srijeda, 09.11.2011.


Casio Vibrating Watch - Men's Timex Sport Watch With Digital Heart Rate Monitor.

Casio Vibrating Watch

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The buttons feel a little on the cheap side, and are small with very little feedback. Usable, though.



The GW-400J next to the old GW-300.

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09.11.2011. u 23:20 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Citizen 300m dive watch : Breitling wristwatch : Best name brand watches

Citizen 300m Dive Watch

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precista PRS-14 300M (05)

precista PRS-14 300M
8 beats per second
resists a magnetic field of up to 1000 Gauss
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300m sprint?

One of the 300m heats at Zatopek 2008.

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09.11.2011. u 23:20 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Casio Wrist Camera Watch

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day 81 - Casio WQV-1 Wrist Camera

day 81 - Casio WQV-1 Wrist Camera

I miss using my Casio WQV-1 wrist camera. It was capable of capturing the coolest little 120x120 pixel, black and white snippets of life. Since upgrading from Windows 98 I've been unable to upload pictures from the watch to the PC due to hardware incompatibilities. Now the watch mostly sits unused in my nightstand drawer. Damn the luck.

Time And Tide Wait For None....

Time And Tide Wait For None....

Of Course, Photographers Have Always Been An Exception:)

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09.11.2011. u 23:20 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Digital Dive Watches

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A used watch.

A used watch.

A used dive watch.
Life, in my possession, started out by my brother finding this watch in Hawaii 8-10 years ago...underwater...burried in sand. It's since been used by myself and has undergone two battery changes and a few wristbands. The alarm no longer works except for periodic moments. The digital clock no longer shows the proper date and the mechanism to set it is broken. It is set to show an unknown foreign language for the days of the week.
The face is terribly scratched and worn.

But I love this watch and will wear it until the day it dies.

Fox Moulder, in the early years of X-Files, wore the same watch (I think).

Strobist Note: An SB-28, at full power, bounced in a silver umbrella at camera's left lighting the watch. The backdrop is a black granite tile.

Dove doing wintersleep

Dove doing wintersleep

This turtledove usually sits in this Poplar, sleeps in this Poplar, and drops it droppings on my car from this Poplar. Grrr!!

But in all its beauty it still is a pretty bird to look at. While it was sleeping I sneeked onto the first floor and was able to catch it on digital film. It usually flies away when I do so.

Enjoy watching, I won this game of hide & seek this time. Now for the Robin... that's another story!

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09.11.2011. u 23:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



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Lincoln's Gold Watch

Lincoln's Gold Watch

"Lincoln's English gold watch and chain were purchased in the 1850s from George Chatterton, a Springfield, Illinois, jeweler. Lincoln was not outwardly vain, but the fine gold watch was a conspicuous symbol of his success."

Stacks Customs: The Jeweler

Stacks Customs: The Jeweler

Miami's top jeweler sporting several of his finished pieces

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09.11.2011. u 23:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Wood watch : Leather banded watch.

Wood Watch

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IMG 001828ps

IMG 001828ps

Here's me with the biggest pike I've caught. Before any of you hardcore fishermen chirp me for keeping a pike this size, consider that the biggest pike I've ever seen come out of the lakes near my cottage was about 7 pounds :P I think this one was 4 pounds.


Today I barely left the apartment at all. I brought Lisa to the train station, then used Facebook, watched 3 episodes of Family Guy, and have been playing Turning Point on 360 since then...a game that I had gotten about halfway through about 2 years ago on my brother's 360...then he moved out, so I lost access to the data...and now I'm back where I left off. About an hour ago, I made some Kroff Dinnah, and am drinking a Mountain Dew with it. Only 46 grams of sugar per can!

I've been living on my own for 5 months now, and it's surprising how rarely I've done this. But I guess this is what living on your own's all about :D



Just a deer watching us from the side of the road over the weekend--better he stay in the trees then in the road.

