it's sharpening beneath me

subota, 08.04.2006.

I stand here on my own

...prošlo je neko vrijeme znam...i nije da ne želim pisati....svaki dan otvaram editor i soji...stoji otvoren satima...i ništa....apsolutno niš znam....i dalje me ne napušta onaj osjećaj kao da ovo nisam ja...kao da ovo nije moj ž znam...vjerojatno znam....neki dan se jedna meni jako draga osoba nasmijala iskreno nakon dugo vremena....nije joj bilo tuge u oč je i mene učinilo sretnom...volim kada su moji prijatelji znam...nekada me samo to čini sretnom...ima i dana kda mi je dozvoljena vlastita sreće....kada popustim sama sebi...kada nestane mene...a ima i dana kao jučer...kada je večina ljudi u mojo blizini znam više o čemu pisati...previše stvari mi se mota po glavi...ova pjesma nekako najbolje opisuje moje raspoloženje zadnjih dana pa eto ....

Here I go
Out to the sea again
The sunshine fills my hair
And dreams hang in the air
Gulls in the sky
And in my blue eyes
I know it feels unfair
There is magic everywhere

Look at me standing here
Here on my own again
Up straight in the sunshine

No need to run and hide
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful, wonderful life

Sun's in your eyes
The heat is in your hair
They seem to hate you
Because you are there
And I need a friend
Oh, oh, I need a friend
To make me happy
I stand here on my own

Oh oh oh ooh,
Look at me standing here
I'm here on my own again
Up straight in the sunshine

No need to run and hide
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful, wonderful life

I need a friend
Oh, I need a friend
To make me happy
Not so alone

Look at me standing here
I'm here on my own again
Up straight in the sunshine

No need to run and hide
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful, wonderful life

No need to run and hide
It's a wonderful, wonderful life
No need to laugh and cry
It's a wonderful, wonderful life

Ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah

- 19:40 - cut me (16) - write my words with blood - #