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utorak, 30.11.2010.

Survey: Most U.S. baby boomers are not "sex" 24% were dissatisfied

coach outlet Associated with company announced 22 joint poll showed that the U.S. "baby boom" generation that the least happy sex life, ranking first in all age groups.

coach bags Reported that the majority of baby boomers believe that they are familiar with all kinds of knowledge, and self-confidence of women more than men. In the 45-65 year-olds, 59% of women think that knowledge is understood that only 48% of men. But the baby boom generation's sex life is actually the least happy, about 24% of people dissatisfied. 18 to 29 years old, 30 to 44 years and over 65 years in the three groups, was not satisfied with sexual life were 12%, 20% and 17%. Majority of baby boomer women said their sexual desire with age and weaken, the ratio was 56%, that sexual desire decreases with age 48% of males. 45 to 65-year-old male baby boomers, 72% of people have fantasies and sexual intercourse outside partners, have this fantasy of women accounted for 48%. 45 The 55-year-old male, 48% dissatisfied with the frequency of sexual intercourse each other often, but the dissatisfaction rate of women age only 13%.

louis vuitton outletCentre for Health Promotion at Indiana University said: "Overall, men's sexuality certainly more prosperous. But some female sexuality is relatively strong." "Baby boom" of the females has reached menopause, at this stage have an impact on sex life , there will be hot flashes and fatigue. The age of 55 to 65 years the majority of men and women agree that couples without sex, but also to maintain close ties, which accounts for about 59% of men, women account for 69%. Married the "baby boom" generation, 62% of people admitted for the first time with the first sexual intercourse is not a spouse, 35% said their first sexual partners is also the first spouse. 14% of people are married before sexual intercourse with the first spouse.

30.11.2010. u 02:24 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 29.11.2010.

Ma Daofu shaking the victim sued the Swiss bank fraud "conspiracy to defraud"

coach outlet Biggest-ever fraud case, "Ma Daofu Ponzi scheme," the victim, 24 commission charged by UBS (UBS AG) and the person handling the relevant UBS, accusing them of conspiring with the manufacture of looking like convicted multi Madao Fu from the shock of this days of deception, and claims 20 million.

coach bags Former U.S. President Bernard Ma Daofu Nasdaq as "Ponzi" fraud nearly 700 billion U.S. dollars, in June last year to securities fraud, perjury, 11 counts of money laundering, was sentenced to 150 years imprisonment. However, before the remaining assets of the Ma Daofu imprisonment less than 10 billion U.S. dollars, so now many victims have not received any compensation.

Agent Evan Picard victims said they will sue the file has been submitted to the U.S. bankruptcy court in New York, the victim sued UBS property committed 23 crimes of fraud and misconduct, hoping to get at least 20 billion in damages. Pickard said that UBS had played in the Ma Daofu case the "Sponsor", "custodian" and many other active role, or Ma Daofu trustee of the fund's number.

louis vuitton outletOne victim's lawyer David Sheehan also alleged that "no assistance UBS, Ma Daofu deception can not succeed, at least not so great numbers, and lasted so long," because not only for horse UBS Astoria those assets and investments that do not exist to provide guarantees for the Ma Daofu also actively seek "other ways." To date, UBS has not prosecuted for this position.

29.11.2010. u 02:05 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 27.11.2010.

Japan's "Chainsaw Massacre" cut to pieces the two men beheaded

coach outlet After the killing of two men abandoned dismembered corpse with a chainsaw is charged with nine counts of robbery and murder of the capacity of Ikeda (32) in Yokohama District Court for sentencing. The court found the crime "cruel inhuman. Have capital punishment." Since the implementation of the judiciary system, which is the first death penalty case.

coach bags reports, the presiding judge made a rare admonition after the verdict, said: "The death penalty is a major conclusion, as the appeal court recommended the defendant." Ikeda then bowed to the judges so grateful bow to apologize to the public gallery. Announced the decision in the grounds, the presiding judge referred to Ikeda the mercy of the beheading victims were life and life with a chainsaw and other cruel means, "the victim suffered physical pain is beyond imagination."

Ikeda defense lawyers was arrested for drug-related cases account for the killing of two people take the initiative by the hope of it from the death penalty. The lawyers argued that the court to "surrender the effect is not great, not over-estimated" to be rejected on the grounds, and said, "Although the defendant expressed the meaning of apology and remorse, but only finally restored our humanity." The case of the 3 judges composed by the men and women, 6 had no objection to the prosecution of the content, focus on how the sentencing.

louis vuitton outlet to the verdict, Ikeda conspired with others last June in Funabashi City, Chiba Prefecture, will be a hotel in Tokyo's Kabuki-cho, mahjong shop owner (28 years) and a male staff (36 years) killed, cut into pieces after abandoned corpse in the sea in Yokohama and Yamanashi mountains, captured about 1,300 million yen.

27.11.2010. u 02:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 26.11.2010.

