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petak, 31.12.2010.

British invention "sushi Elevator"

coach outlet reports, the London City College professor Jiekeliewei (Jack Levy) is free to bend loop invented the escalator, he changed the traditional straight up and down escalators in the image.

coach outlet Due to the curved lines of the lift in the conveyor belt like the Japanese restaurant, it is also known as "sushi elevator." "Sushi elevator" shape and flexible, you can loop back and forth, allowing architects to design a more artistic style of the elevator, for department stores, theme parks and other places.

louis vuitton outlet To be the traditional use of the elevator and down a conveyor belt, and each costs 10 million pounds (102 million yuan) or so, and only half of the actual conveyor belt for each passenger, that is a waste of resources, but also a waste of money. The "sushi lift" only a belt loop, with a total length of a short conveyor belt than conventional elevators a lot, so costs will be lower.

p90x sale In addition, "sushi elevator" basically all the ground running, but also to bring the convenience of maintenance failure. Currently, the "sushi lift" has been put into use in Europe and America, an estimated 2012 mid-term can be extended to public buildings and shopping malls.

31.12.2010. u 02:20 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 30.12.2010.

Frequency of major natural disasters, human beings are to blame

coach bag According to the U.S. physicist organization network, Bloomberg News reported the U.S. in 2010 to fight back on Earth a year towards the man: earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanic eruptions, super typhoons, storms, landslides and drought killed at least 25 million lives - a few decades of natural disasters death toll up to a year.

coach outlet Scientists and natural disasters, experts pointed out that in most cases, the man himself these disasters is the "culprit." Director of the Federal emergency relief grams Leige Fu Gert said: "The disaster continued attacks, one after another. This year, the 'once in a century', the word lost its meaning." In 2010, emergency relief agency dealing with the disaster hit a record number of times. As of December 14, the agency handled a total of 79 disasters, and much higher than the 34 previous years; Associated Press annual compilation of the directory to print out a total disaster, 64 pages.

louis vuitton outlet August of this year, an extreme weather system bringing to Russia the suffocating heat, so that Russia suffered the ravages of wildfires and drought; the weather system also caused flooding in Pakistan, the equivalent of the flooded areas a state of Wisconsin . This may have been caused by extreme weather system killed 1.7 million people, caused the crash than in the past 15 years more than the total number of deaths. Heat also caused the Russian economy 150 billion dollars in losses, equivalent to its gross domestic product (GDP) of 1%.

p90x sale In 2010, the French air temperature 10 degrees Celsius higher than last year, Italy's temperatures soared to 40 degrees Celsius, North Europe and Finland also suffered the highest temperature in 75 years, reaching a record 34.2 degrees Celsius. German Potato Industry Association said, due to continuous high temperatures, this year's potato crop is expected to be reduced by 30%. As the Spanish government had announced that eight provinces heat into the "heat alert" status. Swiss Re's data show, to November 30, 2010 natural disasters caused a total of about 26 million deaths worldwide, and in 2009 the figure was 1.5 million. U.S. State Department and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory data show that from 1968 to 2009, the number of deaths caused by the terrorist attacks of 11.5 million. Swiss Re said in 2010, natural disasters caused economic losses of 222 billion U.S. dollars, exceeding the total economy of Hong Kong.

30.12.2010. u 02:03 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 29.12.2010.

Beautiful job interview is not less popular

coach bag Pretty popular in the workplace, people must do? This is probably depends on male or female. According to Taiwan's "China Times" 26 reported that classes Gurion University, Israel (Ben-Gurion University) found that attractive men and women for employment fate of the difference. Guy get the opportunity to interview more than ordinary men, but it seems better than the dinosaurs beautiful girl popular, low chance of an interview.

coach outlet In Israel, the job usually resume a mug shot on the attached sheets, but some people choose not to attach photos, the researchers then resume according to more than five thousand copies, the tendency of enterprises employing. The results found that men average looks handsome Junshuai, is really very hotly contested, with an average response rate of employers was 19.9%, than ordinary men get the opportunity to interview nearly 50% higher, than the men did not attach a photo of the cover 2 times higher .

louis vuitton outlet The other hand, pretty, pretty girls, not only does not so lucky, but also face more disadvantages. In contrast, women did not attach a photo job interview to obtain the highest rate of employer, and attach a photo of an ordinary woman looks compared to a 22% response rate, more beautiful than the photo attached to a full higher job seekers 30%. The findings apparently differ from the general public awareness. Society in general awareness that the guy with the Way We both job opportunities or salary, is more popular than the men and women far from being handsome, but, rather than the dinosaurs beautiful girl even worse fate, chance of an interview by the minimum.

p90x sale The reason is not difficult to find a same-sex repulsion at work. The original regardless of country, on the front line of human resources resume screening employees, almost all women (about 96%), and the average age of female staff between 23 to 34 years, see the beauty, it is inevitable jealous, So intentionally lock them out. Beauty seems to want their day in the workplace, women in this first off I'm afraid, is a great challenge.

