Lubenice 13.07. i 15.07.2008

30 srpanj 2008

Lubenice (lat. Hibernitia od hibernus "zimski, hladan") su naselje na otoku Cresu. Nalaze se na visokoj klisuri nad morem, na 378 metara nadmorske visine.

Lubenice su jedno malo mjesto na otoku Cresu, sagrađene na litici iznad mora. Prema popisu iz 2001. godine, Lubenice imaju 24 stanovnika. Gospodarstvo se temeljilo na ovčarstvu i ribarstvu no i to se promjenilo te pošto prevlada šikara i makija zemlju je nemoguće obrađivati pa su se mještani prebacili na turizam.

Mjesto Lubenice je staro preko četiri tisuće godina, i naseljenost nikad nije bila prekidana. Ljeti se održava kulturna manifestacija "Lubeničke večeri". Poznat je ples po imenu "lubeniška". Nošnja se sastoji od: crne lepršave suknje, košulje, pregače, marame i prsluka.

No to mjesto je više od ovih relativno šturih podataka te odiše nekom specifičnošću koja se ne reflektira samo kao poznata Lubenička plaža koja se može vidjeti na HRT-u, mjesto Vas zarobi nekom samo njemu znanom energijom i traži da mu se ponovno vraćate. Osobno se mjesta sjećam dok je još radila mala škola tamo te sam bio u posjetu istoj u kojoj je bilo 4 ili 5 razreda i možda 15-tak učenika ukupno, danas je ta škola zatvorena i to još davne 1985/86 te pretvorena u muzej gdje se mogu na nekoliko slika vidjeti običaju vezani uz ovčarstvo.

Vjerujem da pogađate da bi tu otprilike mogla krenuti kritika. Da, počet ću i možda završiti baš na tom muzeju, nekoliko loših slika sa još lošijim objašnjenjima, par ovčijih govanaca, nekoliko škara za striženje te neka užasno iritirajuća muzika, loša rakija za popizdit a plaćaš je i bolje da stanem tu otprilike. Znam da je to pokrenuto nekim entuzijazmom mještanina te pokušajem da se pokaže kultura, običaji toga kraja i mjesta, no ipak bi toga trebalo i moralo biti daleko više jer to mjesto je staro više od 4000 godina. Groblje ako se posjeti govori daleko više od onoga što je u muzeju predstavljeno a za turista to nisu nikakve informacije osim da je mjesto na 400 i nešto metara nadmorske visine i na stijeni.

Ostalo je u okvirima koji se mogu očekivati od starih ljudi koji su živjeli u nekim drugim vremenima te malo mladih ljudi koji su ostali te pokušavaju ovo mjesto staviti na turističku kartu. Nažalost sve se to svodi na lutanje uskim uličicama te na restoran prihvatljivih cijena i ukusne hrane, suvenirnica je čisti promašaj te ne nudi ništa od onog specifičnog Lubeničkog a vino koje se nudi kao suvenir je katastrofalno loše te više ni Zagorci ne rade takvo kiselo vino.

Ipak zbog te čudne energije kojom odiše to mjesto opet ću jednog dana otići u posjetu.

Lubenice (lat Hibernitia of hibernus "winter, a cold") is a place on the island on. There are at high klisuri above the sea, at 378 meters above sea level.

Lubenice is one small place on the island on, built on a cliff above the sea. According to the 2001 census. The Lubenice have 24 residents. Economy is base on sheep and fishing but also to be changed and when overcome and scrub land macchia is impossible to cultivate, and the locals switched to tourism.

Lubenice is a place of the old over four thousand years, and inhabitated has never been breaking. In summer, held cultural events "Lubenice evening." Dance is known by the name "lubeniška." Costume consists of: flit black skirt, shirts, aprons, vests and wrap.

But this place is more of these relatively scanty data and keeps a specified which reflects not only as a famous beach Lubenička which can be seen on HRT, the place you took him only a well-known energy and seek that he is returning again. Personally, I remember the town while still working a small school there and I was in the same visit, in which it was 4 or 5 class and maybe 15-in total pupils, now the school closed and still lang syne 1985/86 and converted into a museum where may be a few pictures to see the ordinance related to sheeping.