83-year-old former South Korean President Kim Young Sam met paternity suit

coach outlet A man who claimed the son of former South Korean President Kim Young-sam, 50-year-old South Korean man, Kim, last year asked to confirm the paternity court action. Kim sent the court has identified application, currently awaiting a reply. South Korean media quoted the same day a number of news reports that the legal profession, the son of Kim Young-sam, Kim claimed in October last year, the Seoul Family Court to the "parent-child relationship requires confirmation with the Kim Young Sam," the lawsuit. So far, the Court has conducted seven times the court debate, but I have been Kim did not attend, and no agent, not to make any response.

coach bags reported that Kim made the agent of genetic identification to the requirements of the court, the court accepted the request to send identification of the application has been Kim, but Kim has not yet responded. According to Korean law, in recognition of paternity proceedings, there is strong circumstantial evidence to prove blood relationship and the parties are determined not to participate in identification, the court may order the defendant to accept checks, or impose fines and detention, but also the family members were identified by the parties.

South Korean media quoted the legal profession as saying: "If the defendant refuses to appear, the court can judge for themselves the credibility of plaintiff claims the subsequent proceedings." According to reports, surnamed Jin said, "has been submitted to prove that his son Court between various types of information. "

louis vuitton outletKim, now 83 years old, well-known political figures in South Korea in 1993 to 1998 served as South Korean president. Kim had another hit in 2005, asked for confirmation, "father and daughter relationship," the lawsuit claims that when a woman surnamed Li, "as Kim gave birth to a daughter." But in this case woman surnamed Li, active withdrawal by then become a "mystery."

26.11.2010. u 02:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 25.11.2010.

German media blockbusters Confidential: For the Nazi attacks on London have made the New York UFO

coach outlet Has been on the development of Nazi Germany ever had a secret UFO UFO is mystery. German science magazine "PM" shocking Confidential said before, the year Nazi Germany not only has developed a program called "Xu Reva Harper Moss," the well-planned development of Flying secret, and has produced a prototype to flight. Witnesses said that even Hitler built a secret UFO has appeared over London and New York.

coach bags "PM" magazine said, Hitler did men scientists then designed a mysterious disc aircraft, you can even create a test flight of the prototype.

1941-1943 period, the former Nazi capital, Prague, Czechoslovakia, established a flight test base, and in the anti-gravity technology, achieved a major breakthrough. The program designer at the time was a famous German aerospace engineers Ao Tuoha the Mohuo, test pilot is a pilot and engineer Rudolf Nazi ace Leslie Everett.

louis vuitton outlet"PM" magazine quoted survivors as saying more than World War II in 1944, they witnessed a printed Nazi Germany's "Iron Cross" logo dish UFO hovering low over the River Thames in London. Then "New York Times" has reported that an image blur, "the mysterious flying saucer" high-speed swept New York City high-rise buildings, but also contains many of the flying objects in the photos. Another rumor said that in February 1944, Nazi Germany made the first flight of the flying saucer that is 2,000 km / hour speed.

25.11.2010. u 02:01 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 24.11.2010.

UK buy old antique grandfather actually purchased used during World War I bugle

coach outlet Morris UK for the elderly? Green, Rotherham, a small antiques market found a history of 90 years old golden bugle, and finally even find that this is their own grandfather joined the army during World War I when the bugle used.

coach bags reports, Green, noted that the elderly in the purchase, the bugle inscribed with three string figures, the first string of numbers and their grandfather served in World War I army numbers consistent. So the price of his Ł 5 buy it.

According to Green, said: "It's as black as soot, I found this bugle inscribed with three string figures, the first serial number is when my grandfather's army service number, and then see the two strings as dirty. I put it After the clean was surprised to find that two strings of digital word is my grandfather's service number in the army. "" This is definitely my grandfather participated in the Battle of the Somme in 1916 used the bugle, bugle hands can not There are two trumpets, so I am sure the bugle had followed him in the front line operations. "

louis vuitton outlet reports, the story of his grandfather, Mr. Green has long been the family's legend. Their home also has a collection of her grandfather wrote home a letter the day before his death. The 26-year-old soldier was in the letter that "the ongoing violent bombardment," "before the end of the battle will be very cruel." July 1, 1916, he misfortune. In the British killed 60,000 in his body was not found.

24.11.2010. u 02:04 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 23.11.2010.

Men do not live up to expectations both in Mexico and then a female sergeant

coach outlet In the absence of men willing to take the post of sergeant, Mexico once again usher the two women police sergeant. Late last month, 20-year-old female student Jia Xiya Mexico, was appointed the U.S. border town of Guadalupe Mexico's police chief. Drug violence has long been a local flood, and even the mayor, police and security personnel have been killed by drug cartels, so no one would dare to serve this position. Ultimately, majoring in criminology Jiaxi Ya courage to accept the appointment, it is admiration.

coach bags Recently, the southern city of Juarez, Mexico near the two towns were welcomed two female sergeant - Louisa Castillo was elected Aierbei Hull good town sheriff, Veronica Di Wei Weng Lutz Ross will become the town sheriff office nearby. The reason why is because they elected to no more than other people outside their two nominations.