29.12.2010. u 02:15 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko involving misappropriation of $ 120,000

coach outlet Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office again on former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko Keti from the allegations, because the latter alleged misappropriation of about 12 million.

coach outlet This is the second time Tymoshenko has been accused of. 22 Attorney General's Office announced that Tymoshenko as prime minister suspected of selling greenhouse gas emissions to received pension funds, involving about 2.2 million. If the convicted, Tymoshenko will face up to 10 years in prison. In addition, Tymoshenko was arrested two members of the former cabinet because of alleged abuse of power.

louis vuitton outlet Ukraine's Prosecutor General's Office 24, also said that during his tenure Tymoshenko alleged misuse of government funds to 100 million euros (about 131 million). Prosecutors have opened a criminal investigation or Tymoshenko once again face charges.

p90x sale The Prosecutor General's Office Vic Top 24 male card, said Tymoshenko during employment, in connection with acquisition of an ambulance on behalf of the Ministry of Health to purchase 1000 Opel cars. However, she was in February this year during the presidential campaign into personal use of these vehicles for the propaganda campaign.

29.12.2010. u 02:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 28.12.2010.

"Anti-Christmas" poster for the British flustered

coach outlet For the British this year's Christmas may not solely mean relaxed and happy. Just survived a "Christmas attack" the British are still in shock that has recently appeared in a number of large cities "anti-Christmas" posters.

coach outlet Muslim groups published a poster called "Christmas is the performance of human depravity," and intends to adopt "anti-Christmas" Christmas campaign in the UK completely destroyed, "Let the British people into Islam from Christian." Different ethnic groups in the UK in this matter aroused a violent reaction, an official appeal to Parliament passed a resolution prohibiting such posters to post, but Parliament has not yet respond to this.

louis vuitton outlet British "Daily Telegraph" reported on 23, in London, Oxford Street, the busiest commercial street, impressively large post with a dark red poster that read "millions of souls are lost, Christmas is evil." This bustling holiday atmosphere of Christmas joy seemed out of place. Make a poster of the famous British Muslim who, 47 years old An Ye Muke Germany said This is to tell the Westerners, their desires for expansion over excessive materialism and social discontent. An Yemu said: "The British Christmas is around in a circle, the daily drunk sex extreme flooding, many people take drugs, it is entirely the performance of human depravity." "Anti-Christmas" with the characters on the poster read, "Christmas is evil", he wrote "In the days to celebrate Christmas, people love in return was a venereal disease, rape, abortion, youth and family violence."

p90x sale Launched the "anti-Christmas" campaign is 27-year-old British Muslim Abu wood saye, he has repeatedly called on the British Government has admitted in the judicial system of Islamic law. LHA saye that he believes Christmas is a "lie", the Muslim obligation to destroy it, "This is the only correct method."

28.12.2010. u 02:46 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 27.12.2010.

British-phase hair black hair dyed hair transplantation denied youthful glow

coach outlet For British Prime Minister David Cameron, Labour Party leader David Miliband and other politicians, how to hide thinning hair, balding and gray hair can not be ignored is definitely a "top priority", and they two are masters herein. Many politicians and worked hard for the country, white hair early, when compared to the thick black hair and dominate.

coach outlet Cameron was elected Prime Minister after comparing the photos, it is surprising that, in his time in April as leader of the opposition, or thinning hair, gray mottled, and a recent photo shows a thick hair made him look youthful glow. Friends denied because of his head or dyed hair scientist to improve the division, also denied by a hair transplant or weave to cover up the thinning hair, one insists that the change is purely Cameron hair comb credit.

louis vuitton outlet The same miracle occurred and the British Labor Party leader David Miliband. , 40-year-old David Miliband was the original head with a bunch of white hair, in the most recent meeting, the white hair miraculously disappeared, and his face also look especially impressive. A spokesman denied that he used the hair dye, only a recognition of the hair after a trim, he is not dressed up Miliband for comment.

p90x sale Compared to Cameron and David Miliband, many politicians probably do not have such good luck hair. Former U.S. President George W. Bush and current President Obama is in office the hair becomes gray, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair from a fluffy black hair into a short gray hair. European politicians will have to treat their own hair more serious. Former German President Gerhard Schroeder Zengyin it was suggested that he would dye their hair black and the young to libel suit, the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi in 2004, made a hair transplant, he frankly admitted that the head of a major event and for their commitment surgery pain is worth it.

27.12.2010. u 02:17 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 24.12.2010.

