danas je zadnji dan ove smrdljive godine i meni se lede prsti za kompom...evo i ošišala sam se da budem nova za novu godinu...a kasnije se možda malo i plaknem da ne uđem smrdljiva u novu god..hehhehe...sve u svvemu bila je cool...ova godina je baš bila nekako extra...ono...svašta se dešavalo svako malo....došle su tri noove bebe u obitelj..mihaela,marino i iva...imali smo dosata vjenčanja i nenadanih tak i moja frendica matea je već u novoj kuci i čeka bebu sa mužem...udala se i mala 17 god i rodila malu ivu...mirjana se udala...odoše sve rodice...jučer je marini bila prošnja...a neki dan je umro reja...a danas jelenin striko...tak...stalno se neš dešava....ova godiina je i zanimljiva jer sam radila...cjelo ljeto..u pprodavnici a kasnije u 9 mjesecu u knjižari..što mi je bilo pre predobro iskustvo...stvarno...ono...ljude koje uopće nepoznajem razumjeli su me za tjedan dana..i shvatili neke stvari brže od mene..kasnije sam i izlazila sa tim curama...stvarno su extra....trebala sam vozački polagati ali su uveli neke nove zakone pa je sve poskupilo...tak da sam odustala...a iskreno da priznam da me ja i znam...toliko ljudi umre u evo mi i nije teško da poginem(nedaj bože) nego teže mi je da ja zaribam napravim neko sranje pa pregazim čovjeka na trotuaru...hehhe...išla sam na more s mikom...trebala sam ici sa svojim muntama na više dana...alii ipak nismo...mislim ja sam najviše zapinjala za to..vjerovatno me zato sad i krive što nismo NIJEDNOM otišle....jer sam uvjek pomjerala...a ne možemo sada...neka još malo...strpite zatoo sljedeće godiine...obećajem da cemo ići curke...što se još desilo...a da ...kupili smo mi je bio san...imati skutera i sada kad ga imamo...ja ga neznam voziti,,...znam ...ali i dalje me je strah....onda...ofarbala sam se u crno..eto onako...malo promjene..iako se ubrzo vraćam na stare puteve crvene...onda...bila sam zaljubljena cijelu godinu...konstantno..ovo je moj osobni rekord....hehehe...onda...bila sam doobra...slušala sam mamu i tatu...malo manje oni ono....sve je ok....većeras slavimo novu godinu u extremu....ništa drago mi je što smo same nas tri...nekako ...ponekad osjetim da smo se udaljile...neznam dali sam ja tome krivac...ili možda jednostavno vrijeme..ali eto....curke mmoje volim vas....a i sve ostale ljude dobre volje i mračnih namjera...hehehehe....a pogotovo jednog frenda ...najboljeg muškog frenda...koji mi daje razne nadimmke kao...slonček...noeva barka..pleky..itd....sve je to ok dok se ja odazivam..hehehee.....ajd ljudi sretno vam....i budite dobrri i ove godine pa če vam djeda mraz donijeti nešto fino u olaštenu čizmicu......papa......

