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Who was Captain Nemo?
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Beautiful Melodious Music
Some changes in the forum's software made the videos in the posts from pp1-16 disappear. Just open the links visible in the posts in new tabs.

Great Craftsmanship and Industrial Design
Topic about substances that could inhibit the Coronavirus infection
Sunburns: how to treat and prevent
Dr Brad Stanfield YouTube Channel
Dr. Sten Ekberg YouTube Channel
Dr. Eric Berg DC YouTube Channel
KenDBerryMD YouTube Channel
motivationaldoc YouTube Channel
Istria is the world's best region for extra virgin olive oils, six years in a row (Well it had to be said ;-))
THE BEST ANSWER TO WHITE GUILT (Don't know if it is the "best", but definitely a usable one.)
One of the best channels out there, particularly for women, and particularly for those tempted by feminism and who are not irretrievable yet.

YOUR WINGMAM (dating advice)
Although I do not agree with some things, like the apparent acceptance of casual dating as something normal (although she seems to have changed after some criticism from me, and even incorporated some of my comments in her videos), the channel is still very worth watching if one filters these aspects out.

Channel about modern dating and relationships. Often caricatural and exterme, and oriented resolutely against marriage, which I disapprove, but there are also some very useful insights to be found, if one keeps thinking with one's own head.

Channel about modern dating and relationships. Similar to "Taylor the Fiend", but sometimes with a different emphasis and some studies results. I actually didn't watch much of his videos, and learned about them recently on "Taylor the Fiend" as they seem to have a cooperation.

HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF THAT COOPERATION, and mostly a great video to watch, although I don't agree with some things, but despite that very much worth watching.
Hilarious and instructive. Don't agree with everything, but gets seal of approval. (I must admit that I didn't check it for a long time.)

Former Russian psychologist talks about female nature, psychology, dating, relationship. Unfortunately, he doesn't make videos anymore,but those he made are worth watching

All those YouTube channels make me cringe for various reasons, because they do not represent levels of humanity high enough, but still, as someone said, a wise man can learn something from everyone. Particularly if he uses his own critical thinking.
Casey Zander YouTube Channel
Video channel about building a masculine frame. I do not consider the masculinity paradigm presented here to be complete, but it's a start, although some things are quite simplistic and do not include a higher life wisdom about how a Man and a Woman must create life together. Masculine frame is one thing, but knowing what to do with it is complete masculinity. In the following links, more comments on Stormfront:
Comment 1
Comment 2
Alexander Grace YouTube Channel
Channel analyzing the relationship of the sexes, mostly through a perspective connecting biological evolution and the psychological dimension. While the author has recently more or less evolved from the advocacy of promiscuity to more fundamental values (still unclear), he is still stuck into reductive individualism and libertarianism, not understanding the importance of the collective and the need for a political transformation of culture. However, some very good psychological insights, but insights that have a "ceiling" in the spiritual height of that individual, which is not sufficient; too stuck in relativism. He is also too stuck inside animal models, not understanding that Humans are not animals, and have much higher potentials that must be activated. His ideas unfortunately don't help in that process of humanization and spiritualization. That little cunt even silent banned me for contradicting him and for offering better paradigms than his, but if you keep your critical mind, the channel is still worth watching.

Captain's Blog

10.06.2022., petak

The Transformation Sequence

The following link leads to my contribution to the SF topic "Views on Traditionalism?".

There I explain what I call the "Transformation Sequence", which is the only structurally possible way to transform Western Civilization from a culture of promiscuity and immorality into a culture of responsibility, through Neo-Patriarchy.

The full explanation comes towards the end of the topic - read it all.

Here's a quote:
"There is an order, a transformation sequence in this, and one cannot put the cart before the oxes: Men must retake leadership and responsibility and make women valuable again so that taking responsibility makes sense to them, and by taking responsibility in such a society that is valuable for them, they will be incentivized to become even more complete humans, because such culture would naturally promote it."

In essence, men must retake leadership and demand value from women (purity, virginity); demand that women become once again valuable to them, Then those women will take great care with whom they will have sex, because their value will be at stake, and by doing that women will in fact demand value from men, thus closing the virtuous circle.

This is the simplified transformation sequence: the initialization and completion of the virtuous circle.


A woman asked me what is the interest for women to remain virgins.

The answer is not to be found on a purely individual and direct level (although, for full humans it is to be found there too), but for the average population, the answer lies in the collective level in an indirect way.

It would not be a choice for women, but a demand of Men to women, or they will not marry them.
If they want to marry, women (girls) will not engage in promiscuous sex with the bad boys, which will make them sexually unavailable for men who want just sex, forcing even those men to reconsider their motivations.
The result would be a different culture where promiscuity from both women and men would be excluded, and that culture would develop in a much healthier and humane direction, which would benefit women, marriage and children.

But read the "Transformation Sequence" above.

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