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Vidimo se 20.8, a u međuvremenu se čujemo! cool wave

22.07.2007. | 19:21 | | 4 | Komentiraj |


And I don’t know
This could break my heart or save me
Nothing’s real
Until you let go completely
So here I go with all my thoughts I’ve been saving
So here I go with all my fears weighing on me

Three months and I’m still sober
Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
But I know it's never really over

And I don’t know
I could crash and burn but maybe
At the end of this road I might catch a glimpse of me
So I won't worry about my timing, I want to get it right
No comparing, second guessing, no not this time

Three months and I’m still breathing
Been a long road since those hands I left my tears in but I know
It’s never really over, no

Wake up

Three months and I’m still standing here
Three months and I’m getting better yeah
Three months and I still am

Three months and it's still harder now
Three months I've been living here without you
Three months yeah, three months

Three months and I’m still breathing
Three months and I still remember it
Three months and I wake up

Three months and I’m still sober
Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
Kelly Clarskon, "Sober"

18.07.2007. | 12:14 | | 3 | Komentiraj |

Goodbye, Harry

Our columnist knows from writing his ''Dark Tower'' series that every story needs closure -- even if one ending can't please 'em all

Stephen King

Stephen King

I'm having a day of mixed feelings: happy because I'm reading the manuscript of a novel that's full of magic, mystery, and monsters; sad because it will be finished tomorrow and on my shelf, with all its secrets told and its surviving characters set free to live their own lives (if characters have lives beyond the end of a novel — I've always felt they do). It's called The Monsters of Templeton, by Lauren Groff, and it will be published early next year.

Did you think I meant the final Harry Potter tale? Don't be a sillykins — not even your Uncle Stevie gets that one in advance (although I'm sure you agree that he should, he should). But I expect to face the same feelings, only stronger, when the pages of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows dwindle down to the final few. Hell, I had trouble saying goodbye to Tony Soprano, and let's face it — he was a turd. Harry's one of the good guys. One of the great guys, in fact, and the same holds true for his friends.

The sense of sadness I feel at the approaching end of The Monsters of Templeton isn't just because the story's going to be over; when you read a good one — and this is a very good one — those feelings are deepened by the realization that you probably won't tie into anything that much fun again for a long time. This particular melancholy deepens even more when the story is spread over multiple volumes. I felt it as I approached the end of Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast trilogy, more strongly as I neared the conclusion of Frodo's quest in The Lord of the Rings, and with painful keenness when, as the writer, I got to the end of The Dark Tower, which stretched over seven volumes and a quarter century's writing time.

When it comes to Harry, part of me — a fairly large part, actually — can hardly bear to say goodbye. I'd guess that J.K. Rowling feels the same, although I'd also guess those feelings are mingled with the relief of knowing that the work is finally done, for better or worse.

And I'm a grown-up, for God's sake — a damn Muggle! Think how it must be for all the kids who were 8 when Harry debuted in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, with its cartoon jacket and modest (500 copies) first edition. Those kids are now 18, and when they close the final book, they will be in some measure closing the book on their own childhoods — magic summers spent in the porch swing, or reading under the covers at camp with flashlights in hand, or listening to Jim Dale's recordings on long drives to see Grandma in Cincinnati or Uncle Bob in Wichita. My advice to families containing Harry Potter readers: Stock up on the Kleenex. You're gonna need it. It's all made worse by one unavoidable fact: It's not just Harry. It's time to say goodbye to the whole cast, from Moaning Myrtle to Scabbers the rat (a.k.a. Wormtail). Which leads to an interesting question — will the final volume satisfy Harry's longtime (and very devoted) readers?

Although the only thing we can be sure of is that Deathly Hallows won't end in a 10-second blackout (you're going to hear that a lot in the next few weeks), my guess is that large numbers of readers will not be satisfied even if Harry survives (I'm betting he will) and Lord Voldemort is vanquished (I'm betting on this, too, although evil is never vanquished for long). I'm partly drawing on my own experience with The Dark Tower (reader satisfaction with the ending was low — tough titty, since it was the only one I had); partly on my belief that very few long works end as felicitously as Tolkien's Rings series, with its beautiful pilgrimage into the Grey Havens; but mostly on the fact that there is that sadness, that inevitable parting from characters who have been loved deeply by many. The Internet blog sites will be full of this was bad and that was wrong, but it's going to boil down to something that many will feel and few will come right out and state: No ending can be right, because it shouldn't be over at all. The magic is not supposed to go away.

