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Evo riječi meni jedne jako fascinantne pjesme,koju su u Aquariusu na Wailersima zasvirali nakon kao "kraja koncerta" ljudi moji znate koji je to feeling bio... Evo riječi-Dovla

Redemption Song

Old pirates yes they rob I
Sold I to the merchant ships
Minutes after they took I from the
Bottom less pit
But my hand was made strong
By the hand of the almighty
We forward in this generation triumphantly
All I ever had is songs of freedom
Won't you help to sing these songs of freedom
Cause all I ever had redemption songs, redemption songs

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look
Some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fulfill the book

Won't you help to sing, these songs of freedom
Cause all I ever had, redemption songs, redemption songs, redemption songs

Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look
Yes some say it's just part of it
We've got to fulfill the book

Won't you help to sing, these songs of freedom
Cause all I ever had, redemption songs
All I ever had, redemption songs
These songs of freedom, songs of freedom.

Kaj gledas.. BUDALO!

23.12.2004., četvrtak

Grandpa's Gone Gangsta

Larry Weaver
CD: Everybody's Crazy But Me!!!

There’s something very strange about grandpa
He hasn’t been the same since grandmother passed away
He just sits around the house watching rap videos on MTV all day
And we worry all the time, granpa thinks he's Busta Rhymes.

Grandpa: "If you really want to party with me, put your hands where my eyes could see! I can't see anything without my glasses. Where my glasses at? Hoody hoo!"

There’s something very strange about grandpa
He used to wear his pants hiked up as far as they would go
And now he wears them sagging around his waist so his adult diaper shows
He only speaks in ebonics, and he keeps asking for the chronic.

Grandpa thinks he’s a gangsta
And we think he’s too old to have his dentures capped in gold
And he’s mad because we refuse to call him O.G.
The Osteoporosis Gangsta

Grandpa: "I’m not Puff Daddy. I’m Puff Grandaddy. I’m going to pour my 40 on the block for Biggie."
Daugher: "Grandpa, you spilled your Metamucil"
Grandpa: "Beeeeee-yotch!"

There’s something very strange about grandpa
He likes to make his Craftmatic bed go up and down
He thinks he’s in the hoopty with hydraulics cruising through town
There’s something wrong with his head, he wants neon put under his bed

Grandpa: "I'm gonna call my crew. You gonna call your crew. We gonna rendevous at the bingo hall around two."
Daughter: "Grandpa it's time for your rub down."
Grandpa: "It's time for your beat down!"

There’s something very strange about grandpa
He put gold rims and spoilers installed on his wheelchair
So he can go rolling to Miami and shake his derriere
He said he got to clock his hos, he braided his toupee into cornrows.

Grandpa thinks he’s a gangsta
He thinks his pacemaker is a Skytel pager
And he’s mad because we refuse to call him OG
Grandpa's Gone Gangsta.

Grandpa: "I’m bout it. I’m rowdy. I just passed a kidney stone."

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Dedica se obraća unuku.
- Pogodi što imam u desnoj ruci?
- Ne znam. Možda jabuku?
- Nije.
- Neću više da pogađam!
- Reumu!

Dođe djed mraz u Afriku, uzme malog crnca u krilo i pita ga:
- Što bi želio da ti djed mraz donese?
- Ja nisam jeo 30 dana ...
- A ne, ne! Tko nije papao, neće dobiti poklon!

Pitanje: Šta je jedino gore od Mc Donaldsa?
Odgovor: Mek kurac!

Dođe sin doma i kaže:
- Mama, mama šta to smrdi po crkotini? Mama? Mama?

Uzme Hitler bibliju, makne pepeo s nje i kaže:
- Mater vam Židovsku, tu ste si groblje našli radit!

Pitaju djeca baku:
- Bako, bako je li se smijemo igrati s tvojom sisom?
- Smijete, samo nemojte ići preko ceste!

Izašla mama na dvorište i viče:
- Leo, Leo, Leo ...
- Kaj vam se sin ne zove Ivan?, upita susjeda.
- Da, ali ima leukemija pa mu tepam.

Napravio Hitler kuću od stakla i pošalje logoraše u nju i kaže im:
- Tko dođe na prozor, ubit ću ga.

Došao mali Perica kod mame i plače:
- Maaamaaa meni se piiiškiii!!!
- Ne plači sine, sad će te mama odvesti da piškiš.
- Neću da me ti vodiš!
- Dobro, onda će tata.
- Neću, hoću da me vodi baka!
- A zašto baš baka?
- Njoj se tresu ruke.

-Mama, mama ja ne volim baku
- Šuti i jedi

Znaš li u kojem položaju mora biti žena za vrijeme sexa da bi se rodilo ružno dijete?

Zašto na crnačkim vjenčanjima mažu zidove govnima?
Da muhe ne bi išle na mladu!

Broj debila koji posjecuju ovaj blog :))


Da li je pravedno sto je Hitler umro kao peder?

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