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petak, 21.05.2010.

Brazil bishop says kids "spontaneously gay"

BEIJING, May 21(coach outlet) -- Adolescents are "spontaneously homosexual" and the society "at large is pedophile," according to a Brazilian archbishop.

Archbishop Dadeus Grings, a coach bagsconservative priest who has made controversial statements in the past, made the comments at a Brazilian bishops conference, according to media report Wednesday.

The archbishop said the society's woes are being reflected in the sex abuse scandal enveloping the Roman Catholic Church.

"Society today is pedophile, that is the problem. So, people easily fall into it. And the fact it is denounced is a good sign," Grings said.

His comments come as the church is falling into a sex abuse scandal and three weeks after Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the coach handbagsNo. 2 official at the Vatican, said sex scandals were linked to homosexuality and not celibacy among priests.

There have been several cases of priests allegedly abusing children that have surfaced in Brazil in recent months.

The cheap coach bagsarchbishop also said children need guidance and it was important to help them avoid homosexuality.

21.05.2010. u 04:07 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 20.05.2010.

Japanese couple wedded by robot

I-Fairy, a 1.5-meter tall robot with flashing eyes and plastic pigtails, saw the wedding of Tomohiro Shibata and Satoko Inoue in a restaurant in Tokyo.

At I-Fairy's instructions,coach outlet the groom lifted the bride's veil and kissed her in front of 50 guests.

The couple both worked in the robotics industry and has known each other through a robot project. Therefore they chose to be wedded by a robot.

"This was a lot of fun. I think that coach handbags have a strong sense that robots are our friends. Those in the robot industry mostly understand this, but people mainly want robots near them that serve some purpose," 36-year-old bride Satoko Inoue was quoted as saying to AP.

I-Fairy was originally designed to be used as a replacement public speaker.

20.05.2010. u 02:33 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 19.05.2010.

Small ant killer

The moist eastern Indian Ocean, has a name "coach outlet island," the island, the island's tropical rain forests years, live in a kind of whole body blood-red terrestrial crabs - red crab. Red crab population is very large, it is said in the area of only 137 square kilometers of the island, actually live about 120 million red crabs. Red crab mainly feed on leaves, their droppings nourished the trees just became fertilizer, and they often nest in tree roots digging office and, indirectly, loosen the soil for the trees. Therefore,coach bagson the relatively nutrient-poor tropical forests played an important role in help between the two developed a mutually dependent relationship between the food chain.

That red crab fame is its another feature. Each year in November, the red crab to the sea in order to breed, have large-scale migration of the island activities. Whenever this time, the 100 millioncoach handbagsHe noticed that every corner of the island, the entire island was covered with blood-red color, spectacular scene. Magnificent scenes of movement, each year attracts thousands of tourists come to see.

It is because the red crab in the maintenance and promotion of eco-tourism has played an important role, people on the island opened up specifically for the red crab protected areas. It can be found in recent years, the number of red crabs are drastically reduced. So the researchers conducted in-depth survey of protected areas, the results were stark: that tyranny of the red crab killed, and actually a group of ants!

The original, the last century 60's, Christmas Island native from Africa imported a batch, because these native products do not meet local people's taste, after and have not been imported. May be that only such a, yet Africa called rapid ants ants bring the island. Considerable ants settled Christmas Island, due to no natural enemies, so as breeding on the island as Xinghuoliaoyuan spread. Is a considerable omnivorous ants ants, red delicious crab natural to make them salivate. May have thick armor of red crabs, small ants How can it be their opponents? It does not matter, considerable ants have their own "biological and chemical weapons" - formic acid. Formic acid has a strong corrosive, when red crabs into the nest in the vicinity, hundreds of ants will be covered with crabs considerable body spray formic acid to the crab. Red crabs in formic acid before the vulnerable armored helmet, no armor protection, the red crab to die soon also be corrosive.

In our eyes domineering and arrogant cheap coach bags, the face of it much smaller than the ants, actually vulnerable, really should be a sentence saying: an object down a thing. Sometimes, when we are faced with a number of tiny creatures, the heart may give birth to compassion, God laments unfair, let them be born so small and weak. To Christmas Island on the ant tells us to treat any creature, are never treated lightly, if the changed environment, they will become a headache as the "big killers"! In anything before, we must always cherish the fear of heart!

19.05.2010. u 04:52 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 18.05.2010.

Dream of fish-flavored pork

He fell in love with her because word.