Rowling will almost certainly go on to other works, and they may be terrific, but it won't be quite the same, and I'm sure she knows that. Readers will be able to go back and reread the existing books — as I've gone back to Tolkien, as my wife goes back to Patrick O'Brian's wonderful sea stories featuring Captain Aubrey and Dr. Maturin, as others do with novels featuring Travis McGee or Lord Peter Wimsey — and rereading is a great pleasure, but it's not the bated-breath, what's-gonna-happen-next suspense that Potter readers have enjoyed since 1997. And, of course, Harry's audience is different. It is, in large part, made up of children who will be experiencing these unique and rather terrible feelings for the first time.

But there's comfort. There are always more good stories, and now and then there are great stories. They come along if you wait for them. And here's something I believe in my heart: No story can be great without closure. There must be closure, because it's the human condition. And since that's how it is, I'll be in line with my money in my hand on July 21.

And, I must admit, sorrow in my heart.

By Stephen King

16.07.2007. | 11:05 | | 5 | Komentiraj |


Kolko 2 komadića papira mogu puno značiti? Pa, sigurno puno više neg što ova dva meni znače, makar su i oni dosta da sam već dva dana na rubu euforije.
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U film se uopće nisam ufurao, znam da idemo na neki super film, al nisam svjestan da je to Harry Potter. To je zbog knjige, koja izlazi točno tjedan dana nakono ove ponoćne premijere danas. Dobro, + još jedan sat, zbog vremenske razlike Londra-Zagabria. Tolko sam uživljen u tu knjigu (čekam ju već… *stops to calculate* negdje 8 godina). A sad je sve spalo na (u ovom trenutku) 7 dana, 13 sati i 8 minuta.
Miđo i ja smo ju jučer ipak odlučili rezervirat. Do sad smo mislili doć ko kauboji, stat u red i jednostavno kupit prokletu knjigu. I prije dvije godine (doček šeste knjige) smo samo došli tako, među one tornjeve meni i dalje, ali ne zadugo najdraže knjige, zgrabili si po primjerak i dali pare. Ove su nas godine malo prepali, i Jutarnji i ovi iz Algoritma, kažu da se rekorni broj ljudi predbilježio za knjigu. Ma da, reci mi nešto što već ne znam! Ali, kad su mi rekli da je osim svjetskog rekorda srušen i hrvatski rekord, malo sam se zabrinuo. Niš nas nije koštalo predbilježit se, doprinjet rekordu hi hi, tak i tak smo bili u Algoritmu, upisalo nas u najobičniju Excel tablicu, pitalo nas koje izdanje, dječje ili za odrasle, uzeli smo oba, meni dječje, naravno… ;) Dobili smo i kupon (ovo crno/narančasto dolje), kao potvrda rezervacije. Baš je lijep kupon, jako mi se sviđa, a i puno mi znači. Nekako sam njime ušao u zadnji tjedan.
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Ma skroz sam puko, svaka čast ljudima koji moraju preživljavat uz mene ovakvog. Svaka im čast ako prežive! ;)
Ovih pet rečenica već pišem dva sata… gubim *kak se to kaže na hrvatskom?* mind-flow… Kontinuitet misli… Nemrem se koncentrirat... Najbolje bi bilo da odem spavat i da se probudim oko deset… a onda ćete me skidat s plafona… XD

