Oh life is bigger
Its bigger than you
And you are not me
The lengths that I will go to
The distance in your eyes
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spot-light
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you crying
I thought that I heard you Scream
I think I thought I saw you Die
Every whisper of
Every waking moment I'm
Choosing my confessions
Trying to keep
An eye on you
Like a hurt lost and blinded fool
Oh no I've said too much
I set it up
Consider this
Consider this
The hint of the century
Consider this
The slip
That brought me to my knees failed
What if all these fantasies
Come flailing around
Now I've said too much
I thought that I heard you Crying
I thought that I heard you Scream
I think I thought I saw you Die
But that was just a dream
That was just a dream
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spot-light
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
But I don't know if I can do it
Oh no I've said too much
I haven't said enough
I thought that I heard you Crying
I thought that I heard you Scream
I think I thought I saw you Die
But that was just a dream
Die Cry Why Die
That was just a dream
Just a dream
Just a dream

(Iron maiden Cover)

I'm waiting in my cold cell, when the bell begins to chime.
Reflecting on my past life and it doesn't have much time.
'Cause at 5 o'clock they take me to the Gallows pole,
The sands of time for me are running low.
Mother Fuckers!
Running low.

When the priest comes to read me the last rites,
I take a look through the bars at the last sights,
Of a world that has gone very wrong for me.

Can it be that there's some sort of error.
Hard to stop the surmounting terror.
Is it really the end, not some crazy dream.

Somebody please tell me that I'm dreaming,
It's not easy to stop from screaming,
The words escape me when I try to speak.
Tears they flow but why am I crying,
After all I'm not afraid of dying.
Don't I believe that there never is an end, no.

As the guards march me out to the courtyard,
Somebody cries from a cell "God be with you".
If there's a God then why has he let me go?

As I walk all my life drifts before me,
Though the end is near I'm not sorry.
Catch my soul, it's willing to fly away.

Mark my words believe my soul lives on.
Don't worry now that I have gone.
I've gone beyond to seek the truth.

So when you know that your time is close at hand.
Maybe then you'll begin to understand,
Life down here is just a strange illusion

Hallowed be thy name 2x


"The Moon, she hangs like a cruel portrait
soft winds whisper the bidding of trees
as this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart
and the Midnightmare trampling of dreams
But on, no tears please
Fear and pain may accompany Death
But it is desire that shepherds it's certainty
as We shall see..."

She was divinity's creature
That kissed in cold mirrors
A Queen of Snos
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Dark liqoured eyes
An Arabian nightmare...

She shone on watercolours
Of my pondlife as pearl
Until those who couldn't have Her
Cut Her free of this World

That fateful Eve when...
The trees stank of sunset and camphor
Their lanterns chased phantoms and threw
An imquisitive glance, like the shadows they cast
On my love picking rue by the light of the moon

Putting reason to flight
Or to death as their way
They crept through woods mesmerized
By the taffeta Ley
Of Her hips that held sway
Over all they surveyed
Save a mist on the rise
(A deadly blessing to hide)
Her ghost in the fog

They raped left...
(Five men of God)
...Her ghost in the fog

Dawn discovered Her there
Beneath the Cedar's stare
Silk dress torn, Her raven hair
Flown to gown Her beauty bared
Was starred with frost, I knew Her lost
I wept 'til tears crept back to prayer

She'd sworn Me vows in fragrant blood
"Never to part
Lest jealous Heaven stole our hearts"

Then this I screamed:
"Come back to Me
I was born in love with thee
So why should fate stand inbetween?"

And as I drowned Her gentle curves
With dreams unsaid and final words
I espied a gleam trodden to earth
The Church bell tower key...

The village mourned her by the by
For She'd been a witch
their Men had longed to try
And I broke under Christ seeking guilty signs
My tortured soul on ice

A Queen of snow
Far beyond compare
Lips attuned to symmetry
Sought Her everywhere
Trappistine eyes
An Arabian nightmare...

She was Ersulie possessed
Of a milky white skin
My porcelain Yin
A graceful Angel of Sin

And so for Her...
The breeze stank of sunset and camphor
My lantern chased Her phantom and blew
Their Chapel ablaze and all locked in to a pain
Best reserved for judgement that their bible construed...