Orr, 43, has 5 children good education, is a homemaker. She admits to sometimes think will be very scared, but everyone's support and fear will pass.

louis vuitton outletJuarez drug war in Mexico City is one of the main battlefield of last year alone 7,000 people died of drug-related violence. Since 2006, the Mexican government to increase efforts to combat drug trafficking, sending 50,000 troops involved in cleaning up drug traffickers, Mexican country has 3.1 million people died of drug violence.

23.11.2010. u 02:09 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 22.11.2010.

Secret life of girls in the world's shortest

coach outlet Indian Girl Jyoti - A Muqi (Tiny Jyoti) is the world's smallest man on the tall, 15 years old, she is only 58 cm tall and weighs 5.4 kg. It is her body led her to become India's mini-home city of Nagpur, "a small celebrity." At present, she will debut UK television, at 9:00 on June 11 she will be the British Channel 4 TV "amazing body" in the interview series. A Muqi Although 15 years old, but her height was only two years old nephew of the half, she said: "When I tell people my real age, they will not believe." It is reported that A Muqi born with only weight 4.08 kg, 15 years later increased by only 1 kg weight.

coach bags Her dream is to become an actor, but the locals think that she is the goddess of reincarnation. Emu Qi said: "When I went to 3 years old, I realized I had not the same as with the other kids, I see other kids my age look very high, that the president himself should be high, but it turned out I destined from birth to extraordinary and unusual. "She has her own mini-gray uniforms and a small bag, and even a tiny desk in the classroom, in the eyes of other students Liamuqi like a beautiful" doll. " Emu Qi said, I am proud of my tiny body, I feel like to be people's attention. I am not afraid of their body no longer growing, not likely to become a "mini-man" and regret. I believe in the world, there are other people like me body, I am not alone. At the same time, my life, like normal people and I like the food they eat every day, doing the same dream, everyday life is no different.

louis vuitton outlet While Amu Qi lead a normal life advocates, but inevitably will be some life episode, such as: people gave her an astonished look, and sometimes have to deal with those silly naughty school students. She said: "In the past I have felt great pressure of life, afraid to go out, but now I like to go out and talk with other people like. Initially when I go to school, I saw their tall stature are usually will feel some panic, but now no longer have this feeling. now I have a special school chairs and desks, I was a normal student. "

louis vuitton outlet A Muqi want to grow up to be an actress, her dream is to film. She enjoys Indian actress Mika - Singh (Mika Singh). La Guna her mother said: "Some people have asked her, hoping she could record a song in the album." Unfortunately, the Amu Qi star dreams can be very rough, shortly before the fracture occurred legs, as she The body is small, the legs will not be completely cured.

22.11.2010. u 02:15 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Why is easy to get the Chinese people how to control diabetes

coach outlet Prevalence rate as high as 12.6% in Guangdong, "urgent" appeal behind the sharp rise in diabetes prevalence is the grim reality.

coach outlet to introduction, more than 3 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, accounting for 6% of the world's population. China has become the world's fastest growing prevalence of diabetes one of the countries, the incidence rate of the last century 80's 0.84%, rose to 9.7% in 2007, 20 years increased by 10 times! Higher in Guangdong, Guangdong Province ,2007-2008 epidemiological survey of diabetes, 20-74-year-old resident of diabetes prevalence rate of 12.6%, far exceeding the national average.

louis vuitton outlet It is no exaggeration to say that diabetes has become an epidemic, a "disaster." It is understood that a few years ago the prevalence of diabetes in Shenzhen nearly 5%. But this is not something to be proud, because the population of Shenzhen was too young, if not improve people's health awareness, perhaps two or three years the incidence of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province will follow the same.

louis vuitton outletAlso guard against diabetes, getting younger and younger. Basically diabetes before age, even teenagers are now suffering from diabetes. Zhou Ren believes that this and living conditions, lifestyle changes related to clinical findings, patients are mostly white, wealthy, work rarely. Reform and opening up, people eat is a problem, let alone eat, it also achieved a low incidence of diabetes in China; and now greatly improved living standards, meat and fish instead of bread and water, instead of walking and riding a car cars, people's health awareness has not improved, more and more fat people, more young.

22.11.2010. u 01:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 20.11.2010.

British woman claiming to be encountered 17 aliens were called "UFO magnet"

coach outlet Bridget Grant, the British women said they encountered 40 aliens 17 years, including 5 times close contact, she may be the world's most visited by British aliens, called "UFO magnet." Grant lectured about their experiences and plans a book.

coach outlet Grant said that when she first encountered aliens with only 7 years old. She was going home for tea at the road met a little girl and her poor, little girl's eyes can tell he is Chinese. Grant showed little girl to the Hong Kong bank notes, and her house. However, when Grant again the next day to find little girl, could not find the house, leaving only a wilderness. UFO experts believe that Grant might be aliens, "the memory barrier," so she would look into the Chinese girls, aliens, spacecraft will look into the girl's house.

louis vuitton outlet In 1993, Grant first time I saw a UFO. She was in Los Angeles when the hair stylist, in a resort hotel near saw a round silver metal object reflection, about 12 meters to 13 meters long. No noise, no wings and the exhaust pipe, etc., issued the following harsh orange light. Then, it flew away through the trees. Soon after, Grant saw forty-five black military helicopters flying over, apparently to intercept the plane UFO. In addition to the alien, the Grant has also repeatedly encounter with the ghost. She said these ghosts just like a human, but sometimes they do not look real condensate. These experiences beyond the normal scope of 5 years from the Grant began gradually disappear until the age of 21.

louis vuitton outletGrant said: "Why did you choose me, I do not know, can not understand, but I need to find the answer. See the UFO, I am very happy. But I am afraid of being laughed at, never tell too many people." Now, she has back to Devon, and the formation of associations, looking for a similar experience with her people. Grant is writing a book their own experience, but her own encounter with the UFO still can not understand.

