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Who was Captain Nemo?
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Beautiful Melodious Music
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Great Craftsmanship and Industrial Design
Topic about substances that could inhibit the Coronavirus infection
Sunburns: how to treat and prevent
Dr Brad Stanfield YouTube Channel
Dr. Sten Ekberg YouTube Channel
Dr. Eric Berg DC YouTube Channel
KenDBerryMD YouTube Channel
motivationaldoc YouTube Channel
Istria is the world's best region for extra virgin olive oils, six years in a row (Well it had to be said ;-))
THE BEST ANSWER TO WHITE GUILT (Don't know if it is the "best", but definitely a usable one.)
One of the best channels out there, particularly for women, and particularly for those tempted by feminism and who are not irretrievable yet.

YOUR WINGMAM (dating advice)
Although I do not agree with some things, like the apparent acceptance of casual dating as something normal (although she seems to have changed after some criticism from me, and even incorporated some of my comments in her videos), the channel is still very worth watching if one filters these aspects out.

Channel about modern dating and relationships. Often caricatural and exterme, and oriented resolutely against marriage, which I disapprove, but there are also some very useful insights to be found, if one keeps thinking with one's own head.

Channel about modern dating and relationships. Similar to "Taylor the Fiend", but sometimes with a different emphasis and some studies results. I actually didn't watch much of his videos, and learned about them recently on "Taylor the Fiend" as they seem to have a cooperation.

HERE IS AN EXAMPLE OF THAT COOPERATION, and mostly a great video to watch, although I don't agree with some things, but despite that very much worth watching.
Hilarious and instructive. Don't agree with everything, but gets seal of approval. (I must admit that I didn't check it for a long time.)

Former Russian psychologist talks about female nature, psychology, dating, relationship. Unfortunately, he doesn't make videos anymore,but those he made are worth watching

All those YouTube channels make me cringe for various reasons, because they do not represent levels of humanity high enough, but still, as someone said, a wise man can learn something from everyone. Particularly if he uses his own critical thinking.
Casey Zander YouTube Channel
Video channel about building a masculine frame. I do not consider the masculinity paradigm presented here to be complete, but it's a start, although some things are quite simplistic and do not include a higher life wisdom about how a Man and a Woman must create life together. Masculine frame is one thing, but knowing what to do with it is complete masculinity. In the following links, more comments on Stormfront:
Comment 1
Comment 2
Alexander Grace YouTube Channel
Channel analyzing the relationship of the sexes, mostly through a perspective connecting biological evolution and the psychological dimension. While the author has recently more or less evolved from the advocacy of promiscuity to more fundamental values (still unclear), he is still stuck into reductive individualism and libertarianism, not understanding the importance of the collective and the need for a political transformation of culture. However, some very good psychological insights, but insights that have a "ceiling" in the spiritual height of that individual, which is not sufficient; too stuck in relativism. He is also too stuck inside animal models, not understanding that Humans are not animals, and have much higher potentials that must be activated. His ideas unfortunately don't help in that process of humanization and spiritualization. That little cunt even silent banned me for contradicting him and for offering better paradigms than his, but if you keep your critical mind, the channel is still worth watching.

Captain's Blog

19.03.2022., subota

Way to Biological Degeneracy?

First take a look at these three videos:

19 Yr Old Girl Reacts To Women 'Monkey Branching'

BEWARE! There's 3 Sides To Every Woman

Women Are Terrified That Men Will Realize THIS

My comment:

Another interesting thing is how a number of women, despite being calculating etc. make the wrong choices and consistently chase men who will not stick with them, while ignoring or using the good boys. So the "myth" of bad men may come from the choices many women consistently do, concentrating on the top attractive men and using the rest, but being ultimately rejected by the top men who have a lot of options.

Funny thing though, narcissist men (falsely) appear to display the most ostentatiously the masculine qualities women search, and then if a woman gets with such a man, she will get burned. Apparently, the calculations many women do, often lead to failure. That tendency seems increased these days because social media potentiate hypergamy, but also makes 80-90% of women chase the 20-10% top attractive men, which potentiates the chances for failure for women, who then settle for the "unattractive" good boys, and then divorce easily because the divorce laws in most Western countries so heavily favor women.

Interestingly, the more a man develops his masculinity, the less he is inclined to fall in love with a woman, because he sees women as they are, not those angels worthy of worship, but just cute little instinctual animals. The exception being if such a man meets a woman who is really an individualized human being, but even then, he will not feel the kind of love boys feel, but will establish a mature life union with the woman, but even then by never relinquishing his masculinity position of "King" and Patriarch.

There might be an evolutionary reason for boyish love for women though, and it's not just about the "luxury" men have to do it. A species is more successful when a number of men are like that, because their tendency to invest themselves in an ideal makes them protect women and children and do great things in self sacrifice. Very masculine men can do it too, but only out of individualized awareness, not so much out of biological programming to "love" and lose themselves in that love.

But the thing is that men were far more protected by marriage laws in the past than they are now, so they could have that boyish neotenic attitude, but in the present times it doesn't work anymore and "success" with women goes through heightened animal masculinity, which could even lead to biological degeneracy. We already have increased animalization in the cultural sphere, but that could lead to negative partner selection leading to the loss of biological programming for higher idealistic motives in men and a progressive biological dehumanization of the species, particularly of the White race, because that same process seems to have happened with the Black race, and in the present cultural context, the White race faces the same danger.

If we want to save our race, we must reestablish patriarchal social structures, as they protect men who have that ability to be more than just animal males, but at the same time teach those men to be more masculine in a truly human, aware, individualized way - to become real Patriarchs.
A patriarchal culture also teaches women to be more than their animal programming and become true individualized human beings with higher motives and ideals.

BTW. a real Patriarch Man actually doesn't want to sleep with a woman just because she is attractive. His physical desire is dependent on the establishment of a higher spiritual relationship with a woman, but not like you probably think, because you probably think "emotions", which is not what spirituality is. Spirituality is about life: aware conscious life - self-activated aware life, instead of reactive instinctual life.
This is a higher level of life, an individualized, self aware, self activated life, not an automatic instinctual life anymore. This is what it means to be a realized individual, a realized human.

But is this just about individuals? For each individual yes, but what generates individuals is not just their personal journey. Culture, the collective software is extremely important - critical in the production of certain types of individuals in socially significant numbers. Culture is important, not just as an issue of conformity, but much more importantly in the way it can help or impede the development of a full mature individuality, an aware, individual self activated life, which is what "spirituality" really is.

It is a mistake to ignore the political, because culture is highly political, and the reduction of society to individuals is the greatest error of our times. Culture is not transforming itself only through software "updates", but these days those are not "updates" but bugs, and there must be a way to get rid culture of these bugs and make new correct software changes, and this is the domain of politics in relation to culture.
Of course this doesn't solve everything on the individual level, but is not only important but necessary. To avoid it means to not be completely consistent and not to push the logic of cultural "software" to its logical conclusion that this is an eminently political issue.
Who cares if you "don't like it" (or are you afraid of it?), it is not honest to dismiss the obvious need for politics.

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