That day, the units for a mess, and they were placed in the same table. Food was served, we will liberate the mouth to speak, and then the room is full of contented chewing voice; last meal, up a fish-flavored pork, she eed, really fragrant rice to eat with it is really no rule of . He smiled, looked at coach outlet involuntarily glances over. She met him in the eye, said: "Really, looking back I should learn how to make this dish at home than go to a restaurant to eat many feel is wonderful." He was very moved, and now the most spoiled girl, Pareto with fear detrimental to appearance and away from stoves, to verses and he was very disappointed - and combines such people - from, can be a warm home? At this point, some people have already left, she held up because of talk time, there is still slowly eating; he slowed down, so she had finished, put down the chopsticks chasing out.

They love the moment in this vibrant bloom.

Then, is to understand each other close contacts. It is very easy for them to do. In the same unit, previously due to do with each other deep down there is no existence of the other, the other kind of person is naturally not mind. coach bags now, they are pleasantly surprised to realize that loved the sight Yeah. He is a farmer's son. She is a daughter of the Secretary. But what inconvenience? They all think that if all this love as a reference, it was very tasteless. Even so, he sometimes still think that she was born so, do not use it for pride, is really commendable. Her, it is I had heard that he was gifted scholar, once contacted, really deserved reputation. She thought, and such people had life, is a tour worthwhile.

They soon enter into love.

On this day, he went to her house for dinner. This is a required course every Sunday. After he entered the room, sat - while, the girl's father received - a phone call. Then said to him, your aunt at noon today and I have something urgent to do, you both look at coach handbagson the arrangements for it. He was pleased to be down to this - time will be able to enjoy a meal she did. Unexpectedly, she recommended the restaurant to eat; he shook his head, I do not want to go to a restaurant, I want to taste you do fish-flavored pork. She bowed her head said, but I have not yet learned. He could not believe my ears, Is she had only talking about it? He said, what do you order? She agitated up and said: "I do not need cooking at home, so what I will not." He was a bit caught off guard, although this is long overdue in mind. He said: "So you used to be deceived me!" Girl shortness of breath and roared: "What did I lie to you? You say I know you from what I said a lie?" He could not answer. That is simply not the commitment is only just a dream to create their own. The family atmosphere that thick, and always will own poetic dreams that never withers. But now, he was to break her word. He was speechless for some time, say you did not fool me, I've been lying to myself.

Lunch that day, they have not eaten on bad terms.

Night, he toss and turn, not people sleep. The next day, she did not come to work, gave him a phone call, we break up! He blurted said, no. She said, I do not even food, you and I together what does that mean? He said that according to this standard, I should find a chef, right? She laughed silently at the end of the line, and then sighed, saying, Do not boring, then I ignore you anyway it wants.

Soon, they married. He became a good director for logistics, taking almost all of thecheap coach bags. She learned to do things sometimes, but always do very well, then simply let go on all. In this regard, he had no complaints. This is in fact the one he wanted to sleep well the night: the fish-flavored pork is good, but after all a dream; Now that dream has been broken, it would be better wake up, be able to realistically do a love for his wife happy man.

18.05.2010. u 05:30 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 17.05.2010.

India's 90 years old man married the widow wife gave birth to the son of the first 21 children

93-year-old, now that ŞÉƦ want students to 100 years old

Indian coach outlet reported that Nu Lamu old man about the Indian state of Rajasthan Kyrgyzstan is now 93 years old, he were married to four wives and 12 sons education, 9 daughters. In 2007, when he was 90 years old, he even gave birth to his first of 21 children - daughter Ě É “l years, and has thus become the world's alive, "the most senior neonatal father", and create the Guinness Book of World Records. Yogi disclose their secret is eating more meat Baodaobulao and drink camel milk, he also intends in the next few years, more than the number of children with his wife has health to 100 years old!

India gave birth to the age of 90 the old man the first 21 children

According to coach bags report, now 93-year-old Raja from India that ŞÉƦ Si Tanbang remote side Qiyi Mu Village is a farmer. He has had her four wives. Yogi exuberant fertility, in over 60 years of marriage, 4 wives have given birth to his 21 children - 12 sons and nine daughters. The oldest of the eldest daughter Xitadewei 1943, now has 67 years of age; while the youngest child, daughter Ě É “l were born in August 1, 2007, so far, not even 3 years old .

As the man in the 90-year-old son can get it is a miracle birth, India coach handbags
department for care has Ji Lijia conducted on DNA paternity testing, the results confirmed that she is about Kyrgyzstan and 4 by the wife were born. Interestingly, many children of their own in the end about Kyrgyzstan and even figure out how many children. He said: "I do not remember what his wife and four children the number of students, but it is estimated that at least I have 12 sons, nine daughters and at least 20 grandchildren."

