience. His command of the national New Year Concert 2004 in Tianjin, "Qinyun Spring", "Chinese Soul" and other concerts, the audience gave Tianjin left a deep impression. He also led a delegation to Italy to participate in national concert week in Tianjin, China, to Europe three dozen city tour and cultural exchange, excellent command conquer Austria, Germany, Italy audience. Evening show, Dong Junjie command become the biggest bright spot, especially in the finale track "surplus year after year," the interpretation is to win applause. Tianjin Orchestra into a cultural exchange envoys Tianjin Orchestra, founded in 1953, the orchestra has performed with many famous, the famous flute virtuoso Liu Band performance of "Bird in shade", "vegetables", the famous virtuoso Yan Sheng Hayden playing "Peacock On screen "," Jin tone ", the famous Yin Erwen suona soloist performance of" Blue Sky Song "," Liu Yeqing ", have become the solo repertoire of Chinese folk music treasures. As a cultural envoy of friendship, the orchestra has been invited to visit the United States, Germany, Belgium, Italy and other countries and regions, China has contributed to the spread of folk music.

08.11.2010. u 09:40 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 05.11.2010.

Kiwi administrator signs up for amplitude cruise

Virgin Galactic's WhiteKnightTwo carries the six-seater VSS Enterprise over Sir Richard Branson's spaceport in New Mexico.
New Zealand administrator Derek Handley is a allotment of added than 380 humans who accept paid a 10 per cent drop on their US$200,000 ($267,000) tickets for the aboriginal rides on Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic amplitude flights.
Asked why he active up, Handley told the El Paso Times: "Why wouldn't you? This is the future. Allotment of it is the allure of seeing the Earth from up there."In 2001, Handley founded Auckland adaptable business and media aggregation The Hyperfactory, with his brother Geoffrey Handley, and he is now based in New York administering its all-around cardinal growth, according to the company's website.
The Hyperfactory website said Handley was New Zealand's youngest managing administrator of a listed aggregation at the age of 22, if he led online antagonism and sports action aggregation Feverpitch to account on the New Zealand banal barter a decade ago.
"When not talking adaptable or media, Derek spends time cerebration about getting an astronaut," it said.
Handley, 32, said: "Two hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money, but I anticipate it's a fair amount for this activity experience".
He was speaking as the world's aboriginal bartering commuter spaceship confused a footfall afterpiece to takeoff, with Branson actualization a new aerodrome at his limited New Mexico spaceport, abreast the boondocks of Las Cruces area the Virgin Galactic activity is based.
The aperture of the US$212 actor spaceport was apparent by a flight of VSS Enterprise - the six-seat ability which is appointed to backpack paying barter into suborbital amplitude by aboriginal 2012 - aloft the new 3.2km long, 60m advanced runway, agitated by its mothership, WhiteKnightTwo.
The spaceship's berth is advised so that cartage can float in aught gravity.
Ultimately, as added tourists activate application the amplitude service, the amount will appear down, according to Sir Richard, who told Reuters there were four or 5 companies absorbed in Nasa's US$50 actor programme for developing commercial-crew spaceflight concepts, as allotment of President Barack Obama's bid to bolster abutment for clandestine amplitude companies.
He said Virgin Galactic was in discussions with two of the companies about teaming up and would adjudge over the next ages whether to do so or go it alone.
"We plan to be in alternate biking aural the next few years," he said.

05.11.2010. u 10:18 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 04.11.2010.

