Happy birthday to meeeeee!!!!!

Eee daaaa….jos jedan rockas mi je prosao….i dalje starim…smrc ;(
2.8. za moj rockas smo isli na fratarskom i tamo je lijepo padala kisa malo,pa bi na koj tren i sunce nas posijetilo…bilo je pica i previse jer su poslije svi ogladnjeli… ali oni su samo htjeli vise za pit. A nema veze vazno da nam je bilo super,ono cili dan tako od 11 do 21… a mogli bismo se dogovoriti da jedanom i prespavamo tamo….hmm…pa da mogli bismo.
Dobila sam novi mob…..jeee….sony ericsson W300i bas je cakan…pogledajte i vi sami Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
Eee da ne zaboravim ono sranje je rijeseno…moja stara je poprilicno kriva za to…tj… njezino pamcenje….i dugovala je ispriku meni i mojoj frendici. I pusti me u dali !!!!
I bez beda mi je rekla da mogu ici….sad je samo jos moram nagovoriti da mi dopusti druge godine da busim pupak….heheh.
Pomrila sam se s bivsim….i tako sad nema vise sranja…reko mi je sta mu je smetalo i ja sam mu rekla razlog tomu i eto…(ne nismo skupa opet!)
A ja sam opet nasla novu srecu….vec kad je ljeto moram ja iskoristiti slobodno vrijeme. I bas mi je lijepo i uzivam…samo sto mi dani pocinju biti dosadni…pogotovo sad kad je neko jadno vrijeme….jok!
moram se zahvaliti dalenu za toliko komentara...sigurno se izmucio
A nis..da vam ja ne dugovlacim…pustam vas da uzivate jos tih mjesec dana…
A jedva cekam da pocne skola…..ove godine bas imam zelju da pocne. Ne znam sta mi je….ludim polako….oooo neeeeee

Kissssam vas sve!!!!!

Voli me iz inata
Voli me bez ostatka
Voli me bilo gde da sam.
Bas takvu kakva jesam.
Voli me kad me nema.
voli me pored svega
Voli me kad nijedan bas
Razlog za to nemas
Pred tobom gresna stojim
Za tvoju ljubav molim

04.08.2006. u 13:19 | K | 52 | P | # | ^

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×Opis bloga×

I am back!!!!

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Mislila sam da cu tvoje
usne vijecno ljubiti.

Tako si daleko,
da ni kad ruku pruzim
ne mogu te dohvatiti.
Ne izlazis mi iz misli.
Fali mi tvoja blizina.
kad god te pogledam,
vidim nesto posebno u tebi.
Zasto mi ne dokazes da
mozes biti drukciji od ostalih.

×pjesme i pjesmice...×

Music Video Codes by VideoCure

Until the day I die
Until the day I die
I'll spill my heart for you, for you
Until the day I die
I'll spill my heart for you

As years go by
I race the clock with you
But if you died right now
You know that I'd die to
I'd die too

You remind me of the times
When I knew who I was (When I knew who I was)
But still the second hand will catch us
Like it always does.

Well make the same mistakes
I'll Take the fall for you
I hope you need this now
cuz I know I still do.

Until the day I die (Until the day I die)
I'll spill my heart for you
Until the day I die (Until the day I die)
I'll spill my heart for you

Should I bite my tongue
Until blood soaks my shirt?
We'll never fall apart
so Tell me why this hurts so much

My hands are at your throat
And I think I hate you
But still we'll say, "remember when"
Just like we always do, just like we always do

Until the day I die (Until the day I die)
I'll spill my heart for you
Until the day I die (Until the day I die)
I'll spill my heart for you
Yeah I'd spill my heart!!!!!!

"Here Without You"

A hundred days have made me older
Since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder
And I don't think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separate
Disappear now when I'm dreaming of your face

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it's only you and me

The miles just keep rollin'
As the people leave their way to say hello
I've heard this life is overrated
But I hope that it gets better as we go

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

Everything I know, and anywhere I go
It gets hard but it wont take away my love
And when the last one falls
When it's all said and done
It gets hard but it wont take away my love

I'm here without you baby
But you're still on my lonely mind
I think about you baby
And I dream about you all the time
I'm here without you baby
But you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight girl its only you and me

chop suey
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Wake up,
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
Grab a brush and put a little,
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die, Die,

Wake up,
Grab a brush and put a little (makeup),
Grab a brush and put a little,
Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup)
Hide the scars to fade away the,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
Here you go create another fable

You wanted to,
Grab a brush and put a little makeup,
You wanted to,
Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup,
You wanted to,
Why'd you leave the keys upon the table,
You wanted to,

I don't think you trust,
In, my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die
In my, self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die

Father, Father, Father, Father,
Father/ Into your hands/I/commend my spirit,
Father, into your hands,

Why have you forsaken me,
In your eyes forsaken me,
In your thoughts forsaken me,
In your heart forsaken, me oh,

Trust in my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die,
In my self righteous suicide,
I, cry, when angels deserve to die.

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Listen To Your Heart

I know there's something in the wake of your smile.
I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.
You've built a love but that love falls apart.
Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.

Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.

Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile.
The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea.
They're swept away and nothing is what is seems,
the feeling of belonging to your dreams.

Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.

And there are voices
that want to be heard.
So much to mention
but you can't find the words.
The scent of magic,
the beauty that's been
when love was wilder than the wind.

Listen to your heart
when he's calling for you.
Listen to your heart
there's nothing else you can do.
I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.

Listen to your heart, mm-mmmmmm

I don't know where you're going
and I don't know why,
but listen to your heart
before you tell him goodbye.

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Jedna od mnogih
tebe da slusa
a samo kod jedne je
tvoje srce i dusa.
Moja ljubav je jaka,
mjeriti se nemoze.
Moja misao je tvoja svaka
jer samo za tebe zivjeti moze.
Ta jedna koja je voljena
nadam se da sam ja...
jer ipak... ti si moj voljeni.
Srce bez ljubavi, tijelo bez duse
Ono ne postoji!!!
Jer za tebe sada zivi i dise.

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Pisem ti ove stihove
ne za uspomenu, jer ona blijedi,
ne za sjecanje, jer ono nestaje,
vec za ljubav,koja nikad ne prestaje!
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Kad me tuga slomi nek moja zalost k tebi otplovi,
nek ti u srcu ostane i moje bice nek tvoje postane.
I sve ono sto srce boli
lakse cu podnijet, jer netko me voli.

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Samo tko voli zna koliko to boli.
Samo tko pati moze da shvati
sto u zivotu ljubav moze da znaci.

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Daj mi svoje usne da na njima gorim

Pijem svake noci jer srcu mome nema pomoci.
Srce moje lomis jer ti me nevolis.
Srce moje place jer voli te sve jace!


blondy fairy-moja bff s novim predobrim blogom
zaljubljena-super cura koja je brzo zaljubljuje
mala budala-nova blogerica,dobra pocetnica
odbojkasice-cure imaju dobar blog
umex-tehno boy =P jako dobar decko
telepathia-cura koju rado citam i obozavam
marijana-lijepo pise i jako je draga
evie-predobra cura
h3lld0g-sipatican decko,vidi se da se "trudi" oko posta
t!nich-uvijek ima dobre postove
bolesnikinja-cura s novim blogom koja mi se napokon javila
dalen-odlican frend,zajebant
ely-luda frendica iz razreda
mamica-moja najdraza mama ;)
trisha-sarich,dobra curica