All rights reserved ©

6/26/07 #102

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09.11.2011. u 23:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Hamilton Railway Watch

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When Ambassador Amerasinghe upset the Egyptians - RANDOM THOUGHTS By Neville de Silva

When Ambassador Amerasinghe upset the Egyptians - RANDOM THOUGHTS By Neville de Silva

Last Sunday this newspaper said eyebrows were raised in Colombo over Palitha Kohona’s visit to the Middle East as chairman of a UN Committee investigating Israeli human rights practices in occupied Arab territories. It queried whether UN officials ‘entrapped’ Kohona into heading the committee.
It might not be generally known that from the inception of this Committee- with an official title too long to mention- 41 years ago Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) has chaired it. The first official visit of this Committee to Arab countries neighbouring Israel to hold on-the-spot hearings was in April or May 1970.

I was privileged to cover these sessions for the “Daily News”. I was the only Sri Lanka journalist there and my presence at the hearings was through fortuitous circumstances. I was on a stopover in Cairo on my way back from the German Democratic Republic, popularly known as East Germany, when I received an invitation from the Arab League to cover the forthcoming visit of the Committee to four Arab countries bordering Israel.

That was due entirely to Elmo Joseph, Counsellor at our embassy in Cairo, who took me to meet his counterpart at the Jordanian Embassy, an influential diplomat and a close relative of the then Jordanian Prime Minister Wasfi al Tal who was assassinated one year later by a Black September unit of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. The chat with the Counsellor who was at the time the Jordanian representative in the Arab League, turned to journalism. He suddenly remembered the impending visit of the Committee and said he will arrange for the Arab League to invite me as its guest to cover the hearings. The UN selected this three-member Committee, the other two members being Somalia and the former Yugoslavia. Somalia was represented by its Ambassador to the UN. The Yugoslav representative was a professor of International Law. After 40 years I just cannot recall their names.

Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the UN at the time was the controversial and flamboyant Hamilton Shirley Amerasinghe who had moved to New York from his posting as our High Commissioner to New Delhi. The silver-haired and sharp-nosed Shirley was easily distinguishable by the red rosebud he wore regularly in his buttonhole. He was selected to head this Committee which the West, especially the US, saw as an anti-Israeli move orchestrated by the Arabs trying to regain some mileage after the disastrous effects of the Six-Day War of June 1967 in which Israeli forces scored a decisive military victory.

It was a critical time for Shirley Amerasinghe whose name was being mentioned as a possible candidate for the UN Secretary-General’s post soon to be vacated by the respected U Thant of Burma. As far as the West was concerned Shirley was a tainted man. He was etched in the collective western mind as pro-Arab. Shirley the classicist’s verbal duels with the Israeli foreign minister Abba Eban, a brilliant orator and fluent in 10 languages, was looked-forward to at UN sessions, according to UN-wallahs of the day.

Some of the non-aligned nations that were rooting for Shirley Amerasinghe as Secretary General were rather fearful that his chairmanship of a committee which was already characterized as anti-Israel in particular and anti-western in general, would ruin his chances in the run-up to a contest for the top job. In the event it never came to such an election and Shirley Amerasinghe was later to stamp his competence and tenacity by steering the fractious Law of the Sea Conference to its conclusion. After his death in 1980, the UN established a fellowship in his name for the sterling work he did on the Law of the Sea.

Watching Shirley Amerasinghe at work at close range was an absolute treat. During the hearings in Cairo two Egyptian soldiers gave evidence saying they were tortured by the Israelis after their capture and they carried physical marks of it. Okay, said Chairman Amerasinghe, so step forward and show us the marks. I happened to sit at the same table as the Committee, a few feet away. So I saw the marks as distinctly as the three committee members when the soldiers raised their trouser legs to display the marks on their thighs. Shirley Amerasinghe rose from his chair, peered over the table at the two darkened patches on their thighs and said “but you could have got that playing rugby.”

