Chester & Mike

subota, 24.02.2007.

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he he...

ne znam kaj da napišem, kaj vi ne znate o Mikeu i Chesteru....imam puno materijala, novinskih isječaka (s neta) u kojima ima mnogo zanimljivosti, pa eto potrudit ću se pročitat svih 30 stranica i prevest pnešto zanimljivo....

"The Source" - 04/2004
Bryan Martins je upoznao svoj omiljeni bend, Linkin Park, nakon što mu je dijagnosticiran rak.

Kada je bio u trećem razredu Sterling srednje škole, počeo je slušati nu-metal grupu, Linkin Park. Odmah je postao istiniti fan grupe i svi njegovi prijatelji su to znali..

Jedna prijateljica, Elice DeLuca se sjetila koliko on voli Linkin Park i kada se njegovo zdravstveno stanje pogoršalo, ona je odlučila poduzeti sve što može kako bi ga upoznala s dečkima iz benda.

"U studenom je kod Bryana otkriven rak kostiju" kaže njegova mama, Cindy Matrins.

Vijest se proširila do DeLuce, koja je shvatila da mora nešto učiniti da stvari budu bolje. Uložila je puno živaca i strpljenja, ali njezina nagrada je bila vrijedna čekanja.

"Slala sam LP-u mnoga pisma i mailove u kojima sam im govorila o stanju u kojem se nalazi Bryan." kaže DeLuca.

DeLuca je počela LP-u pisati od studenog do siječnja iduće godine i njezin težak trud je donio njenom bolesnom prijatelju malo sreće. Nedugo nakon toga je kontaktirao DeLucu i dao joj broj kome se treba javiti.

"5. siječnja me kontaktirao njihov menadžer, i dao mi više informacija i upitao kako oni mogu pomoći."

Na Bryanov 14. rođendan, DeLuca je bila u mogućnosti dati mu dar koji će mu ostvariti snove. Dok je bio u bolnici na kemoterapijama, Bryan je dobio poziv od njegovog najdražeg benda.

"Plakala sam kada sam shvatila što se događa" - kaže DeLuca.

"Bilo je zbilja cool" rekao je Bryan. "Nazvali su me i razgovarao sam sa Chesterom. Poslali su mi veliki paket, potpisane slike, cd-e, stickerse. I to je sve bilo polano za moj rođendan"

Bryan je također primio i potpisane štapove za bubnjeve i postere.

Učenici Jeanette Junior srednje škole su primili karte za live koncert LP-a. Bryan i DeLuca su bili počasni gosti benda, zamolili su da li mogu doći iza pozornice gdje su se družili s bendom.

"Zagrlio sam Chestera. To je bio najbolji dio" kaže Bryan.

Bryanovi roditelji su bili u blizini, a Bryan je sa svojim prijateljima bio u četvrtom redu.

"Dečki su zbilja cool i čvrsto stoje na zemlji." kaže Cindy DeLuca. "Mislim da je važno to reći, nisu nimalo umišljeni i mislim da na svakom koncertu rade ovakve stvari kojima pomažu drugima."

Bryan, DeLuca i njihovi prijatelji su još uvijek veliki obožavatelji LP-a, i nakon koncerta su se kontaktirali s dečkima da im zahvale na poklonu.

ovo je jedan od mnogih, pa eto, ako ništa objavljivat ću s vremena na vrijeme ovakve postove...
mislim da je ovo jedno od boljih djela koje su dečki učinili za nekoga, što dokazuje da nisu umišljeni kao mnogi bendovi...

- 21:35 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 13.02.2007.


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Danas ja slučajno lutam netom po linkinlady blogovima...i dođem na Talindin...
Mislim da u onoj Chesterovoj biografiji fali jedna sitnica...Znate kako on ima 3 sina, ali najstariji sin (Jaime) nije Talindin sin...nikada se nije pretjerano ni spominjao...Zapravo je njemu tata Chester, a mama mu nisu ni Talinda ni Samantha...ime žene čije je to dijete se ne je žena s kojom je Chester bio prije nego što se oženio Samanthom..(govorilo se da je to Talindin sin, da mu je Chaz očuh, ali mu je ona zapravo maćeha)....No, potrudila sam se i malo potražila po netu o tome...i saznala još da je Chaz posvojio brata svog najstarijeg te žene...sada ima 4 sina: Dravena, Tyler Leeja, Jaimea i njegovog brata...
pazite koju sam nelogičnu informaciju našla....pročitajte pa...