Korean woman addicted to the game for 3-year-old son crying to strangle

coach bag A South Korean mother addicted to online games, because the 3-year-old son, crying and wet his pants, prevented her finish off the game after the break, the results of rage, and finally trying to shift his son strangled. After her son's body for up to 3 days to stay at home until the family found only after her arrest report. South Korean police said a woman surnamed Jin about 10 hours a day playing online games, neighbors described her home as a rubbish dump. 1 year old and 3 year old son cries for hours every day, she never ignored.

coach outlet Police disclosed that the date of the incident, the woman addicted to playing games 4 hours playing the game, 3-year-old son crying and urinating on the floor, made her furious. According to a police spokesman said: "She said her son do a fly into a rage, because she is preparing to rest." The spokesman said, this woman is not the history of mental illness, she likes to play online poker and raise a virtual pet game .

louis vuitton outlet Reported that, according to South Korean government estimates, South Korea, the country has 200 million population of 5,000 people online addiction, and South Korea continue to occur involving the Internet in recent family tragedy. Last month, a 15-year-old South Korean Internet often young, because his mother complained about his dissatisfaction with online gaming addiction, the first mother stabbed to death, then committed suicide. This year in May, a 41-year-old man and his wife to indulge in raising the game of virtual child, and the result of their own young daughter died from malnutrition, was sentenced to jail for two months. In addition, this year in February, a 32-year-old man for 5 consecutive days playing online games, with little rest, and finally die-off.

p90x sale reported that South Korean authorities intend to introduce next year a free software that lets people addicted to online games can limit time online each day.

24.12.2010. u 02:38 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 23.12.2010.

The four key elements of happiness

coach outlet General Social Survey of the United States, Europe and Gallup polls Department has collected data on many aspects of well-being. Survey asked two types of problems, a class of problems related to the assessment of people their lives and those of their feelings at a particular time. The first question is: for the whole of your life, do you think? Second question is: Do you yesterday, happy / satisfied / anger / anxiety? The first issue was allegedly able to assess the global well-being, the second issue is the degree of emotional well-being. They do not always get the same answer: for example, have children make people feel better about life generally, but this will increase their anger or anxiety at some time the probability.

louis vuitton outlet Statistics staff surveys to study large amounts of data, they try to find a long answer to the question of human problems, the problem is what makes people happy? Seem happy with the four main factors: gender, personality, the external environment and age. Women than men overall, a little happier, but their likelihood of occurrence of depression is higher than men: nearly one-fifth to one quarter of women feel depressed at some stage of life, while in men it only one-tenth of a percentage. This means that either women are more likely experience more extreme emotions, or the lives of some women is more painful than men, but most women are more happy.

p90x sale Two personality traits in the regression analysis, the complexity of the economists come to the fore: neuroticism and extraversion. The person prone to neurotic guilt, anger and anxiety, easily upset. Although nervous cause to be unhappy, but extraversion will have the opposite effect. Those who like to work in teams, like the party always closed during the day than those in the office door, the people at home happy at home. The personality traits may help explain some of the cross-cultural gap: a study of the United Kingdom, China and Japan conducted a similar analysis of population and found that on average, British people more outgoing than the Chinese and Japanese, and more fun.

louis vuitton outlet Then there is the role of the external environmental factors. People all the things in life, such as interpersonal relationships, education, income, health and other factors that determine people's feelings. Can make the happiness of marriage have been greatly improved, but it is less than the loss of intensity resulting from the work that gloom. In the United States, African Americans of happiness has always been considered lower than other ethnic groups, but the most recent data show that African Americans or Hispanic Americans now have a higher degree of happiness. People with children at home happiness than people without children, a high level of education higher degree of happiness, but in the income factor is removed, this effect disappeared. In other words, education seems to make people happy just because it makes people more wealthy. Rich people more happiness than the poor, although the extent size is still a controversial issue.

23.12.2010. u 02:18 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 21.12.2010.

"Elvis" desired by Drug Enforcement Administration badge

coach outlet December 21, 1970, the photographer to capture a classic scene: "Elvis Presley" Elvis dressed in black cloak, wearing a gold necklace, and "swollen eyes," Nixon in the White House handshake. Who now appears that this picture looks like a spoof of computer synthesis, because the two idols of the late 20th century seems to be no intersection. However, it really is true, from the official White House.

louis vuitton outlet Memphis talk in the story from a few days ago. When Elvis's father Vernon and his wife, Priscilla complain too much time to spend money on Christmas --- with 10 million dollars for a 32 pistol and 10 Mercedes-Benz, "Elvis" shortness of breath, and running for the door, straight driving to the airport, take the recent trip flights. Aircraft flying to Washington just is, Elvis was admitted to the hotel after the plane. But he soon felt boring, so he decided to fly to Los Angeles.

p90x sale "Elvis called and let me go to the airport to pick him up," Elvis's long-term assistant Jay Ruixian Lin recalls, his 3:00 to Los Angeles airport, the Elvis received his local housing. At that time, a few Elvis carry a gun, and his collection of police badges, but he found that he most wanted was the federal narcotics and dangerous drugs Administration (which later became the Drug Enforcement Administration) of the badge. Priscilla later in his memoir, "Elvis and I" wrote, "For him, the Drug Enforcement Administration badge represents some kind of ultimate power," "He believes that, with this badge, he can be arbitrary to guns and drugs into any country legally. "

louis vuitton outlet To stay in Los Angeles the day after Elvis first forest to return to Washington with him. "He did not say why," first Lin recalled, "but I guess with the badge has a lot." In the night flight to Washington, Elvis hastily wrote a letter to Nixon. "Sir, I can and are willing to do everything I can to help this country out of the woods," Elvis wrote that he wants in return is the only one federal agent badge. He also added that he would of stayed Jon Burrows Washington hotel, until you get the rocket badge.