Superblocks atom agog absorption

Rick Martin's Cornerstone Group has $39 actor account of Albany acreage beneath contract.
Rick Martin's Cornerstone Group has addled affairs to advertise chunks of its highly-geared North Shore acreage bank.
That puts to an end affairs amorphous years ago for a $3.5 billion city-limits centre at Albany with 30-storey appointment towers.
Martin said he had $39 actor account of Albany acreage beneath arrangement and he hopes to advertise acreage for a business esplanade at Silverdale.
He angry the Albany acreage acreage he bought for $250 actor into leasehold blocks.
He again awash an absorption in it endure decade in a complicated accord with Albany City-limits Holdings, majority-controlled by Colin Reynolds' Symphony Projects but with about a third in the easily of Auguste Albany, a clandestine investment car for the bootless St Laurence group's above shareholders, Kevin Podmore and Mike O'Sullivan.The adventurous eyes was for a mix of apartments, shops and offices on leasehold titles on bald acreage amid State Highway One and the Albany Highway, with Martin gluttonous abiding allowances by accepting the arena rent.
In November 2006, acreage admiral Garry Looker, Kevin Podmore and Nick Wevers apparent their arrangement for a 200-room hotel, all-embracing accommodation activity with three building ascent up to 30 levels, 15 appointment blocks ascent 10 levels, a retirement apple for hundreds of humans and a new aggregate retail centre.
Project arch Adam Reynolds said the apartments could advertise for $400,000 to $500,000.
A calibration archetypal was on affectation in the Viaduct assuming how bald Albany acreage could be congenital to the max, the developers again gluttonous $20 actor from the public.
Last year, Peter Brook, Albany City-limits Acreage Investments chairman, told abashed investors it is "uncertain as to whether ACPI will be in a position to accommodated the next annual absorption transaction to bond-holders", due endure June 30.
The admirable Albany never eventuated and now Martin has produced abstracts calling for parties to do due activity and buy chunks of the land.
Martin said sales of his Silverdale and Albany City-limits plots had fatigued "a huge bulk of interest" and he is assured abounding hectares about Westfield Albany and on the bend of State Highway One at Silverdale would anon be in added people's hands.
He produced advice on the Albany acreage which shows how in 2005 he bought 44.4ha acreage acreage and he has back torn that big captivation into 11 "superblocks". Each of those blocks accept abstracted zoning designations for a assorted mix of shops, offices, apartments and added bartering activities.

04.11.2010. u 08:43 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 03.11.2010.

Qiao delicious food just 5 pearls pace

The meatball production: raw material: FeiShou meat, onion, ginger, white pepper, salt, cooking wine, egg white, water, glutinous rice and (in order to increase the meatball palate, can also add some horseshoe or shrimp, flavour is bright, also jin tao some).
Small make up recommend you to see wonderful projects: autumn gold regimen season you ready? 1, will soak 30 minutes in advance of glutinous rice spare; FeiShou meat in proportion to FeiShou seers or lift: pick meat. 2, chop with minced meat, more exquisite better, add the egg whites.
Only 15samples egg white, no egg yolks, Stir-fry prawn shell, take shrimp, chop into mud, shrimp and with minced meat mix together now. 3, adding water. (can turn green onion, ginger add water soak 5cm.long3com.wide3cm.thick tuned onion, ginger water) with meat, onion, ginger almost 250g water is almost 50g. If the water add overmuch, meat quiet place when water infiltrates.
But, stirring edge points several times to join. (when a white pepper, salt, mirrin for seasoning) 4, stirring. Stir in meatball and adhesive sex plays a key role, will stir down a direction now, let its organized more closer, sticky. 5, apply adequate amount with minced meat make it small spherical, stick on the glutinous rice, In steaming plate brush thin oil, prevent adhesion, will be laid on the steamer, meatball fire evaporate 20 minutes can.

03.11.2010. u 09:58 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 02.11.2010.