20.11.2010. u 01:44 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 19.11.2010.

Rich woman bought the U.S. abandoned the aircraft

coach outlet California, a woman on the list price of $ 35,000 to buy a decommissioned Boeing 747, cleverly designed by the architect for the roof of a wing, fuselage for the room, about 370 square meters of "aircraft luxury" . Overall the project is nearing completion, is expected to be completed in 2011.

coach outlet reports, 63-year-old Frances (Francie Rehwald) is the Mercedes-Benz cars in California, one of the largest agents. She retired a few years ago, bought one at the local 300 acres overlooking the Pacific, a large real estate, and decided to build a house of your dreams. She requested that the architect, "I hope that housing should be 'curves', and meet environmental demands." Therefore, the architects came up with a final Boeing 747 abandoned the strategy to build a house.

louis vuitton outlet This building "luxury aircraft," the total area of 372 square meters, of which aircraft is used to make luxury wing roof, the nose section can be made into a room, the body can be made part of the art studio with balcony , and other such kitchen, lounge and other equipment are also readily available. Architects stressed, the goal is "to make the best use", hoping the plane ran out of 4,500,000 parts.

louis vuitton outlet However, despite the purchase of obsolete aircraft, spent only $ 35,000, but the cost of construction of the mansion are asking for millions of dollars. No small ambition Frances said, "Next time if the move again, I use a ship to build luxury flats." It is understood that U.S. civil aviation sector also requires Frances can be set up in the mansion next to a sign visible from the air to indicate her home is an artistic building, rather than a plane crash, so pilots often passing alarm to the authorities to require treatment.

19.11.2010. u 02:06 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 18.11.2010.

22-year-old British man suspected of raping 53-year-old mother

coach outlet reports, a 22-year-old British man 53 years his intent to rape the mother, and dug out her eyes. According to reports, this man is a language school students, with the mother and young sister live in Berkshire. His mother is a nurse.

coach outlet Local 12 at around 18:44 pm, neighbors heard the man yelling at home, see the TV from their home computers and throwing out the first floor, then the police. After police arrived, half an hour's interview survey carried out, and then leave.

louis vuitton outlet Two hours later, the man out of the room naked, and jumped a neighbor's car. Neighbors stop the alarm, the man then jumped out and was hit by another car oncoming car.

louis vuitton outlet Then the police arrived at his home, said that his eyes seriously injured mother, she may have been sexually assaulted. Reports indicate that she did not life-threatening, but had become blind. At present, the man has been arrested. Neighbors said he usually just very quiet and introverted.

18.11.2010. u 01:57 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 17.11.2010.

German writer called on the President not to give nuclear power plant "life extension" would like their bed

coach outlet German writer Charlotte Roach in an interview suggested that if the German President Woolf extended period of use of nuclear power plants in Germany to vote against the government motion, she'd like to be sharing a bed, spend a night. She said: "My husband has agreed, on the other his wife's opinions."

coach outlet reports, Roach was born in the United Kingdom Wimbledon, has written with "wetlands" won the 2008 best-selling German book list title. Earlier this month, she attended a large protest demonstrations in the transport of radioactive waste.

louis vuitton outlet This year, the German President Woolf must decide the Senate without the consent of the federal case, whether to start the country's 17 nuclear power plants to extend the period up to 14 years with the Act.

louis vuitton outletSeptember this year the German cabinet adopted the controversial motion, decided to abandon nuclear energy in Germany postponed to 2035 or so.

17.11.2010. u 01:46 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 16.11.2010.

White House open "online tour" Internet users can learn about Obama room

coach outlet 9, opened the White House "online visit the White House" section, one can rarely open to the public to discover the region, including the Oval Office and even the "first family" rooms and gardens. White House website "interactive tour" section describes wrote: "(Barack) Obama and first lady Michelle Obama White House promises to open the door, making it truly the people's White House."

coach outlet Click this column, a map display in front of the White House. Map into the main building, West Wing, East Wing and the south lawn of the four regions, marked out the rose garden, library, kitchen, Oval Office, and other major "attractions" position. Internet users can directly click on these sites, you can read the introduction, viewing photos and video.

louis vuitton outlet Obama's basketball court, Mitchell's vegetable garden is the "online tour the White House" hot spots. The White House is not open to the public areas, such as the west side of the current situation in the West Wing of the duty room, but also other interested online visitors. In 1961, U.S. forces landed from the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba after the failure of action, when President John F · Kennedy asked the duty room at the White House to establish the current situation to deal with sudden crises.

louis vuitton outlet"You can here (interactive tour) to do anything to show at the White House kitchen, cooking, duty room peeping in the current situation in the East enjoy the Jonas Brothers concert house, visit the hive on the South Lawn," the White House responsible for the new Keli Shulman, deputy director of the media in the blog, wrote, "Welcome to the White House."