The eldest son of eldest son's wife remarried into the death of the "four milk"

Ridiculous, is that Yogi is currently fourth wife, 53-year-old Sabri actually the widow of his eldest son. 13 years ago, the eldest son of Xifulaer Yogi passed away, it became a widow. Sabri bear the pain of bereavement in the period, the public convention Kyrgyzstan caring for her, so that Sabri was deeply moved, and eventually decided to remarry than her 40-year-old father. In 1997, when he was married 40-year-old Sabri changed when he was 80 years old after about Kyrgyzstan, has 10 years of his birth to seven children.

Speaking of this "public-law Love", Sabri slightly shy to tell cheap coach bagspress : "Since my husband died, the start I do not intend to continue to stay here. (father) agreed that efforts to take care of me, and now we have seven children." Despite the birth of 21 children, but has something more to say about Kyrgyzstan manner that will allow his wife the next few years more than the number of children have been students of his over 100 years old.

17.05.2010. u 03:39 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 15.05.2010.

I used the time to tell you my life

One girl, when the legs are not agile small, year round can only see other children sitting in front of playing, very lonely.

One year's summer, the city neighborhood play pro-wei, brought their children, a large-year-old boys than girls. Relations are small because of age, boys and nearby coach outlet soon became a hit, with them lower river up the hill, as a very dark tan, smiling happily, is different is that he will not use abusive language, and he noticed a little girl could not walk.

The first boy to catch the dragonfly on the girl's hands, the first girl back to the river, the first girl told stories in front, the first one to tell her that her legs can be cured. First, carefully think about it, is also the last.

With a rare smile to girls?

To the end of the summer, the boy to leave the family. To send girls tears in his eyes, whispered in his ear: "I cured legs, then, marry you?" The boy nodded.

In a flash, two decades later. Boys from a naive child grows into a mature man. He opened a coffee shop, had a fiancee, a very ordinary life is also very quiet. One day he received a phone call, a woman said her thin legs, a good voice, she came to the city. One time, he can not remember who she is. He has long forgotten childhood story of a summer, forget that the pale little girl, but forget the promise of a good child.

However, he still accept her and let her help in the store. He found that she was almost silent all day long.

But he did not have time to care for her, his fiancee is not pregnant with his coach bags
. He Xiufen Cross, ready to throw away a marriage with all the things every day alcohol, become violent irritability, and even family members are estranged from him, even inadvertently take care of business, and soon, he would seriously ill.

During that time, she stood by his side, to take care of him, and tolerate the beatings when he was drunk, propped patch of crumbling more independent shops. She learned a lot, too tired to thin, can be the eyes, the total jumped two points look good.

Six months later, he finally recovered. The face of everything she does, only gratitude. He gave her shop, she insists on not, he had announced that she is half owner. In her help, he slowly revive the spirit, he is a close friend of her as a friend, dig dig the hinterland of her talk to heart, she remains silent and listened.

He did not understand what she was thinking, he just needs a patient audience only.

This has been a few years, he paid a few girlfriends, not long. He can not find the feeling. She also has been single. He found that she is very elegant, the charm of the heavens, and no lack of suitors. He laughed her heart high, she just smiled.

One day, he tired of his calm state, decided to go for a walk. A passport before he officially handed over to the store all her. This time, she has no longer opposed, but said that to his custody, so he came back.

In a foreign land rover days of bitter, but in this bitter, he has found a wide open eyes and mind. All the misery in the past are thin clouds Delicate, he suddenly found that, regardless of illness or health, poverty or wealth, or wishful unhappy and really be with him, only her. His whereabouts no set, her letter was always behind with only a fragment, slightly pale, but has been pleasant for warmth. He wanted time to go back.

Home when he was touched by her care and thought. Whether at home or the store, his position is something he has been well preserved, as if waiting for him to come back at any time. He loudly called upon coach handbagsthe name, but no one answer.

Shop for a new director, he told him that she died because of overwork has been half a year. According to her instructions, he has been called the hand attention to his whereabouts, she left behind hundreds of letters to be sent one by one, for his management of the store, as he packed the house, so he came back.

He remains her to him, a dragonfly specimens, as well as a roll of tape is her last words.

Only with a yard like a girl when she was using borrowed words like light:

"I marry you ... ... ... ... right? ... ..."

Shuffled around three decades of years, he burst into tears like a child.