I am not sure whether many of those who were at the hearing knew very much of the game. But Shirley’s voice carried an unmistakable sneer and it certainly did not escape the notice of the several officials of the Egyptian Foreign Ministry who were present, for some of them visibly turned a couple of shades darker. Why he picked on these two soldiers I could not say. Was it because it became rather obvious as the hearing progressed that they had been running away from the battle front when they were captured or because Shirley was trying to shed some of his anti-Israel ballast as perceived by others. Or it might well have been beca

21 Jewels

21 Jewels

Daily Shoot - Something Shiny

The first shiny thing that occurred to me today was this movement on a Hamilton Railway Special. The Hamilton Watch Co. dates back to the late 1800's, but this model was manufactured during the middle part of the last century. I believe this particular watch dates back to the late 1950's. I found it at an antique show in Montana some years ago, and for the most part it still works well.

50mm macro w/1X extension tube
ISO 100
1/45 sec @ f/13 hand held
Ambient window direct sunlight (to try and make it shine more!)
Processed in DPP

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09.11.2011. u 23:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Oceanic Geo Watch Dive Computer

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230/365 - First Dive

230/365 - First Dive

Today was my very first (and second) open water dive, and it was great. While the depth and length numbers certainly aren't impressive, ya gotta start somewhere. So Lake Chaparral it was. That being said, I didn't have a lot of time or energy to shoot tonight, so I'm pretty amazed that I came up with this, I think it's pretty fun. Also took the time to light it.

-430EX II @ 1/64th, white shoot through, set back from the centre axis of the dive computer, and shining mostly on the goggles.
-Canon 50mm ?1.8 @ ?1.8
-5D Mark II, ISO100, 200s

Dive computer locked up

Dive computer locked up

That was my backup on this dive. This computer doesn't have a feature for gas switches so it locked up when I surfaced after the dive. It should reset itself in 24h.

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09.11.2011. u 23:11 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Shark Leash Watch Bands - Timex 1440 Watch Manual - Skagen Watches Discount.

Shark Leash Watch Bands

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mr. shark is hungry

help! what do sharks eat?!??!

(ok. side note. completely unrelated to mr. shark .. or is it?! so, remember that dream i had about bill clinton? [which was PG, by the way] well guess who sat next to me at the movie theater tonight? literally - the two seats right next to me? yeah. you figure that out. coincidence? i think not)

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story: couple always debate who would win in a fight Shark or Bear....... This cake is their "title fight" back side says Smackdown 2009 and sides read Shark Vs. Bear
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Oris classic date mens watch 733 7594 40 61 ls. Timex t series chronograph.

Oris Classic Date Mens Watch 733 7594 40 61 Ls

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Pinturas con mistica y espiritualidad en la atmosfera ambiental, lugares con magia, energias teluricas y religion, paisajes de otono en la niebla.La ermita o iglesia de Sant Genis en Oris, Comarca de Osona, provincia de Barcelona, en Catalunya, Cataluna, Espana.Cuadros del artista Pintor ERNEST DESCALS a la busqueda de enclaves misticos, religiosos y magicos.La puerta con misterios de la escondida iglesia arriba en las montanas, suelo de losas de antiguas piedras entre los misteriosos arboles junto a la verja de cementerio.Aura de respeto que consigue la meditacion sobre nuestro destino en la vida.Obras de Arte paisajistas con temas venerables.

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Oris Divers Small Second, Date

Oris Divers Small Second, Date

47mm Stainless Steel Case/ Sapphire Crystal/ 1000M Water Resistance/ Helium Valve/ Black Wave Structure Dial with Superluminova Dark Orange Luminous Accent/ Uni-Directional Bezel/ ETA 2836-2 Automatic Movement/ Swiss Made

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Baselworld 2008: New TAG Heuer Formula 1 Grande Date Chronograph INDY 500

Baselworld 2008: New TAG Heuer Formula 1 Grande Date Chronograph INDY 500

To celebrate its long-term partnership with the Indy Racing League and the Indy 500, where as Official Timekeeper, TAG Heuer has mastered the challenge of accurate measurement to 1/10,000th of a second, TAG Heuer is proud to present the TAG Heuer Formula 1 Grande Date Chronograph INDY 500 Special Edition accurate to within 1/10th of a second.

TAG Heuer Formula 1 Grande Date Chronograph

TAG Heuer Formula 1 Grande Date Chronograph

This new addition to the TAG Heuer Formula 1 line is endowed with an oversized case (44mm). Five new chronographs accurate to the 1/10th of a second are available, with an all-black version at the front of the pack: black titanium carbide-coated case, bezel, crown, pushbuttons, black dial and rubber strap.