To note, Bennington has had two other sons: 10-year-old Jaime with Talinda and 4-year-old Draven from a previous marriage. (showbiz)

kako je mogao imati 10-godišnjeg sina sa Talindom ako se s njom oženio prije par godina..a tih 10 godina je proveo u braku sa Sam.?

- 19:28 - Komentari (11) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 10.02.2007.

11. 02. 2007.

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zapravo je još uvijek 10. 02. ali još nekoliko minuta do ponoći pa eto....Sretan rođendan Mike!!

- 23:50 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #


Dizajnirao je skateboard za izložbu Hit The Deck (već sam govorila o njemu)...
ovo je taj skateboard
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- 18:28 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 08.02.2007.

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- 14:33 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 04.02.2007.

Evo mene....samo obavijest.....Imam još jedan blog....koji je malo više o je Welcome to my soul!
kome se da nek svrati....

- 21:39 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 03.02.2007.

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Dosadno je, užasno, još više k tomu kaj sam još uvijek bolesna. Našla sam još Mikeovih i Chesterovih citata, pa da vam ih stavim. (a ima ih jako puno...)

"Move over guys. Make room for Avril Lavigne, she's a big star. We're only a little rock band (being sarcastic)" - Chester

Chester: We kind of just like ninjas and dark tunnels and fire.
Mike: And guys with big hair that look like werewolves.
Chester: Grr! Arr!
Brad: I want to know if Joe Hahn sleeps in the nude?
Mike: Yes he does.

Chester: "There was another time when Mike was in a really foul mood and we had to make a pit stop so he could use the porta potty.
Mike: "CHESTER?"
Joe: "I remember this one!"
Chester: "Anyways, Mike went to use the porta Potty and we were in the RV, It was Joe's Idea, But we all got out and started to rock the thing back and forth. We didn't mean to, but we ended up tipping the porta potty over while Mike was still in it".
Mike: "That's not funny!'
Joe: "Yeah it was. You should have seen the look on his face when you got outta there!"
Rob: "Mike was covered in crap, he had to strip down before we let him back on the bus because he smelled so bad!"
Chester: "Then we attacked him with air freshener."
Brad: "Lysol!"

Chester: And here is our bedroom
Brad: yeah it's our bedroom
Chester: No, it's not our bedroom, it belongs to my wife and I

and they made me in college in a chemistry class. They copied Frankenstein's work and used pieces of dead people, which is why I have to wear this (touches his spiked collar), to hide the scar tissue.
except we were in art school. That was the whole problem. In art school, and there were no really good chemistry classes - so look what we came up with!

Interviewer: Have you ever considered cuddling with a Popple or a Wuzzle or even perhaps a Madball while on stage?
Mike: No, but I've considered setting one on fire, extinguishing it with my urine, smashing it flat with my noggin, and eating it with a side of Mongolian beef.

Chester: Shut up when I'm talking to you before I whip out my friend and give you mushroom stamps!
Mike: Yeah, your little friend haha!
Chester: Oh you would know wouldn't you?
Mike: Oh baby, you know it!

"I met Chester at the Brixton show in the UK "-Brad
"Chester signed my boob. "-Mike
"Me too!" -Joe
"I gave him a bracelet" -Brad

"It seems like a lot of more mainstream type kids are getting into what we are doing. When i was in high school, if certain people started liking my bands, I felt like I couldn't like that band anymore; it was like, the idiots were ruining it for me. I don't want to alienate our real fans, you know? I don't want the kids who were with us from the early days to feel like there isn't room for them anymore." - Mike Shinoda

Mike: Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.
Chester: And sometimes you feel like my nutts.

Mike: I chipped a tooth on a microphone once. I hurt my back in the pit. Chester got spit on. We got human fescies thrown on us. We got a sign one time when we were playing with Union Underground a couple of months ago that said, "Go Back To The Suburbs". Chester held it up and said, "We love fan mail." In the beginning they were talking some trash but by the end they were signing up for our street team. Chester kissed both of them on the face. The kids standing around were rolling on the floor laughing. I'm trying to think because I know there have been way more casualties. We've been hit and broken things. Brad's guitar has hit me in the head before. I actually threw up in my mouth in Des Moines.