No one knows, sometimes a woman to use her life for such a simple
cheap coach bags

15.05.2010. u 03:09 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 14.05.2010.

end of the world

The remote town on the map behind a blind spot, a small town unique connected with the outside world is a water pipe, I do not know from

Where the supply of water to the town, in addition, a small town on the isolation. Town's people cherish this water

, Everyone pay attention to coach outlet conservation.
One day, a small town to a foreigner even I do not know where he came from, this young man a man named Danny

Buying a house to live down. He can speak Chinese, people in town soon and get along.
Although Danny usually laughing, but every time someone asked him to settle because the town, he always looks strange

Different, kept away. Once, a young man asked Danny: "Danny, we have here another poor and backward town

People are living by the roots a little water, why would you come here? "Danny was like lightning hit a bit like

, And immediately face blue lips white, and then he said something vague and indiscriminate, then walked away. Town's people see that he does not

Ken said that they no longer ask him.
That day, Danny is the big tree with the town's people to talk to, tap water station came public at large the tree

Report column posted a piece of paper, people immediately around on to see what turned out to be without water notice:

Without coach bags
Half a day without water tomorrow morning. Water cut range: town. Please prepare various well water.
Water Station
May 27
People began to talk of: "it without water, and blame those who waste water in the city have brought us!" "Again

Home storage of ... ... "
At this time, people are aware of Danny's face appeared a look that strange, but this is more vigorous than in the past

Harm, seeing that he soon passed out! It helped him immediately approached slowly sat down, he began to slowly breathed.
A man asked him: "Danny, are you okay?" Another person said: "Danny, do not be afraid of, but

Well only half a day without water, do you have to water? We can reserve the water for your own use. "
Danny stammered: "No ... ... No, thank you, I want to go back and take a break ... ... ah, by the way

Still water. "Then he went straight away.
People's minds have a question: how was this Danny in the end?
The next day, when people to see Danny, he has returned to normal.
Then, after many days. One evening, Danny, under the big tree again chatted with the people, suddenly, it was pointed

The horizon: "Hey, Danny, who is not your friend?" Danny looked to the distance and saw the three foreigners are

Came to here: a middle-aged man, a woman and a child, apparently, they are a family of three. Three

People carrying heavy luggage, as Danny had come here the same time.
Danny's face has changed, but this time he has been able to control the self. He shook his head, said he did not

Recognizing that the three individuals, but was heard muttering his mouth: "Is out already ... ..." the coach handbagswords would not hear The.
At this time, water station walking, but also in the bulletin board posted a note on the people immediately around to see:
Without water notice
Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow will be without water for two days without water area: the town. Please make water ready.
Water Station
June 12
Danny look at bulletin boards, but also to see that a new visitor, his face showing a look of extreme pain. Suddenly,

He turned and he kept away to the direction of home Feng Pao, grim expression on his face that frightened many people.
People looked at Danny, then looked at the three new distance, while in the puzzle can not help but have some fear. Large

Family are aware of the situation is not good, is not what is happening outside the event they do not know it?
That evening, people came outside to hear "pop pops" the sound, guess that the three uninvited guests in the new

Something placed inside the house, they paid no attention to the.
The next day early in the morning, people came to the door of Danny, he found all doors and windows are shut, and shouted his name

No one word answer. People afraid of something happening, two or three door open, rushed to Danny at home together.
Present in people's eyes is a strange scene: I saw Danny living room has a big central square of the Cave

Hole, like a big pool, I looked down, a full ten meters deep! And Danny is standing beside the pool, turn on the tap

, Holding a hose to the irrigation pond, his hands trembling constantly. Last night, the sound of the original is sent home from Danny to

, I am afraid that he employed at least 30 workers to dig out overnight so the size of a pool.
Danny saw us, his face showing frustration and relief of expression, no other people to open, Danny said: "

As you all saw, I had to say out of all - in fact, the outside world had no water. "
"Earth has no water in it?" People could not believe her ears.
Danny continued: "I am a scientist for exploration, you the town is now the only planet where there is water, I

Is very hard to find here. I think that will be safe here, but after another two without water, but the more time without water

And more long, so I do not see hope. "
People seem to understand what a man angrily asked: "Then why did not you tell us earlier children ah!

Danny hands holding his head, showing a very guilty look and said: "I am afraid to tell you to go after the news, on the

There will be many people here from outside the owner to rob the water ... ... although I try to confidentiality, there are three people came yesterday. Do not

Since I'm sorry ... ... "
Another person asked: "Why are we here have water use?"
Danny said: "I do not know why, probably because you cherish the water, the old days to you for additional

Gifts. "
Saying, Danny drawer out a laptop, in the above knock for a while, the screen turned to the people

, Saw a few lines written in large characters on the screen:
Without water notice
Irrational use of water resources due to human, leading to severe water shortages, with effect from tomorrow for 12 months without cheap coach bags. Stop

Water area: Global. Please make funeral preparations for humans.
End of the world on the eve of

14.05.2010. u 08:35 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 12.05.2010.