13.07.2007. | 12:31 | | 1 | Komentiraj |


P!nk, Ljubljana, 5.7.2007. (točno 2 godine i jedan mjesec od Avril :P), Muc i ja, starci su nas vozili.
Bilo je super, prvo smo razgledavali Ljubljanu, koja mi se baš svidjela. Onak je mala, slatka... čista. :) Bili smo u Skelet baru, kafić koji izgleda ko tamnica (sooo gothick), kosturi vise sa zidova, uznemirujući portreti... i imaju prabi kostur Titove noge (koja je fakat amputirana u Ljubljani). Voila:
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Poslje smo ošli na pizzu i otrčali na koncert. Hala Tivoli je OK, niš spečale, malo je preniska (P!nk se nije mogla/htjela ljuljat). Koncert je inače bio slabiji od onog u Zagrebu, koji je bio pravi show. Ovo je bio samo koncert. Nije se preoblačila u Paris Hilton/Lindsay Lohan klonove na Stupid Girls, nije imala campfire (for The One That Got Away that she didn't play for me :'( :'( :'(, Dear Mr President i I'm Not Dead) i na kraju nije bilo konfeta (koje sam poslje zagrebačkog koncerta izvlačio iz najčudnijih mjesta).
Usprkos svemu tome, bilo mi je 3 put bolje, više sam se uživio, više razbaco (jadni Slovenci su se samo odmicali), tek me danas presto bolit vrat... Svirala je sat i 20min, sad već svima standard. Ma, predobro je bilo! :D

09.07.2007. | 11:04 | | 4 | Komentiraj |

Just 1 more dae, ya can make it, babe

I hide my pain like the rest of them
That's why I'm always laughing
I'm troubled, I'm brilliant and miserable too
That's why I am so funny
I swallow down all my fears
With a bottle made of silver
I've only been here for 17 years
But already my life is over

And I need to unwind, yes, and I
I need to unwind, yes, and I
Want all the time
To be loved, to unwind

My life is like a fairytale
That nobody believes in

I can't remember anything
Not the people, not that places I've been
Just one more day you can make it, babe
That's what I tell myself
And everything that I love in life
It is killing me, 'cause it's bad for my health

P!nk, "Unwind"
Sutra nam je P!nk, pa je tom funkcijom ovo podebljano "Just 1 more dae, ya can make it, babe"... To si cijeli jučer i danas dan pjevam...

04.07.2007. | 11:32 | | 6 | Komentiraj |

Jarunovi zalasci

Jarun Sunset 7 by ~CASPeR3 on deviantART

Jarun Sunset 5 by ~CASPeR3 on deviantART

02.07.2007. | 12:13 | | 1 | Komentiraj |

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~Iris~ | Blue Be@r | MuC =) | Daenerys | Đera | OrangeBoy | Chester

Ostale (meni) korisne stranice:
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deviantART: ~CASPeR3 | ~IvyOmega

About Me

Imam 18 godina (3.12.1989) i maturant sam jezične Lucijanke. Planiram upisat ekonomiju, a za sad u školi uživam (kolko je moguće) u matiši, geografiji, talijanskom, englskom, biologiji i psihologiji.

Veliki sam fan Harry Pottera, Applea i Sony Ericssona, malih gradskih autića i SUViiija, Volim fotografirati, član sam deviantARTa i bez Orbit Sweet Minta u džepu sam ko bez treće ruke. Ooovaj, druge. nut

I, da, djelomični sam daltonist, brkaju mi se crvena i zelena (zato su mi među naj bojama nut), al me to uopće ne dira... Jedino me živcira kad ljudi misle da sam ćorav ako se jedanput u 3 mjeseca zabunim i fulam i skomentiram nečiju crvenu majcu "Kak je dobra ona zelena majca!" ludnut

Woke up this morning
Heard the TV sayin' something
'Bout disaster in the world and
It made me wonder where I'm going
There's so much darkness in the world
But I see beauty left in you, girl
And what you give me makes me know
That I'll be alright

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

No if you're ever wondering
About the way I'm feeling
Well baby girl there ain't no question
Just to be around you is a blessing
Sick and tired of trying to save the world
I just want to spend my time with you, girl
And what you're giving me
Makes me know that we'll be alright.

Because if your love was all I had
In this life
Well that would be enough
Until the end of time
So rest your weary heart
And relax your mind
Cause I'm gonna love you, girl
Until the end of time

Justin Timberlake, "Until the End of Time"