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Watch Pink Velvet 2

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Now Playing #10

Now Playing #10

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds (Abattoir Blues Tour):

Taken from shows shot in London in 2004, this live recording offers up many of the double album's greatest songs as well as favorites from thoughout his career- "Red Right Hand" for example. I haven't watched the dvd yet but I would recommend this as well as the God is in the House dvd.

The Czars: Goodbye

I love The Czars even though they have a slight country tone to them, they really speak to some sort of inner sense of me and I find myself drawn to their dark dreamy melodies. I've only seen them once in March of 2006 but here's what I wrote about them after their show: "The Czars are what I like to listen to when it’s raining inside me if that makes any sense. At times reminding me of Red House Painters and at other times just a tiny bit of perhaps Devotchka, The Czars are really truly one of my favorite bands. John Grant’s vocals often give the songs a moody and reflective quality that makes them not only memorable but truly haunting." I don't know if I see very much DeVotchKa in them anymore right now or atleast not so much in Goodbye except it just feels cinematic and beautiful and lush and all of those things. I love everything I've ever found to buy of theirs. For this album, my *definite* favorite songs are "Paint the Moon" and "Little Pink Houses" Flawless, both of these two.

Lali Puna: I Thought I Was Over That:

Lali Puna are this supermelodic electronic band that probably aren't going to change the world anytime soon but it's good chill out music and very relaxing to me. Never seen them live but I wonder what it would be like...

Dutronc: 33 Ans de Travail vol. 2

Oh are wonderful and created such great songs early on in your career. You share the same birthday as me and I even named my camera after you but alas, I fear Volume 1 would have been a much much better selection instead. Later songs are unfortunately not for me.

Elvis Perkins: Ash Wednesday

This is a very insightful album and one that isn't necessarily catchy but still works and makes you crave it. I haven't been able to see Elvis Perkins live but I hope to in the future. I really connect to some of these songs and the album as a whole and feel like Elvis must be a very genuine human being.

Bill Callahan: Woke on a Whaleheart

On my first job interview in this city, I was taken around various cubicles and spaces in a high rise downtown and hanging from one of the small walls was a tacked up article about Smog. "Do you know Smog?" I was asked. I didn't but at the time Bill Callahan was leading the group throughout the Chicago underground and I figured I'd better look into it as soon as possible. That said, this album isn't really a huge departure from Smog's albums and is worthwhile all the way through. I was unhappy to hear Smog broke up after I had finally gotten into them and gone to see them a couple of years back at The Empty Bottle esp. after really falling in love with their last release: A River AIn't too Much to Love. I'm glad Bill Callahan is still making music, however and these songs feel incredibly familiar to me already, as if I've been listening for a few years.

Friends: Fragile

I'm not sure how well known this album is outside of America but I really just came upon it on random chance awhile back in the psychedelic section at Reckless and it has so many great sugary pop songs that seem to be very much a perfect product of its time (released in 1972 out of Hastings, East Sussex.) It reminds me of a more folky Free Design record.


When it's hot out and I can't bear it, I end up watching movies.

Mystery Train is one a friend lent me and I enjoyed it thoroughly. It's a Jim Jarmusch film and so there's alot of subtlety and things unsaid. It takes place in Memphis and involves Japanese and and an Italian tourist (the former on an adventure, the latter killing time after a layover or plane accident involving a death-details aren't totally clear) When you think of Graceland, you tend to think of lights and glitz and Las Vegas-esque glamor...or atleast I always pictured it this way. Jarmusch shows us a pretty desolate small town ill equipped to handle hte excitement of tourists. The whole town is, in face, falling apart amidst the chipping paint of Elvis' songs. It's a must see if you like Jarmusch or Evis or are just obsessed with the American South. It's also recommended if you like The Clash as you get to see Joe Strummer in the third vignette. He isn't the best actor in the film but considering the songs he created, I think I can forgive him.