21.12.2010. u 02:22 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 20.12.2010.

Robot Expo in Japan turned popular Christmas "ninja"

coach outlet Look like a robot dressed as Santa Claus "Dream ROBO" Chuo-ku Osaka, Japan, the "Keihan buildings" crawling down the outside wall performance.

louis vuitton outlet Shanghai World Expo in Japan Industrial Museum 3 wall climbing robot gas personal "Dream ROBO" dressed up as Santa Claus appearance, 15th in the Osaka City Central District, "Keihan buildings" crawling down the outside wall performance.

p90x sale reports, "Dream ROBO" is about 1.4 meters high humanoid robots. The day they are wearing a red cap, about 10 meters high down the ladder to crawl to the street add to the Christmas atmosphere. Keihan Electric Railway Keihan Building and Temma Bridge Station directly. ROBO dream dress down Santa Claus crawling performance will continue to 25th of this month, after which will be changed to other clothing.

louis vuitton outlet Kansai Dreams ROBO 15 SMEs from the joint development, they are not off the image of consecutive operations during the World Expo has become a hot topic people.

20.12.2010. u 02:04 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 18.12.2010.

Hundreds of new Russian military uniform was not warm cold disease

coach outlet Russian soldiers wearing the new uniform is quite stylish trim the trouble will follow. Local media reported that top fashion designer from the design of the new uniforms although "quite seen", but because the material is too thin and can not withstand the constant cold Russian winter, resulting in hundreds of sick officers and men admitted to hospital. Russian army officers on the Joint Staff, "the Russian newspaper" reporter, said the new uniforms of the "dress version of" issued in 2008 following the officers and men, because men did not receive timely feedback information provided, therefore the winter this year cold "lack of preparation." Some family members complained that Russian officers and soldiers, wear new uniforms the open feeling of duty "with the guard almost naked."

louis vuitton outlet From the exterior view, the new style of uniform is indeed a beautiful, flowing lines, very heyday of the year the Czar's army of "legacy." At the same time, new training uniform wearing Russian military has become more portable and more suitable for men with the activities of lightweight boots, cold capacity is uniform before. It is reported that Russian soldiers uniforms diseases caused by influenza and pneumonia, mainly in winter common.

p90x sale After the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, the Russian military uniform several times to modify the style. Among them, 90's of last century the efforts of the first uniform change failed. At that time, officers have complained that so-called new uniform to wear so that they have a "military service in the third world countries" feeling. Unexpectedly, the new uniform is actually very pretty, but it becomes unwieldy.

louis vuitton outlet Russian government disclosed the military equipment in 2011 -2020 development program that will be equipped with advanced Russian air defense, communications, control, reconnaissance and other weapons systems, while the advanced fifth-generation fighter manufacturing. It is reported that the total funding of these projects will reach 650 billion U.S. dollars. 2020, the Russian military equipment of advanced types of weapons should be increased to 70% or more. In addition, Russia will grant 150 billion U.S. dollars to build the Marine Corps, it is equipped with advanced warships, the formation of strategic maritime armed corps, the Army formed the backbone of the nuclear submarine and equipped with the most advanced strategic nuclear strike force.

18.12.2010. u 01:56 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 17.12.2010.

Heart of cold mask

coach outlet Mention the "psychopath" is the word, we will remember those movies cruel, unjustifiable degree of violence: In the movie "The Shining", Jack Nicholson hand ax chase their families; Anthony Hope Hopkins plays a psychiatrist Hannibal genius put the lock armor face masks to prevent their own people killed. But in real life, we can see the killers were "good" side: Ted Bundy is not only a law student, and Assistant to the U.S. state of Washington; John Verne Ge Xi (both he and Bundy is a serial killer) is a United States Junior Chamber of Commerce's "Outstanding Youth." As long as they want to do good, you can look cute.

louis vuitton outlet Psychopath biggest qualities is the lack of empathy (a person feel the feelings of others, the psychological phenomenon of perception and thought), the most common social responsibility are ignored. They lies, scheming, and my heart there will not be a trace of guilt - in fact, anything they do not cored. Normal perception of the world are mostly achieved through the emotions, you almost can not imagine a world without emotion would be like, unless you encounter a psychopath.

p90x sale One of Kiel, which filled a number of inexperienced graduate student to interview a particularly charismatic criminals, but not informed in advance of their criminal history. The results of these inexperienced "psychologist" convinced that such an elegant style of conversation, the person must be trusted to be miscarriage of justice in prison. Until reading his file - which is full of pimps, drug trafficking, fraud, robbery, and many other facts of the crime, go to re-interview, he would respond without hesitation: "Oh, yes, I'm not going to tell you those things It was just once me. "

