Great Quake

15 travanj 2007

Iz nekih izvora sam došla do ovog nadasve zanimljivog "proročanstva" koje je navodno došlo od strane dvojice medija koji komuniciraju s nekim bićima. Ne pratim baš događanja u svijetu što se tiće potresa i vulkana pa neču iznositi svoje mišljenje jer ga ustvari i nemam.

This coming Great Quake will be of very high magnitude. It will be centered near Al Hoceima, a Mediterranean coastal city in Morocco east of the strait of Gibraltar. It will however be so strong that it will trigger a very large earthslide on the steep, unstable, separating slope of Las Palmas Volcano on Gran Canaria, one of the Canary Islands, even though the Canary Islands are off the northwest coast of Africa, and approximately 1200 kilometers (about 745 miles) southwest of Al Hoceima! Another mechanism of action may be that the Moroccan Quake will trigger an eruption of Las Palmas Volcano, which will surely send its western flank into the Atlantic.
This resulting landslide will go to the bottom of the Atlantic, displacing huge amounts of water, and triggering a large tsunami.
This tsunami resulting in a large tidal wave striking the east coast of Cuba.

Cuban leader Fidel Castro will have died by the time of this tsunami, and his younger brother, Raul Castro, the First Vice-President, will have assumed the Presidency, but will then have been assassinated by the hand of the CIA, apparently on the same day that the large tsunami strikes eastern Cuba.

The time-line for the Moroccan Great Quake-Atlantic Tsunami is more on the order of weeks rather than months or years.

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