I believe you guessed that this could go some criticism. Yes, I will start to finish and maybe just in this museum, a few bad images with more badly explanations, par sheep crap, several clippers for shear and some terribly paining music, bad brandy and paying is better that there stoped about. I know that it was running some enthusiasm villagers and trying to show the culture, traditions and the end of this town, but it would be, and it must be far more because this place is old more than 4000 years. Cemetery if the visit speaks far more than what is presented in a museum for tourists not to any information except that the place on 400 meters above sea level and on the rock.

Remained in the frame that can be expected from elderly people who lived in other times, and few young people who remained and trying to put this place on the tourist map. Unfortunately all this boils down to wandering the narrow streets and a restaurant acceptable prices and tasty food, souvenir shop is clean and not miss anything offered by the specific Lubenichian a wine that is offered as a souvenir is a catastrophic bad and even more Zagorian not doing such a sour wine.

Yet because of the strange energy that keeps this place again, I will one day go to visit.

© Copyright by designer for 5 & dagoberhr
Pričekajte da se fajl učita, veličina 8.8MB / Wait for the file loads, the size of 8.8MB

~ following the title is: Mali Lošinj, 01.08.2008 ~

Lovac (Valun, 16.07.2008)

28 srpanj 2008

Ponekad nam je drago što imamo uz sebe fotić ili kameru te možemo uloviti trenutak jer takvi trenutci su vrlo rijetki te neću mnogo pisati nego vam prepustiti taj trenutak da uživate u njemu.

Ponuđene su dvije opcije, lošija i bolja snimka pa svakome od volje.

Sometimes we are delighted that you have with yourself camera or the camera can catch the moment because such moments are very rare and I will not write much more than you let this moment to enjoy it.

Are offered two options, better and worse, and every recording of the will.

(Low Quality, size 2.7MB)

(High Quality, size 47.8MB)

~ following the title is: Lubenice 13.07. i 15.07.2008 ~

Valun 12.07. - 18.07.2008

25 srpanj 2008

Nekad predivan ribarski gradić je smješten na južnom dijelu Valunskog zaljeva između dviju šljunkovitih plaža. Valunski zaljev nešto je južnije od Creskog. Prema popisu stanovništva iz 2001. godine u Valunu živi 62 stanovnika. Imao je 20-tak kuća i bio okružen poljima, maslinama, smokvama i šumom.

Mjesto Valun je nastalo kao luka starog naselja Bučev čiji su ostaci nađeni kod crkve svetog Marka. Uz tu crkvu i poznatu Valunsku ploču iz 11. stoljeća, znamenitost je i glagoljski lapidarij koji prikazuje kopije najstarijih glagoljskih natpisa iz Istre, Kvarnera i Dalmacije.

Danas gradić koji ima 100-njak kuća gdje su nestali ili su vrlo rijetki te neodržavani nasadi maslina, smokava te je još jedino šuma tamo i samo se pitam dokle.

Nekad miran i potpuno običan centar mjesta sada vrvi od restorana (4 trenutno) te sa na rivi može vidjet usidreno samo nekoliko manjih brodica za ribarenje dok je ponuda u tim restoranima upakirana ljubaznim osmjehom, koliko toliko jestivim morskim plodovima i loše skuhanom blitvom za poludit no zato toliko visokim cijenama da se odmah izgubi apetit i prije naručivanja.

Mjesto svedeno na obiteljski turizam ponude sunce, more i kakva takva plaža bez ikakvog pokušaja da se barem petkom ili subotom što pametnog osmisli jer su tamo više manje sve mlađe obitelji. Naravno u mjestu prevladavaju prebučni Talijani koji osim loše kulture još su dosadni do bola, bolesno šutljivi Nijemci, Austrijanci te pokoji Čehi, Slovaci, Francuzi i naravno mi domaći.

Sobe koje su za sada sobe sa tri zvjezdice su u biti apartmani koji nisu prošli zbog slijedećih uvjeta:
- ima stepenica od centra mjesta do najvišeg apartmana/sobe za ubit se ili nabavit planinarsku opremu (za starije kiskik obavezno)
- u apartmanima/sobama nema televizora (da dobro ste pročitali), zašto? nemam pojma ali mislim da znam koji je razlog - škrtost
- noćni život ravan 0 ili dobitku na Lotu
- da će te ujutro u dućanu sresti prodavačicu sa osmjehom na licu je jednako Bingu
- da će te u 7 sati uspjeti kupiti jutarnje novine za druženje uz kavu je ravno dočeku nove godine sa Catherine Zeta-Jones (jer novine dolaze tek poslije osam sati)

Ipak soba koju smo mi dobili u toj kategoriji je bila ok i ima sve osim televizora - mini kuhinja, soba sa bračnim krevetom, kupaona te mala terasa vani za popiti kavu ili u miru pročitati novine.