16.11.2010. u 01:22 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 15.11.2010.

The Swedish sex guide for overseas officials prepared

coach outlet Swedish government plans to spend 1.5 million U.S. dollars (995 million yuan) to be sent to overseas government officials compile a sex guide to prostitution which the provisions of behavior is inappropriate, such as prostitution, occurred with the local people in developing countries " inappropriate "sexual relationship, and to punish violators.

coach outlet Sweden has a "prostitution law" which requires a crime to spend money to prostitutes, but prostitutes sell the body is legal. Swedish behavior in foreign prostitutes have been in the country and heated ethical debate.

louis vuitton outlet Ministry of Gender Equality, said a spokesman for Yue Afu Battle, compiled this guide to the purpose of sex is to work in overseas prostitution acts of public officials to set ethical standards, guidelines will describe what behavior is unacceptable, if they violation of the rules the consequences of what will happen. Battle said that, in addition to prostitution, but in a deep war, hunger and poverty work in countries afflicted with the aid of people who rely on sex apparently is also not appropriate.

louis vuitton outletNigerian Minister of Gender Equality said Vertical stroke Amu storehouse Sa Bu in dealing with government employees act in prostitution abroad, the government departments need to "clear." She said: "Obviously, everyone knows that during working hours, you can not go to prostitutes or visit pornographic sites, nor to the rich as those people living in poverty and sexual exploitation. We must explicitly prohibited in the document these acts. "But Sabu Ni said, adding that the government will not make the same provisions in all sectors, because different agencies have different needs, such as peacekeeping missions of the military and a brief visit to Brussels, the officials in this regard can not be be compared.

15.11.2010. u 02:04 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 13.11.2010.

British survey said patience will not tolerate queuing for 10 minutes

coach outlet In the eyes of many British, queuing is a tradition. However, a survey shows, the British line patient variation, the average waiting time can be tolerated for 10 minutes and 42 seconds, and most Britons online shopping, mobile payment, etc. to save time. The paid online survey commissioned by the British conducted the survey to 2,006 adults. The results showed that the supermarket is the place of being tired of the line, followed by the post office and the airport.

coach outlet Waiting in line is usually a good mood. 66% of the respondents on the front row in their own hearts and minds of students dislike, that they "do not fuss" waste of time. In contrast, young people line up better in the elderly patient, on average wait of 12 minutes and 18 seconds after the patient exhausted, the elderly patient waiting time was 9 minutes 30 seconds.

louis vuitton outlet Survey, a quarter when the ideas are cranky line, or want to work, to family life, pondering over the weekend social activities, or with friends "talk on the phone"; another one-eighth of other people like to chat with the team. This projection, the British adults average 5.5 hours per month line about a year more than 60 hours. The average life expectancy projections by the British, 169 days per lifetime spent queuing, that is 5 months 2 weeks and 5 days.

louis vuitton outletPayment Committee of the British survey, although quite good line experience, many people still underestimate the queue waiting time due to delays. Survey, 12% had missed the train or plane because the line up, one-tenth of the time due to waiting too long public transport late for work, 4% due to queuing delay romantic date.

13.11.2010. u 01:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 12.11.2010.

Bungy grown counterfeit of small pig is still seen as treasures of the British girl

coach outlet A British girl bought a fake small pet pigs, pig year results quickly grew into a large pig, but the girl could not bear to throw, is still seen as treasures, although a large pig to the home caused enormous damage to .

coach outlet Living in Hampshire, England 22-year-old student Mei Lisa last September, with its 21-year-old birthday gift bought a small pet pigs. Unfortunately, pigs grow very fast and has grown to 63 kg, 2 feet (0.6 meters) high, 4 feet (1.2 meters) long, is expected to grow even larger. This big fat pig is clunky, huge body, always enough to eat, what Du Yao, aggressive.

louis vuitton outlet Mei Lasa's family tried to drive away this first big pig, but Mei Lasa already have a feeling with this pig, could not bear it away, crying. Family members were dropped. This pig has a large 4 bedroom house to causing economic losses of thousands of pounds, it bites the carpet, eating solid wood floor, crushing the lawn garden, also the owner of the shoe bite. Family, it can not do anything.

louis vuitton outletIn the UK, although the size of small pigs are very small, only grow to as high as the foot, but because of demand, price is very high, the highest price the owner can claim á 1500. It is reported that this kind of thing is really mixed false uncommon in the UK, triggering a large number of such fraud and false advertising litigation.

12.11.2010. u 03:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 11.11.2010.

