Nean bas neke inspiracije za napisat post uopce,ali mi je nekako dosadno,ne znan sta cu drugo radit...u ova zadnja 2 tjedna (od maskara u biti) pijen skoro svaki dan,i priko tjedna isto,sa Čondom najvise...Marina se odrekla alkohola u korizmi,blago njoj sta ima volje,ja neman..uopce mi se ne da nicega odricat...mislila san ne pusit ali jebiga,opet san rjesila dima ovi vikend...eek...sad san vec 2 dana navecer doma,pa mi je cudno stvarno,sutra idemo pit...smijeh..
u subotu je party,ic cemo vjerojatno ja i anka..smijeh...nisan bila dugo na partyu,ne da mi se ic cesto uopce,jer posli svakog partya nemogu doc sebi par dana posli,pa mi se neda tako unistavat...ali dobro je otic s vrimena na vrime...thumbup..jos sutra dobivan placu ka pa cu imat i para..smijeh
sutra moran rano ic u zubara..vec mi je muka,uzasno se bojin tog zubara.radije bi isla na sivanje na zivo nego u tog zubara..jos se moran dignit u 6ipo,neznan kako cu to izvest s obzirom da se jedva dignen u podne.........
ajme,trenutno slusan simpatiju od magazina...obozavala san tu pismu kad san bila mala,uvik san je pivala...lipa je pisma...
i tipkan jednom rukom jer san nalakirala nokte pa nemogu...zabolila me desna
evo,jos malo pa ce prolice...jedva cekan lito iako mi je vec muka kad se sitim kako ce doc brzo i 7.misec i oni glupi upisi na fakultet,nisan ucila godinu dana,ko ce sad sist i uvatit knjigu u ruke??jos to i nebi bilo tako tesk da ja znan sta cu,ali ja neznan sta cu...s obzirom da san cili zivot razmisljala o medicini,a to ne je vise od 8 godina ucenja i muke...neznan sta bi drugo...tila san hrvatski i povjest umjetnosti,pa su mi rekli da je u splitu hrvatski ocajan i da ne zelin to upisat..i sta sad?glupa matematika?bangpoludit cu.....a sta je najgore,meni se uopce neda studirat,mozda ce posli bit drukcije,ali trenutno nean volje nimalo za fax...toliko san puta pozalila sta san gimnaziju upisala.....ovako nean izbora..jebiga sad....iden ca,nalakirat i drugu ruku.....mah

05.03.2007. | 23:24 | 1 K | P | # | ^

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da ili ne?


I'm over it
You see I'm falling in the vast abyss
Clouded by memories of the past
At last, I see

I hear it fading
I can't speak it
Or else you will dig my grave
We fear them finding
Always whining
Take my hand now
Be alive

You see I cannot be forsaken
Because I'm not the only one
We walk amongst you
Feeding, raping
Must we hide from everyone

I'm over it
Why can't we be together
Embrace it
Sleeping so long
Taking off the mask
At last, I see

My fear is fading
I can't speak it
Or else you will dig my grave
We fear them finding
Always whining
Take my hand now
Be alive

You see I cannot be forsaken
Because I'm not the only one
We walk amongst you
Feeding, raping
Must we hide from everyone

You see I cannot be forsaken
Because I'm not the only one
We walk amongst you
Feeding, raping
Must we hide from everyone

Everyone [fading out]


The hunger inside given to me, makes me what I am
Always it is calling me, for the blood of man
They say I cannot be this, I am jaded, hiding from the day.
I can't bare, I cannot tame the hunger in me

Oh, I say I did it always searching, you can't fuck with fate.
So instead you'll taste my pain.
The hunger inside given to me, makes me feel alive.
Always out stalking prey, in the dark I hide.
Feeling, falling, hating, feel like I am fading, hating life.

They say I cannot be this, I am jaded, hiding from the day.
I can't bare, I cannot tame the hunger in me...
Oh, I say I did it always searching, you can't fuck with fate.
So instead you'll taste my pain.

You say your life I'm taking, always bothering me,
I can't take this anymore, I'm failing, always smothering me

You look down on me, hey what you see,
take this gift from me, you will soon feed from me.

Nothing seems exciting, always the same hiding

It's haunting me. It's haunting me. It's haunting me.
It's haunting me.

It's haunting me...

The logical song

When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
And all the birds in the trees, well theyd be singing so happily,
Joyfully, playfully watching me.
But then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible,
Logical, responsible, practical.
And they showed me a world where I could be so dependable,
Clinical, intellectual, cynical.

There are times when all the worlds asleep,
The questions run too deep
For such a simple man.
Wont you please, please tell me what weve learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am.

Now watch what you say or theyll be calling you a radical,
Liberal, fanatical, criminal.
Wont you sign up your name, wed like to feel youre, respecable, presentable, a vegtable!

At night, when all the worlds asleep,
The questions run so deep
For such a simple man.
Wont you please, please tell me what weve learned
I know it sounds absurd
But please tell me who I am.
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Image hosted at bigoo