Putting reason to flight
Or to flame unashamed
I swept form cries
By the taffeta Ley
Or Her hips that held sway
Over all those at bay
Save a mist on the rise
A final blessing to hide
Her ghost in the fog

And I embraced
Where lovers rot...
Her ghost in the fog

Her ghost in the fog


Ne volim te nit sam te ikad volio
Na tvoje omiljeno pitanje evo ti odgovor
Bio sam mlad i totalno zagorio
Tako je valjda sve to krenulo

Ustao sam ujutro s glavom nateklom
i zakačio malim nožnim prstom o stol
Spotaknuo se o tvoje papuče
U padu odkinuo zastor i glavom puko u radijator
Htio sam ti baciti vazu u glavu
Kad si se probudila i poslala me k vragu
Al sam u agoniji bola stenjao ispod stola
U grču se previjao kad mi je sinulo

Ne volim te nit sam te ikad volio
Na tvoje omiljeno pitanje evo ti odgovor
Bio sam mlad i totalno zagorio
Tako je valjda sve to krenulo

Od samoće i dobrog sexa nastala je naša veza
Početni žar je bio zavidan
Da nisam svakog dana otkrio još mana
Sad si u mojim očima samo još greška u nogama
Što se smiješ ko hijena to me toliko ne smeta
Koliko neke druge navike
Nit što vreće od tampona bacaš stalno sa balkona
Samo jedno ipak ne razumijem
Nije mi jasno zasto ne zatvaraš zubnu pastu.....


Ne volim te nit sam te ikad volio
Na tvoje omiljeno pitanje evo ti odgovor
Bio sam mlad i totalno zagorio
Tako je valjda sve to krenulo


Chains of despair
Cloaked by darkness
The thundering echoes of great destruction to come
Mankind's mysteries
The dying world
Madness in it's sweetest form
What shrivels and dies must face the tempest
The angelic heaven bows to the ultimate truth
And melancholy grew
Anticipation mender through madness
Condemned to the same horrid fate
Insanity applauds
How sharp the awakening
Pale as disease
Give up the ghost
Cease the gloomy awakening
History foretold
The hidden stigmata
Totally annihilating the ecstasies innumerable
Materialize the vision
Give up the ghost
Cease the gloomy awakening


I dont owe anything
I dont owe anyone
Shoot pride for all its worth
I dont belong

In a situation now
That I could not repair
I assert myself to sleep
Show others that Ive cared
How cold is this poor life
Lay ashes at my grave

If it takes me away from you
A subtle gesture

I dont know anyone (cherish my religion)
I dont know anyone (faith is only fiction)
I dont know anyone (cherish my religion)
I dont know anyone (faith is only fiction)

This is erased I promise not a trace
This is erased I promise no delay not a trace


I'm selling heavenly sketches
A world out of my mind
Ready to explode in purity
To fill the holes inside

An ever moving stream
With glowing rays of light
Emotions tied to past lies
And I know I should let go

Tamed with confidence of a brighter future
I found a flame in the burnt out ashes... burn out, burn out

Fueled these new shores burn
Dark past lies cold
Shadow, my sweet shadow
To you I look no more

Another dawn collapses
Do I need to be reminded?
A glimpse of my safe home
A path to hide all anger

I found a flame in the burnt out ashes... burn out, burn out

Fueled these new shores burn
Dark past lies cold
Shadow, my sweet shadow
To you I look no more

In circles I catch
A torch carried by the immortal
From depths that I created
In vain echoes fade

Burn out

Fueled these new shores burn
Dark past lies cold
Shadow, my sweet shadow
To you I look no (x2)

Dark past lies cold
To you I look no

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Che Guevara
Rođen je u mjestu Rosario, jednom od većih argentinskih gradova, u dobrostojećoj obitelji. Iako je obitelj bila aristokratskog porijekla preferirala je socijalističke ideje, koje je i sam prihvatio. Godine 1947. Ernesto susreće mladu djevojku imenom Berta Gilda Infante, znanu pod imenom Tita. Tita je bila članica argentinske komunističke omladine i njih dvoje će kasnije postati nerazdvojni prijatelji. Zajedno će čitati marksističke tekstove i raspravljati o aktualnim pitanjima. Godine 1948. Ernestu je 20 godina i upisuje se na studij medicine na sveučilištu u Buenos Airesu. Do ožujka položio je sve ispite iz prve godine medicinskog fakulteta, u lipnju polaže sve ispite iz druge godine, a u prosincu sve ispite s treće godine. Dana 1. siječnja 1950. Ernesto kreće na putovanje sjevernim argentinskim provincijama i to na biciklu kojeg je preradio u maleni motor. Tako stiže u San Francisco del Chahar, blizu Córdobe, gdje njegov prijatelj Alberto Granado upravlja centrom za oboljele od lepre. Po povratku s tog putovanja nastavlja studij s velikim interesom za alergije, astmu i lepru.