The Royal Tenenbaums

This is perhaps one of my favorite films of all time. Wes Anderson painstakingly creates something that redeems the human race with this one. This is how we feel and are. I watched this today for about the tenth time thinking how each bit of dialogue and song was chosen perfectly from Nico's "The



Natick Artists’ Open Studio 2007 participants group show at The Center for the Arts in Natick (TCAN) Natick, MA. On display now through October 27, 2007 ~ Reception October 11, 2007 6:00-8:00pm

Gliclee print on Epson Velvet 100% cotton rag Fine Art Paper ~ image size 9 ?” x 19”
Brainbridge Alpharag 100% cotton rag 2” boarder museum-quality mat .
Neilson Radius black metal frame with UV-non-glare acrylic for 98% protection from Ultra Violet light.

Total framed image size: 22 1/2” x 13 1/2”

Artist Statement for “Dreamland”

Babson Farm Quarry at Halibut Point State Park in Rockport, MA is one of my favorite places to visit and photograph. I love the texture of the rock walls and the ability to see the Atlantic Ocean just beyond while walking along the south and east paths that wind their way around the quarry. There is a path up a hill to the north with a wonderful view of the ocean and if you walk down towards rocky shore, there are tidal pools filled with life. In June the pink beach roses bloom; simply gorgeous offset by the deep, blue water in the quarry. It can also be a great place to watch the sun set if “Mother Nature” provides just the right clouds to produce a variety of bright colors. I love colors and light, especially in the early morning or late afternoon when the color of the light is warmer and the long, soft shadows bring out texture and shapes. This is a wonderful place to wander around or wait for the light to illuminate in just the right place.

The challenge of photography is neither film nor digital cameras can capture as wide a range of tones and colors that the eye can see. When photographing a sunrise or sunset over water, I use a special filter because the sky is much brighter than the water. I want to allow more light to expose the water and less light for the sky, creating more range of detail in the image.

When I took this image last year, I really loved the gentle curve of the quarry wall that gets much smaller to the right of the image giving it a sense of depth. I also loved the reflection of the sunlight on the water, but the colors in the sky were just not as vibrant as I had remembered them. I had been reading about new software technology called HDRI or High Dynamic Range Imaging. It is a software technique in which the photographer overlays multiple images taken at different exposures to capture detail that is impossible to achieve in one image, bringing out the colors and detail the way I remember them.

I also started experimenting with the Orton Technique recently. This is an effect that I really love! The process is a photographic technique created by Michael Orton back in the 1950’s. This was originally done as a slide montage, by taking one photo in sharp focus and one that is blurred and then mounting the 2 slides together. This creates a very soft, dreamy quality and has become quite popular again recently.

I decided to use both processes on this image. I feel it gives it a wonderful, soft, dreamy, quality with rich, vibrant colors the way I remember them. The colors evoke the excitement I experience watching a wonderful sunset and the softness adds the feeling of tranquility of being in such a beautiful place. To me, this is Dreamland.

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09.11.2011. u 23:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Watch Over You Video : Custom Wrist Watch : Cheap Alarm Watches

Watch Over You Video

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SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR - Catch You on Vh1 Jukebox

SOPHIE ELLIS BEXTOR - Catch You on Vh1 Jukebox

The morning paper
Look in the mirror
On your key-chain
Or in the coffee spoon
On your shirt sleeve
In the flat-screen
In your mailbox
Breathing over you

Come on baby, when will you see
That you and I were meant to be
And now I got my target on track
Baby you should know that I'm so good at that

Run to where you want, run to where you want
I am gonna find you
There ain't no distance far enough
My love's gonna find you

Run to where you want, run to where you want
But may I remind you
There ain't no engine fast enough
My love's gonna catch you

In your top drawer
In your cheque book
On your cellphone
By your easy-chair
In the next room
Behind the curtain
Can't escape me
I'm watching everywhere

Come on baby, when will you see
That you and I were meant to be
And know I got my target, I'm on track
Baby you should know that I'm so good at that

Run to where you want
Run to where you want
I am gonna find you
There ain't no distance far enough
My love's gonna find you

Run to where you want, run to where you want
But may I remind you
There ain't no engine fast enough
My love's gonna catch you

Why waste your energy
No point in fighting
Let you heart surrender to your destiny

And this world's not big enough
For you to hide for long
In this game of hide and seek
There's nowhere left to run

Run to where you want, run to where you want
I am gonna find you
There ain't no distance far enough
My love's gonna find you

Run to where you want, run to where you want
But may I remind you
There ain't no engine fast enough
My love's gonna catch you

Video: Benny wants the bag!

