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ImE: VAleNtina
PreZIme: NIje BItno
RAzred: NIkoji Sad
DAtUM RodeNJa:23.04.95.g
ZiVIm u 53Nji
VOLIm: NOgoMet, RuKOmet, Svoj BMx i SvoJE PRijAtELje!
sLUsaM:JonAs BroTHerS, BUlLet For MY vaLEntiNe, niCKelBAcK, 98 DeGRees, M. POkorA, fAll Out BoyS, JEseE McCArTnEy, simPLE PLAn, thE rASmUS...
MOj Msn i E-MAil: poruka_tina@hotmail.com
TrUE FriENds Are HArd TO finD, HarDEr to LeaVe And imPOssiBle to ForgET!!
ThEre'S oNlY hAte,
ThEre's onlY teArs,
tHerE'S oNly PaIN...
TherE iS no lOve HerE!
whAt'S AnotHEr nighT All AloNe?
WHen YOu SpendiNg EveRY dAY oN YOur oWN!
evErYOne's gOt SOmWherE To gO, aND
ThEY'Re gonNa lEAVe me ON mY oWn!
WHAt tHE fU** iS wroNg witH mE?
Don't fIt iN WiTh AnYbOdY.
how DId ThiS hApPeN to ME?
...ANd EveRY niGHt iS thE woRSt niGhT ever...
I'M ALl ALonE tonigHT,
noboDY CAreS tOnIghT,
i'M juSt A kId tonighT!!
RAZreDni BiseRi
IvAN GovoRI HrvOJu: Ti iMAS rimE kAO AfRikA zImE!!!
IvAn:JESte IkADA CulI ZA coVjeKA KOji Je tOLiko RUzan DA gA KOmARCi GriZU ZmirEci!!!
AndREas:NAjvEci Broj nA sVijeTU je seXtiLijuN!!!
HrVOje OdgoVAra PriRODu:
UCitEljica: OpiSI mI sViliNu!!!
HrVojE: OD sVilinE SE doBIva SvilA...
Harder than I have to
This is how it has to be
There's so many things I want to say
But you just don't listen to me
I don't want to hurt you
You don't want to hurt me
I can't stand you
And you can't stand me
We can't rearrange
You can never change me
Say goodbye
Nothing I say could change your mind cuz
I can't stay
Tomorrow I'll be on my way
So don't expect to find me sleeping in my bed
'Cuz when you wake up
I won't be there
Everything I say
You find a way to make it
Sound like I was born just yesterday
Everything you taught me
Really means a lot
I'm going my way
I don't want to hurt you
You don't want to hurt me
I can't stand you
And you can't stand me
We can't rearrange
You can never change me
Say goodbye
Nothing I say could change your mind 'cuz
This is the last night
That I spend at home
And it won't take too long
For you to notice
Won't take long for you to find out
That I'm gone