Mozilla CEO announced his resignation transfer Ben Ventures

May 12th, according to coach bags]reports, Mozilla CEO Yuehanlili (John Lilly) Tuesday

said it will leave later this year.

In interest in e-mail to employees said: "with the company for nearly 5

years, has now decided later this year in my next job. Over time, a few

months, coach

will continue to remain in office after the board of directors."

In 2008, Lilly was named Mozilla CEO, and served as chief operating officer

(COO). During his tenure in Lee, Firefox market share was significantly


Informed sources said, after, where Lee will join venture capital firm

Greylock Partners, will become the company's partners. Recently,coach purseshas begun

looking for successors in interest.

12.05.2010. u 03:55 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 11.05.2010.

Microsoft on July 13 to support the end of a free upgrade XP SP2 SP3

coach bags May 11, according to foreign media reports, Microsoft will end on July 13 this year on Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 support.

Microsoft said on July 13 will cease and all versions of Windows XP SP2 Windows2000 of support, including paid support, help and support security updates, but the online self-help support (such as online resources such as technical documentation and FAQ) will continue to provide at least one years.

If coach outlet Windows 2000 user, you can choose to upgrade to Windows 7 (Desktop Edition) or Windows Server 2003,2008,2008 R2 (Server Edition).

If it is Windows XP SP2 users, the simplest way is to upgrade to XP SP3, free upgrade. Of course, you can also choose to upgrade to Windows 7.

On April 13 this year, Microsoft has ended support on Windows Vista RTM, but continued to supportcoach pursesSP1 and SP2.

11.05.2010. u 06:50 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 10.05.2010.

3 Italian telecommunications providers push broadband to 2.5 billion euros

 coach bags Reuters 3 Italy coach pursesprovider has said they will launch a 25 billion euro project to establish an overlay broadband network in major cities of Italy. It is reported that the three companies Vodafone Air Communications (VodafoneGroupPLC, VOD), Weather Investment's The Wind and Fastweb SpA (FWB.MI). They jointly launched in Milan this item.

Reported that the project may be expanded to include up to 8.5 billion euros of investment, in order to cover all residents of more than 20,000 people of Italian towns, '¦ 50% of the total population. Thesecoach outlet The company also said that their project TelecomItalia as well as private investors. TelecomItalia is Italy's largest telecommunications company, and was once a monopoly.

10.05.2010. u 08:32 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 08.05.2010.

2010 will once again become a "smart phone in"

coach bagsNews Beijing time on May 8, according to foreign media reports have claimed that 2009 is Smartphone years, but 2010 should be honored. Market analyst IDC said shipments in the first quarter of the world's smart to 54.7 million, up 56.7%, far higher than the overall 21.7% increase in mobile phone market. Smartphone sales in the fourth quarter increased 38%.

Smart phone manufacturers who benefit most non-Apple must go, in the first quarter of thecoach outlet iPhone (iPhone players forum ) sales rose 131.6 percent, in the global smartphone market share of 16.1%. Motorola smartphone sales grew 91.7%, the global share of 4.2%, an increase of 73.3% HTC, share of 4.8%.

Nokia smartphone sales grew 56.9%, 39.3% market share,
coach purses the first place; RIM smartphone sales grew 45.2%, 19.4% market share, ranking second.

08.05.2010. u 08:08 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 05.05.2010.

Google to enter the field of e-books

coach bags

News May 5, according to The Wall Street Journal reports, Google (Google

Inc.) 1 representatives Tuesday that the company will be the end of June or

July to start selling e-books, which opened with Amazon ( Inc.)

and Apple (Apple Inc.) three-race prelude.

coach outlet
strategies for cooperation and development departments Chris Palma by the

book industry in New York attending the study group (Book Industry Study

Group) sponsored activities, announced the timetable. The event is Random

House office buildings in Manhattan organized by the theme "Google Books:

Dawn of the publishing industry?."

coach purses
said, the user can check books for the Book Search service, and through

this, called "Google Editions "of the new service to purchase electronic

books. Book retailers can also sell their own websites Google Editions, a

means of obtaining a substantial income. Google has not announced pricing

for the new service, and may be involved in co-operation of publishers and

other related details.

05.05.2010. u 02:37 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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