Plaže su uredne i čiste unatoč gomili gostiju i djece koja su bila tamo, poslije kupanja navečer na plažama se rijetko moglo naći smeća van kanti za smeće. Divlje plaže koje su namjenjene naturistima su koristili najmanje oni jer su one bile izvrstan bijeg sa dvije krcate redovne plaže a i tamo se jedino moglo normalno roniti i uživati u bistrini mora te flore i faune koja okružuje otok Cres. Parkiranje van redovnog parkinga koji se plaća 15 kuna dnevno ili ako ste gost onda onoliko koliko ste gost Valuna se ne preporučuje jer osim ako svoje vozilo ne namjeravate svakodnevno podlagati sa najmanje 4 poprilična kamena je rizik zbog nizbrdice/uzbrdice od 10% nagiba. Zelenilo izvire ispod svakog kamena ili komadića betona a sami mještani su još dodatno posadili svoje vrtove brojnim cvijećem i zelenilom koje djeluje opuštajuće ali mami veliki broj zrikavaca da Vas probude već u ranu zoru.

Valun je ipak lijep gradić okružen šumom makar je izgradnja soba/apartmana uzela maha te vjerujem da ipak svijest tih ljudi će ostati u okvirima da ne treba pretjerivati te stati u pravo vrijeme. Vjerujem da ću zbog svega toga ponovno doći ovdje uživati u godišnjem odmoru.

A sad lijepo slijede slike koje sam nekako uspio pospremiti u macromedia slideshow varijantu te ako je prebrzo može se zaustaviti i ručno pokretati svaku sliku.

Once a beautiful fishing town is located on the southern part Valunskog Bay between the two pebble beaches. Valunski Bay is slightly south of Creskog. According to the census of 2001. The lives of Valun 62 residents. He had 20 houses and was surrounded by fields, olive trees, fig trees and forests.

Place Valun was established as a port of old settlements Bučev whose remains were found near the church of St. Mark. In addition to the church and known Valunsku panel of 11. century, sight and Glagolitic stone collection that displays copies of ancient inscriptions from Glagolitic Istria, Kvarner and Dalmatia.

Today, a small town, which has 100 houses where they disappeared or were very rare and not maintained plantations of olives, figs and is still the only noise in there and just ask how long.

Once a quiet and completely ordinary town centre is now thick with restaurants (4 currently) and on the waterfront can see anchored just a few smaller boats for fishing while the offer in these restaurants packing kind smile, how much eatable seafood and bad scald Swiss chard for no mad because prices so high to immediately lose your appetite before ordering.

Place arranged for family tourism offers sun, sea and any such beach without any attempts to at least Friday or Saturday, which makes smart because there are more or less all the young families. Of course in a place dominated by Italians who loudly except bad culture are yet to boring pain, sick silent Germans, Austrians and rare Čehi, Slovaks, French and of course my home.

Rooms that are now rooms with three stars are essentially apartments that are not passed because of the following conditions:
- There are steps from the town center to the highest apartments / rooms for kill or get mouintaineer's equipment (for older oxygen optional)
- In apartments / rooms no TV (that you have read well), why? I have no idea but I think that I know that the reason - avarice
- Nightlife flat 0 or avail on Loto
- That will store in the morning encounter with saleswoman smile on his face, it is equally Bingo
- That will in the 7 am able to buy the morning newspaper for socializing with coffee is straight meet New Year with Catherine Zeta-Jones (for newspapers come only after eight hours)

Still room that we have received in that category was ok and has all but television - a mini kitchen, bedroom with double bed, bathroom and a small terrace outside for a coffee in peace or read newspapers.