Za vrijeme studija radio je kao bolničar na trgovačkim brodovima argentinske nacionalne trgovačke pomorske tvrtke. Na tim putovanjima obilazi južne obale Argentine, Brazil, Venezuelu i Trinidad. U listopadu odlučuje krenuti na putovanje kroz Latinsku Ameriku, zajedno s Albertom Grandadom na starom Norton motociklu od 500 cc. Na tom putovanju 1. svibnja stiže u Limu. Tu upoznaje doktora Huga Pescea, peruanskog znanstvenika i direktora nacionalnog programa za lepru te istaknutog marksistu. Oni nekoliko noći do ranih jutarnjih sati vode razgovore. Che će te razgovore kasnije istaknuti kao veoma važne u promjeni njegova stava prema životu i društvu. Tada odlučuje vratiti se u Buenos Aires kako bi dovršio studij. Putuje teretnim avionom preko Miamija, gdje dolazi do tehničkih poteškoća što odlaže let za mjesec dana. Kako bi preživio radi kao konobar i perač posuđa u jednom baru. U redovnoj proceduri provjere stranaca ispituje ga policija te ga pitaju da li su njegovi roditelji komunisti.

Vraća se u Buenos Aires 31. kolovoza. a studij završava početkom 1953. godine. Nakon liječničkog pregleda za novačanje u vojsku proglašen je nesposobnim. Potom odlazi u Boliviju, da bi se nakon promjene nekoliko zemalja skrasio u Gvatemali. Dana 7. srpnja ponovo odlazi na proputovanje Latinskom Amerikom. S tog putovanja piše svojoj tetki Beatriz: Na slici našeg voljenog druga Staljina zakleo sam se da neću predahnuti prije nego taj kapitalistički oktopus bude uništen. Godine 1954. sudjeluje u borbama protiv gvatemalske vlade, gdje se prijavio u sanitet pobunjenika i naučio svoje prve vojničke vještine. Početkom 1955. godine Che radi kao doktor u bolnici Hospital Central u Mexico Cityu. U lipnju susreće brata Fidela Castra - Raula Castra s kojim će postati prijatelj

Dana 24. lipnja 1956. meksička policija hapsi Chea zajedno sa njegovim kubanskim prijateljima (među kojima je bio i Fidel Castro), a 3. srpnja novinska agencija UPI objavljuje: Argentinski doktor Guevara biće deportiran u domovinu zbog pretpostavka da je sudjelovao u neuspjeloj zavjeri protiv kubanske vlade Fulgencija Batiste. Bivši meksički predsjednik Lázaro Cárdenas umiješaće se u rad policije kako bi obranio kubanske revolucionare pa su krajem srpnja Che Guevara i braća Castro pušteni na slobodu. Na slobodi su u tajnosti nastavili sa svojim revolucionarnim aktivnostima. Dana 2. prosinca grupa od 82 čovjeka iskrcava se na istočnoj obali Kube kod mjesta Los Cayelos. Međutim njihov dolazak je primjećen i vladine snage kreću u potjeru za njima. Revolucionari se dijele u manje grupe.

Dana 5. prosinca kod mjesta Alegría del Pino Che upada u zasjedu, biva ranjen u vrat ali uz pomoć suboraca uspijeva pobjeći u polja šećerne trske, da bi 21. prosinca Cheova grupa stigla na plantažu kave gdje ih je Fidel već čekao nekoliko dana. U siječnju 1957. napadaju vojarnu u mjestu La Plata. Bila je to prva pobjeda revolucionara. U osvit zore prvog dana nove godine diktator Batista pobjegao je iz zemlje. Nakon pobjede revolucije Che 9. veljače dobiva kubansko državljanstvo. Od srpnja do kolovoza na putu je sa službenom kubanskom delegacijom, prvo u Ujedinjene Arapske Emirate i Egipat, gdje susreće Nassera. Potom odlazi u Indiju, Tajland, Japan, Indoneziju i Pakistan, tijekom tih putovanja posjetio je i bivšu socijalističku republiku Jugoslaviju. Povodom incidenta u Zaljevu svinja kada su izbjegli Kubanci uz pomoć Amerikanac pokušali srušiti vlast na Kubi izjavljuje: Mi imamo sastanak s poviješću i jednostavno si ne možemo dopustiti da budemo uplašeni! Moramo zadržati entuzijazam s kojim smo krenuli u borbu. Moramo graditi tvornice s lijevom rukom, u desnoj ruci držati pušku, a s obje noge zgaziti crve.