Why does Brad wear headphones in concert?
Brad: Brad cannot reveal his inspiration.
Mike: When Brad's being mysterious he speaks in the third person.
Mike: When Mike speaks in the third person he makes himself crazy.
Brad: Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich.

Chester: Yeah I'm the assmaster!!!!

JOE: Yes I do think Britney's boobies are fake!
MIKE: Hehe boobies!
CHESTER: I like small boobies. Small ones are just right. Big ones are baaad. I'd be afraid that I'd get suffocated by them if they were too big.

Mike: I'm going to sprout wings out of my ass one day and fly around the world.
Chester: Sounds like fun, can I join you?

Q: What's your plans for Valentine's Day?
Chester: Masturbation.

Chester: Have you ever played the Penis Game?
Cane: WHAT?!
Chester: The Penis Game!
Cane: What the hell is that?!
Chester: Wanna play it with me?
Cane: Uh, no thanks!
Mike: Oh come on, you know you do!
Cane: Would someone mind telling me what the hell the Penis Game is?
Chester: Its where I slap you with my penis!
Joe: No its not! Someone says Penis really quietly and then someone else repeats but in a louder tone and then it keeps going and going until it gets really loud and the loudest person wins!
Cane: Oh, okay.
Joe: Penis!
Brad: Phoenix has no penis!
Phoenix: Now that you mention it, my name kinda rhymes with Penis!
Joe: No it doesn't!

Joe-Mike got up and walked over there, looked at the TV, sat on the table and broke it
Mike-I put my (laughing) I put my fat ass on the table and I broke it! Oh my God I am so embarrassed
Joe-Now we are taking apart the table and hiding it in the hopes that the hotel doesn't notice and make us pay for it

Q: Do you have any wild stories or embarassing moments to share, while living on the road?
Mike: I almost ran over Chester with a golf car when we were in Florida.
Chester: That was pure evil.

Mike: (sniffs) awww who layed the egg (looks at Chester)
Chester: (smilies) quack, quack

Interveiwer: With all the metal that you wear about your person, do you have problems when you go through airports?
Mike: You have no idea! Brad's pants are down around his ankles, 'cause his pants are too big and his belt's all made of metal, Chester has to take off 50 things it's a joke! And the best thing is, he's obsessive compulsive. Tell her about how you arrange your bracelets when you take them off!
Chester: No.
Mike: I'll tell her about it! Chester takes off his bracelets when he's going through the metal detector at the airport and he has this bag with those of those handles that pulls up, so there's a long hanger and he arranges them on that. He takes them off in the same order every time and puts them in the same places and arranges them perfectly.
Chester: I'm disgusting, because I do that with my baggage too. All my bags specifically fit in a certain way really well I can't have disorganised bags! And when I go grocery shopping, I'm the same way; boxed items like detergents have to be separated from the food, and then all cans go together, all meats go together, and therefore it's easier to unload when you get home.
Interveiwer: But surely it's only common sense to separate your detergents from your fresh food, so they don't get tainted with a soapy taste?
Chester: Yes, but you see people tossing whatever they grab first into the bag. Not with me. It has to be done a specific way every time.
Mike: This is like the most involved answer about produce that I have ever heard in my life!

MIKE: Chester and I met at a male strip club.
CHESTER: We were both trying to get jobs there as dancers.
MIKE: And it just didn't work out....because my butt wasn't big enough.
CHESTER: Yeah and I've got what they call the crispy cream which is a little fat area around my belly button which is kinda like a donut.
MIKE: Its from eating too many donuts.

Mike: mike is so hot....oops, i mean joe

Everyday when I get ready, I look in the mirror and say, over and over again, ‘must become an action figure, must become an action figure.’-Chester Bennington

CHESTER: There's this 13-year-old kid from Pittsburgh. He comes up to us and goes, "I'm stalking you dude, and when you reach the peak of your success I'm going to kill you." Then, during the show he's down in the front telling Mike that he wants to "rape his soul"! I think that's cool, but he probably needs to chill out a bit.