The beaches are clean and regular despite a lot of guests and children that were there in the evening after bathing on the beaches are rarely could find the garbage outside the town to store garbage. Wild beach that are intended naturists are used because they at least have been an excellent one flight with two full regular beach and there is normally only could dive in and enjoy the clear sea and the flora and fauna that surrounds the island of Cres. Parking outside of regular parking, which is paid 15 kuna per day, or if you are a guest, then as much as you are a guest Valun is not recommended because unless your vehicle does not intend to subject every day with at least 4 quite stone is a risk because of slope/rise of 10% heeling. Greenery springs beneath each stone or pieces of concrete and townspeople themselves are still further plant its numerous gardens, flowers and greenery that relieves tensions but attracts a large number of crickets that you probude already in the early morning.

Valun is still a beautiful town surrounded by forests is to build at least rooms/suites taken hold, and still believe that awareness of these people will remain within that one should not exaggerate, and stop the right time. I believe that because of all this again come here to enjoy vacation.

And now a nice follow images that I somehow managed to save the slide show macromedia variant, and if he can be too fast to stop and manually run each image.

© Copyright by designer for 5 & dagoberhr
Pričekajte da se fajl učita, veličina 11.8MB / Wait for the file loads, the size of 11.8MB

~ following the title is: Lubenice, 13.07. i 15.07.2008 ~

Cres 10.07. - 12.07. i 18.07. - 20.07.2008

23 srpanj 2008

Prvo, bilo je lijepo i zanimljivo posjetiti otok koji sam posjetio prije 30 godina.

Grad se promjenio u nekim djelovima do ne prepoznatljivosti, tamo gdje su nekad bila polja sada se nalaze kuće. Zatvorili su potpuno tvornicu za proizvodnju ribljih konzerva te se okrenuli brodogradnji i remontu raznih plovila a u okruženje im stigla i marina. Grad izvršio facelifting koji mu nimalo ne pristaje a to prvenstveno mislim na staru gradsku jezgru koju nije trebalo dirati te po mom ukusu previše kafića, restorana i inog, staro je bilo i izgledalo daleko bolje.

Naravno da se o ukusima ne treba raspravljati jer ono što meni ne valja onima koji tamo žive je to sasvim ok i možda smatraju da je to daleko bolje nego prije 30 godina no smatram da žudnja za gomilom kafića i restorana te odbacivanje onog što je Cres kao otok hranilo kroz stoljeća (bavljenje ovčarstvom, ribarstvom te proizvodnjom ribljih proizvoda) je smiješno jer turizam kod nas funkcionira samo 3 mjeseca a ipak je stari način življenja davao nadu kroz cijelu godinu. Ponuda restorana se svodi na katastrofalan morski meni koji ima loš miris kad dođe na stol osim jednog gdje sam bio vrlo zadovoljan a to je restoran gosp. Litovića, ostalo ne da ne može dobit prolaznu ocjenu nego bi valjalo da promjene kuhara da bi se ih ponovo uopće posjetilo. Kafići nude bljutavo - bez ukusnu kavu (vjerujem talijanskih proizvođača) koja još tome ni nema miris pa se uopće ne zna što se pije, kava ili voda u kojoj su prokuhane tamne čarape. Posebno ću se osvrnuti na ponudu krstarenja brodovima tj. ekskurzijama do nekakvih zanimljivih mjesta.

Kad Vas netko vozi na neko mjesto a to opet sa sobom povlači da uz Vas ima od 6 - 20-tak drugih ljudi onda bi brod trebao biti za to namjenjen no bilo je onih koji su ribarski brod ubacili dvije i pol klupe i stavili gomilu ljudi gore bez ikakve sigurnosti (spasilačkih prsluka, čamaca) a to je katastrofa za mjesto i sam otok Cres te postavlja pitanje da li ih itko kontrolira što rade jer se radi o ljudskim životima. Gradska bi uprava i lučka kapetanija bi morale povesti računa o tome jer kad se dogodi nezgoda će biti za neke to jako kasno. O onima koji dolaze sa 6 metarskim čamcima pokrivenima ceradom ne želim dodatno posvetiti mjesta jer je to gornjime isto tako objašnjeno.