31.12.2007. u 14:58 | K | 4 | P | # | ^

Grunge Angel Generator at

31.12.2007. u 14:50 | K | 0 | P | # | ^


e moj pajdo....ko bi reko da češ me trpiti godinu evo...šta je tu je... DANAS NAM JE GODIŠNJICAAAA!!!!.......WOW......reko si da ces me voditi negdje...i napraviti mi neš zezam se sam samo ja rekla...hehehe...Kako si ti meni coollllll......foko ti si fakat cool!... et ja stvarno ne znam na koji način da se zahvalim...ono...kao prvo..naučio si me pričati...hhahahhaa...mislim izgovarati neke riječi...naučio si me i dosta toga na netu..kao primjer navodim staviti sliku na blog...hehehe...naučio si me da budem uporna...i manje naivna...otvorio si mi oči...pomogao si mi oko onoga neki dan...neću imenovati...hehehe...ispao si pravi heroj i humanist...razveselio si me milion puta i od suza doveo me do smjeha...išla sam kod tebe i na tečaj ljubljenja,samoobrane...rad sa kompjuterom...sve si ti mene podučio...hehehhhe....i tako pajdo moj. Jao nemaš pojma kako mi je drago..što imamo istu kapicu...a znam ja da ti to ne voliš ..kad netko ima stvar kao volim ni ja...ali tako sam HAPPY radi toga...stvarno...
Al drama ti stoji...mislim imala sam ja i boljih slika..tvojih sa ovom kapom..ali ovo mi je draža...jer i nisi znao da te slikam..i nisi se namještao a opet si ispao predivan...jebem li ti mater..KAKO TO USPJEVAŠ? Grrrr... I tako šefe...svašta mi prođošmo...a sjecam se svega kao da je bilo jučer...a najviše od svega sto si mi ikad uradio...najviše me povrijedilo kada si mi izbrisao mailove....tvoje mailove...kao da mi neko pokušava izbrisati dio mozga..memorije u glavi...što i nije tak teš et...nadam se da sam i ja bila u nekim granicama za tebe..sorry ak ti je neš ostalo na duši..neka uvreda moja...nebi htjela da me po tome pamtiš...ti si mi najbolji prijatelj...a pravog prijatelja je teško pronać stranu sve u vezi s ljubavi...ovo ti sve pišem kao znači da te ne volim još..daleko od toga...nego sam upoznala tvoje prave vrijednosti i u strahu da ih ne izgubim RADO cu potisnuti svoje osjećaje...hehhehhe....
Hehehehe...vidi kako si sadak na ovoj slici.....isti ko maji cuko...a ma isti...heehehe....e...šta sam još ono htjela reci....a da...da sam ponosna na ti svaki put kažem..ali želim da i drugi čuju...JA JOSIPA SAM PONOSNA NA IVANA JER:
Hvala ti za sve...nadam se da cemo se napokon naci ovo ljeto...da te mogu zagrliti kao nitko do sada..i izbiti ti ja tebe.............................nesmijem reci...imamo dogovor...hehhehe...ajd papa...sretno na poslu šefe...bubi te jopipa....

28.12.2007. u 13:06 | K | 0 | P | # | ^

ej ljudi...

Jedan dečko danas slavi 20-ti rođendan.....JEEEEEE....toč je moj mali Spongebob...hehhee.....ej mali...nemoj biti tuž neće niko vidjeti na tebi da si danas postao za godinu stariji...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
....imam jednu iznenađenje za tebe....nešto sam ti napravio...mada mi je trebalo puno punoo punooooo vremena....jer znaš da nisam neka kuharica....ali ipak sam uspjela...izvoli...Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
TO JE TVOJA SPONGEBOB TORTAAA!!!.....jedva čekam kad ceš doci doma sa posla da pušemo svijećice....heheehhe.....ja mislim da se i ti već raduješ...jelde.....Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Uglavnom....želim ti sve najbolje za rođendan...i tako to....najviše ti želim zdravlja...i da te ne boli pupa i bubrezi ili uho....duša moja....eto....vojim te...

18.12.2007. u 21:11 | K | 4 | P | # | ^

Crystal Ball Generator

Jojjj...kako mi je cool...ovo je kugla istine..koja na sve ima odgovor...samo pitaj...a zove se VIDOVITA DŽAMILA...hahahahahaha...

05.12.2007. u 12:43 | K | 10 | P | # | ^


Ovo su uglavnom meni najdraze znači da su najljepš je moguce...drage su mi...neke s razlogom a neke bez..vecinu sam ih ja ima i drugih stvari.....Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

03.12.2007. u 15:20 | K | 3 | P | # | ^

Šareni leptiru...

Ne mogu tebi ja da ljubav naredim,
da tvome oku vratim izgubljeni sjaj
ne mogu da ti srce čežnjom zarobim,
a htjela bih...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Ne mogu ja u tvoje snove nezvana...
na druge da se ljutim što te nemam ja...
ne mogu da ti budem važnija od svih,
a htjela bih...

eehh šareni leptiru mog sivila,
ne idu ni nevini sa krivima,
šta ću ja među živima...
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
to što me ne voliš
to je tvoje pravo,moja sudbina..
cijeli život pogrešne sam ljubila,
što bi izuzetak bio ti...
to što me ne voliš zauvijek je srušilo moj svijet...
sada letim posljednji svoj let...
sklopljenim krilima...