Moderate shock on the brain can significantly improve math skills

louis vuitton outletTo study mathematics knowledge that students will benefit from electrical stimulation of the brain, based on a study by college students test, a mild type of electrical stimulation can improve the ability of people to learn and use numbers, such mathematical capabilities sustainable for a long time. Meanwhile, the new study also lack mathematical ability of children and adults to bring a new therapeutic approach, especially those by stroke or neurodegenerative disease caused decreased learning ability, or mental injury of the crowd.

true religion outlet Oxford University neuroscientist Roy - Cohen - Kadu Shi (Roi Cohen Kadosh), said: "I'm not a shock to encourage people to experiment, after all, this approach is dangerous, but our latest research is very joy! "He pointed out that this latest study shows that our people can be temporarily induced by stimulation of the mathematical ability of the brain after a mild type of shock, their calculation and application of mathematics have been significantly improved. Shock experiment does not bring you to shape the Einstein, but if the experiment is successful, it will be able to help people learn better and applied mathematics.

louis vuitton outlet University of Oxford and University College London research team recruited 15 students were tested research, and students were divided into three groups. Every 6 days to learn a series of mathematical symbols are not familiar with, including: the numbers 0-9 and some mathematical symbols.

louis vuitton bags sale It is reported that 15 students used a technique called "transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS)" technology every day, a shock brain research, continuing the weak current conduction through the electrodes to the scalp, making the placement of the electrode through the brain DC left parietal and right parietal regions, two regions of the brain located above the back of the ear position. The study found that students were learning and using these new values there are significant differences, after 4 days, the first group received 20 minutes of current conduction from the left side of the brain on the right of students to calculate the new number system for the system performed very well ; the second group received the current transfer students in other regions of the brain in the poor performance of the application of mathematical calculations; the third group received a 30-second shock of the students are between mathematical ability between the former two.

11.11.2010. u 01:43 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 10.11.2010.

Be careful of four fake flu season! Symptoms confusingly similar

louis vuitton outlet First, rhinitis: sneezing, nasal discharge and more, nose block, get up early one out, could not walk a few steps, the total is also blowing the nose to feel endless.

Identification: In addition to the above symptoms, rhinitis, there will be a headache, neck pain and other symptoms. Generally speaking, cold is self-healing disease, seven or eight days the symptoms will be improved, and rhinitis symptoms without active treatment would be more serious.

Recommended: to deal with rhinitis, medicine is not necessarily expensive, the hospital also could be considered self-pharmaceutical inexpensive.

true religion outlet Second, pharyngitis: a cold front, many people will voice tight, sore throat, two or three days to start a cold. Sometimes, this may also be at play pharyngitis. Because apart from the excessive use of voice, etc., pharyngitis on the cold air is also very sensitive, easy and cold confusion.

Identify: pharyngitis throat foreign body sensation occurs, always wanted cleared his throat, his voice would be sick to get up early brush your teeth, eat a sore throat.

Recommended: Panda Hai throat pharyngitis should not be used indiscriminately, can go to the hospital for inhalation therapy, or a cup of hot water vapor often smoked smoked voice.

louis vuitton outlet Third, the pneumonia: both adults and children, pneumonia is more troublesome disease. Similar to the early and cold, fever, slight cough.

Distinguish: there will be difficulty in breathing pneumonia patients, severe cough, lips cyanosis and so on. Most children with pneumonia with fever, two to three days, antipyretics only temporary cooling, while the temperature will rise. And some children's fever is not obvious, be extra attention.

Recommended: the elderly pneumonia vaccine can be injected on a regular basis, a needle five years, children have the vaccine. At the same time careful not to catch cold, especially in the chest back.

louis vuitton bags sale Fourth, viral myocarditis: early and cold similar to white-collar workers who are usually tired out.

Identification: In addition to cold symptoms, viral myocarditis is often not up the feeling of asthma requires a long breath from time to time, will feel more comfortable. Chest tightness, palpitation, you can touch your pulse, if the feeling is much faster than usual, we should pay attention.

Recommendation: If time is too hard for work, after the cold symptoms, do not forget to go to hospital to be ECG. Myocarditis most important thing is rest.

10.11.2010. u 02:03 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 09.11.2010.

British scientists using light-emitting jellyfish diagnosis of early cancer cells

louis vuitton outlet Yorkshire Cancer Research UK Laboratory of the University of York has developed a new method of cancer diagnosis, you can use light-emitting cells from the jellyfish deeper diagnosis of cancer within the body. This diagnostic method is to use cells obtained from the luminescent jellyfish green fluorescent protein (GFP) into human cancer cells. Subsequently, when the cells are light, through a special camera can detect the brighter of these proteins, thereby indicating the location of the tumor.

true religion outlet The research team leader Nuoman Mai Strand (Norman Maitland), Professor, this invention will completely change the way certain types of cancer diagnosis. He said that deep inside the body was found at an early stage of cancer is difficult, no matter what type of cancer, early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment. This diagnostic process is the United States chemist Tsien extension of the work, because Tsien made crystal jellyfish glow in the isolated GFP cells and has received the 2008 Nobel Prize.