The performance of this if nothing had happened (the so-called "spirit masks") is a psychopath scientists a major obstacle. Despite their elusive behavior, irresponsible, and sometimes with violent, but did not show any typical symptoms of mental illness: no hallucinations, hearing voices, will not feel confused, anxious, and will not appear in social situations awkward Mian shy. Their IQ is usually also above average. It is easy to get into great difficulties in understanding: they are crazy in the end, or only the bad points?

louis vuitton outlet However, today's technology can capture real-time brain activity, we have to study their thinking, make decisions and react to the surrounding environment, the internal physiological processes. Surprisingly, the psychopath is far from simple selfishness, but with very serious physical defects, there is a learning disability affects their emotional development. Clear how this defect is generated, may be able to find a new therapy: may be new drugs, may also be targeted behavioral therapy strategies.

17.12.2010. u 01:42 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 16.12.2010.

Switzerland to consider the legalization of direct blood sex

coach outlet Swiss parliament is considering repealing "blood incest" sexual relations between adult blood will be legalized.

louis vuitton outlet Swiss Government considered that the "blood of incest," the law is outdated and since 1984, the Swiss court had heard only 3 cases of such cases. Swiss Federal Court has been prepared at the meeting will be the legalization of sex between adult blood draft and vote on them. "Blood incest" has been abolished, any adult, even if they are biological siblings or father and daughter, as long as is the case in consensual sexual relations, are not subject to legal action.

p90x sale Mr Green said Daniel Weiss Toru, in the case of consensual, adult sexual relationship the two there is nothing wrong with it, even if they are relatives. He added: "blood incest is a moral problem, but should be resolved through the criminal law."

louis vuitton outlet Swiss Parliament and the government will ultimately decide whether to repeal the "blood of incest." But the Christian People's Party and the Protestant People's Party have said the two parties, if repeal the ban will lead to an increased incidence of blood incest incidents, the proportion of the population genetic defect will increase. Some People's Party members not only agreed to repeal the bill, and even called for its amendment, such as banning sexual relations between cousins or married, but the Justice Department has not this position.

16.12.2010. u 02:15 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 15.12.2010.

U.S. 71-year-old wheelchair-bound terminally ill old man armed bank robbery

coach outlet O. Henry, the famous novel "Cop and the Anthem" played in the dramatic plot --- the real San Diego, California, 71 years old and penniless Chinese Pitt Bary Lawrence suffering from terminal illness, in order to be sent to the police to seize the prison, he had wheelchair armed to the bank robbery. Eventually he was sentenced to 21 years in prison.

louis vuitton outlet July 24, Peter with a BB gun, take the wheelchair to the United States, a branch of Chase Manhattan Bank.

p90x sale He calmly sliding a wheelchair came to the counter, and then smiling to his bank to the reception staff handed a note, saying he wanted $ 2,000 in cash, while off clothes, to show the bank staff stuck around his waist that the BB gun. This staff member will be $ 2,000 in cash handed the hands of Peter, Peter calmly pocketed the money left the bank, a bank door, he will be caught by several security.

louis vuitton outlet Peter is the old man called "the world's oldest bank robber", December 10, San Diego Superior Court on this bizarre bank robbery was tried. Peter Judge Jeffrey meets the jail's "wish", and sentenced him to 21 years in prison, which means that Peter will most likely spend the rest of his life in prison. Judge Jeffrey said: "I want Peter to die to serve out his sentence of 21 years, but then Peter will be more than 90 years old, and he is clearly no longer possible to implement a robbery."

15.12.2010. u 02:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 14.12.2010.

United Kingdom 85 years can use a toaster

coach outlet A 74-year-old gentleman UK Sport to have a toaster is greater than his age, has 85 years of age. Kang old man living in Bedford County. Not long ago his mother died when he was finishing the house discovered the toaster factory in 1926. Kang said that the toaster is the people to send his grandmother, the grandmother was to her mother, and now to his hands.

p90x said that the toaster is quite simple, 20 cm wide, 20 cm long. Entered, and look you can see wires.

louis vuitton outlet said out of curiosity, what he tried, the results still available, so he now baked bread with this antique. Kang said that with this machine to bake 4 minutes 2 slices bread, toasted to the midway, the bread will rise up and make people turn it over to bake.

14.12.2010. u 02:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

British 6-year-old boy drink breast milk since childhood

p90x Particularly cold winter this year, the UK, living in Nanyuekexia valley (South Yorkshire village) Amanda (Amanda Hurst) shirt off in the cold morning feeding, surprisingly, in addition to 5-month-William (William) in addition, her 6-year-old son Jonathan (Jonathan) to share with her mother and brother also offer "breakfast."

louis vuitton outlet Jonathan get up now, after 6 years of age, not open the refrigerator to get milk to drink, instead of lying on her mother s lap, while bleary-eyed look at his younger brother, while sucking breast milk to meet the ground. When Jonathan 3 years old, Amanda, told his son that he can no longer drink breast milk, but she found it impossible to change the son's "habit", when his little brother after the report, Jonathan's interest in breast milk higher.

louis vuitton outlet "I know some people think it strange," said 29-year-old Amanda, "but I think it is perfectly natural." She said, the eldest son, while still drinking mother's milk, but less and less, only in the morning will often drink the milk. Amanda said that while breast-feeding two sons to drink only about five or six, because "the difficulty is too high," and Jonathan have to lie down beside her, and the shore itself.