Nakon ubojstva kongoanskog predsjednika Lumubme i dolaska na vlast diktatora Čombe Che u Generalnoj skupštini Ujedinjenih Naroda u New Yorku izjavljuje: Svi slobodni ljudi svijeta moraju biti spremni na osvetu za kongoanski zločin. Godine 1965. Che odlazi u DR Kongo s grupom kubanskih suboraca kako bi sudjelovao u tamošnjim borbama. Godinu dana kasnije (1966.) Che u najvećoj tajnosti putuje u Havanu gdje se priprema za novu misiju u Boliviji. Preko Moskve, Praga, Beča i Brazila Che stiže u Boliviju 3. studenog. Međutim 8. listopada 1967. kod sela La Higuera Chea i njegova dva suborca zarobila je bolivijska vojska. Na mjesto gdje su zarobljeni uskoro dolazi pukovnik bolivijske vojske, Kubanac koji radi za CIA-u. On sprovodi zapovijed s više instance i na licu mjesta ubija Chea i njegove suborce Willya Cubu i Juana Pabla Changa. Bolivijski vojnik je izvršio naređenje, ali nije mogao gledati dok je pucao u njih.

Nakon Cheove smrti vodeći svjetski listovi ponudili su 125.000 američkih dolara za njegov dnevnik. Dana 1. srpnja 1968. dnevnik je objavljen na Kubi i distribuiran je besplatno. Sadržaj dnevnika izazvao je međunarodni skandal zbog načina na koji su bolivijska vojska i Amerikanci tretirali ratne zarobljenike. Zbog svoje tragične smrti Che je postao uzor mnogim mladima posebice 1960.-ih i 1970.-ih godina XX. stoljeća.

taj covjek je car

WTF ?!

nedjelja, 18.02.2007.

ooooo moja vodka!!!

