NOVOSTI -------------- Udruga “Tri rijeke” Haiku pjesnici otoka Ivanića, Ivanić Grad Pozivaju Vas na 9. KLOŠTRANSKE HAIKU SUSRETE koji će se održati 05.11.2011.g. s početkom u 10 sati u Pučkom domu Kloštar Ivanić Trg Sv. Ivana bb S veseljem očekujemo vaš dolazak! pecat U Kloštru je uvijek lijepo! ------------ KLOŠTAR IVANIĆ INTERNATIONAL CONTEST FOR HAIKU IN ENGLISH 2011 - RESULTS This year we received haiku by 72 authors from 16 countries (Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Germany, Greece, India, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Sweden, UK, USA. We thank them all and hope they join us next autumn as well. Our contest for 2012. g. will be open until APRIL 30, 2012. 1st PRIZE/1. NAGRADA: Saša Važić, Serbia new year's eve … Nova godina … my new face stares at moje novo lice my old face zuri u staro tr. by the author 2ND PRIZE/2. NAGRADA: Che ou liu, Canada attic window – tavanski prozor - a few moonlit shadows nekoliko sjena obasjanih mjesečinom come and go dolazi i odlazi 3RD PRIZE/3. NAGRADA: Kevin Goldstein-Jackson, Poole, England crowded beach puna plaža i walk the shoreline šetam uz more reading tattos čitajući tatue COMMENDATIONS / POHVALE: Birds flying away. Ptice odlijeću. Birds flying back. Ptice dolijeću. My wrinkled hand. Moja smežurana ruka. Rajna Begović, Serbia (October 4, 1939 - August 15, 2011) harvest moon – puni mjesec - a young couple waiting for mladi par u očekivanju first baby kicks prvog ritanja bebe Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă, Romania alone on the mountain sama u planini i have lost the path – izgubih stazu - wild strawberries fragrance miris divljih jagoda Florentina Loredana Dalian, Romania carpet of pollen sag polena behind the boat a trace iza čamca trag of clarity bistrine Volker Friebel, Germany silence at dusk – tihi sumrak - behind sonic boom's nakon akustičnog tutnja the butt of a mosquito deblji kraj za komarca Dan Iulian, Romania coming storm- nailazi oluja - old man with an umbrella starac s kišobranom runs on a red light trči preko crvenog svjetla Krzysztof Kokot, Kielce, Poland cloud pillows… jastuci oblaka… if only i could sleep samo da mogu zaspati on this early flight na ovom ranom letu Deborah P. Kolodji, CA, USA the stick forgotten zaboravljen štap her dog fetches njen pas dohvatio the river rijeku Darrell Lindsey, TX, USA moonlit branches . . . grančice na mjesečini… glazed with autumn rain uglačane jesenjom kišom droplets of me kapljice mene Chen-ou Liu, Canada golden wedding zlatno vjenčanje our polaroid kiss naš polaroidni poljubac fades blijedi Jacek Margolak, Poland good neighbourhood: dobro susjedstvo: a white handkerchief clearing bijela maramica čisti the Danube waters vode Dunava Vasile Moldovan, Romania fishing in the creek pecanje na potoku among browning reeds među smeđim trskama shellducks hrđave patke Patricia Prime, New Zealand gathering storm skupljajući oluju the boy in the park dječak u parku swings higher and higher zamahuje sve više i više Vanesa Proctor, Australia dog's barking pas laje on passerby na prolaznika petal softly falling meko padaju latice Živko Prodanović, Croatia scarecrow – strašilo - no leg bez nogu to make a step da zakorači cloudless sky – vedro nebo - a pair of geese leaves par gusaka napušta the V formation V formaciju Grzegorz Sionkowski, Torun, Poland still waiting – još uvijek čekam - the champagne glasses čaše za pjenušac filled with dawn ispunjene zorom Eduard Tara, Romania where the old lady gdje je sjedila with the dog used to sit stara dama s psom an empty bench prazna klupa Ana Truban Dolenec, Croatia falling star padnu zvijezda a fleeting sense of kratkotrajni osjećaj transcience prolaznosti Rafał Zabratyński, Poland autumn wind – jesenski vjetar - a jazz procession ulicom vijuga sways along jazz procesija John Zheng, MS, USA ----------- Konkurs “Velimir Rajić” Knjizevni klub “Velimir Rajic” iz Aleksinca raspisuje knjizevni konkurs za poeziju u dve kategorije. Prva kategorija: Za najbolji sonet na temu “Prosta ti bila moja ljubav ziva” (V.Rajic), za koju ce biti dodeljena posebna plaketa Velimir Rajic. Druga kategorija: za najbolju pesmu na slobodnu temu, forma po izboru, a salje se jedna pesma do 40 stihova, za koju ce biti dodeljena prva, druga i treca nagrada. Radovi se salju pod sifrom u 3 primerka, sa resenjem sifre u posebnoj koverti. Jedan autor moze konkurisati najvise sa po jednom pesmom u obadve kategorije i samo pod jednom sifrom. Konkurs je otvoren od 1. novembra 2011. do 1. februara 2012. Radove slati na adresu: Knjizevni klub “Velimir Rajic” ul. Dusana Trivunca 15 18220 ;5:A8=0F Dodela nagrada obaviće se na Pesničkim susretima u maju 2012. godine. ---------------------------- --------- NEWS ---------- DALL'ANNO 2003 SCRITTURALIA A CASCINA MACONDO QUATTRO DOMENICHE ALL'ANNO - UNA PER OGNI STAGIONE - Domenica 06 Novembre 2011 appuntamento con SCRITTURALIA D'AUTUNNO. Un manipolo di scrittori dedica tutto il giorno a scrivere su un tema estratto a sorte. A fine serata lettura ad alta voce dei componimenti prodotti. CONTRIBUTO DI PARTECIPAZIONE a sostegno delle attivitŕ istituzionali di Cascina Macondo EURO 20,00 a persona. Per il pranzo ognuno porta buon cibo e vino da condividere. Arrivo a Cascina Macondo alle ore 9.30 (puntuali) Alle ore 19.00 spaghettata finale con aglio olio e pan grattato a cura di Cascina Macondo - Ricordiamo che l'ascolto dei testi e la spaghettata fanno parte integrante di Scritturalia. Fine di scritturalia ore 20.30 circa. I testi migliori e piů interessanti prodotti a Scritturalia, a insindacabile giudizio della Redazione, verranno pubblicati sul sito di Cascina Macondo - si puň partecipare anche da lontano via email - I POSTI SONO LIMITATI OCCORRE PRENOTARE iscrizione solo attraverso il modulo on line sul sito di Cascina Macondo - ciao dallo Staff Scrittori di Cascina Macondo - Per maggiori informazioni e dettagli su Scritturalia: LEGGI E FAI LEGGERE I RACCONTI DI SCRITTURALIA NOTA : ricordiamo che se organizzi manifestazioni, corsi, iniziative, presentazioni di libri, spettŕcoli... puňi inserire i tuňi comunicati gratuitamente nella nňstra newslčtter FRECCIOLENEWS. A tůa disposizione 3000 carŕtteri. Clicca sul segučnte link per iscrěverti: CASCINA MACONDO-ASSOCIAZIONE DI PROMOZIONE SOCIALE Centro Nazionale per la Promozione della Lettura Creativa ad Alta Voce e POETICA HAIKU Borgata Madonna della Rovere, 4 10020 Riva Presso Chieri - Torino - Italy tel. 011-9468397 - cell. 328 42 62 517 - Dear haiku friends, please visit our new site: With best wishes, Dragan J. Ristic, Editor in Chief -------------------------------------- Dear WA Poets members, Please see below and attached flyer Book early – places are limited! Haiku – One Moment Please 8 Week Course with Maureen Sexton This course will examine the following: What is haiku? What is the essence of haiku? Where did haiku come from? Why write haiku? How to write haiku? How to get your haiku published? What is haiga? How haiku fits with images and drawings/paintings. Is haiku good for your health? A haiku a day keeps the doctor away? The following quote from Marcel Duchamp, is especially relevant to haiku: 'It is not what you see that is art, art is the gap.' When: Every Wednesday from 19th October to 7th December, 12.30 to 3 pm. Where: The Art House, 63 Railway Avenue, Kelmscott Cost of the full course: Full $200, Concession $160. Costs are open to negotiation. Places are limited, so book early - email or phone Maureen: or 0435 024 616. Bring your lunch if you would like to. Maureen is the WA Representative of HaikuOz (The Australian Haiku Society) and runs the Mari Warabiny Haiku Group in WA. -- ------------------------------ Cyclamens and Swords Poetry Contest Reminder What to submit - This is an open contest for poetry of any style or theme. Your entry should be your own original work. You may submit the same poem(s) simultaneously to this contest and others and you may submit poems that have been published elsewhere, as long as you own the online publication rights. Only poems that have won cash prizes in other contests are excluded. Entry fee - $5 for one poem, $10 for 3 poems, $15 for 6 poems. Length - Not to exceed 30 lines length (excluding title and spaces between stanzas). Prizes - First prize $300, second prize $100, third prize $50 and seven honorable mentions. Winning poems and honorable mentions will be published in our winter issue. A chapbook containing these poems will be published and presented to the winners in addition to their cash prize. Judges – Ricky Rapoport Friesem, Helen Bar-Lev and Johnmichael Simon. We believe that our system of having three judges working independently and by then combining and averaging the three scores is the best and fairest way of giving every entry an unbiased chance of winning a prize. Poems, of course, are judged anonymously. Deadline - November 25th. The Theme for our December Issue is HEALTH § Awaiting your poetry submissions on this subject § Short stories can be submitted on ANY SUBJECT § And of course, interesting and high quality artwork § Submit now. Early submissions stand a better