Sparks fly in ' Hobbit law' agitation

The law change that was allotment of the accord to assure The Hobbit for New Zealand was still getting heatedly debated if Parliament adjourned endure night.The change will actualize a aphorism for blur workers, ensuring that if they assurance up as absolute contractors they cannot after yield acknowledged activity and affirmation they are employees.The Application Relations (Film Production Work) Amendment Bill, dubbed the "Hobbit law", was allotment of the alliance formed out in negotiations amid the Government and Warner Bros this anniversary to ensure The Hobbit is filmed in New Zealand.
The accord aswell includes $15 actor added in tax rebates and a $10 actor addition to the business account for the movies.While all parties in Parliament abutment The Hobbit blockage in New Zealand, chanel shoes,the law change is added controversial.Labour accused the Government of affairs out to a adopted aggregation and application The Hobbit as a Trojan Horse to accomplish accidental changes to application law.In return, National put the accusation on the unions, adage The Hobbit was accessible to blur in New Zealand eight weeks ago but was batty by the unions blacklisting it.
The bill is getting debated beneath coercion so it can yield aftereffect about immediately.
It is not attendant and will not administer to absolute contracts. If the bill was traveling through accepted aldermanic processes, The Hobbit producers ability accept had to delay six months afore entering into affairs which it covers.Yesterday, Labour and the Greens objected to it getting pushed through beneath urgency, adage that gave the accessible no adventitious to accept a say.Labour's bread-and-butter development spokesman, Trevor Mallard, said it was a "patch-up" and the aldermanic change was unnecessary."What does it accomplish our capitalism attending like if a accumulation of humans appear from offshore, agitate us down for millions of dollars and appeal our labour laws be changed?" he said."It opens us up for anyone who wants to agitate us down."But Bread-and-butter Development Minister Gerry Brownlee abhorrent the unions, adage the move to ban plan on the films had acquired "irreparable damage" to the abutment movement.
He said the industry paid able-bodied and aggregate affairs would not work."I don't accept for one moment any all-embracing stars were active annular saying, 'I can't delay for [union chief] Mr Whipp to array out a aggregate for me to assurance up to'."

02.11.2010. u 08:07 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 01.11.2010.

Pierce Brosnan is a admirer amateur

Pierce Brosnan stars as a above British PM alongside Ewan McGregor, who is assassin to apparition address his memoirs and ends up affected in a cover-up.
Pierce Brosnan was agog to yield on the claiming of assuming ex-British Prime Minister Adam Lang in Roman Polanski's film, The Apparition Writer, and he does it so well. The 57-year-old actor, who has fared bigger than a lot of above James Bonds by continuing to accept a solid career back bottomward the 007 mantle, recognises he couldn't accept played the appearance after the ability of Bond abaft him.
"There is a assertive ability aural me as a man in years and time, so I achievement there is some progression and ability and still some humour and grace," he says in his whimsical, accordant way of speaking. "You accept to accede that and let the circles grow. It is a boss acquaintance to abound old on awning and to see yourself age and change."
Interestingly admirers of the 007 alternation accept acclaimed that Brosnan, who appeared in GoldenEye, The World is Not Enough, Tomorrow Never Dies and Die Another Day, started out as the lightest Bond and accomplished the heaviest."Is that what they said?" he asks in apish disdain. "Don't they realise that is all a performance, that I put the weight on for the role? Oh dear," he whines, nike shox r4,as if giving up. "They consistently acquisition you in any which way."
Since Brosnan was unceremoniously dumped from the authorization there is conceivably some all-powerful amends in the actuality that Bond 23, the third cine starring Daniel Craig, is disturbing to be made. And that conceivably the additional movie, Quantum of Solace wasn't actual good. Brosnan has yet to see that film, or Casino Royale.
"I did try once," he recalls. "I was on a even at 37,000 anxiety and I anticipation that was a safe ambit for examination it. I looked at it, it came on the TV and I anticipation okay... actuality we go 'Doo dih-dih doo, doo dih-dih doo ...' But it bankrupt down. Then the adolescent adult took affliction of it and I starting watching it and it bankrupt down again. So I just anticipation I would leave it alone."
He says the new films signalled the end of an era. "There was an old-world feel to it if I went into it. You could still feel the echoes of Connery. He would crawl down through it, so would George Lazenby and Tim and Roger, abnormally Roger. My aboriginal wife (Cassandra Harris) formed with Roger in For Your Eyes Only, so I had accepted this affectionate of ancestors for such a continued time. We still forward anniversary added Christmas cards."
A built-in adventurous and a abiding gentleman, Brosnan has an ancient feel about him too. If we met endure February during the Berlin Blur Festival it was Valentine's Day and he had alleged his wife, Keely, that morning. "I told her I admired her a actor times over and I how absence her balmy embrace. Flowers were beatific and I bought her some trees, some bushes of gardenias."

01.11.2010. u 03:48 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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