e evo vam post....oooo ajt imam kaj za napisat...ono zadnjih par dana su jeebeno ludi! ono za valentinovo je bilo tako bolesno cijeli dan...zajebavo se s frendovima... i ono pocne jedan od sati kaj sam imo i dodem frendu: i kaj si mi kupio?? i lik me pogleda i pocnemo se drapat od smijeha...
i ono zajebancija...e a kaj je frend frendici poklonio...esuse...ono prije skole ja idem do njega i lik joj pise pismo i sad mene pita kao kaj da joj kupi...i sad ja ono pa ruzu...a on meni kaze ma necu to mi je nekak glupo.... i meni sine kao kupi joj bombicu ruma...i sad odemo mi na kiosk i trazimo rum al ga nije bilo pa smo uzeli vodku... i nis ono kad joj je on to dao ona je vrištala od smijeha...a meni jebeno ja nemam troskove za valentinovo...haha
jebe se meni lagano...e a u petak je bilo tako bolesno u skoli...ono imo sam skolu popodne i bilo je lagano trulo cijeli dan i ja zadnji sat imo hrvatski...i ono meni ultra dosadno... i vidim nekaj se frend iza mene lomi od smijeha...ja ga pogledam i pitam koji mu je kurac a on i dalje vrišti... i onda je ovaj kaj sjedi samnom poceo pisat od smijeha...i na kraju ja....e a ono pisas od smijeha a neznas cemu se smijes ono bezveze....i jebote mene obrazi i trbusni misici jebeno ubijali i ja jos nekaj profu htio pitat i jedva sam govorio i sjednem i skoro sa stolice padnem...
i nis onda sam sa X-om iso do melina pa smo skrenuli prvo do malog mede na pivo i tam popili jeebeno pivo...fakat je predobro...i onda u melin a tamo nije bilo zive duse!
i nis tak ono ja sam moro ic doma ubrzo....i onda subota....u melinu se dva rodendana slave ono cuge ko u prici...X je imo rockas i Barbara je slavila al njoj je sutra pravi rockas.... i ono bilo cuge ko u prici...ono nije bilo ni 9h po jednu curu s mog kvarta je dosla hitna cura zavrsila na ispumpavanju....nenormalno....i nis okupila se rulja i poceli cugat...ja se ne sjecam kaj sam popio uopce..brijem da sam popio pivo jedno i jos malo kaj mi je sonja dala...valjda...onda sam popio bambusa malo neznam kolko casa... i jos sam popio jedno 4 čaše vodke i još sam nategnuo iz flaše....i bilo jebeno ludo...svi ono lagano pijani...zajebavali se barili se....ono jeeebeno...i nis ja moro doma...i ja sam od melina doso do trga za minutu i pol ono ja brijem da sam trco....znam da sam iso prec prek pruge pa sam se skoro rasipo.... i ono u tramvaju sam zujio i gledo ko stoji pokraj mene....i nis doso ja na kvart i meni se jeeebeno pisalo tak da sam iso pisat i onda kad sam obavio to....iso sam se penjat na jedan zid da se nebi moro vracat....i meni je do doma trebalo 3 minute s pisanjem a opcenito mi treba 7...ja gledam isse kaj sam ja na red bullu! i dodem doma a doma niko nis ne kuzi...i dobro pojeo sam nekaj i iso spavat i dignem se u jedan i vrtim se u fucking krevetu do tri sata...ono nema sanse da zacorim i pizdim lagano i nis onda sam se probudio, otiso u dnevni boravak upalio telku gledo neki film i uzeo si nes za jest i tak sve do 5 sati....i onda sam zacorio napokon...i corio sam do kojih 12 i odtad se sam vucem po stanu neda mi se nis radit cijeli jebeni dan...ono jos sam ajde napiso referat nabrzaka iz geografije i napiso zadacu iz etike i to je to kaj sam radio cijeli dan!!! e nis mi se neda! evo to je to za ovaj tjedan...gotov post...sad se jebite s citanjem...dobro vec ste se izjebali....ajde pozdrav cijeloj ekipi...i evo samo jedna jebena pjesma... ono Slava zna koja je!!! ajt slava skoro sam te se rijesio jucer al ono steta....haha....ajt pozz svima

Enslavement of beauty - Comme Il Faut

The envious audience is chasing us through the cold slop of reality
Exhibited in the dying drama, our design became their wounds
We will never follow their sickening script, never pass them but a fake smile
And every fucking motion is motley, dispelled from morals...

All the little girls have turned into the women that will suck us off...
(Comme il faut...)

Legions of tiara clad virgins are sifting my fairytales,
Morbidly possessing my crayons... and it truly fucking hurts

All I ever wanted was everything and then some
All I ever wanted was to love someone
All I ever wanted was the joy they sell
All I ever wanted was a heaven in my hell

Everything I ever wanted was to disappear here
-all I ever wanted was all they ever wanted...
Everything I ever wanted was an attempt to care
-all I ever wanted was all they ever wanted...

Everything I ever wanted was a pill to make me gleam
Everything I ever wanted was the paramount dream

All I ever wanted was everything... and then some...
All I ever wanted was to love someone...
...The joy they sell...
...A heaven in my hell...
Everything I ever wanted was to disappear...
Everything I ever wanted was an attempt to care...

Everything they ever wanted was a taste of my fluency
Everything they ever wanted was a piece of the tragedy

All I ever wanted, all they ever wanted
All I ever wanted, all they ever wanted...

All I ever wanted was everything and then some
All I ever wanted was to love someone
All I ever wanted was the joy they sell
All I ever wanted was a heaven in my hell

Everything I ever wanted was a pill to make me gleam
Everything I ever wanted was the paramount dream

All I ever wanted, all they ever wanted
I am the drug they always wanted...

aj to je to! pozz

- 23:05 - IspljunI (23) - Ja ti to nebi preporučio!! - WTF?!?

