Ožujak 2008 (1)
Veljača 2008 (3)
Prosinac 2007 (1)
Studeni 2007 (1)
Listopad 2007 (2)
Rujan 2007 (1)
Srpanj 2007 (1)
Lipanj 2007 (2)
Svibanj 2007 (4)
Travanj 2007 (7)
Ožujak 2007 (4)
Veljača 2007 (3)
Siječanj 2007 (3)
Prosinac 2006 (3)
Studeni 2006 (3)
Listopad 2006 (6)
Rujan 2006 (9)
Kolovoz 2006 (6)



Dizajn by: RizL@ i sTrUdL@

Elen sila lumenn omentilmo

Sve u mom životu što volim,poštujem i bez čega nemogu živjeti....

Haha da,ovo bih trebala biti ja...dodate mi još gitaru,zmaja i epruvetu and here I am! wink

a sada vam s ponosom predstavljam pravu sebe nut

slične smo si,kaj ne?smokin

Lyrics The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg Lyrics

Soora sen


Mali hipi
Blue Be@r
Nixa foto
Bloody angel
Bloody angel 2,recimo

Amin khiluva lle a' gurtha ar' thar

Lady Anerol
Lucifer's Curse
Noćni vuk
Mak cvijet zla
Angel with rose
Forever darkness
My life in dark
Princeza ispod neona


Aždaja butik =)
Kljik mi!!!
Ja na deviantu


Parni valjak
Led zeppelin
Guns n roses
Iron maiden
Sonata arctica
Judas priest
Type O negative
Within temptation


Type 0 negative-Black no.1

She's in love with herself
She likes the dark
On her milk white neck
The Devil's mark
It's all Hallows Eve
The moon is full
Will she trick or treat
I bet she will

She's got date at midnight
With Nosferatu
Oh baby, Lilly Munster
Ain't got nothing on you
Well when I called her evil
She just laughed
And cast that spell on me
Boo Bitch Craft

Yeah you wanna go out 'cause it's raining and blowing
You can't go out 'cause your roots are showing
Dye em black
Black no. 1

Little wolf skin boots
And clove cigarettes
An erotic funeral
For witch she's dressed
Her perfume smells like
Burning leaves
Everyday is Halloween

Loving you was like loving the dead

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Iron maiden-Virus

There's an evil virus that's threatening mankind
Not state of the art, a serious state of the mind
The muggers, the backstabbers, the two faced elite
A menace to society, a social disease

Rape of the mind is a social disorder
The cynics, the apathy oneupmanship order

Watching beginnings of social decay
Gloating or sneering at life's disarrey
Eating away at your own self esteem
Pouncing on every word that you might be saying

Rape of the mind is a social disorder
The cynics, the apathy oneupmanship order

Superficially smiling a shake of the hand
As soon as the back is turned treachery is planned

Rape of the mind is a social disorder
The cynics, the apathy oneupmanship order

Watching beginnings of social decay
Gloating or sneering...at life's disarrey

When every good thing's laid to waste
By all the jealuosy and hate
By all the acid wit and rapier lies

And every time you think you're safe
And when you go to turn away
You know they're sharpening all their paper knives

All in your mind
All in your head
Try to relate it

All in your mind
All in your head
Try to escape it

Without a conscience they destroy
And that's thing that they enjoy
They're a sickness that's in all our minds

They want to sink the ship and leave
The way they laugh at you and me
You know it happens all the time

All in your mind
All in your head
Try to relate it

All in your mind
All in your head
Try to escape it

The rats in the cellar you know who you are...
Or do you?

Watching beginnings of social decay........

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Metallica-Low man

My eyes seek reality
My fingers seek my veins
There's a dog at your back step
He must come in from the rain
I fall 'cause I let go
The net below has right away
So my eyes seek reality
And my fingers seek my veins

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bare to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you
Of what is done and to do
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'cause low man is due
Please forgive me

My eyes seek reality
My fingers feel for flame
Touch clean with a dirty hand
I touched the clean to the waste

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bare to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you, yeah
Of what is done and to do, yeah
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'cause low man is due
Please forgive me
Please forgive me
Please forgive me

So low the sky is all I see
All I want from you is forgive me
So you bring this poor dog in from the rain
Though he just wants right back out again

So I cry to the alley way
Confess all to the rain
But I lie, lie straight to the mirror
One I've broken to match my face

The trash fire is warm
But nowhere safe from the storm
And I can't bare to see
What I've let me be
So wicked and worn

So as I write to you, yeah
Of what is done and to do, yeah
Maybe you'll understand
And won't cry for this man
'cause low man is due
Please forgive me
Please forgive me

So low the sky is all I see
All I want from you is forgive me
So, you bring this poor dog in from the rain
Though he just wants right back out again

My eyes seek reality
My fingers seek my veins

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Kalmah-Hollow heart

Breaking loose from reality surrounding me
Keeping you bonded in my imagination
Drifting away within the limits of consciousness
Falling in sleep with memories you left for me

Throwing all away
Meaningless words
Nothing left
Inside me

Restless dream stiring up in my head
Shakes up my sweaty body from torture
Waking up in empty room filled with dark
Asking myself will this reality never end?

