Nothing's complicated. It's just me...

četvrtak, 28.09.2006.

It's all the same fu**ing shit.

Opet sam se nasrala na net. Nema toga vise. Dosta.
Zlo mi je, prejela sam se. Nema ni toga vise.
Lijena sam. Dosta.
Nema vise.

I jos nesto, fakat mi je pun racku nekih ljudi. Ne mogu vjerovati da opet prolazim kroz isto. Pa daj.
Mislim, zivcira me to kad me netko tako jebeno licemjerno traca. Dva metra od mene. WTF?!
Ohoho, jucer sam bila ful iznervirana zbog toga...jedno 5 minuta.
Al fakat me ne dira toliko, samo ne kuzim zasto.
I da, treba mi netko za okladu. Da budem bitch. It's payback time.

Idete mi na kurac. Kojeg nemam. I moram bit prosta, ne zasluzujete lijepe rijeci. Ima ljudi koji zasluzuju, ali nisu mi dostupni at the moment. Jedan se bori s veslimawink, a drugu ne mogu kontaktirar jer nemam love, cut cemo se.
Ma ima ih jos, jelda?

Donijela sam odluku. Necu ja nista poduzimat. Radite sto hocete. Kad vam je zivot tako isprazan i jadan.
Zivot koji vodite ocrtava vas same.
I rest my case.

I hold the future in my hands...and right then i threw the first rock.

I could hear them speaking of those
"Good Old Days" that never were
Those hollow containers for souls
who no longer live there...

It dwells in my heart, the eternal hate
To get your share just wait (and see)

There are no strangers in this world
only bastards I haven't met
...and my skeptic way of thinking
turns away the joys they shed

It dwells in my heart, the eternal rage
And now I'll blast it on your face!

I'll throw the First Rock
- Blacken your world and your sun

I'll throw the First Rock
I'll throw the first one
You'll crumble to the ground
As I throw the rock that brings you


p. s. Forget. I'm the you're the sheep.

28.09.2006. u 10:46 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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