02.12.2007. u 11:18 | K | 0 | P | # | ^

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moj kratki opis....

e sad cu ja pisat o tebi ...
par tvoji osobina:nasmijana od uha do uha uvjek,odkako te znam...
cinis sve da bi drugima bilo okey a sebe potiskujes i omalovazavas !!!
drugi ljudi upravljaju tvojim zivotom,a ti se ne osvrces na to !!!
pomazes svatkom.aff a tebi nikad niko nije rekao HVALA !! ne valja to ..
previse gledas samo na to ne valja..daj budi đubre

:by: NINA

People say you only fall in love once...
but when I hear your voice I fall in love all over again


Love Is When You Don't Want To Go To Sleep...
Because Reality Is Better Than A Dream

Miscellaneous Glitters

Miscellaneous Glitters

Cranberries - In your head

Another head hangs lowly
A child will slowly taken
And the violence causes silence
Who are we mistaken

But you see
It's not me
It's not my family
In your head in your head
They are fighting
With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns
In your head in your head
They are crying
In your head in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie
What's in your head
In your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie

Another motherýs braking
Heart is taken over
When the violence causes silence
We must be mistaken

It's the same alti since 1916
In your head in your head
Theyýre still fighting
With their tanks and their bombs and their bombs and their guns
In your head in your head
They are dying
In your head in your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie
What's in your head
In your head
Zombie, zombie, zombie

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

myspace layout codes

myspace layout


Oh my life is changing everyday
in every possible way
And though my dreams
it's never quite as it seems
Never quite as it seems

I know I felt like this before
But now I'm feeling it even more
Because it came from you
Then I open up and see
The person fumbling here is me
A different way to be

MySpace Layouts images

MySpace Layouts

I want more, impossible to ignore
Impossible to ignore
And they'll come true
impossible not to do
Impossible not to do

And now I tell you openly
You have my heart so don't hurt me
For what I couldn't find
Talk to me amazing mind
So understanding and so kind
You're everything to me

Oh my life is changing everyday
In every possible way
And though my dreams
it's never quite as it seems
'cause you're a dream to me
Dream to me

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Secret Love

Once I had a secret love
That lived within
the heart of me
All too soon
my secret love
Became impatient
to be free
So I told a friendly star
The way that dreamers
often do
Just how wonderful
you are
And why I'm so
in love with you

Now I shout it
from the highest hill
Even told
the golden daffodils
At last my heart's
an open door
And my secret love's
no secret anymore

Now I shout it
from the highest hill
I Even told
the golden daffodils
And lost my heart's
an open door
And my secret love's
no secret
My secret love's
no secret
My secret love's
no secret anymore

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

My Darling Child

My darling child
My darling baby
My darling child
You gave life to me
My darling child
My darling baby
My darling child
You came and saved me
My darling child
My darling baby
My darling child
God gave you to me
Me little ninja
My little dancer
Me little streetfighter
Me little chancer
Me lovely boy
Me lovely babby
My pride and joy
Me little puppy
Me little wolf
Me little lamby
My favourite boy
My angel babby

Me little ninja
Me little dancer
Me little streetfighter
Me little chancer
Me love me boy
Me love me babby
My pride and joy
Me little puppy

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

A Perfect Indian

A Perfect Indian is he
Remembering him life is sweet
Like a weeping willow
His face on my pillow
Comes to me still in my dreams

And there I saw a young baby
A beautiful daughter was she
A face from a painting
Red cheeks and teeth aching
Her eyes like a wild Irish sea

On a table in her yellow dress
For a photograph feigned happiness
Why in my life is that the only time
That any of you will smile at me

I'm sailing on this terrible ocean
I've come for my self to retrieve
Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children
And there's only one way to be free

MySpace Layouts images

MySpace Layouts

He's shy and he speaks quietly
He's gentle and he seems to me
Like the elf-arrow
His face worn and harrowed
Is he a daydreamer like me

I'm sailing on this terrible ocean
I've come for my self to retrieve
Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children
And there's only one way to be free

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

No man's woman

I don't wanna be no man's woman
It don't make me happy this mantrolling
thing that you got for me so I become
no man's woman

I don't wanna be no man's woman
I've other work I want to get done
I haven't travelled this far to become
no man's woman
no man's woman

Cuz I'm tired of it
and I'm so scared of it
that I'll never trust again
cuz a man can fake you
take your soul and make you
miserable in so much pain

My friends think I'm alone but I've got secrets
I don't tell everything about the love I get
I got a lovin' man but he's a spirit

He never does me harm never treats me bad
He'd never takes away all the love he has
and I'm forgiven oh a million times

I'm never tired of it
and I'm not scared of it
cuz it doesn't cause me pain
Like a man can fake you
take your soul and make you
never be yourself again