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Nešto kaj bi trebali znati
IME: Dominik (fuj)
ZOVU ME: Doom (dobio po nekom alkoholnom piću) i tu se potpisujem kao Dead Fucker (to je iz jedne pjesme od Cradlea)
ROĐEN: 17.05.1991.
ŽIVIM:U Zagrebu na Savici
ŠKOLA: TESLA rulz, 1.F
SLUŠAM: metal
Cradle of Filth
System of a Down
Hladno Pivo
Dimmu Borgir
Old man's child
Bloodhound Gang
Ad Vitam Aeternam
In Flames
Guns N' Roses
VOLIM:cure, mjuzu,spavat (hm... LOL), aute, motore,
BARBARIGU (moj drugi dom) i još pun kurac stvari.........
MRZIM: Britney i ostalu njenu ekipicu, kad vidim lika u rozoj Lacosta majci (to odma treba tuć), Sanadera, ljude koji stalno seru i koji se
forsaju, umišljene cure, Kineze, čokoladu s grožđicama
i još puno toga nabrojat ću kad se sjetim.....

uskoro ću stavit novu sliku, sad mi se neda slikat (to stoji od 6.mj. 2006.,a jebiga)




02/2007 - 03/2007 (2)
01/2007 - 02/2007 (1)
12/2006 - 13/2006 (2)
11/2006 - 12/2006 (2)
10/2006 - 11/2006 (1)
09/2006 - 10/2006 (5)
08/2006 - 09/2006 (4)
07/2006 - 08/2006 (2)
06/2006 - 07/2006 (2)
05/2006 - 06/2006 (5)
04/2006 - 05/2006 (7)
03/2006 - 04/2006 (7)
02/2006 - 03/2006 (10)
01/2006 - 02/2006 (29)
12/2005 - 13/2005 (17)


It's just a feeling
I get sometimes
A feeling
And I get frightened
Just like you
I get frightened too
but it's...

(no no no) No time for heartache
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to cry

Sometimes in the world as is you've
Got to shake the hand that feeds you
It's just like Adam says
It's not so hard to understand
It's just like always coming down on
Just like Jesus never came and
What did you expect to find
It's just like always here again it's...

(no no no) No time for heartache
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to cry

Everything will be alright
Everything will turn out fine
Some nights I still can't sleep
And the voices pass with time
And I keep


No time for tears
No time to run and hide
No time to be afraid of fear
I keep no time to cry

(no no no) No time for heartache
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to cry


Even a man who is pure in the heart
And speaks in prayer by night
May become a wolf when the wolf's bane blooms
And the winter moon is bright"

Listen to them
The children of the night
What sweet music they make

I share Carmilla's mask
A gaunt mephitic voyeur
On the black side of the glass
Peering through the mirror
Deep dark and ominous
Consorting themes, demons I weave
Subservience from thee to lost

I am Corinthian light
A snake in flowers by night
The last temptation of christ
Evil in mortal...

Disguise the guilt
Sharp-eyed, impassive whore
Burn the asafoetida
and rank petriachor
Lure me panthered Faustia
With cunt and veiled womb
To prowl thy inner sanctum walls
In Tirgoviste to resume

Seduction, my obsessive art
A pantheon of tragedies inscribed upon the stars
Like thistled ruin, garbed around thy heart
Bacchanal Cinderella, desirious midnight passed
Leaving thee as sacrifice asleep within my arms
'Midst dreams od robed redemption versed in sexual aftermath
When we ebb as tides together, carnal souls entwined
And orgasms expire, come puppet wires and the blind
Fires work in me
A lithe supremacy
I tear asunder heaven as I would all enemies
Impaler Lord
Flesh upon the sword
My lower lusts are sated, the greater herald war

I am thirst, spearheaded hunger
Sacrament and pain
Nails raked in savagery
When the cruel Countessa came

The Queen of death-white winter enthroned
Evil resplendent, in dusk red seething skies
Foam-flecked nightmares drag a moon
Of Draconian design

A love that never dies
Nefarious silhouettes to rise

When stars fall pale
And to drown back in Her eyes
Is to madden ghosts within
To unhinge a thousand sins
From Death's dark vale

"Blessed be these spells of winter
Unto us that wait with patience in
This secret garden
To storm our way into another
As yes undone"


Desert claims Eden
And Hyperborean
Visions of Utopia are driven from the sun
Before thee angels clasped
In nakedness their ochre flesh
Shall yield to thy advance

She is all to me
Mysterious, alive
The howling in the deep woods
When cold festal stars aligned

A lurid moon looms; phosphorent, evil
Yesod vested in despotic upheaval
Silvering wolves that scarlet forest snow
Forgotten ones ebter as above, so below

The trees groan aghast as ghostly pallored clouds are rent
When the drunken earth heaves, sweep aside seas to ascend
From Sheol's dank haunted wilderness
Thy seal upon Nuit's starry vault to incense the sleepers,

