Nothing's complicated. It's just me...

utorak, 26.09.2006.

Cut the crap.

Mislim, volim ja metal, al nasla se grupica njih u mom razredu koji su tek sad otkrili Blind Guardian. rofl
FUCK OFF s tim, kvragu.headbang
Mislim, da bar pustite nes kaj valja od njih, a ima 10ak pjesama sve skupa, onak, recimo Mirror Mirror, I'm Alive, Curse Of The Feanor...yesyesyes
Nightfall vas drzi. Ajme.bang

No dobro, cisto je promjena da uopce metala ima...ali jel moze nes drugo?!lud
Ma da mi netko pusti nes od Dragonforcea, ne mora niti biti moja najdraza skakala bi od srece. thumbup
Jer se lik ne dere, fakat, pa pjevacu jer uzor J. Bon Jovi. LOLCINA!!! rofl(To nije bas pohvalno.)

Anyway, evo jedne od B. G. koja valja...onak je...zestoka, yeahsmijeh, deracina do bola, trga zice(i bubnjice), al su rijeci masterpiece. winkARRRRRRGH!!!rofl(Pokusavam se uzivit. Nabrijavam se na citanje lektire pa mi treba malo zivota.)

I run through the dark fields
of the plains
reach level 99
the pain cuts deep down
through my vain
how will I break the ice
welcome to my reality
dream forever
sunlight instead of neon light
how will it be
welcome to my grave
and feel the dream is over
nothing can stop me
I reach out for the top

Caught in an old cage
the system failed
built up on lies
now I see that I'm alone
in asylum's cage
I'm left alone

I'm alive my friend
I can feel the shadows everywhere
I'm alive
I left the shadows
far behind me
another one is waiting in the dark

They say the system keeps
the last chance to survive
caught in this labyrinth
of walls and lots of lies
then I began to understand
there's more above than ice
to reach the top
I crept deep down
the answers given in the past
a sensless worth
in useless brains
magic runes
without a meaning
besides the dark
there should be nothing left

Outside they say death is waiting
but it creeps down through the shaft
finds pleasure in our helpless fear
fills empty rooms
with morbid thought
they've locked the door
and hold the key
sitting beside you
when silent screams
changing my mind and dreams
oh, it's never ending


26.09.2006. u 09:08 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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