Video: Benny wants the bag!

Over at my grandparents' in Garden Grove.

You know what---- despite what my grandfather thought of the toy--- he actually loved being with the dogs the weekend they stayed. Its just that Benny does have a lovable habit of constantly nudging up a toy for your to throw-- and if you don't reciprocate--- watch out!! :)

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09.11.2011. u 23:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Watch King Of The Hill

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Hill of Slane

Hill of Slane

From this beautiful hill, a vast prospect of Ireland is afforded on a clear day. Eastwards can easily be seen the mounds of Newgrange and Knowth, with the town of Drogheda and the Irish Sea beyond, while the view northwards extends as far as Slieve Gullion (well into Northern Ireland), southwards as far as the Sugarloaf Mountain in Wicklow, and westwards to the midlands of Ireland.

Saint PatrickThe importance of the Hill of Slane can be traced back into prehistory, probably as far as the Neolithic. In ancient Dindshenchas mythology, the Fir Bolg king Slaine was said to have been buried here. In Christian history the hill became established as the place where St. Patrick lit the first paschal fire in direct defiance of the pagan kings at nearby Tara. However, archaeologists have suggested the Paschal Fire may have been lit at Bru na Boinne, and possibly Knowth, instead of Slane.

The hill remained an eminence of Christian significance long after St. Patrick appointed Erc as the first Bishop there - a monastery survived on the Hill of Slane even after successive raids by the Vikings. It is still a mecca for pilgrims to this day.

There are other, less known facts, which make Slane a mystical and fascinating place. The 'motte' which stands on the western side of the hill, shielded from view by a wood of trees, is said to be of Norman origin, but is probably the burial mound of Slaine, the Fir Bolg King, who according to legend was the one who cleared the wood from the Brugh when the mounds of Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth were built. The mound also has interesting alignments with other ancient sites, and in mythology may have an astronomical significance.

Slane was also supposed to have been the location of a mythical healing well, which was used by the Tuatha De Danann to heal their wounds during battle.

Another intriguing story about Slane concerns a certain Dagobert II, heir to the throne of a Merovingian kingdom called Austrasie (in France), who was exiled to Ireland after his father's death in 656. Dagobert is said to have grown into a man 'at the Monastery of Slane', and attended the court of the High King of Tara. While in Ireland, he married a Celtic princess. He eventually returned to Austrasie and claimed the kingship in 674, some 18 years after his original exile to Slane.
Croagh Patrick mountain County Mayo
Croagh Patrick in County Mayo. Click image for larger view.

Slane sits on an extraordinary 135-mile equinox alignment stretching from Millmount in the east as far as Croagh Patrick in the west, passing through the town of Kells and the impressive monument complex at Cruachan Ai. We call this Saint Patrick's "Equinox Journey". The near-equinox alignment involves watching the sunset around March 23rd from Millmount, overlooking the Boyne in Drogheda. This sunset falls behind the Hill of Slane. n observer looking at this equinoctial sunset is unwittingly looking also in the direction of Croagh Patrick in County Mayo. Thus, two sites closely associated with Saint Patrick are in a near-equinox alignment. By coincidence, Mythical Ireland webmaster Anthony Murphy's birthday is March 23rd!

Hill of Slane

Hill of Slane

From this beautiful hill, a vast prospect of Ireland is afforded on a clear day. Eastwards can easily be seen the mounds of Newgrange and Knowth, with the town of Drogheda and the Irish Sea beyond, while the view northwards extends as far as Slieve Gullion (well into Northern Ireland), southwards as far as the Sugarloaf Mountain in Wicklow, and westwards to the midlands of Ireland.