I never wanna be no man's woman
I only wanna be my own woman
I haven't travelled this far to become
no man's woman
no man's woman
no man's woman

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

myspace glitter

myspace glitter

The Kindness of Strangers

They found Mary Bellow cuffed to the bed
With a rag in her mouth and a bullet in her head
O poor Mary Bellows
She'd grown up hungry,she'd grown up poor
So she left her home in Arkansas
O poor Mary Bellows
She wanted to see the deep blue sea
She drove across Tennessee
O poor Mary Bellows
She met a man along the way
He introduced himself as Richard Slade
O poor Mary Bellows
Poor Mary thought that she might die
When she saw the ocean for the first time
O poor Mary Bellows
She checked into a cheap little place
Richard Slade carried in her old suitcase
O poor Mary Bellows
"I'm good girl,sir," she said to him
I couldn't possibly permit you in
O poor Mary Bellows
Slade tipped hei hat and winked his eye
And turned away without goodbye
O poor Mary Bellows
She sat on her bed and thought of home
With the sea breeze whistiling all home
O poor Mary Bellows
In hope and loneliness she crossed the flooor
And undid the lacth on the front door
O poor Mary Bellows
They found her next day cuffed to the bed
A rag in her mounth and a bullet in her head
O poor Mary Bellows

So mothers keep you girls at home
Don't let them journey out alone
Tell them this world is full of danger
And to shun the company of strangers
O poor Mary Bellows
O poor Mary Bellows

Where the wild roses grow

They call me the wild rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

From the first day I saw her I knew she was the one
As she stared in my eyes and smiled
For her lips were the colour of the roses
They grew down the river, all bloody and wild

When he knocked on my door and entered the room
My trembling subsided in his sure embrace
He would be my first man, and with a careful hand
He wiped up the tears that ran down my face

They call me the wild rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me that I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

On the second day I brought her a flower
She was more beautiful than any woman I'd seen
I said, 'Do you know where the wild roses grow
So sweet and scarlet and free?'

On the second day he came with a single red rose
He Said: 'Give me your loss and your sorrow.'
I nodded my head as I layed on the bed
'If I show you the roses will you follow?'

They call me the wild rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me that I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day

On the third day he took me to the river
He showed me the roses and we kissed
And the last thing I heard was a muttered word
As he stood smiling above me with a rock in his fist

On the last day I took her where the wild roses grow
And she lay on the bank, the wind light as a thief
And I kissed her goodbye, said 'All beauty must die'
And lent down and planted a rose between her teeth

They call me the wild rose
But my name was Elisa Day
Why they call me it I do not know
For my name was Elisa Day
My name was Elisa Day
For my name was Elisa Day

Da li sam ti ikad rekla da te volim

A ti još pospan
kao i prvi puta
donosiš cvijeće svakoga jutra
smiješ se mojoj raščupanoj kosi
mom nespretnom hodu i nogama bosim!
A ja još topla, sretna i snena
pričam ti tiho svoj san
jer hoću da ti sve znaš
svaki moj dan i san
da ti me budiš, da ti mi se smješiš
i znaš
da sam tvoja sva...
Da li sam ti ikad rekla da te volim
da te volim svaki dan, svaki sat, svaki tren
da li sam ti ikad rekla da te volim
da te trebam
da te želim
da te imam
i da sam uvjek tvoja sva!

Josipa Lisac

Više me nije strah

Nije mi zao sto zivim bas tako
ne brojim noci bez sna
kad samo jednom se voli ovako
i vise nikada

Zbog tebe srce mi dise
i ne bi znalo drugacije
sad neko voli me vise
u dvije rijeci kad stane bas sve

Vise me nije strah, mogu mi uzet’ sve
jer kad te pogledam
stvori se milion razloga
zbog jednog dodira
da mrzim svaki dan
sto prodje bez tebe

Nina Badrić

Glitter Photos
[ - *Glitter Photos*]

Hey there Delilah

Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true

Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice it's my disguise
I'm by your side

Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
What you do to me

Hey there Delilah
I know times are getting hard
But just believe me girl
Someday I'll pay the bills with this guitar
We'll have it good
We'll have the life we knew we would
My word is good

Hey there Delilah
I've got so much left to say
If every simple song I wrote to you
Would take your breath away
I'd write it all
Even more in love with me you'd fall
We'd have it all

Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me
Oh it's what you do to me

A thousand miles seems pretty far
But they've got planes and trains and cars
I'd walk to you if I had no other way

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