louis vuitton outlet Professor Matt Rand, said Dr. Qian they realized this technology could be used in cancer diagnosis. He said: "For example, X-ray is difficult to penetrate deep tissue and bone, it is difficult to diagnose micro-bone. We developed this technology can be used for early diagnosis." York University research team used a kinds of structural changes in the fluorescent protein, the original will be issued after the green protein in the transformation of a red or blue issue. The virus contains the fluorescent protein to small beam as the target tumor cells, these bundles scattered tumor cells throughout the body, due to too small, the traditional scanning techniques can not detect them. But with the growth of the virus, more and more fluorescent protein was produced. "When the developer through a special camera to shoot, the protein will shine with the light, you can see the location of the cancer cells," said Professor Matt Rand, "we called this process 'the virus developing'. "

louis vuitton bags sale If progress was smooth, the researchers hope the technology can be put into clinical trials within five years. But the professor said Matt Rand, the technology remains a problem, that diagnosis is difficult to obtain the required professional camera. Currently only one U.S. company to design and build a shooting system that can be inside the body of the fluorescent protein to the ideal resolution display. The device is priced at 50 million pounds, said Professor Matt Rand, their funding is currently being prepared to purchase a set.

09.11.2010. u 01:42 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 08.11.2010.

Israel's prisoner exchange with the 52 1 missing pilot in the country guns

louis vuitton outlet media disclosed to parties of 52 detainees from the Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners in exchange for Lebanese Hezbollah missing pilot Ron Arad in 1986, carried a gun.

louis vuitton outletIsraeli pilot Ron Arad ace invasion of southern Lebanon in 1986 after flying parachute distress, missing so far. Israel believes that Arad was "Amal" movement seized. The organization's leader Yassin Jia BierHezbollah ally, the Lebanese National Assembly. Allard then jump to self-defense when carrying an AR-7 Armagh Little rifles. Israeli officials who took part in the exchange described the situation at that time: "We shook hands, opened the package, matching serial numbers to determine the numbers match, we let Tami (Ron Arad's wife) approached."

" true religion outlet News" revealed that the exchange is between Israel and Hezbollah in December 2000 reached a secret agreement for some prisoners. Arad prisoners around the indirect negotiations continued for 8 years, the German intelligence agents mediate. However, the whereabouts of Ron Arad is still unknown.

true religion outlet Two years ago, Hezbollah is believed Arad record return to 1987 diary fragments and a number of previously unpublished photographs, as part of the agreement with the for-prisoners exchange material. Hezbollah previously submitted a report, Ron Arad is dead. Israel refused to accept that argument, vowed to continue to look for Arad.

08.11.2010. u 01:39 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 06.11.2010.

007 car body full of organs

louis vuitton outletBritish "agent" James Bond 007 film "Goldfinger" in the Aston Martin DB5 used 27 cars sold 2.6 million pounds in London (about $ 4,100,000) high prices. Zheliang for the Bond Aston Martin DB5 special silver sports car auction house in London RM auction. Auction party had expected, making price will be more than 3.5 million pounds (550 million).

louis vuitton outletZheliang sports car produced in 1963 a maximum speed of 233 km. The interior is full of bodies, are installed in front of the hidden rear Browning machine guns, four wheels can be driving competitors out of the sharp blade punctured the tires, seat ejection devices installed, the back seat can also attack rises when the bullet-proof glass.

true religion outlet Vehicle buyers for the U.S. car collector Harry Yeji, Ohio, he owns a small private museum. Ye Ji told the BBC: "We want to drive the streets in London tonight." Producers for a total of 007 early films produced two special Aston Martin DB5 sports car, but the other one stolen in 1997 then no news, was thought to have damaged.

true religion outlet "Classic and Sports car magazine" editor in chief, said Mick Walsh, Aston Martin DB5 sports car has never been such sale, very attractive in terms of collectors.

06.11.2010. u 01:53 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 05.11.2010.

Why Americans "sue" Obama?

louis vuitton outletAn ambulance parked on the roadside, trying to save a heart attack patients. After an emergency rescue, the patient was saved. Two years later, he not only is not Thanksgiving, but the emergency personnel and doctors to court. He insists that, without the intervention of these people, their bodies healthy as ever could. As for the heart attack, it is just a trivial matter.

louis vuitton outletObama "doctors" are now in this situation. Many American public has long forgotten the fall of 2008 hit the U.S. "financial heart attack," the severity. Republicans make a lot of voters believe that the intervention of the Democratic Party, not the disaster left by the Bush administration, the reasons for the U.S. economic malaise.

true religion outlet Obama should be the result of responsible? Should not be. That he should not be, because in principle, his treatment was correct. That he should be responsible, because from a practical point of view, his treatment is too cautious. Large-scale financial crisis will cause long-term damage. As always, is that the cumulative risk in the economy was ignored during the boom, burst out in a depression.

true religion outlet So, the U.S. economy's performance in the crisis how? In the United States before the crisis, per capita real GDP (purchasing power parity terms) fell 9.3% on average. This time, the United States fell 5.4%. In previous crises, the average unemployment rate increased by 7 percentage points. This time, the unemployment rate rose 5.7 percentage points. This performance tells us? The answer is in the United States deal with the problem started, it did well, but did not address the problem in its context, is far less well.

