
srijeda, 25.01.2012.



Flowers That Are In Season In May

flowers that are in season in may

    in season
  • Seasonality of food refers to the times of year when a given type food is at its peak, either in terms of harvest or its flavour. This is usually the time when the item is the cheapest and the freshest on the market.

  • A mare that is in heat

  • When a mare is 'in heat'. In other words, when the mare is ready to breed.

  • The state or period in which a plant's flowers have developed and opened

  • (flower) a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms

  • The seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs (stamens and carpels) that are typically surrounded by a brightly colored corolla (petals) and a green calyx (sepals)

  • A brightly colored and conspicuous example of such a part of a plant together with its stalk, typically used with others as a decoration or gift

  • (flower) reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts

  • (flower) bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed"

Grumichama Flowers Out Today on My Fruit Tree

Grumichama Flowers Out Today on My Fruit Tree

I took these flowers today of my fruit trees that are flowering. They are tropical fruits so the names may not be familiar to some people.

The FIRST is the Grumichama. It is in full flower today and also tomorrow. The fruit is lovely. A bit like black cherries with a slight wood taste. There is also a yellow variety. The perfume is very distinctive and I just can't describe it. This morning there were a lot of bees visiting, both honey bee and native bee. Underneath there is some information I put with a grumichama flower on Flickr 20 months ago. This info came from an American source.

This is a small shrub-like tree that is a tropical fruit originally from the Amazon. A few times a year it breaks out in these magfnificent white flowers with a musky distinctive smell. The fruit is similar to a black cherry, but delicate and sweet.

An often admired but still very minor fruiting member of the Myrtaceae, the grumichama, Eugenia brasiliensis Lam. (syn. E. dombeyi Skeels), is also called grumixama, grumichameira, or grumixameira in Brazil, and sometimes Brazil cherry elsewhere.

Grumichama -- The grumichama (Eugenia brasiliensis) is more cherry-like than many so-called "cherries" but handicapped by small size, apical sepals and large seeds.

Description -- The highly ornamental tree is slender, erect, usually to 25 or 35 ft (7.5-10.5 m) high, short-trunked and heavily foliaged with opposite, oblong-oval leaves 3 1/2 to 5 in (9-16 cm) long, 2 3/8 in (5-6 cm) wide, with recurved margin; glossy, thick, leathery, and minutely pitted on both surfaces. They persist for 2 years. New shoots are rosy. The flowers, borne singly in the leaf axils, are 1 in (2.5 cm) wide; have 4 green sepals and 4 white petals, and about 100 white stamens with pale-yellow anthers. The long-stalked fruit is oblate, 1/2 to 3/4 in (1.25-2 cm) wide; turns from green to bright-red and finally dark-purple to nearly black as it ripens, and bears the persistent, purple- or red-tinted sepals, to 1/2 in (1.25 cm) long, at its apex. The skin is thin, firm and exudes dark-red juice. The red or white pulp is juicy and tastes much like a true subacid or sweet cherry except for a touch of aromatic resin. There may be 1 more or less round, or 2 to 3 hemispherical, hard, light-tan or greenish-gray seeds to 1/2 in (1.25 cm) wide and half as thick.

Origin and Distribution -- he grumichama is native and wild in coastal southern Brazil, especially in the states of Parana and Santa Catarina. It is cultivated in and around Rio de Janeiro, also in Paraguay. A specimen was growing in Hope Gardens, Jamaica, in 1880 and a tree was planted in the Botanical Gardens, Singapore, in 1888, fruited in 1903. It has long since vanished from both of these locations. An attempt to grow it in the Philippines in the early 1920's did not meet with success. Neither did a trial in Israel. An early introduction, perhaps by Don Francisco de Paula Marin in 1791, was made in Hawaii and the tree was adopted into numerous local gardens.

The United States Department of Agriculture received seeds from Mauritius in 1911 (S.P.I. #30040); plants and seeds from Bahia, Brazil, in 1914 (S.P.I. #36968), and more seeds from Mauritius in 1922 (S.P.I. #54797). Plants were set out at the Plant Introduction Station in Miami and prospered. Other plantings were made in California where it seemed even better adapted but has apparently disappeared. The United States Department of Agriculture raised seedlings at Puerto Arturo, Honduras, and transferred some plants to the Lancetilla Experimental Garden at Tela in 1926. They flourished there and flowered and fruited well.

Over the years there have been mild efforts to encourage interest in the virtues of the grumichama in Florida, mainly because of the beauty and hardiness of the tree and the pleasant flavor of the fruit but the sepals are a nuisance and there is too little flesh in proportion to seed for the fruit to be taken seriously.

Climate -- The grumichama is subtropical, surviving temperatures of 26ş F (-3.33ş C) in Brazil. It is better suited to Palm Beach than to southern Florida. In Hawaii, the tree fruits best from sea-level to an altitude of no more than 300 ft (90 m).

Culture -- The grumichama is of slow growth when young unless raised in a mixture of peat moss and sand and then given a thick layer of peat moss around the roots when setting out, and kept heavily fertilized. In Hawaii, it has taken 7 years to reach 7 ft. Fruiting begins when the plants are 4 to 5 years old.

Season -- The tree is regarded as remarkable for the short period from flowering to fruiting. In Florida, it has been in full bloom in late April and loaded with fruits 30 days later. The crop ripens quickly over just a few days. In Hawaii, the trees bloom and fruit from July to December, with the main crop in the fall. Trees in Brazil vary considerably in time of flowering and fruiting so that the overall season extends from November to February.

Glamour Crystal Flowers of Bellagio Las Vegas

Glamour Crystal Flowers of Bellagio Las Vegas

Crystal Flowers sul soffitto della Hall dell'hotel Bellagio di Las vegas
The hotel also contains a Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. In total, there are five seasonal themes that the Conservatory undergoes: Chinese New Year, Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. [9] From January to mid-March, the Conservatory celebrates the Chinese New Year with a display dominated by flowers bromeliads and Orchids, as well as the animal of that particular year that the Chinese zodiac celebrates. The theme then changes over to the Spring display, which lasts until May, and usually features a butterfly house as well as many varieties of tropical flowers. During Memorial Day weekend, the Bellagio then switches over to its All-American Summer display, featuring a large recreation of the Liberty Bell, as well as several American flags throughout the Conservatory. The Summer display is usually very patriotic featuring a lot of red, white, and blue, and is dominated by hydrangeas. From late September until Thanksgiving weekend, the Conservatory then puts on it Fall display featuring several varieties of chrysanthemum and several large pumpkins throughout the display. Finally, the Conservatory then switches over to its winter holiday display after Thanksgiving, which is dominated by its large centerpiece Christmas Tree and several varieties of poinsettia. Whatever the season, colorful displays are decorated with many real fragrant flowers, and fountains may also be present. The Conservatory is located next to the lobby of the hotel and is open to the public.

Questa foto č stata scattata con una Canon 7D + Canon 17-55 is

flowers that are in season in may

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25.01.2012. u 00:29 • 0 KomentaraPrint#^

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