14.12.2010. u 02:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 13.12.2010.

President called on scientists to find "youth" Law

p90x In a recent speech, the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev publicly called, scientists should try to find the "youth" in various ways, to change human age of the process.

louis vuitton outlet 7, in a celebration of the University of The mat accepts the Zaer Pakistan Aliyev, the 70-year-old Nazarbayev said the school's Life Science Center's focus should include the manufacture of human tissue and restore the body to find a variety of dynamic way.

coach outlet Kazakh officials said, despite a handful of old, but Nazarbayev's plan does not take a back seat, or position in the existing work at least another 10 years.

13.12.2010. u 02:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 11.12.2010.

India threw down the 5-year-old girl in the train moving

p90x Indian police said a train traveling in the Mumbai territory, the problem occurred when a passenger seat quarrel because of the events, one of the passengers trying to shift the argument of the other party with whom the family of a girl as young as 5 years old to throw a moving train, head injury led to a little girl, but fortunately not life threatening. According to reports, Mumbai railway police chief said that when the train left the Chhatrapati Shivaji railway station, driving near the eastern outskirts of Mumbai, the train passengers, a 19-year-old problem with a person who had an argument seat The passengers were trying to shift the family in the little girl as young as 5 years old and from the train picked up running to the door, the girl's family stopped before him, quickly dropped the girl is rapidly moving train. The little girl fell to the tracks, head injury, the situation was very critical.

louis vuitton outlet However, the police said the girl is not life threatening, has been receiving treatment, is recovering them. He said the girl did not hit by another train, indeed very lucky. Girl's father accepted an interview with Indian media, recall the frightening scene, still excited. He said, had known each other a "madman", he was definitely put the seat to him, will not take her daughter's life to adventure. That the father said his daughter taken away when the other person, he, his wife and brother are chasing each other, but all happened in just a few seconds between the time they failed to prevent his daughter dropped the other train. His brain is a blank, do not know what to do, or pull down his brother in time of emergency brake on the train, the train stopped.

coach outlet Subsequently, the police arrested the youth had caused the accident. Reported that inter-city trains from Mumbai, an estimated daily traffic of 700 million set is very crowded, because the heat and humidity, the train doors on the trains, it was also open. Even many passengers in order to catch the train, at the "hanging" in the trains, or cling to the car between. In 2008 the Government of India statistics, inter-city trains in Mumbai killed 17 people on average every day lives, most of the dead were crushed to death on the tracks.

11.12.2010. u 02:36 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 10.12.2010.

Italian Prime Minister boasts of the summit star

p90x Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has boasted he is the star of an international summit, foreign leaders line up with their pictures taken.

louis vuitton outlet In the past few weeks, Berlusconi attended the safety summit held in Kazakhstan, held in Libya, Africa - EU summit and the NATO summit held in Lisbon, Portugal. He told supporters in Rome, said: "I am the star of the meeting, everyone came with me a photo." He said, other countries, so admired for his powerful presence for two reasons, first because of his vast political experience, two because of his success in business.

coach outlet In addition, a rare speech, Berlusconi also admit to "getting on in years," he said: "I know, I have to a certain age, sooner or later, off the stage. But I will finish our (political) plan and then passed on the baton. "It is reported that, despite the 74-year-old, but Berlusconi has always been to show off that they are better than many young people have energy, even more than once from the" Superman. " Since May 2008 was elected prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi's support rate has now fallen to the lowest point. If the Italian Parliament in a confidence vote next week, failed, Berlusconi will have to resign.

10.12.2010. u 02:25 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 09.12.2010.

U.S. airports only underwear women's wheelchair grievances sustained security still sad

p90x U.S. airports to scan passengers and searched the security measures, grievances continued boiling, it was only their underwear or bikini battle altogether, hoping saved security procedures, and some even wrote to protest the text in the body. But the wheelchair-bound American women with disabilities Banuowaci (Tammy Banovac, 52 years old), off to only underwear, still have safety concerns because of a wheelchair to miss your flight. Her frustration suffered by a passenger photographed and uploaded to YouTube, caused no small criticism.

louis vuitton outlet Thanksgiving holiday to ensure flight safety, the major U.S. airport security operations are still strict. British "Daily Mail" said Banuowaci action is dependent on a wheelchair, but not metal wheelchair through the airport scanning machine, so the only choice pat-style search. Previous by security staff in order to avoid "sexual harassment"-type search of the unpleasant experience of a repeat of November 29 Banuowaci in Oklahoma City airport, take the initiative took off his coat, leaving only black underwear and pearl necklace, and let the dog V lying in the thigh, so that security staff can "clear", eliminating the pain of search. However, due to wheelchair found to have nitrate reaction, she was delayed for over an hour to catch the flight. Nitrates used to make explosives.

coach outlet In addition, the Phoenix airport in Texas, there is a mother accused of, security personnel who violate the U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA) of the duty provisions, and insisting on her breast to the bottle containing X-ray machine into the test, she was refused the lien was questioned for an hour. In Los Angeles Airport, rap band "Black Eyed Peas" singer Fergie claimed she was forced to accept even the security staff have a private part of the whole body scan at a glance. American Broadcasting Company (ABC) and "Washington Post" The latest poll showed that half of Americans believe that to impose on those who refuse to accept a body search scan is "too far"; However, up to 64% of Americans still support scan to prevent terrorist attacks.