Saint PatrickThe importance of the Hill of Slane can be traced back into prehistory, probably as far as the Neolithic. In ancient Dindshenchas mythology, the Fir Bolg king Slaine was said to have been buried here. In Christian history the hill became established as the place where St. Patrick lit the first paschal fire in direct defiance of the pagan kings at nearby Tara. However, archaeologists have suggested the Paschal Fire may have been lit at Bru na Boinne, and possibly Knowth, instead of Slane.

The hill remained an eminence of Christian significance long after St. Patrick appointed Erc as the first Bishop there - a monastery survived on the Hill of Slane even after successive raids by the Vikings. It is still a mecca for pilgrims to this day.

There are other, less known facts, which make Slane a mystical and fascinating place. The 'motte' which stands on the western side of the hill, shielded from view by a wood of trees, is said to be of Norman origin, but is probably the burial mound of Slaine, the Fir Bolg King, who according to legend was the one who cleared the wood from the Brugh when the mounds of Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth were built. The mound also has interesting alignments with other ancient sites, and in mythology may have an astronomical significance.

Slane was also supposed to have been the location of a mythical healing well, which was used by the Tuatha De Danann to heal their wounds during battle.

Another intriguing story about Slane concerns a certain Dagobert II, heir to the throne of a Merovingian kingdom called Austrasie (in France), who was exiled to Ireland after his father's death in 656. Dagobert is said to have grown into a man 'at the Monastery of Slane', and attended the court of the High King of Tara. While in Ireland, he married a Celtic princess. He eventually returned to Austrasie and claimed the kingship in 674, some 18 years after his original exile to Slane.
Croagh Patrick mountain County Mayo
Croagh Patrick in County Mayo. Click image for larger view.

Slane sits on an extraordinary 135-mile equinox alignment stretching from Millmount in the east as far as Croagh Patrick in the west, passing through the town of Kells and the impressive monument complex at Cruachan Ai. We call this Saint Patrick's "Equinox Journey". The near-equinox alignment involves watching the sunset around March 23rd from Millmount, overlooking the Boyne in Drogheda. This sunset falls behind the Hill of Slane. n observer looking at this equinoctial sunset is unwittingly looking also in the direction of Croagh Patrick in County Mayo. Thus, two sites closely associated with Saint Patrick are in a near-equinox alignment. By coincidence, Mythical Ireland webmaster Anthony Murphy's birthday is March 23rd!

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42/365: Chaos In A Jar.

42/365: Chaos In A Jar.

July 24, 2010.
Yesterday there was an earthquake where I live and I guess that was what inspired me for this photo.

So here's what happened...I was sitting on my bed watching shows on my computer and eating when all of a sudden I feel my bed shake. Yeah, I know I'm supposed to go to the nearest table and go under it, but I didn't because I was too lazy. Stupid right? I could've gotten really hurt if it was a more serious earthquake. Hahaha. Anyways...I feel like there wasn't really a point to that story. Well maybe the point is that you shouldn't be like me and just sit there eating during an earthquake. That was pointless.




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Yes, I watch tv while I work.
My favorite one to watch is the bbc's Escape to the country. And dream of my own cottage, chocolate-box style,with aga-cooker in my cosy kitchen,a working fireplace in the lounge, a library room with fireplace, great chairs and lots of authentic features throughout the house. Flowers and herbs blooming all around it. A stable converted into a studio. A few acres of my own land, a stream running through it. Great views, over the hills and the valley. On walking distance from a pub, and easily reached public transport.
Ha, ha, all I need is 900.000 English pounds LOL.

85/365: Lazy Christmas afternoon

85/365: Lazy Christmas afternoon

After vacation and the family Christmas yesterday, I'm worn out and the only picture I got is my lying on the couch watching TV. I'd like to say that I'm watching "A Christmas Story", but I didn't watch this year. How wrong! I'm all caught up on my 365 shots, now so hopefully I can look through all the pictures I've missed on everyone else's stream.
I hope your holiday season was enjoyable.
I'm off to bed soon, since I have to go to work tomorrow. Yuck.

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