Chester: How many of you are pissed right now?
Audience: (cheers)
Chester: Good. See in America that means you're mad but, here it means you're happy. Whoo!

MIKE: My walls are about 3 inches thick and my neighbours must have thought people were dying in my house! The whole neighbourhood could hear it!
CHESTER: And you'd hear someone go, "You fucking SUCK! Shut up!"
MIKE: I think we were subliminally influenced for the bridge on 'One Step Closer' by my neighbours; "SHUT UP! I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!"
CHESTER: At 10 o'clock every night, we'd hear (bangs his fist against the wall) and that was our alarm, so we almost ended up naming the band 'Ten PM Stocker', cuz we recorded on Stocker Street every night and at 10 PM, we had to stop.

Do you feel famous?
BRAD: Do you think we're famous? All I know is that at the show last night we didn't have passes...and yet there were....a...OK...(To Mike) You tell the story.
MIKE: My story was that I showed up late. I was busy doing other things.
BRAD: Mike is never late.
MIKE: Whatever, I showed up a half hour before the show and we got up to the door and the guy stopped us. He says, 'Where's your passes?' and I'm looking past him and there's like these 5 foot posters with our faces on and just for a second I was thinking 'You idiot.' but then my second thought was 'Well cool, I can walk through this club right now and not get stopped by anyone'.
--You're turning into Spinal Tap already?
MIKE: Only in the sense that we can't find the stage.
BRAD: We try to be life imitating art as much as possible when it comes to Spinal Tap.

Chester can you remember your address yet, I read somewhere since you've moved house you've been on tour, and when someone asked you for your address you didn't know?
Chester: "I had to call home, it's really sad. I think in the last two apartments I had I've spent a total of 18-20 days in them."

Chester: "It's funny because we'll sit down and go 'Mike how does the song make you feel?', and that's how we start every song, what emotion is the music evoking? - what kind of ideas is the music drawing out of you? Sometimes they are the same, and sometimes they are different. It's really interesting to let the music guide the lyrics because Mike and I's focus is primarily on the melody and lyrics usually come later."

Rumor has it you and Mike Shinoda wrote 40 different choruses for "Meteora's" first single, "Somewhere I Belong." Is the songwriting process always this tough?
Chester: Yeah, ya know, we're not ones to settle for just good - it's gotta be great. We take everything that serious. I rewrote "Runaway" (from "Hybrid Theory") about 150 times. The frustration of writing that song sprouted "One Step Closer."

What are some of your hobbies outside of music?
Chester: Nothing really cool. Music is my life. I like to paint and that kind of stuff . . . talk to friends, throw barbecues - how stupid, that's not even a hobby.

What advice would you give to someone struggling with the same type of drug abuse problems you have dealt with?
Chester: Stay strong, willpower is the key to everything. If you can't fight and stand up to yourself you can't fight and defeat anybody.

- 18:18 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

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    A Place For My Head

    I watch how the moon sits in the sky on a dark night,
    shining with the light from the sun,
    but the sun doesn't give the light to the moon assuming,
    the moon's gonna owe it one,
    makes me think of how you act to me,
    you do favors, that rapidly,
    you just turn around and start asking me about,
    things that you want back from me,
    I'm sick of the tension,
    sick of the hunger,
    sick of you acting like I owe you this,
    find another place to feed your greed, while I find a place to rest.

    Chorus [Chester (Mike)]
    I wanna be in another place I hate when you say you don't understand,
    (You see it's nothing to me)
    I wanna be in the energy, now with the enemy a place for my head.

    Maybe some day I'll be just like you when, step on people like you do,
    run away, all the people I thought I knew, I remember back then who you were,
    you used to be calm, used to be strong, used to be generous,
    but you should have known, that you wear out your welcome and now you see,
    how quiet it is all alone,
    I'm so sick of the tension,
    sick of the hunger,
    sick of you acting like I owe you this,
    find another place to feed your greed,
    while I find a place to rest,
    I'm so sick of the of the tension,
    sick of the hunger,
    sick of you acting like I owe you this,
    find another place to feed your greed,
    while I find a place to rest.


    You, try to take the best of me, go away,
    You, try to take the best of me, go away,
    You, try to take the best of me, go away,
    You, try to take the best of me, GO AWAY!