05.11.2010. u 01:39 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 04.11.2010.

Set fire to the family home like usual stunt game

louis vuitton outletToward family members who ignition, watch as their loved ones firing fireballs. For most people, this is no imagination, but from the UK South Yorkshire Stannage one, it seems to have become accustomed.

louis vuitton outletReported that wants to be a stunt man takes courage, because you always want to try for themselves some very dangerous action. What is amazing is, Stannage three members of the family but had a soft spot for any stunts, fire stunts and body art is fascinated by them.

true religion outlet 40-year-old Mark has 20 years of stunt experience, his 15-year-old son Aaron also often mimic the behavior of his father, and even Mark's wife Jenny are in love with the stunt. Jenny, 43, is a former professional commentator, and now she has become a full member of the local fire brigade.

true religion outlet Jennifer told the media: "Now, I was lit, apparently there is a certain risk, but who better than her husband and son Gengrang their trust"

04.11.2010. u 01:59 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 03.11.2010.

Daughter of the British intelligence officer who cited the gold hot rifle photos online

louis vuitton outlet Reported that the British Junqingliuchu daughter Colleen Nasuo competentJohn rope wass Worth, was recently in their own Facebook page uploaded an AK47 rifle in his hand-held pictures of gold. Gun allegedly used to be former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein used the photo was heard immediately caused a sensation in the network.

louis vuitton outlet news, John was in charge of the personal information once considered Britain's "top secret" because he and his family have a great probability of being terrorists. John's daughter Corinne holding the golden guns even casual photo spread in the network, so that British Internet users in an uproar. Currently, this picture is still in Corinne's Facebook page, browse to the network open.

true religion outlet Reports, AK Kalashnikov automatic rifles that (Automatic Kalashnikov) short, and its design was completed in 1947, it was called "AK47" in the name. AK47 widely in the Middle East with the army and armed elements, because of its numerous British soldiers lost their lives under the bullet, which was once known as the "widow maker." Corinne this photo to AK47 quite backing, there are users identified from various angles and concluded, saying that gold AK in the picture should be Saddam's private collection, is the disguising of the real thing.

true religion outlet The report also said the behavior of uploading photos for Corinna, a British security official at the 31, said: "This move is very stupid of her. Taking into account the sensitivity of her father's career, she posted this photo before think twice. "

03.11.2010. u 01:38 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 02.11.2010.

Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard defended the war in Iraq was throwing shoes

louis vuitton outletFormer Australian Prime Minister John. Howard live television on the site of Australia's involvement in defense of the Iraq war, was one of the audience threw shoes attacks. However, the two spectators to throw the shoes Howard, do not hit him. According to reports, aged 71, of Howard, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's live quiz shows as a guest in his program that, when Australia sent troops to Iraq is based on Saddam Hussein's regime has weapons of mass destruction, intelligence, and from every standpoint Look, Iraq is a "reasonable" war.

louis vuitton outletA 30-year-old gallery hair man, Peter. Gray (Peter Gray) to challenge Howard's remarks and said his anti-war position. He said the information was eventually proved to be fictitious, and the abuse of prisoners and other incidents to prove that Iraq was a wrong war. He then took off his shoes and threw him to express their dissatisfaction with Howard. He threw shoes, barefoot and shout side: "This is for the dead in Iraq, which is to living in Iraq." Neither shoe but did not hit on Howard. Gray was released after brief detention.

true religion outlet Reported that, although being "shoe hit", but near misses Howard quickly adjust their emotions, calm and smiling, continue to participate in programs. Gray then said that he did take off your shoes attacked Howard, Howard, because he felt that the attitude of the question, "unpleasant."

true religion outlet Gray also said he threw the shoes, the purpose is to make Howard more embarrassing, and not really want the shoes as a "weapon" hit Howard. Australia is the first to support the Iraq war ally of the United States was sending about 2,000 soldiers war.

02.11.2010. u 03:26 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 01.11.2010.

British wine enthusiast fired homemade rockets tragedy

louis vuitton outlet British rocket enthusiasts who fired a 12-foot rocket out of control before falling into a private house, the danger brewing tragedy.

louis vuitton outletReported that the rocket enthusiasts in this near Bristol Airport Air Traffic Controllers, select the door in the remote hills Tip While this blue fin rocket launch. By design, the rocket flew 20,000 feet in the atmosphere will open the parachute float to the surface, but after the launch, the rocket in the sky thousands of feet to be divided into two, and the speed of 100 miles per hour crash .

Martin is near their homes, how labor did not expect rocket suddenly crashed into their own front of the house. Martin lives in Wedmore Sa
Mo Sete said, "I heard whistling rockets crashed into the garden, and my wife and children are the room, if the rocket change direction slightly, the consequences would be disastrous."

true religion outlet He said: "4-foot rocket is still inserted in my garden, I can not control their anger." It is reported that the rocket is a rocket-loving 10-member team of local time at 11:00 on the 24th launch, the team leader Richard Brown, Canterbury, Martin described the media's anger, their time to collect the rocket debris even been threats of violence.

01.11.2010. u 03:09 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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