chance of being published! § For submission guidelines, please go to: Check out the new titles in our Bookshop: Chapbooks by Kaila Shabat, Johnmichael Simon, MJD Algera PLEASE FORWARD THIS NEWSLETTER TO YOUR FELLOW POETS, WRITERS AND ARTISTS. THANKS Johnmichael Simon & Helen Bar-Lev, Editors ----------------- --- On Wed, 10/12/11, sasa vazic From: sasa vazic Subject: Poetry for Peace Contest To: Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2011, 5:33 AM ------------------------ Revija Apokalipsa razpisuje 14. MEDNARODNI NATEČAJ ZA NAJBOLJŠI HAIKU Pošljete lahko največ šest neobjavljenih haikujev. Izbira te »najčistejše, najkrajše in najbolj poetične« pesniške oblike ne bo omejena z metriko 5-7-5 ali s kako posebno tematiko. Predvidenih je več praktičnih nagrad, najboljši haikuji pa bodo objavljeni v septembrski številki revije Apokalipsa v letu 2012. O rezultatih natečaja bodo nagrajeni avtorji osebno in javno obveščeni. Prispele haikuje bo ovrednotila mednarodna žirija v sestavi: Edin Saračević, Silva Trstenjak in Alenka Zorman. Haikuje pošljite v štirih izvodih, označenih s šifro, najkasneje do 15. marca 2012 na naslov REVIJA APOKALIPSA, Ul. Lili Novy 25, 1000 Ljubljana s pripisom Za haiku natečaj. Pošiljka naj vsebuje tudi zapečateno, s šifro označeno kuverto s podatki o avtorju (ime in priimek, naslov, spletni naslov ali elektronsko pošto, telefon, poklic, starost). V primeru pošiljke na elektronski naslov:, pa pošljite dve ločeni priponki označeni z šifro – v eni naj bodo haikuji, v drugi pa podatki. The 14th International Apokalipsa Haiku Contest Deadline: March 15, 2012 No of entries: up to 6 original unpublished haiku (in one of the former Yugoslavian languages and/or in English) not under consideration elsewhere. Topic and form: any Send four (4) copies of each haiku, or group of haiku, signed by a cipher, along with a separate sheet in another envelope with your cipher, name, age, profession, address, phone number and email address to: APOKALIPSA Ulica Lili Novy 25 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia (subject: For haiku contest) or to In which case enclose two attachments, one with haiku and another with your personal data, both signed by your cipher. Judges: Edin Saračević, Silva Trstenjak and Alenka Zorman. Winners will receive some practical prizes. Contest results will be published in Apokalipsa Review. ----------------- Liebe Haiku-Freunde; Chrysanthemum 10 ist nun online und abrufbar unter: chrysanthemum - deutsch - aktuelle Ausgabe * * * Dear Haiku-Friends; Chrysanthemum 10 is now online and ready to be viewed at: chrysanthemum - english - current issue beste Grüße/best wishes, Dietmar Tauchner *** Teilnahmebedingungen / Submission Guidelines: Teilnahmebedingungen Chrysanthemum erscheint jeweils am 15. April und am 15. Oktober. Der Einsendeschluss für die Frühjahrsausgabe ist Ende Februar, für die Herbstausgabe Ende August. Beiträge können aber jederzeit eingereicht werden. Beiträge an Dietmar Tauchner: Bitte keine Anhänge verwenden. Bis zu 10 Haiku/Senryű, bis zu 5 Tanka und 1 Haibun, 1 Haiga und 1 Essay können pro Einsendung übermittelt werden. Renku-Dichtungen werden nicht publiziert. Keine Simultan-Einsendungen. Die Rechte bleiben bei den Autoren; wenn aber ein Text, der bereits in Chysanthemum veröffentlicht worden ist, später anderswo publiziert wird, sollte Chrysanthemum als Erstveröffentlichungsquelle genannt werden. Redaktion: GERD BÖRNER BEATE CONRAD KLAUS-DIETER WIRTH DIETMAR TAUCHNER (Herausgeber) * CHRYSANTHEMUM an internet magazine for modern verse forms in the tradition of Japanese short poetry Submission Guidelines Chrysanthemum will appear on the 15th of April and the 15th of October. Deadline for the spring issue is the end of February and for the fall issue at the end of August. Submissions are welcome at any time. Please send your submissions to Dietmar Tauchner: Include your contribution in the body of the email; no attached files. Please send up to 10 haiku/senryű or up to 5 tanka or 1 haibun or 1 essay at a time for consideration. All submissions must be unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere. If work originally published by Chrysanthemum is submitted elesewhere, please credit the magazine. All contents are copyright by the authors. All rights revert to the authors upon publication in Chrysanthemum. EDITORIAL TEAM: GERD BÖRNER BEATE CONRAD KLAUS-DIETER WIRTH DIETMAR TAUCHNER, Managing Editor ------------------------------------------------ KAROLINA RIJEČKA |
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