    [Mike] (Chester singing "WHY?" in background)
    I am so sick of the tension,
    sick of the hunger,
    sick of you acting like I owe you this,
    find another place to feed your greed,
    While I find a place to rest,
    I'm so sick of the tension,
    sick of the hunger,
    sick of you acting like I owe you this,
    find another place to feed your greed,
    While I find, a place, to, rest.

    In The End

    It starts with one thing
    I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter how hard you try keep that in mind
    I designed this rhyme
    To explain in due time
    All I know
    Time is a valuable thing
    Watch it fly by as the pendulum swings
    Watch it count down to the end of the day
    The clock ticks life away
    It's so unreal
    Didn't look out below
    Watch the time go right out the window
    Trying to hold on, but didn't even know
    Wasted it all just to watch you go
    I kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
    What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

    One thing, I don't know why
    It doesn't even matter how hard you try, keep that in mind
    I designed this rhyme, to explain in due time
    I tried so hard
    In spite of the way you were mocking me
    Acting like I was part of your property
    Remembering all the times you fought with me
    I'm surprised it got so (far)
    Things aren't the way they were before
    You wouldn't even recognize me anymore
    Not that you knew me back then
    But it all comes back to me (in the end)
    You kept everything inside and even though I tried, it all fell apart
    What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time when I

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter

    I've put my trust in you
    Pushed as far as I can go
    And for all this
    There's only one thing you should know

    I tried so hard
    And got so far
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter
    I had to fall
    To lose it all
    But in the end
    It doesn't even matter


    Graffiti decorations
    Under a sky of dust
    A constant wave of tension
    On top of broken trust
    The lessons that you taught me
    I learn were never true
    Now I find myself in question
    They point the finger at me again
    Guilty by association
    You point the finger at me again

    I wanna run away
    Never say goodbye
    I wanna know the truth
    Instead of wondering why
    I wanna know the answers
    No more lies
    I wanna shut the door
    And open up my mind

    Paper bags and angry voices
    Under a sky of dust
    Another wave of tension
    Has more than filled me up
    All my talk of taking action
    my words were never true
    Now I find myself in question
    They point the finger at me again
    Guilty by association
    You point the finger at me again

    I wanna run away
    Never say goodbye
    I wanna know the truth
    Instead of wondering why
    I wanna know the answers
    No more lies
    I wanna shut the door
    And open up my mind

    I'm gonna run away...
    And never say good bye! (Gonna run away x4)
    I'm gonna run away...
    And never wonder why! (Gonna run away x4)
    I'm gonna run away...
    And open up my mind! (Gonna run away x8)

    I wanna run away
    Never say goodbye
    I wanna know the truth
    Instead of wondering why
    I wanna know the answers
    No more lies
    I wanna shut the door
    And open up my mind

    I wanna run away (and open up my mind)
    I wanna run away (and open up my mind)
    I wanna run away (and open up my mind)
    I wanna run away (and open up my mind)

    One Step Closer

    I cannot take this anymore
    I'm saying everything I've said before
    All these words they make no sense
    I find bliss in ignorance
    Less I hear the less you'll say
    But you'll find that out anyway

    Just like before...

    Everything you say to me
    Takes me one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break
    I need a little room to breathe
    Cause I'm one step closer to the edge
    And I'm about to break

    I find the answers aren't so clear
    Wish I could find a way to disappear
    All these thoughts they make no sense
    I find bliss in ignorance
    Nothing seems to go away
    Over and over again

    Just like before

    [chours (x2)]

    shut up when I'm talking to you
    shut up, shut up, shut up

    I'm about to BREAK

    [chours (x2)]

    Breaking The Habit

    Memories consume
    Like opening the wound
    I'm picking me apart again
    You all assume
    I'm safe here in my room
    Unless I try to start again

    I don't want to be the one
    The battles always choose
    cause inside I realize
    That I'm the one confused

    I don't know what's worth fighting for
    Or why I have to scream
    I don't know why I instigate
    And say what I don't mean
    I don't know how I got this way
    I know it's not allright
    So I'm
    Breaking the habit
    I'm breaking the habit