Where are you, my wealth of life?
Vanity filling my mind
Hole in me in distress
Who will fill up my Hollow Heart?

Please god never let me fall asleep
Make me real -keep away from my imagination
Dishearten mind -still looking for another answer
Hopeless act -action speak louder than words

Throwing all away
Meaningless words
Nothing left
Inside me

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Guns n roses-Live and let die

When you were young
and your heart was an open book
You used to say live and let live
You know you did
You know you did
You know you did
But if this ever changin' world
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die

What does it matter to ya
When ya got a job to do ya got to do it well
You got to give the other fella hell

You used to say live and let live
You know you did
You know you did
You know you did
But if this ever changin' world
in which we live in
Makes you give in and cry
Say live and let die
Live and let die

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Parni valjak-Neda

Neki dan u pasazu, na popodnevnoj kavi
Naletjeh na Nedu, ljubav skolskih dana
Zarila i palila on je tada
Dosta se promijenila nakon tolikih godina

Prica mi da rinta u nekoj lijvoj firmi
Da pomalo posustaje, nasmrt se dosaduje
I da je jos uvijek sama, i ako nemam nista protiv
Da svratimo na pice do njenog stana

Neda, nije vise tako ohola
Neda, mnogo lakse sada kaze da

Gledam je dok se svlaci, kako to sada strucno radi
I pitam je da l' se sjeca onih dana
Kako nas je redom odbijala tada
One se smije is kaze ma hajde mali pusti, bila sam mlada

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Led zeppelin-Stairway to heaven

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying a stairway to heaven.

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nedjelja, 26.11.2006.

Party timeeee!!!!

Eee...da ja konačno napišem novi post...
Hihih,kao što reče casper,bog mi se smilovo...Hahaha sad bi iris ispravljala ovo bog s malim slovom u bog s velikim...hahahahaha
Ovaj,daaaa...ovaj tjedan je bio jebeeeen!!!
Dva dana škole,izbjegli hrpu testova...onda je u srijedu počela zabava...popodne mesto škole smo bili na kavi...bila nas je hrpa,došle su mi frendice iz osnovne,bijah presretna!
U četvrtak smo tia,casper tina i ja bili u cinestaru i gledali smo parfem...jeben bio film,ali mi onaj kraj sa masovnim orgijama nikako nije bio jasan..
Poslije kina smo prešli do zvuka đe bio moj dragi,zbog kojg sam polupala čašu...
Onda skoknuli do timea đe bio najsmješniji bend koj ssam v životu vidla...gitarist i bubnjar uživljeni a pjevač sjedi na bini za stolom s rozim stoljnjakom i pie...mhmh
Onda se vidli s iris i lexićem i prešli mado...
U petak tia,casper,matej i ja bili u timeu,prejebena atmosfera bila,ja i tia se izludirale do bola...
Jučer bijah ispred čvare...častio me neki lik alkoholom i pljugama (to mi se u zadnje vrijeme sve češće događa-valjda jer sam zauzeta) i sva sreća da sam došla sebi i pobrala se doma jer ko zna kaj bi inače bilo...khm...
Dragi bio kod vrbosa,murja im upala...tuke..
i kaj da vam još velim???
život je i dalje lep,kao kakav psihodelični lek

evo vam jedna pesmica,uživajte mi i ostajte zdravo!!!

Crvena jabuka-Fura me

Kad bi me ostavili svi
kad ne bih znao kuda dalje
ja bih se vratio tamo
na mjesto sto mi svjetlost salje

Kad bi mi rekla da je kraj
ja ne bih pravio drame
blizu su pakao i raj
neke se stvari srede same
misli mi lete kao cigra
zivot bi mog'o biti igra

Fura me suncan dan ispred katedrale
fura me ljetnja noc,
na Kosevu se svjetla pale
fura me to što vec znam
gdje su granice bola
furas me ti, ljubavi, vise od rokenrola

Ovaj je zivot samo jedan
proleti brzo, ko avion
i nemam vremena da brinem
kako da zaradim prvi milijun

Na zadnjem sjedistu te ljubim
a danas mi se tako pjeva
cesta je ravna, nebo cisto
od Zagreba do Sarajeva

i jedna slikica,fensi mene na još više fensi chrysleru...mmmm

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četvrtak, 09.11.2006.