09.12.2010. u 02:09 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 08.12.2010.

Argentina nearly 700 people have been kidnapped as a prostitute

p90x Argentina, criminal gangs engaged in prostitution activities in the abduction of women is becoming more serious, nearly 18 months 700 women have disappeared, some of them are women of other countries. This is a non-governmental organization has revealed.

louis vuitton outlet Non-governmental organization "meeting house" members Tunie Si said that the recent 10 years in Argentina, a significant increase in cases of trafficking in women, cause for concern. The organization provides the kidnapping of women for the sex trade statistics. Past year and a half of 700 women and girls reported missing after their abduction by criminal gangs as a prostitute, of which 70% of Argentine women, the rest of Paraguay, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia, and Brazil's women. These figures are based on escape or be rescued from security agencies and the families of the victims of the testimony of women based on statistics. Worrying is that the women kidnapped in recent years an increasingly early age, many of which are 8 to 16-year-old girl.

coach outlet Sources said that Argentina is still trafficking in women and 3 international underworld source, transit and destination country, they have to contact the local criminal gangs. Arrangements by human traffickers promised domestic work, care for the elderly or patients or even work in Internet fraud victims. They hand off after the first 20 days, tortured them, let them poison, and even rape them, threatening their families, psychologically destroyed them, and then sent to the brothel. Taking away their documents, or give them false documents, living in an unfamiliar place, forcing them to pick up once every 20 minutes. Pimp can pay 2000 or 3000 U.S. dollars to buy a kidnapped woman is a virgin if the price could rise to $ 7,000. These prostitutes in each place to be 20-25 days. According to statistics of relevant United Nations bodies, in order to engage in prostitution activities and trafficking in women as a profit-making transactions in the world trade volume last year reached 32 billion U.S. dollars, 400 million women victims.

08.12.2010. u 02:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 07.12.2010.

Putin called security reasons to avoid exposure of her daughter

p90x Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin guest of the famous American talk show "Larry King Live" talk about the Russian domestic and foreign, and other hot topics. In the interview, Putin also talked about security for his daughter and his wife to avoid the exposure of private life matters.

louis vuitton outlet Larry King asked Putin why not allow media coverage of their family life, Putin said his family does not want to appear in public. Putin said: "You know, unfortunately, there are many we terrorism, I simply security for the family, of course, first of all my children, two daughters."

Putin has spoken of his daughter, said: "Their life is normal, living an ordinary life in college. They are very satisfied, but also their friends, everything is normal."

coach outlet When Larry King asked Putin, like his wife is known as the "first lady", Putin corrected, said: "She is not First Lady," "our First Lady is his wife." He said: "She (Mrs. Vladimir Putin) is not quite like the social activities of people, I think she was dressed, very competent in this role (in this case refers to Putin as president of its time)."

07.12.2010. u 02:06 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 06.12.2010.

A sweet tooth, eat salty womb lay the foundation

louis vuitton outlet Previous studies showed that the mother that her baby has taste, what pregnant mothers eat, the baby will be born with special preference for those foods.

coach outlet In the new study, scientists found that those who were fed during pregnancy, cherry and mint flavor added to the offspring of mother mice, the adult will still continue to love the taste, while those of mice fed with a light diet Mom future generations are not on the food preferences.

Those tend to mint - cherry rodent food out of the larger development of the olfactory ball - which is the brain region responsible for smell. It is also exposed to the smell in the uterus will change the way the brain development of the first example. From the fetal perspective, this is a good evolutionary strategy; eat eat eat her mother, because they are likely to be safe.

coach outlet Is likely that all mammals, including humans, are developed in a similar way to their taste, researchers in the UK on November 30 "roll of the Royal Society B," reported the online edition of the research results. The researchers believe that this experiment also confirmed that the body has the baby in the mother can feel the taste, and taste are likely to be the mother of favorite foods. So those pregnant mothers who eat anchovies next time you should be careful when dipped in a chocolate sauce.

06.12.2010. u 01:36 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 04.12.2010.