Smještaj sa dvije zvjezdice se može nazvati samo jednim nazivnikom - katastrofa, sobe su ok no madraci na kojima spavate su doživjeli bolja vremena i vrijeme je za njihovu zamjenu, okoliš je poprilično bučan te Vas smjeste ili u blizinu nekog gradilišta koje kao ne bi smjelo graditi ili u blizinu brodogradilišta te možete uživati u bosanskom loncu psovki koje su na repertoaru uz neizbježnu buku. Ocjena tog dijela je više od katastrofe jer tako nešto grad Cres ne zaslužuje. Ljubaznost ljudi je na iznimnoj visini te je bilo divno se družiti sa njima jer su vrlo susretljivi i pristupačni no nažalost to ponekad nije dovoljno za ono što mi zovemo turizmom.

Da sad ne bi sve završilo na kritici i lošem ima dosta i dobroga, plaže su super čiste, grad isto tako, more nikad nigdje nisam vidio tako bistro te uređene staze na drugi dio zaljeva gdje se istima može doći za 3 sata do Valuna ili stari Napoleonski put kojeg se može vidjeti na jednoj od slika (onako malo obrasao travom no vide se rubni kamenovi). Ima pozitivnog što je jako dobro jer budi nadu u bolju budućnost za taj grad ali i cijeli otok.

Odlučio sam da je vrijeme za kupiti kamper što se pojavljuje na jednoj od slika da ne moram ovisiti o privatnom smještaju.

A sad lijepo slijede slike koje sam nekako uspio spremiti u macromedia slideshow varijantu te ako je prebrzo može se zaustaviti i ručno pokretati svaku sliku.

First, it was beautiful and interesting to visit the island which I visited 30 years ago.

The city is changed in some parts do not recognized, where they were once fields are now home. Are completely close the factory for the production of fish and can be turned shipbuilding and repairs of various vessels in the environment they arrived and marinas. The city has performed facelifting him not at all does not fit and that I think primarily on the old city centre, which should not have touched, and in my taste too many bars, restaurants and etc., it was old and look far better.

Of course it is about the tastes should not be usapan because to me what is not good for those who live there, it is quite okay and may believe that it is far better than in the past 30 years, but I think that longing for the crowd cafes and restaurants, and discarding what is Cres as feed island through the ages (dealing sheeping, fishing and manufacturing fish products) is funny because tourism is working with us only 3 months but still is a traditional way of life gave hope throughout the year. Restaurants offer comes down to me marine catastrophe that has a bad odor when he came to the table except one where I was very pleased and that is restaurant Mr. Litovića, not that the rest can not receive thru grade but would be to change chefs to ever re-visited. Bars offer mawkish - without delicious coffee (Italian producers believe) that it still does not even smell, so do not even know what to drink, coffee or water in which they boiled dark socks. I will especially look to offer the cruise ships that excurzion to some interesting places.

When you drive someone to a place and this again with you to withdraw with you there from 6 - 20 other people would then ship should be designed for that but there were those who cast fishing boat two and a half benches and put lots of people up without any security (rescue vests, boats) and that is a disaster for the place and I Cres island and the question of whether anyone is controlled by them which work because it is about human lives. Public administration and to port authorities had to bring to account the fact because when the accidents occur will be for some to very late. About those who come with 6 metric boats covered awning not want to devote additional seats because that is upper also discussed.

Accommodation with two stars can call only one name - disaster, the rooms are ok but mattresses on which they experienced sleep better time and time for their replacement, the environment is quite noisy and we locate or in the vicinity of a building like that would not be allowed to build or in the vicinity of the shipyard, and you can enjoy the Bosnian pot abuse that are on the repertoire with inevitably noise. Score that part is more than a disaster because so little town of Cres not worthy. Kindness of people at the height of exceptional and it was wonderful to socialize with them because they are very affordable and contacting but unfortunately it sometimes is not enough for what we call tourism.

Now that would not be completed on all the criticism and has a lot of bad and good, the beaches are super-clean, the city also, more never anywhere I have not seen so clear and kept track of the second part of the bay where they can get there they are for 3 hours or until Valun old Napoleon way you can see on one of the pictures (as little overgrown grass but see the boundary stones). It has a positive, which is very good because it raises the hope of a better future for this city but the entire island.

I decided that it is time to buy a camper, which appears on one of the images that we do not have to depend on private accommodation.

And now a nice follow images that I somehow managed to save the slide show macromedia variant, and if he can be too fast to stop and manually run each image.

© Copyright by designer for 5 & dagoberhr
Pričekajte da se fajl učita, veličina 13,2MB

~ following the title is: Valun, 12.07. - 18.07.2008 ~

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