Bye,bye baby

Što da ja vama pametnog napišem?što?
mislim,bilo bi uredu da nešto naškrabam,ali...zadnja dva dana se konstantno cerim...ko kakav idiot...a ponekd se zapitam čemu ono ko rofl
uglavnom,izgubila sam neke stvari što me zbilja razveselilo...
uvjerila sam se u to kako dobre frendove imam...
otkrila sam kolliko je puno ljubavi na ovome svijetu...
trenutno živim u utopiji i molim se bogu da potraje...

uživajte mi svi,dok se malo ne sredim i ne napišem nešto pametno

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četvrtak, 02.11.2006.


Ljudi moji,svašta mi se u zadnje vrijeme dešava,ali jedna me stvar potpuno zaokupila....


Postala sam potpuno ovisna o tome...

U nedjelju smo bili sa klubom na kalniku....

Prvo nam je trebalo samo pola sata da izađemo iz pretrpanog Zagreba...onda laganini do odredišta!
Kad smo došli do doma na Kalniku,padala je kiša,što nas je sve blago rečeno naljutilo.
Sjeli smo u domu,dečki su nekaj pojeli,ja sam popila kavu i zapalila par pljugi.Onda smo učili vezat neke nove čvorove i za čudo Božje,sve sam ih i shvatila i zapamtila.
Onda samo skužili da više ne pada kiša i otišli van,prema smjerovima.(malo kasnije ću vam objasniti sve te penjačke izraze).Prvo sam probala popeti slatku tajnu,ali mi nije išlo,pa sam se mudro odlučila prigristi nešto i fotkati uokolo:

Pogled na stari grad Kalnik iz podnožja

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Jedan detalj stare gradnje..

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POgled s mjesta gdje se nalaze smjerovi Slatka tajna i rusova kazna (stari grad)

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Pogled na zagorje zavijeno u maglu....

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Slatka tajna 5c,12 m

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Rusova kazna 4b+,12 m i danijelova rit smijeh

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Casper na smjeru čijeg se imena nemerem sjetit

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Još malo detalja gradnje cool

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Ja na Kalničkom,4b,14m (ovaj sam popela ko prvi)

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Marwan (jedan od voditelja škole) chilla

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Casper osigurava Nenu

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Došlo nam malo sunca

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Drugi smjer Blizanac II sam popela po mraku i top rope,što je bio vrhunski užitak cerek...nemam slika,ali bilo je genijalno...vani mrak,svi osim nas otišli,stijena lagano osvijetljena reflektorom,ja na 20 metara a iz podnožja se čuje moj mobitel i "fear of the dark" rofl.Uopće se ne da opisati riječima koi je to osjećaj kada si tako visoko i znaš da ti život ovisi samo o koncentraciji jedne osobe...ali kad pogledaš ispod sebe i vidiš pola svijeta na dlanu,ljude koji su tako mali i mizerni...a onda shvatiš da si i ti većinu vremena jedan od njih i to te tjera da ideš dalje...i dalje...

Ajmo sada malo o osnovama da shvatite neke stvari iz ovog posta...
Prvo,oprema za penjanje:

Penjačice (cipele za penjanje,najosnovniji komad opreme)

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Pojas za penjanje (na njega navezujemo uže koje nas osigurava,a u slučaju da se poskliznemo ili padnemo,ostajemo sjediti u pojasu)

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Kompleti (oni služe za navezivanje užeta na spitove ili klinove koji se nalaze na stijeni,a sastoje se od dva karabinera vezana gurtnom-jedan karabiner ide na uže,a drugi na spit)

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Magnezij,tj vrećica sa magnezijem,koja služi da nam ručice budu suhe i bolje prianjaju na stijenu

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Užad,osnova osiguranja (najčešće 60 m)

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Tuba-jedna od spravica za osiguravanje...

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Što se tiče načina penjanja...imamo dva osnovna:

prvo,penjanje "top rope",kada nam je uže spojeno na balkonu iznad nas i sve što mi moramo raditi jest popesti se do njega...

drugi način je "ko prvi",što znači da do prvog klina nismo osigurani,tek se na prvom klinu zakopčamo uz pomoć kompleta i onda idemo do idućeg klina...

smjer kao pojam označava smjer u stijeni koji je netko prije odredio zabijanjem spitova u stijenu..
težina smjera ima raspon od 2-9,s tim da svaki broj ima još nekoliko razina koje se označavaju slovima...
težina je zapravo jako subjektivna,jer nije meni jednako popeti smjer od 6b ko i našem instruktoru koji se time bavi već dugo...nazive smjerovima daju ljudi koji su ih prvi popeli...pa tako ima zanimljivih naziva poput "jebem ti mobitel" i tome slično....

za sad toliko od mene,uživajte!

ps.ako sam koga zainteresirala,tu imate par korisnih linkova

Cro climbing magazin
Climbing guide
Penjanje net

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