British Museum, "supernatural" ghost is trembling cemetery photos

louis vuitton outlet National Media Museum has a series of strange photographs are puzzling. The last century, researchers collect countries "difficult to explain," the images, these images typically have a uncertain of the "ghost", makes chilling reading.

coach outlet A woman named Andrew to the cemetery to mourn her daughter, and took a photo taken. Washed out photos did not expect a little girl after an unexpected appearance. The report also pointed out that "the camera to see the appearance of ghost watching, and she seems to know, Ms. Andrews is a cemetery pictures."

louis vuitton outletIn addition, a long wooden staircase pictures even more eerie feeling! Ghost in the photo is a prominent figure in 18th century English lady. At that time, news leaked that she suspected her husband had been having an affair with an aristocrat, so after her death, her husband is not only just held off her funeral, her body would have been hidden in a corner of the house. It is reported that these photos have a horrible rumor, and has been proven not caused by over-exposure, nor is the photographer's camera deliberately display their skills, but so far scientists can not explain these phenomena.

04.12.2010. u 02:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 03.12.2010.

South Africa opened a kindergarten Christmas party also lost by lightning

coach outlet South Africa, held a Christmas party, 26 kindergartens, the kindergarten students and their parents were invited to join in the Christmas events held in large tents, the tent was struck by lightning on the spot the results of ignition, resulting in 7 deaths and 67 injuries.

coach bags South African News Network news agency reported that the accident occurred in KwaZulu Natal province (KwaZulu Natal) Pongola (Pongola) of a nursery, 26 this kindergarten outdoor party held on campus, when parents and students are a large dining tent, a sudden lightning struck a tent, killing five people were killed, two people died in the hospital to hospital where he died, the dead were a two year old girl, and another 67 were injured.

louis vuitton outlet reported that mine in South Africa at a time when the rainy season, the Eastern Cape (Eastern Cape) 25 ĺ there are 5 people died in lightning strikes.

03.12.2010. u 02:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 02.12.2010.

British chef was cooking the most profitable book writer

coach outlet Young British chef Jamie Oliver, with its written to teach people how to cook a series of books has become one of the most profitable best-selling author of the column, net worth after the "Harry Potter" author JK Rowling.

coach bags "Jamie's 30-minute meal" (Jamie's 30Minute Meals) sold in the UK last week, 80000, weekly sales exceeded 1 million pounds. This book is available from September in the UK since the sales volume has reached 526,000. The book published by Penguin Group, general manager of the British soup Makarim Walden slightly surprised and said: "This is not an ordinary cookbook," Jamie's 30-minute meal "was established in 1998 has been the best selling list of non- fiction books. "

Jamie, 35, from a total of 1999 introduced the author of 12 cooking books, these books have 30 times to board the "best-selling books this week" list, their sales have more than 100 million pounds. Although less than seven "Harry Potter" sales of 228 million pounds, but 100 million pounds on the impressive achievements enough to make the "proper job" in the second suction UK chef turned writer of gold.

louis vuitton outletAnalysis of the industry, Jamie get such a huge success mainly three reasons: First, the largest retailer in the United Kingdom Nathan Polly (Sainsbury's) to promote in the supermarket, a "Jamie's 30-minute meal" in a bookstore price Ł 12.85, while supermarkets sold only in the Forest Ł 8.95, Polly; Second, Jamie's cooking shows on television regularly; third is now the UK economic downturn, the British feel more at home than under cook restaurant more affordable. In addition, Jamie binding of books has strict requirements designed to give readers the fun in the kitchen before they get to experience the spirit of full enjoyment.

02.12.2010. u 02:09 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 01.12.2010.

5 small signs indicate major problems: Do not underestimate stuffy nose burp

coach outlet Hiccups. Eating too fast, the stomach will cause the air to absorb the extra hiccup. However, if frequent belching or hiccups may be a sign of gastroesophageal reflux disease. At this point, acid reflux to the esophagus, causing chest felt hot. Monte Medical Center physicians Gaililuoge Phil Dr. warned that if a burp or belch all day, or regular use of drugs to help, then they would go to the hospital checked.

coach bags Nail changes. Temple University School of Medicine in the United States John Lyon said the nail easy to tear a typical hypothyroidism, often overlooked; lack of vitamin D is another possible reason; nail psoriasis there may be a precursor to dent; nails bed pale anemic signal.

Stuffy nose. Dr Jacques Rogge said that no ventilation or nasal continuous with pressure, may be low performance of purulent infection, but there are many people who suffer from chronic nasal allergies are mistaken, do not seek treatment, is very dangerous. Persistent nasal congestion, runny nose, facial pressure, should seek immediate medical attention to prevent infection to expand. Hair loss. Unexplained hair loss may be related to abnormal thyroid function, (if it is hyperthyroidism, may also be accompanied by anxiety, weight loss, extreme hunger and heart palpitations and other symptoms.) Lack of nutrients may also be an incentive.

louis vuitton outletJoint pain. Joint pain, redness, and feel very warm and is a typical expression of rheumatoid arthritis. The most significant features of rheumatoid arthritis is symmetrical, the same position the other side of the body joint problems can also occur. If they are excessive movement, rest a day or two just fine. If the pain lasts for more than a week, we should ask the doctor to help.

01.12.2010. u 03:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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