Queen of Winter, throned
The murderess lurked in vulgar caresses
Vestal masturbation
(Purity) Overthrown

In raven feathered dress
Sides with Death at chess
Their pawns are many and the enemy
When the miscreants fell dead
She took to conjuring spells in the cusp of the night
And the bestial floor shook with terrible life
I rise before thee Queen
To feed our lusts on the blood of the weak
To rule heaven and worlds crawling beneath
Satanic Tyranny


All I ever trusted are things I left behind.
I never thought it could turn out like this,
I never thought it would get sour like this.
Cause I’m hooked too…

Your heart turned to stone, it makes me
sick to hear that all we felt was crap!
Do you see what I am at? I love
you best but you played in with me.
Why did you throw the Jack of Hearts
away? I can’t make it anymore and
I feel hopelessly weighed down
by your eyes of steel. You know,
there are wounds time can’t heal.

You slipped away, your world is not mine!
Recurring memories emerge with the
fear of darkness, a cool breeze down my spine…
Lost moments blown away, let there be a sad mood!
Phoney icons are just synonymous
with love, hate, death and freedom…


Gods of ancient twilight, glance the golden past,
let me enter your hidden gate, let me know I am the last.
Rise nocturnal spirits, eternal gods of the north,
blow your wind upon my flesh, reach me your immortal force.
I dance through the winter storms, all through a lifetime as man,
marching to the deepest fog, to bend down beneath your ancient hand.
So engraved by battles for years, but more mighty than ever,
with blood on my weapons I hunger, for more (I shall never give up the war).
I`ll make this night my darkest intentions, walking towards your kingdom,
winter of the norse evil, I summon you to embrace and crown me.
Rise nocturnal spirits, eternal gods of the north,
blow your wind upon my flesh, reach me your immortal force.


Your self control makes me feel alone
I've tried confidence, had it for breakfast today
I've lost the perfection, a mess without words
(And) As the seasons change I'll continue to ignore
The image I project - me without me
The picture that I scanned is borrowed

After the education, you stopped making sense to me
Seems to me that it's all the same, time and time and time and time again.
Slowly, all that I believed in, turning into a lie
To aim and miss, my supernatural art
Spending to much time with myself
Trying to explain who I am

How come it's possible
I wish there was a way
(Suddenly) I feel so invincible
I'm the sculpture made of clay

I need someone to break the silence
before it all falls apart
I need something to cling onto
before I break you in parts

So afraid of what you may think
And all the plastic people that surrounds me
I have to find the path to where it all begins
To teach the world my supernatural art


Reaching depth of clarity
I'm not supposed to be like this
I should be on the top of the world
Is anybody out there like me?

I followed something's missing
Self control forcing me down
Whispers consume the air
Above her I'm endless

When the rain comes falling
I'll freeze, I'm so afraid
When things start to flood me
I will drown in seconds

Fear - there's a way out
Touch of red - Break away
Nothing has it all
Bury the place I've been
I fear there's a way out

As if I ever had a choice
All in the hands of the energy
Once again I feel the quicksand
Swallow me, tonight I won't struggle


The weak in me should know
I'm as sober as I could be


English za All
Engeski za početnike: (for beginners)

... Tri vještice promatraju tri Swatch-sata. Koja vještica promatra koji Swatch-sat?

to sada na engleskom:

... Three witches watch three swatch watches. Which witch watches which swatch watch?

Engleski za iskusne: (advanced english)

... Tri vještice promijenjenog spola promatraju tri gumba Swatch-satova. Koja vještica promijenjenog spola promatra koji gumb Swatch-sata?

i to na engleskom:

... Three switched witches watch three Swatch watch switches. Which switched witch watches which Swatch watch switch?

Engleski u krajnjem stupnju: (in the end?)

...Tri švicarske vještice-drolje, koje žele biti promijenjenog spola, žele promatrati tri gumba švicarskih Swatch-satova. Koja švicarska vještica-drolja, koja želi biti promijenjenog spola, želi promatrati koji gumb švicarskog Swatch-sata?

i to još na engleskom:

... Three swiss witch-bitches, which wished to be switched swiss
witch-bitches, wish to watch three swiss Swatch watch switches. Which swiss witch-bitch which wishes to be a switched swiss witch-bitch, wishes to watch which swiss Swatch watch switch?

kad ste svladali ovaj engleski dobit ćete diplomu za položen tečaj. :)