    Clutching my cure
    I tightly lock the door
    I try to catch my breath again
    I hurt much more
    Than anytime before
    I had no options left again

    I don't want to be the one
    The battles always choose
    cause inside I realize
    That I'm the one confused

    I don't know what's worth fighting for
    Or why I have to scream
    I don't know why I instigate
    And say what I don't mean
    I don't know how I got this way
    I'll never be allright
    So I'm
    Breaking the habit
    I'm breaking the habit

    I'll paint it on the walls
    cause I'm the one at fault
    I'll never fight again
    And this is how it ends

    I don't know what's worth fighting for
    Or why I have to scream
    But now I have some clarity
    To show you what I mean
    I don't know how I got this way
    I'll never be allright
    So I'm breaking the habit
    I'm breaking the habit
    I'm breaking the habit

    Easier To Run

    Its easier to run
    replacing this pain with something numb
    its so much easier to go
    than face all this pain here all alone

    something has been taken
    from deep inside of me
    a secret i've kept locked away
    no one can ever see
    wounds so deep they never show
    they never go away
    like moving pictures in my head
    for years and years they've played

    if i could change i would
    take back the pain i would
    retrace every wrong move that i made i would
    if i could
    stand up and take the blame i would
    if i could take all the shame to the grave [X2] i would

    Its easier to run
    replacing this pain with something numb
    its so much easier to go
    than face all this pain here all alone

    sometimes i remember
    the darkness of my past
    bringing back these memories
    i wish i didn't have
    sometimes i think of letting go
    and never looking back
    and never moving forward so
    there never be a past

    if i could change i would
    take back the pain i would
    retrace every wrong move that i made i would
    if i could
    stand up and take the blame i would
    if i could take all the shame to the grave [X2] i would

    just washing it aside
    all of the helplessness inside
    pretending i don't feel misplaced
    is so much simpler than change

    its easier to run
    replacing this pain with something numb
    its so much easier to go
    than face all this pain here all alone

    its easier to run
    if i could change i would
    take back the pain i would
    retrace every wrong move that i made

    its easier to run
    if i could change i would
    take back the pain i would
    retrace every wrong move that i made i would
    if i could
    stand up and take the blame i would
    if i could take all the shame to the grave


    I am a little bit of loneliness
    A little bit of disregard
    Handful of complaints
    But i can't help the fact
    That everybody can see these scars
    I am what I want you to want
    What I want you to feel
    But it's like no matter what I do
    I can't convince you
    To just believe this is real
    So I let go, watching you,
    Turn your back like you always do
    Face away and pretend that I'm not
    But I'll be here cause you want what I've got.

    I can't feel the way I did before
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored
    Time won't heal this damage anymore
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored

    I am a little bit insecure
    A little unconfident
    Cause you don't understand I do what I can
    But sometimes I don't make sense
    I say what you never wanna say
    But I've never had a doubt
    It's like no matter what I do
    I can't convince you for once just to hear me out
    So I let go watching you
    Turn your back like you always do
    Face away and pretend that I'm not
    But I'll be here 'cause you're all that I've got


    (Hear me out now)
    (You're gonna listen to me, like it or not)
    (Right now)
    (Hear me out now)
    (You're gonna listen to me, like it or not)
    (Right now)

    (I can't feel the way I did before)
    (Don't turn your back on me)
    (I won't be ignored)


    I can't feel
    I won't be ignored
    Time won't heal
    Don't turn your back on me
    I won't be ignored

    Chester Bennington - State Of The Art

    There's no way to find out what's inside you
    Until you fall into the hole
    You dug for yourself while you slept here
    Too young, too selfish, too cold
    And when you find out what's been waiting
    The moment you open your eyes
    You'll see your true reflection
    The very first time in your life

    You can not fight what's in you
    This will not be denied
    You can not fight what's in you
    This will not be denied

    Cry to yourself
    Nothing will help
    It's too late to change what's been done
    You do what you've always done best
    You run

    Into the hole you fall deeper
    Deeper the faster you run
    It wont stop until you accept it
    Accept everythng that you've done

    You can not fight what's in you
    This will not be denied
    You can not fight what's in you
    This will not be denied

    Cry to yourself
    Nothing will help
    It's too late to change what's been done
    You do what you've always done best
    You run